Debt Rattle August 31 2016


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    Esther Bubley Watching parade to recruit civilian defense volunteers, Washington DC 1943 • The Central Pillar Of Global Order Is In Danger As TTIP Dis
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 31 2016]

    V. Arnold

    Well, we’re definitely at a Darwin Awards moment (acting in ways that will remove us from the gene pool); we just don’t know how to live our lives.
    Constantly looking for a leader; a guru, to show us how to live our lives instead of self educating. But in order to even do that (self educating), we have to mentally disconnect from everything we think we know and have ever been taught.
    Not an easy task, to be sure, but a must do.
    We’ve been lied to from the moment we exited the womb. Some few of us see pretty clearly from the beginning (I’m not one of those so fortunate), but most just go along to get along because we’ve been indoctrinated to submit.
    Probably the single most important thing is to develop your critical thinking skills (it is a learnable skill) and apply it to every single aspect of your life.
    Pay particular attention to “money”, finance, and debt. Debt is a negative always, under all circumstances; however, if properly understood and used in that context, debt can be useful. But one must thoroughly understand one’s financial/economic position completely; failing that, decisions regarding debt will almost always be bad.
    I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination; but rather a life long learner and critical thinker.
    This isn’t Einstein or rocket science


    Those 25 questions to Hillary Clinton re her email account at the State Department are excellent. Under oath too! Oh my, the noose gets tighter, and the more she wiggles, the tighter it gets. I’m betting that right after her responses are given that WikiLeaks starts correcting the record.

    Did she give up any great big secrets to foreign enemies by having her own email account? Probably not. Has she told the truth about her reasons for having her own personal account, about doing Clinton Foundation business? Probably not.

    I would not like to be her right about now.


    “As of August 28, 272,070 migrants had crossed the Mediterranean into Europe in 2016. Just under half of the arrivals, or 106,461 (as of August 24) arrived in Italy. There, most arrivals came from Nigeria, Eritrea and Gambia.

    There are still an estimated 277,000 migrants in Libya, as well as 348,000 internally displaced people and 310,000 returnees – refugees returned from abroad.

    Migrants interviewed by the IOM in Libya mostly reported to have left their home country because of economic reasons – the majority reported being unemployed at the time of departure – with 5 per cent reporting war or political reasons for leaving.”

    Leaving for economic reasons to go to economically-depressed countries. From the article yesterday:

    “There are around a dozen vessels run by humanitarian groups that patrol the waters off the Libyan coast.”

    And here again we see humanitarian groups involved. Are they being paid by George Soros too? The EU is entering into negotiations with the Libyan government (tentative as it is) to pick up migrants in Libyan waters and return them to Libya. As it currently stands, the EU vessels can only cruise in international waters, not able to travel in Libyan waters. If this gets passed, these migrants will be returned to Libya.

    With 310,000 returnees and most coming for economic reasons, this would make a whole lot more sense.

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