A Modest Plan
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January 24, 2018 at 3:59 pm #38461
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRembrandt van Rijn The Storm on the Sea of Galilee 1633 On March 18, 1990, the painting was stolen by thieves disguised as police officers. They broke
[See the full post at: A Modest Plan]January 25, 2018 at 1:51 am #38465Ken Barrows
ParticipantThat might work, except the biggest beneficiaries of said tax cut just want to buy back stock. We will know soon enough.
January 25, 2018 at 10:31 am #38466V. Arnold
ParticipantWith the recent pronouncement of the Mattis Doctrine; war must be factored into any view of our future.
North Korea and Iran figure heavily in the near future, IMO. Both have the potential to go global, and quickly.
Economically speaking; we seem to be trapped in a casino with no exits…January 25, 2018 at 12:17 pm #38473Dr. D
ParticipantNot to press quick enough: Mnuchin makes his public announcement of their official US$ plans. “Lower” but apparently only a little.
I should have added, “Is this how it will go? Probably not. But the point is that these guys are planners. They execute plans when they’re in office, and make plans and white papers when they’re out of office. Because their life revolves around controlling everything and telling everyone what to do. It doesn’t even take Trump to have a plan; he doesn’t need one. A Presidency isn’t one man but a collective. His team will have plans, his generals have plans, the Fed has plans, everybody has plans and agitates and negotiates for things they wish they could do.
The problem is that no plan survives contact with the enemy.”
You know, something like that. But I’m guessing from the rhetoric and the pension catastrophe that the one solid point is “hyperinflating” the stock market, and there’ve been some big inside voices saying the same. Eras don’t end with a whimper but a bang. ’01 or ’08 might have been spike enough, but if you get out of that, as they have, you’ll need a blowoff top for the ages.
Problem is, “spike” vs what? US$? Gold? Oil? Aluminum? LTC? Wheat? When a system ends, the anchor points are changed. That’s how we know it’s something new.Oh well, like it or not, we’re all tied to the mast now.
January 25, 2018 at 12:27 pm #38474V. Arnold
ParticipantOops, my bad: With the recent pronouncement of the Mattis Doctrine; war must be factored into any view of our future.
Make that Rex Tillerson.January 25, 2018 at 2:12 pm #38477SteveB
ParticipantTwo thoughts: 1) of mice and men, 2) social mood–which just peaked at century-long scale–trumps all.
January 25, 2018 at 6:07 pm #38479Chris M
ParticipantSo, is this the same Dr. D that posts in the comments section?
And…does this Dr. D have a blog or website..or contact information? 🙂
January 25, 2018 at 10:48 pm #38480Nassim
ParticipantDr D,
I found your analysis very interesting. I think it is a mistake to underestimate Trump. He thinks strategically and most people assume that he is only thinking about his next Tweet.
My best example is how he has totally caved in to the Neocons when it comes to the Middle East. He has surrounded himself with these ignorant, narcissistic and racist people and allowed them to run the show. The net result is actually going to be the return of the Jews to Europe. By trying, and succeeding, to destroy or damage all other countries in that neighbourhood they have ensured that these self-same neighbours learn all about the arts of war and politics. In 1948, Palestine had been occupied by the British or Turks for over 600 years. The Palestinians were in no way prepared to see off an invasion of Europeans who had learned their skills in WW2. Today, the situation has entirely changed.
First, the Jews (let’s call them by their proper name) started faring badly in their wars in Lebanon and were forced out after making a truce.
Next, they got the Americans and NATO to do their dirty work for them – Iraq and Libya – but that did not work out so well for the Americans.
Lastly, they and their allies (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE have always been allied to Israel) resorted to using proxies with exotic names (ISIS/ISIS, FSA, Al-Nusra, Ahrar ash-Sham, Asala wa-al-Tanmiya, Sham Legion, Jaysh al-Islam etc.). The states financing and supporting logistically each of these armies may be different, but the mercenaries working in them are the same. The mercenaries switch allegiances at the drop of a hat – following orders or simply to get better wages or to avoid getting killed.
Now that these proxy armies are in the process of being eliminated, the Jews who control the media and the US congress have gone full circle and are back at trying to get the US military directly involved – hence the presence of American occupation troops in Syria. Strategically, it makes absolutely no sense for the USA to try and maintain their isolated fortresses in these places. They can only be supplied by air and it would only take a few batteries of missiles to stop that. Alternatively, they can be bombed by surface-to-surface missiles and drones. The only reason that has not happened is that the Iranians and Russians are playing the long game. They could always do the last option and claim it is remnants of the terrorists.
I hope you can see what I am getting at: Trump is no idiot. Those who think they are controlling him are the real idiots.
I have a financial concept that I would like to share with Dr D. I would very much appreciate an opinion by a person who has no axe to grind. My email is anassim at gmail dot com
January 26, 2018 at 1:04 am #38483₿oogaloo
ParticipantThe dollar will not be revalued against bitcoin. It will be revalued against the only non-fiat asset on central bank balance sheets — and we all know what that is.
When that happens, the only way the military industrial complex will survive without downsizing will be to use its war toys to steal the shiny rocks from countries that cannot defend themselves.
January 26, 2018 at 12:52 pm #38496Dr. D
ParticipantWhat people don’t realize is he controls nothing. The government is so infested with the one-party he can’t even pick his own cabinet. He’s running like 5%, or by now, maybe 10% of the machine, as best seen in the FBI which simply refuses to present evidence and appear for subpoenas for Congress and the President. Luckily, the part he controls apparently includes the U.S. Marines, (or rather, they control HIM) and **some** of the Pentagon. Not all. As we can see, the CIA is fighting the Pentagon (as we saw with actual U.S. forces shooting each other in Syria reported by the L.A. Times, i.e. a peculiar type of civil war overseas) but also certain parts of the Pentagon fighting itself. It’s pretty bad and they’re trying to keep it in-house and not break into an open shooting civil war, but that leaves other problems, like how they can’t just openly arrest or eliminate their opposition. Leads to a bizarre spy-vs-spy game that makes literally no sense in the nightly news.
Anyway, having no control, what can he do? Well, places he wants things to collapse he keeps the incompetent people in there pushing their embarrassing, incompetent plans. Nikki Haley comes to mind. He can change his mind in Iran, shoot useless missiles in Syria, or make trade and peace treaties impossible to negotiate. The result: the world learns to go around the United States, that we won’t be there in any competent way, and to solve it themselves without us or our military. They dump the U.S. dollar and ring-fence the power structure in Wall St. He does that by feeding the bad guys rope to proceed with bad plans they don’t have the forces to accomplish. It’s not what one might want to do, but it’s what he can do given the limitations.
That ends up reading like incompetence or schizophrenia, but the stakes are so high the good guys can’t afford to care — at all — about their public image. You have to read them from their actions only, not their words.
Example? Americans just lit up at Sessions who, while these 10,000 felonies are still unprosecuted, decided instead to call off the truce and enforce marijuana laws when 1/3 of states have legalized in some way and like +65% are in favor of decriminalizing. “How can he do this!?! Doesn’t he know the whole nation is against it? Now we’re probably going to have to go up there and repeal the law in Congress, and we’ve got the votes to do it, by God!” Ding! So Sessions, whose JOB is to ENFORCE LAWS of Congress, is supposed to NOT enforce this unpopular law while you lazy-bones don’t bother to repeal it? Isn’t that how we got into this mess? And then his enforcing the law inspires you to — finally!! — fix a law long since discredited that nobody likes? Gosh, that does sound stupid of him to force you to do your civic duty. How tone deaf. /sarc
You see this all day long, but only if you understand the field and the context, which no one’s reporting on. They’re happy to let everyone think they’re stupid, incompetent, crazy, whatever it takes to prevent shooting and mass death until they can get enough edge up to wrest control back into the civilian, visible government again. It’s been a long time.
January 28, 2018 at 10:14 am #38537TheTrivium4TW
Participant>>But hold on: you have to remember, they’re politicians; they may be dishonest but they’re not stupid. Let’s try a scenario to see what they’re thinking:<<
Let me point out the ELEPHANT In the middle of the room that everyone likes to pretend doesn’t exist.
Trump was FINANCED AND PROMOTED INTO OSTENSIBLE “POWER” BY THE MONEY POWER THROUGH THE MEGA-CORPORATIONS THEY OWN AND CONTROL.Why would Trump tie himself to something he already publicly admitted was a BUBBLE in 2016?
The Don made a DEAL, not with the little people, BUT WITH THE MONEY POWER.
This is 2+2=4 in Money Power politics.
January 28, 2018 at 10:22 am #38538TheTrivium4TW
ParticipantNassim, I would like to try to stretch your imagination just a bit.
The wars in the Middle are not Israeli state wars. Let that sink in. I know that’s the Money Power financed narrative, which is why everyone ought to consider how it might be completely wrong.
Rather, the wars in the Middle East are all about SETTING UP DEBT-BASED MONEY CENTRAL BANK CONTROL MECHANISMS SO THE MONEY POWER CAN COVERTLY SEIZE CONTROL OF THESE NATIONS IN THEIR BID TO SEIZE CONTROL OF THE WORLD FROM, SHALL WE SAY, BEHIND THE CURTAIN.Review the history of modern warfare in the contest of BIS controlled central banks – a near perfect trend develops rather quickly.
The people of the nation state called Israel are under Debt-Money Tyranny, just like the rest of us. They are being systematically asset stripped and impoverished like the rest of us.
The Money Power is supranational and they are waging war against ALL ORDINARY PEOPLE ACROSS THE GLOBE.
Their goal is to have “the little people” blame anyone (Trump) or anything (the entire state of Israel, or even just its government) INSTEAD OF THE BLAME LANDING ON THEMSELVES, THE HIDDEN FINANCING POWER IN CONTROL OF BOTH TRUMP AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL (AND EVERYTHING ELSE BIG IN THE WESTERN WORLD).
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
~Lord Acton“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
~Napoleon Bonaparte“Let the American people go into their debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted independence will be a mere phantom.”
~William Pitt, (referring to the inauguration of the first National Bank in the United States under Alexander Hamilton).How To Be a Crook
Poverty – Debt Is Not a Choice
Renaissance 2.0 The Rise of [Debt-Money Monopolist] Financial Empire
Debunking Money
Krugman (and each MIT economist professor – THEY KNOW AND THEY OCCULT!) is a Goebbelsian propagandist as he covers the crimes of wolves with his fake sheep suit and lisp.
Krugman to Lietaer: “Never touch the money system!”
And It’s Gone
“The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country, than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.”
~Andrew Jackson -
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