Assange, Varoufakis, Brexit
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- This topic has 9 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
Charles Alban.
September 11, 2019 at 1:26 pm #49696
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterMax Ernst The Angel of the home or the Triumph of Surrealism 1937 A friend of mine here in Athens, Greece, named Wayne Hall, who’s of Australia
[See the full post at: Assange, Varoufakis, Brexit]September 11, 2019 at 2:10 pm #49698Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterWhitney Webb on 9/11
More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative
Another likely reason that the media monolithically avoided coverage of the vote was out of concern that it would lead more fire departments to pass similar resolutions, which would make it more difficult for such news to avoid gaining national coverage. Yet, Commissioner Christopher Gioia, who drafted and introduced the resolution, told those present at the meeting’s conclusion that getting all of the New York fire districts onboard was their plan anyway.
“We’re a tight-knit community and we never forget our fallen brothers and sisters. You better believe that when the entire fire service of New York State is on board, we will be an unstoppable force,” Gioia said. “We were the first fire district to pass this resolution. We won’t be the last,” he added.
September 11, 2019 at 2:30 pm #49701Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRe: Doc Robinson, Sep 8 Debt Rattle: that’s a different video from what I remember, but it’s still very clear. You can’t pull a building that size (WTC7) without having explosives pre-installed. So what was the question again of all those people? Did they pull it? Yeah, that’s what he said, what the owner said. Remarkable that video is still online. And there are more.
September 11, 2019 at 2:50 pm #49702John Day
It’s that day again, 9/11.
18 years ago the global deep state, comprised of US and Israeli deep state elements, and high finance, complicit US military, and shadow-president Dick Cheney at the command console, murdered 3000 people, and demolished the World Trade Center. The WTC contained massive evidence of financial fraud and criminal conspiracy (and a lot of gold in the basement). They also destroyed the area of the Pentagon where financial fraud investigation was taking place.
“Ragheads with box-cutters did it”, was the official story, despite the laws of physics having been as violated as a 13 year old virgin visiting Epstein’s island.
No plane parts were found at the Pentagon, or Shanksville “crash sites”.
The Pentagon had a through-and-through hole, like cruise missiles with penetration warheads make, and so on.
Paul Craig Roberts has this:
Patrick Pasin, a French author, provides additional evidence of Mueller’s misuse of his office to protect an official lie. An English language translation of Pasin’s book, The FBI Accomplice of 9/11, has been published by Talma Studios in Dublin, Ireland.
Pasin’s book consists of his organization of the known evidence, which has been suppressed in order to perpetrate a false story of 9/11, into a compelling account of how a false flag attack was protected from exposure. He details the plan “through which the FBI tried to prove the government conspiracy narrative—no matter the cost.” Keep in mind that Mueller is the one that the Deep State set on President Trump. Dirty business is Mueller’s business.
Pasin collects the evidence and weaves it into a compelling story. It is all there. The insider trading in advance of the airliner hijackings, the impossibility of cell phone calls from airliners in 2001, the anthrax letters sent to senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy which paved the way for the PATRIOT Act, the effort to blame American military scientists for the letters once it emerged that the anthrax was unique to a US military lab, the total implausibility of finding an undamaged passport in the rubble of the twin towers where fires allegedly were so hot that they melted steel.September 11, 2019 at 3:14 pm #49703seychelles
ParticipantA structure that cannot dynamically adapt to the political expediencies around it to regain political legitimacy when it is eroding is a failed structure.
Zio-neo-CON-globalism in a nutshell. Hubristic sloth is not the basis for a sustainable ideology.
September 11, 2019 at 4:01 pm #49705Dr. D
ParticipantAssange and Varoufakis. What interesting, useful ideas.
Appears I was correct, however, when the EU was created from the ground up, for 50 years, to be an undemocratic, unaccountable, bureaucratic Soviet nation, there was no chance of reforming it as Varoufakis wished. Not only because all the founders didn’t wish it, not only because they put in place all their toadies and synchophantic handlers who didn’t want it, but because structures themselves are very like living organisms, and have life cycles. A puppy cannot chrysalis into a bear or vice-versa. A nation or a people, once created, cannot so easily move far from the root, as seen with the devil-driving leather and spurs of the left on the United States. It only leads to backlash as nations, systems, mimic the form to which they were born. The handlers, the god-like believers in Tabula Rasa always forget this like the mouth-breathing idiots they are, and unable to feel or participate in humanity or in human feelings, human love, and human culture, always discount and dismiss the incredible power of culture, of belonging, or family and tribe and berate it, squash it, trample it, attempt erase it and replace it with their own face and ego, and then like Napoleon before St. Petersburg, crash, burn, and fail spectacularly, brought down by the lowest, common men, nations of shopkeepers and mountain peasants, NASCAR watchers and red-necked border people, who erase their epic plans from the earth while barely shaking off the dust, then go back to sleep.
But here we are. I respect Varoufakis’ dream of reform, but history says institutions reform so seldom as to be not worth the bother. They are inevitably rotten, are kicked over with barely a push, and are replaced organically with something shiny, new, and just as messy as all human endeavors. Soros himself said — again — that if Brexit occurs, the EU will fall. That’s why they use every illegal, immoral, underhanded method to force it. He says it will fall as the Soviet Union fell, which may be saying more than he knows. But don’t they see, just as Varoufakis says, there is no hope in forcing it? Only in offering it, and changing terms until they sign willingly, honestly, and heartfully. But the controllers are incapable of understanding these four things: voluntary will, honesty, duty, honor.
So here we are, it appears the EU WILL fall, though not very quickly, and that money will, for a time, flood in and threaten to capsize the United States. Just as it did in the ’20s, before the gold sloshing and currency flows capsized the entire financial world. And led to war.
Lot of ideas there.
September 11, 2019 at 7:17 pm #49711Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterSomething appears to have screwed up lay-out, fonts etc at TAE, And why not? Add that too…
September 12, 2019 at 1:45 am #49813VietnamVet
ParticipantBoth are right, a corporate run Supra-State (the American Empire), was created in the West through trade treaties that literally rules the world but is glossed over by the media. Eighteen years ago, today, NATO’s war on Islam commenced that assure a steady flow of wealth to military corporations. In 2014 the Empire restarted the Cold War that forced Russia, China and Iran to ally. That was a bridge too far. At the same time, Western middle class wealth was transferred to emerging countries and the top 1%. Financiers got a get out of jail card to exploit little people. This reignited populism; Brexit, Donald Trump and Yellow Vests. There are only two options. Revolts that destroys everything and start over again, as in the past. But revolutions are extremely dangerous in the nuclear age. Or, once again, make nation states superior to corporations and jail the criminals. The United Kingdom is splintering into the fiefdoms of England, Scotland, City of London, Wales and Ireland. This will offer no protection to the little people from corporate exploitation. The resulting internal ethnic and class conflicts will destroy the British Isles.
September 12, 2019 at 2:22 am #49814V. Arnold
ParticipantMajor shake-up of this blog apparently. But, one feature is back; legitimacy, Schaeuble, Varoufakis, Wayne Hall 7 Responses »
The comment counter is back…
Been a long, long time since it was featured…
🙂September 12, 2019 at 3:20 pm #49824Charles Alban
ParticipantI’ve no idea why people are so enamored of democracy. your should read Mein Kampf on that. it’s just another tool for jewish control. three jewish billionaires control the supposedly “democratic” US Congress, and a fourth, Sheldon Adelson, controls the president. so-called democracy allows a small group of people (read jews) to control the entire process, and it enables an abrogation of personal responsibility by hiding behind majority vote. AH’s prescription was qualified individuals taking responsibility for their own decisions supported by expert non voting committees. seems to me the undoubted success of the Third Reich bears out this approach. sure the EU has faults. but running away won’t fix them. now UK, or maybe not UK much longer, is thrown into the welcoming arms of DT. come into my parlor says spider Trump to little BoJo fly. have I got a deal for you. and I’m looking forward to surly UK customs officials and passport control like the not so good old days. just as well i live in Italy free from all this nonsense. no Italian i know would want to leave the EU or the euro.
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