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  • stefano

    An interesting thread. Diogenes Shrugged quotes Steven Goddard and claims the IPCC and government funded climate science is hokum and Al Gores prediction being wrong means, in a straw man manner, that climate warming is false; other people scratch their heads and sigh and quote the IPCC and claim Steven Goddard is a crazy poor science quality climate denier shill.

    Certainly, on doing my own investigation, I quite like the following ‘Arctic ice circle of doom’ diagram I found here:

    If these polar science center numbers are correct, I find them quite compelling evidence. Not to mention various other tidbits I have seen or heard over the years; the before and after shot photographic evidence of glacier decline over the last 50-150 years; the anecdotal general consensus among climate scientists in Antarctica that the climate there too is warming.

    Nevertheless, for every piece of anthropogenic climate warming evidence I might find compelling, a climate change denier can potentially provide another they find compelling for their case. Either way, following James Lovelock, if I’m right it’s too late to fix it.

    So let’s agree to disagree. I will opt out the world of high finance as much as possible, and buy a modest relatively self sustaining home, in a rural area with low population density, several dozen meters above sea level, in an area with a cool climate, moderate rainfall, potable rivers, and good draining soil. I’m super lucky to be able to do so.

    Diogenes Shrugged is in my opinion very welcome to follow their dream too, whatever that is, too. I just hope for their sake that, if I’m right, it’s neither a beachfront apartment, nor somewhere else low lying, nor somewhere already very warm or very rainy, among other dystopian options.

    As an aside, when do you think the oil and coal and car and industrial plant companies will help the poor old government out and shoulder a fair share of the burden of funding – potentially independent and impartial – climate science? If only to assuage the corpus of – potentially fair and reasonable – accusations of government bias and conspiracy?

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