Automatic Earth in Athens Spring 2021


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    Filothei Skitzi Strapping girl 2021     Yesterday was Greece’s version of Independence Day, in their case the day the War of Independence fr
    [See the full post at: Automatic Earth in Athens Spring 2021]

    V. Arnold

    Filothei Skitzi Strapping girl 2021

    Filothei is quite the young lady of many talents it seems…
    Her artwork is interesting and original.
    Trying times indeed with no end in sight.
    Thanks for the update Ilargi.

    V. Arnold

    I don’t get it; no responses other than mine! WTF?!


    Tomorrow will be better

    You Are My Sunshine song lyrics –

    The other night dear, as I lay sleeping,
    I dreamed I held you in my arms,
    but when I woke dear, I was mistaken,
    and I hung my head and cried.


    Show Me the Way to Go Home – lyrics

    Show me the way to go
    I’m tired and I wanna go to bed
    I had a little drink
    About an hour ago
    And it’s gone straight
    To my head
    Where ever I may roam
    On land or sea or form
    You can always hear me
    Singing a song
    Show me the way to your home

    Suez Canal Megaship “Partially Refloated”


    Thank you for the colorful update!

    You and your team are doing meaningful work with great LOVE. And that my friends, is the difference.

    @receedinghorizons: You are valued and appreciated. My Heart bows to your Heart. Om Shanti.

    Om Tat Sat


    I am sending you $100 USD by PayPal. No designation, use it as you need to. But if ivermectin is available, cheaply, OTC in Greece, please make sure that everyone you can gets a 20 mg dose, with a zinc pill and maybe D3,
    I have written before.

    Ivermectin in COVID-19


    Ilargi wrote:’s also that the volunteers who work in the kitchen get even more of a sense of pride and self-worth from doing something that really changes human lives. Don’t underestimate the loss of pride, of having a goal in life, there are so many facets to this, of not being able to do your job for 5 months. And then to be able to contribute to helping the neediest people in your society, it gains a whole new meaning.

    I volunteer 2 mornings a week for a large ‘religious’ charity. All the those who work there are either: volunteers – ppl sent by social services (paid a bit by them, to get experience, learn stuff, be someone, etc.) – properly paid employees (e.g. truck driver, cleaner, decorator, seamstress, accountant) – ppl working part-time for reduced pay (because they get a state stipend for disability for ex.) – other.

    A big crowd, from a ret. prof (much respected), to a girl ‘say’ from the gutter. Sometimes there is some uneasiness …but Swissie culture is good at overcoming class / educ. distinctions. All are committed to raking in as much as possible to give to the disadvantaged, the shared goal works (more or less…) And “goals in life” (see Ilargi)… yes…

    The sad story of the day, is the ret. prof, aged about 80, who was previously complaining about not having his vax appointment honored (some screw-up?) got it, then drove home, arriving there, got out of his car, passed out, fell down, was found by passers-by, and hasn’t been back since… though reportedly he is ‘doing OK.’

    Working for an entity that considers that everything done must be for profit is not only destructive of society, but sears the soul (as seeing or not the soul of Putin etc. was a topic previous) of those who are coerced or forced, thru lack of alternatives, to participate in it.


    In prospective
    Illicit Drug Toxicity Deaths in BC January 1, 2011 – February 28, 2021
    2021 Summary

    In 2021, 88% of illicit drug toxicity deaths occurred inside (58% in private residences and
    30% in other residences including social and supportive housing, SROs, shelters, and hotels
    and other indoor locations) and 11% occurred outside in vehicles, sidewalks, streets, parks,
    (Only 11% by homeless people)

    No deaths have been reported at supervised consumption or drug overdose prevention

    More illicit drug toxicity deaths occurred during the days following income assistance
    payment (Wed-Sun) than all other days in 2020-21.

    (The reader is expected to assume that people with no income/job, street people (11%), make up the majority of drug overdose)

    Most people in most countries have a harder life than those people overdosing in bc and their overdosing numbers are not as bad.
    In BC there are still more people dying from overdose than from covid

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