Debt Rattle August 5 2024


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    Pablo Picasso Portrait of Ambroise Vollard 1910   • If You Thought Things Were Bad Under Biden, Just Wait (Moore) • We Reap the Harvest of Lies (
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 5 2024]

    Dr D Rich

    Isn’t that interesting?

    The Brits first got:

    Rishi Sunak……?Indian

    Keir Starmer…..devotee to, you guessed it, everything IDF, Zionist, Israel but not his halachically(sp?) Jewish wife. These refinements DO NOT matter.

    Americans (((might))) be getting:

    Indian…….Kamala Harris and….


    Josh Shapiro……IDF affiliate and from a sate that…..

    …..produced Admiral Rachel Levine for public consumption

    God I hope capitalism and the Nikkei finally bring the whole system down

    Just Some Randomer

    “God I hope capitalism and the Nikkei finally bring the whole system down”

    Same here, but October is the traditional month for financial system implosions, so we may have a bit to wait yet. Unless, of course, things in the middle east go kinetic before then.

    A combo of unwinding Yen carry trade, US recession, elections, plus a regional war in the ME with consequent soaring oil prices at one and the same time might just be enough to finally tip the cart over in a big way.



    Dr. D

    Yesterday’s Day, Barsoom:

    ‘Two-Tiered Starmer’, as the Prime Minister is being referred to in recognition of his policing policy, has already announced that the police are simply going to redouble their efforts to stop crime…”

    Oh wait, typo: “redouble their efforts to silence online thought crime,” Right.

    “while doing nothing whatsoever about the victimization of the people.” Right.

    “Exactly as one would expect an occupying enemy force.” Right.

    Well I know that’s what I want when there are non-stop stabbings and riots! Online censors. That’ll fix’r.

    Points: England and Irish riots are no joke, it’s just a media blackout, indicating this is an important thing. They’re burning police stations. The Irish are burning the migrant hotels. The Irish and English have joined forces in Belfast and marching in unity against their governments. (Whaaaaaaaat?) If that gives you an indication we ain’t in Kansas anymore.

    Given the ground, it’s extremely likely that this will move to Germany or somewhere as they – the upper class – are doing the exact same thing to everyone. On purpose. To kill us.

    He runs extensively on two-tier Starmer and how the government and law ONLY applies to the natives.

    I find some of what he’s saying to be essentially racist, which I didn’t expect, but it may not be as I’d have to ask, and what he’s really doing is just ignoring whether what he’s saying is or isn’t racist and not tiptoeing around it as everyone else does. “Racism” is when you believe your “race” (whatever that is) is essentially, fundamentally superior. Not today’s definition of racism which is all nouns, verbs adjectives in all people, all time, all events, and all intents in the universe. Why? Because the accusation is POWER. And like good Socialists (I’m not making this up, you’ll find a direct crossover) they are only interested in the politics of POWER and how to get it, how to use WORDS, redefine words and lie, to GET power. …As you say, that only works so long as we’re feeling generous and willing to play along.

    So as a writer if you only deal with words accurately, and attempt to describe power accurately, that will appear that way. But if anyone wants to define “race” for me as an actual thing, I’m all ears…

    Again, THIS IS ALL PLANNED. And the plan has to come off and culminate at one (Black Magic) nexus in TIME. And one of the locations is Har Megeddio. Check, check, and check. Sooo…this is all a scam, you’re being played. Not that there isn’t an evil narcissist out there, but he’s also gaslighting you. None of this is natural. There are a tiny handful of people burning immense fortunes and destroying their hostage corporations just once on a one-way trip to their messiah. Yeah, — I – don’t believe that, but it doesn’t matter. THEY do.

    “Anti-Immigration Protests In UK Spreads As Elon Musk Warns “Civil War Is Inevitable” 
    “Jittery Israel Braces For ‘Five Front’ War As Officials Predict Iran To Attack Monday
    “Suspected Houthi Missile Hits Container Ship; Rebel Forces Claim US MQ-9 Drone Downed Amid Regional War Risks
    “Japanic Monday: Japanese Bonds, Stocks Halted After Plunging Into Bear Market As Everything Crashes Everywhere
    “The $20 Trillion Carry Trade Has Finally Blown Up “
    (this was signaled and planned by BoJ. It had to happen sometime. Luongo has been on this 6-12 months)

    “Bitcoin is having the worst week since the FTX collapse…”

    Yeah, that was like a minute ago and Crypto falls 25% very, very regularly. This isn’t even out of the norm yet. It’s been frustrating waiting so long for it to happen and not be able to buy.

    Anyway “Three World Wars” we want to MAKE this be “The worst time there ever was, nor lo! Shall ever be.” –John And they paid TRILLIONS to make sure. We stole $30Trillion in ‘08, and another $30 Trillion in Covid, and now we’re dumping it on you peasants to MAKE you riot. “RIOT, damn you! We know you’re all violent, disgusting, hateful hicks inside like we are, now why won’t you riot??? What does it take?” Like Russia, write a paper and pay $1M for RAND to figure out how to make Russia attack them. …Or the common citizen attack them. Without fail, on schedule. It’s a scam, you’re being played. It may be a war, but that doesn’t mean you walk into their ambush to start shooting. How about shooting them OUTSIDE the ambush?

    “““..Starmer did not discuss any of the root causes of the unrest. Instead he pinned all blame for the violence on “far right hatred” and online “misinformation.”

    Censorship. IngSoc and “1984”. Just as he told us they had planned, tho wildly behind schedule. Just like in “V”. And “Starmer” as my premonition. Starmer can just come out and say “Law applies to all Britons, and of course we’re looking into this and taking it seriously, we understand your concerns.” Play it off and let the guy go after dragging the case 36 months. Nope. He is TRYING to antagonize the people. He is TRYING to get the immigrants to do more crime by indicating there are no consequences. …Let me know how that works out for you in the end, Robespierre.

    “Most people, by and large, previously expected to hear the truth, or some semblance of it, in daily life.”

    Is this guy American? I never hear the truth from ANYONE, ever. Never ever. If they tell me why they’re late for work, they’re lying. They tell me what they eat for lunch, they’re lying. They tell me what the weather is, they’re lying. …You might want to double-check your friends with a clipboard and make sure this premise is as solid as you think.

    Example: I had an ex call me and say, “I just finished my divorce, I never loved him.”
    Herr Docktor: “You never loved him? Why did you marry him then?” (running scenarios)
    Ex: “I guess I loved him then, once.”
    Jesus Christ on a stick, can’t you not lie for ONE minute, about something critically important to your live and especially your kids??? We hadn’t even made it to sentence #2 yet and woman’s already lying. Yup. That’s ‘Merica. Now why that divorce rate so high?

    And it has to be this way ‘cause I’m no special acolyte of the Truth or nothin’. But if you have ANY adherence to the Truth, ANYWHERE in your life or psyche, you couldn’t even turn on the News. They can, so they do. Lying or the Truth means nothing to them. Unaware of either and wonder why their lives don’t work. Because if you build a bridge and the angle is 22º or 24º IT MATTERS. Reality matters. The difference between things MATTERS. Being accurate matters. The difference between true and false, real and unreal MATTERS. So down at the store after work, you’re giving real money for fake oranges, or fake money for real oranges, and wondering why you’re broke and the house fell down, the car won’t go. The right part vs the wrong part MATTERS.

    Okay, now fix it. How?

    “• What Donald Trump Should Beware of In The Debate With Kamala Harris (Bridge)

    Nope, she’s going to face plant and they’re going to code-swap with another woman. ‘Cause “woman” was the only reason she’s good for President, amirite? Say hello to candidate Hillary!!! “Aw shucks folks, I didn’t want to but if my Country needs me THAT much, gee golly, I just gots to! Thank ye, thank ye.” Yaaaaaayyy!!!

    ““The facts are that the US will lose. It cannot fight a multi-pronged war against superpowers but it seems dead set on continuing to do that..”

    Yes. Funny ol’ world. WHY? They’ll sink our whole Navy in 20 minutes, and we’re trying to make them. WHY? Three World Wars. Notice in the story of Har Megeddio, the U.S. isn’t there? There’s barely a mention of the “Young Lions of Tartus” (aka England, land of the tin) because, I dunno, Britain seems to have no army either? Huh. When has THAT ever been true in the last 300 years?

    “• US Sends Forces to Middle East, Fear Catastrophic War Is Imminent (Sp.)

    Why would we send forces? IDGAF if you blow yourselves up. That’s your country and your problem. Nothing to do with me except to stay out of it by not providing bombs. …To BOTH sides, btw. (We pay Jordan, Egypt, Saudi as much or more combined than Israel, it’s just divided among several accounting lines. Now can you say we’re pro-ISRAEL, or just pro-WAR? Pro-murder, that’s a Death Cult for ya!)

    “• Why is Poland Massing Troops on Frontier With Belarus?

    ‘Cause Poland is suicidal and wants to cease to exist again, like about 20 times before in history, learning nothing. We’re direct and paying and blackmailing them to. More Slavic genocide, by the “Garden People”.

    Dr. D

    Okay, deep dive. This is only a fraction and it’s talking about other things, relationships, but listen to just the neurotransmitter part: (22min)

    (this may not make sense without his snap-description of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals)

    Meanwhile, on the other end of the Internet: Video: Red Wine Supernova:(Chappell Roan) where of course and very boringly the women have gay kinky sex and Christians are evil and they kill them at the end. How edgy and new! However did she think of it? Anyway, it’s a sex + sex w/ sex song like “WAP” and makes me realize something: this social drift I can’t comprehend, it’s just Dopamine. That’s it. They’re dopamine addicts, and probably because of the same childhood treatment that harmed all the Millennials. Because they MADE that happen, on purpose, with social engineering. So they are addicted to the New, and the New = “Love”. That’s dopamine, vs deep, lasting love which is Oxytocin, Seratonin, etc. They will do anything for Dopamine = Love, (and they will do THAT). So slowly, the normal becomes boring and unloved. Then they add more new, which is “Love” and then THAT wears out, forever and ever which is the ratchet of sex and kink: it ALWAYS has to get weirder and more dangerous to pay off. It’s a one-way trip, a burning that never ends, so like drugs until of burns you out and kills you.

    Because it’s not drugs, it’s “Life”, it’s even harder to recognize that it’s an addiction. It may be a mild addiction and moves quite slowly. Like food, it’s an addiction to something you have to have and everybody has, it’s not like you can swear off “Food” or “Life” in an AA meeting. Yet given time, it will, it HAS TO drift to where we are now, right? With gay pride parade showing naked men jacking each other in the street for children? And yes, literally that is “Love”. To them. Now. A little at a time. Because of abuse of dopamine has become “Love” and not oxytocin or seratonin or vasopressin or whatever a fully-rounded person has, because healthy people have dopamine too.

    This of course is why they go mental, violent at even mere discussions about it. You’re shutting off their crack, their drug, the only “Love” they have or can feel in life at all. Now that Oxytocin etc is shut off, blocked. Beyond addiction, beyond your appearing to hate their love, their lover, which is casual sex and The New, you’re shutting off all emotion altogether for them. They are well aware that if you shut off the only love they are able to feel, they will collapse and die, in a self-hating puddle of nothing, of bad feelings that won’t end in their safe space, like any heroin addict. It’s not untrue that they might very well die, as statistics support this, “Liberals” are the most mentally ill, and by definition the mentally ill have highest suicide and other rates. “Safe Space” isn’t a joke. Talking to them can actually kill them in such an ego collapse, so they need to kill you first, like any addict.

    And this also fits other high cultures that go to liberal extremes, of which there are hundreds of examples. Set base conditions for this childhood abuse, burn off the love receptors, which leaves only dopamine: exploit the dopamine drug result for your own ends, same as you might any cult or even mind control abuse. “I’m the only one who loves you, you’re nothing without me.” This is why it only occurs in “Rich” cultures, because you can’t just chase the new if you’re chasing deer in the woods, or have waaay too much “new” when your crops fail and you lose the house Peasant in Bahn, 1433. No ABILITY. No MONEY to chase the new even if you wanted. So has to be rich to sell the rich off, mortgage the house and turn it into crack.

    People on the outside can’t comprehend what is going on, how to reach or help them, which is bad enough when it IS a drug and you CAN see why. And bonding via casual open sex now will have an emotional, group component, like “These are my family, the only people/subgroup that loves and understands me and I’ll DIE for them because I’ll die without them. I hate anyone who even thinks about taking that from me.” (i.e. mythical Christians of which there are none, or divorce and do drugs too.) So it’s like Violence Porn, like Male Action movies, Revenge! Protecting my peoples! Death Wish 4! Feels good! …Only for women and female-leaning people, gay culture, weak vegetarian artists etc. TikTok is love. TikTok is Dopamine.

    Got it? Okay took me almost 10 years to come up with that theory. Do with it what you may.

    Ten Years. I knew if I kept trying I’d find out why eventually. As they say “Ask (and keep asking, continuous/progressive tense) and you shall receive. Knock (and keep knocking, continuous/progressive tense) and it shall be opened to you.” — Matt 7:7

    Yeah, well sometime it takes so long you die before it is “opened to you”. But not this time.

    Okay, details, can’t cover then all: Cortisol, Stress, snap shuts off Oxytocin, leaving dopamine. So…STRESS a whole culture….tell them terrorists are everywhere, tell them invisible bad cooties are on everyone they know…boom, dopamine addiction must occur. Statistically. They are desperate for connection with “Their tribe” and go tribal, feral. Love hormones again. Circling, desperate. They work together, Vasopressin, as another love hormone to compensate for the cortisol blocking. People who are skeptical therefore don’t have the love blocking. Fear ≠ Love. No fear means you can still love, don’t get corralled into this addiction and control. Therefore can’t comprehend why others do, what’s happening to them.

    Again, the weak, powerless, constantly alarmed, those who think they’re victims, everyone’s out to get them? (Christians! White peoples!) they run out of shielding first and get buried by cortisol first, switching on the dopamine addiction, and therefore dopamine drug dealer control. So they have the mass formation expression from addiction first. See who is the top performers in this weird flip? Who resisted? Who’s gone nuts and who’s still stable and trying to reach others? Follows this? Although of course there is a baseline of genetics, nutrition, situation, etc.

    Aaaaaand, you think with 50 yammers of studying mind-control even reaching as deep as giving LSD to the unwary, attempting every level of suggestibility, they don’t know that? There isn’t a department somewhere that figured this out decades ago? 9-11, 9-11, 9-11. Danger code Orange. Grow up with it. Stress the childrens, lock them on closets. Done.

    Reminds me that early on, the key drug dealers in the earliest days of MK Ultra were all CIA. Because making LSD was very difficult and only government labs could make it. So government > Drug dealer > Control and direction of the mark. Channeling their emotions against your chosen target. (e.g. “Anti war Hippies) But that’s another whole discussion for another day.

    Dr. D

    Yammers? Years. Wow, what that autocorrect?

    Dr. D

    Yup, that WAS autocorrect.


    Truth is a terrorist and must be destroyed, just like families and morality. The NWO has been in full effect since the end of WW2. The Hegelian dialectic provides the illusion…east/west, capitalism/communism, republican/democrat, coke/pepsi. All bullshit, all lies, all the time. Everyone plays their roles for satanic jewmoney to kill most of us off and completely subjugate the rest. The jew wants Hell on earth and now has the money and means to accomplish it. You’re witnessing the creation of Hell…Ukraine/Palistine, coming, very soon to a theatre near you.

    Dr D Rich

    Nike promoting the worst Personality Disorder known to Mankind.
    In case you didn’t know already….


    Just when you thought things could not get any worse.
    You woke up.
    Your Dream is ending

    We Reap the Harvest of Lies

    We Reap the Harvest of Lies
    David Bell July 31, 2024

    Make a stand. Chose peace not war.
    We can do it through the way we vote, which may mean breaking with all we had once claimed to be indisputable.
    All that we thought we stood for, and that our chosen media had confirmed for us.
    Can you see, the power-hungry vultures perched on Capitol Hill, waiting for their next feeding time.
    “What’s clear, both in the case of Ukraine and in the case of Israel, is I think the US does not want negotiation. It wants what Israel wants, which is ethnic cleansing and genocide.”
    Will not recognize the result of the presidential election in Venezuela.

    Does that mean that you will send an army to invade?
    Does that mean that you will not buy their oil?
    Does that mean that you will impose more sanctions to make the people suffer and become immigrants?
    Does that mean that you will fund a revolution?
    Does that mean more inflation and pain?


    Dr D. I like what you are throwing down. Incidentally I started a song about a week ago that touched on dopamine.
    It concerns phones which are like an accelerant for the process you described and increase the pathology.

    Lyrics to as yet un named – unfinished song..

    All eyes on the screen a scene
    Locked in, loaded with dopameen
    See what I see? NPC’s
    Livin’ in a livin’ a dream

    Curated saturated Rated R
    R you infatuated oh
    Your avatar, dated a star
    Ya body n you not gettin far

    You and a hottie swap phero-moans
    On the bus but fuss on terror-phones
    Digital status over-rated
    You do you while Neo dated

    The girl in red on a real bed
    she said Un-dress let’s get
    physical enough said.
    Snooze you loose phone got you
    Red dress left you got the blues

    Dr D Rich

    Asking for a friend.

    Are Econ Majors and Economists the Businessman’s intellectuals?

    Then please explain the proliferation of the phrase “market circuit breakers” in the past 24 hours AND just exactly who benefits in the blatantly obviously rigged market except for those who benefited obscenely on the way UP from all that capitalist free Fed Reserve money…printing and electronic distribution to the banks n friends.

    Thanks…..for a friend.


    Looks like some of the Yen carry trade folks are busy being mugged in the back alley.
    So far the muggers are refusing to release their victims forcing the Yen carry folks to keep selling their assets in hopes the muggers will spare their lives!
    So everything,incLuding the kitchen sink, is being sold!
    I expect many of the Yen carry folks to only come out on stretchers.

    Kamala has already blamed Trump!


    re. 1st article at top, by Moore, re. Biden.

    When he departs the White House in the months ahead he will leave the nation poorer, weaker, more divided, more in debt, more vulnerable, and less respected than when he entered office.

    We are witnessing the breakdown of the W ‘Empire’ and it ain’t going down gracefully, imho it will move to self-destruction, as Elites like to think they can manage crowds / nations / billions of ppl via propaganda, media blasts, coercion, orders (ex. COV19), financial high-jinks, etc. etc.

    Hoping they – as a priviliged group – can ‘win’ – that their ‘faction’, their ‘vision’ of the future, set in this or that country, is inescapably correct, righteous, and must be implemented, ’defended’… e.g. like at the WEF, which is just a feel-good forum for ignorant aspirants climbing the ladder to attain some advantages. And then onto …Ruin…

    Moore, OK… but what are the causes? Energy Crunch in first place, incapacity to deal with problems of any kind, at any level, massive corruption (Corporates, lobbying), rampant profiteering at many levels (eg. Big Pharma).

    Who is US Pres. changes little, except for some redistribution of skimming / sending tax payer monies here or there – which is of course not just sweet millions pocket money, but fantastic sums.

    Hoisting a lame duck, not to say a hated ****, like Kakala, into a top position, is so obviously a totally stupid move, one wonders .. either they can’t even read polls, or they are on a suicide mission, or they don’t give a ****, the action is going on elsewhere.

    In Eng. one version of G. Debord’s – The Society of the Spectacle


    “• Why is Poland Massing Troops on Frontier With Belarus?

    Insert Polish Joke Here>>>>>

    Why do polish people have ‘ski’ at the end of their names?

    Because they can’t spell toboggan.



    I bow to you, oxymoron. Well done! Preformed, you wouldn’t see the language tricks you play, which are excellent- so thanks for the printout.

    “Kakala”! Kudos, Noirette!


    I smell burning tires

    Ask yourself:

    What does Buffett know that I don’t?



    I’m fascinated by human history and government practices



    And economics

    Who isn’t fascinated by economics



    Remember Kids>>>>>>>>

    Culture is Upstream of Politics



    Culture Perversion Alert

    This is a tough one…..



    1984 was a ‘How To Manual’

    The Hills are Alive…..

    I’ve always had trouble hitting those high notes



    1. Biden clearly is not in charge of anything. Who IS running the country? Who HAS BEEN running the country for the past 4 years?

    2. If Biden isn’t competent to run for office, how can he be competent to hold office.

    No. Sir, no. You’ve just retreated back into a fugue state, just when you were onto something.


    Always been a fan of the Kōan used in Zen

    Like a Spiritual Non Sequitur®



    Nike promoting the worst Personality Disorder known to Mankind.

    Ayn Rand disagree.


    Culture being upstream and all from politics, generational warfare is too….



    Boomers, love’m or leave’m


    Meanwhile, as Ireland burns…..



    “Nike promoting the worst Personality Disorder known to Mankind.”

    Ayn Rand disagree.

    Rand very specifically, over and over, explains that everything depends on being of service to others — by doing something or making something that others would WILLINGLY part with money in exchange for.

    Socialists, Communists, etc don’t like Rand because Rand says that ALL the everyday, normal, decent folks EACH individually decide, via a rationing system THEY control called currency, what is and isn’t a worthy or unworthy product or service.

    She very specifically, over and over and over, explains that you degrade, debase, and enslave yourself to others when you steal from them, enslave them, cheat them, lie to them. Take their stuff or get them to part with it on false pretenses. ….which is what Nike is all about in their ad there.

    Honest voluntary exchange of value for value, each individual deciding what that is.

    Or you can have….


    Speaking of funding Endless Wars for wildly over priced boondoggle third rate wonder=weapons systems that Fail unless their used on brown people from small countries:

    I gotta go…I’m working on my tan at the Doomstead

    It’s better to look good than to be good……



    Rand also came out as PRO CHARITY. She goes to some trouble to do so.

    She does, however, spell out that it must be, as a matter of basic values, the motivation FOR the charity, based on the value of the person getting the charity, not the need.

    That value could be their human potential, it could be any current attributes or aspects of their life or person, it simply must be based on value, not need.

    The kneejerk reaction “Nooo! It CANNOT be that way!!!!”

    Is an assertion that the person receiving charity has no value. Cannot, must not, must never have value. As sort of a demand even. A non negotiable matter.

    Kind of like how current year Democrats and Leftists implicitly insist African Americans must be stupid, incapable, immoral – cannot get ID, for instance. Cannot not steal.

    Orcs in D&D must be changed or outlawed because clearly Orcs = African Americans – whaaaat??? We never imagined it and what are you doing in our niche geek hobby? Go find your own thing to do. NO. WE INSIST. YOU ARE ME. IT’S WHAT I THINK AND FEEL, THEREFORE THAT IS YOU.

    Typical Narc stuff – like if you’re sick and the Narc isn’t: “I don’t feel bad, so you can’t” Classic stuff. Anyone who has spent time with a Narc can attest.

    Marxists, Socialists, Communists hear from Rand that you need to be of service to others to get something, you need to give charity based on positivity, not insistence on a vacuum – and what do you get – PROJECTION. You are me, Rand!

    Yet, after Getting The Power, what do they end up doing? “He who does not toil shall have no bread” ohhh so it was all about you placing yourself in the middle of the transaction. Marxists: killjoy ticket scalpers and drop shippers who just insist they need to be able to scalp ALL the tickets drop ship ALL the products. Monopolists. “You are me!!!!”


    @Dr D re: dopamine

    methamphetamine hydrochloride


    How to prevent the selling/dumping.
    You cannot dump your stocks if you cannot log in.

    Retail Traders Furious As Outages Hit Major US Brokerages Amid Black Monday Chaos
    DownDector reports that users of Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Ameritrade, Vanguard, and E-Trade are all reporting website outages, which have been surging around the start of the US cash session.

    John Day

    Praying For Wisdom

    This seems like some guerrilla force with an anti-tank missile did the hit through the bedroom window. This was like the original report that a missile came in the window and hit him directly, but not from an airplane. Haniyeh killed by a projectile fired at his room, eyewitnesses say
    Three people who were in the building tell MEE they heard sounds before an explosion and reject reports Hamas leader was killed by a planted bomb

    I suspect that there are a lot of last minute coordinating arrangements and secret “deconfliction” negotiations. Simplicius, Iran Keeps World on Pins and Needles
    Now we’re in the midst of the Paris Olympics and Iran is threatening an “unprecedented” response to the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31st. In anticipation, the U.S. has begun bringing major reinforcements to the region, which includes F-22s, B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, an armada featuring the USS Roosevelt Carrier Group, as well as amphibious landing ships with 4000 U.S. Marines on board…
    ..During April’s large strikes, the U.S. stated that it would be “very difficult to replicate” their alleged “success” in stopping Iranian missiles…
    ..One of the reasons is a huge amount of missiles were expended in trying to shoot down the hundreds of Iranian drones and ballistic missiles. Since multiple air defense missiles are usually required to shoot down a single target, it will always be the case that U.S. and co. will have to shoot far more missiles, which are already themselves far more expensive.
    The entire Defense industry has been ringing alarm bells for months that the U.S. forces in the region are nearing a crisis point when it comes to their ability to replenish AD assets…
    ..There’s one uncorroborated report about Iran being given one of Russia’s most powerful electronic warfare tools, the Murmansk complex… What potentially supports this are new reports that Russian Il-96 and Il-76 transport flights have allegedly been streaming into Tehran… On top of that, two eye-opening articles revealed that Russia was reportedly on the verge of large weapons deliveries to the Houthis but were talked back off the ledge by the U.S. in a last minute compromise of some sort… As well as new reports that Russian GRU intelligence officers have been behind the string of successful Houthi hits on Red Sea vessels…
    ..The whole world is on pins and needles awaiting what comes next. Lindsay Graham has entered a resolution into Congress to authorize full scale war against Iran…
    ..At this point it’s clear, as we’ve written many times here before, that Netanyahu needs perpetual escalation in order to save his failing regime. Only by keeping people in perpetual fear and distress can he keep them from mustering the wherewithal and consensus to overthrow him. Furthermore, Israel seems to fear taking on Hezbollah with Iran’s backing and would love to have U.S. tie Iran down in a war, or eliminate it outright, first, prior to taking the risky gambit of slugging it out with Hezbollah. (Colonel MacGregor thinks Israel would nuke Lebanon).

    Israeli Assassination Spree Has Untied Hezbollah’s Hands for ‘Broader and Deeper’ Strikes, Iran Says
    Israel’s assassination of a top Hezbollah commander has untied the Lebanese militia’s hands for strikes deep inside Israel, a spokesperson for Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has said.
    “Until now, Hezbollah and the [Israeli] regime have, in an unwritten understanding, practically adhered to certain limits in their military operations, meaning…confining their actions to border areas and shallow zones, targeting primarily military objectives,” the spokesperson said late on Friday.
    “However, the Israeli regime’s attack on Dahieh in Beirut and the targeting of a residential building marked a deviation from these boundaries. We anticipate that, in its response, Hezbollah will choose both broader and deeper targets, and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means,” the spokesperson said.

    ​ Explaining Hezbollah from an Insider’s Perspective
    Ghadi Francis Helps Us Draw the Connections between Palestinians, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, the United States, Colonization and Empire​

    John Day

    The US and Israel have long supported a puppet government in Lebanon, while destroying the Lebanese economy. Hezbollah is the unofficial but real Lebanese State entity.
    U.S. Poured Billions of Military Aid Into Lebanon. Now Israel Threatens to Invade.
    The U.S. is warning Israel against launching all-out war on Hezbollah — while continuing to send Israel unconditional military aid.

    ​ Iran Says It Must ‘Punish’ Israel, Begins Clearing Airspace; Biden To Hold Situation Room Meeting
    ​ Tehran in a fresh statement has said its intent is not to escalate, but to ‘punish’ Israel for the Wednesday killing of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh on Iranian soil, and that it won’t be dissuaded.​ “Iran seeks to establish stability in the region, but this will only come with punishing the aggressor and creating deterrence against the adventurism of the Zionist regime,” according to the words of Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani.​

    Craig Murray: The Israeli Nihilist State, The apartheid state appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation.
    Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice…
    ..Nor has anybody pointed out the contrast between Israel’s lies about mass rape on Oct. 7 and Israel’s now-admitted policy of tolerating rape of detainees.
    The political class seems even more paralysed than the media class. Caught in their commitment to Zionism — basically bought and paid for – they have nothing to say about these incredible events more sensible than Kamala Harris’ zombie-like incantation of “Israel’s right to self-defence.”
    The British Foreign Office has failed to produce its promised considered reaction to the ICJ Opinion on the illegality of Israeli occupation, let alone responded sensibly to Israel’s crazed paroxysm of destruction this week.
    For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now. And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.

    Israeli army will not withdraw from Gaza-Egypt border, Netanyahu confirms
    Senior Israeli officials accuse the prime minister of sabotaging ceasefire talks and preventing the return of Israeli captives held by Hamas and other resistance groups

    Jordan sends 120 trucks of aid to Gaza (but can’t say what their route of transit is/was)

    John Day

    Six Palestinians killed in Israeli bombardment near Jordanian field hospital in Gaza

    Josh Shapiro Doesn’t Want You To Know This About Him [Dual citizen, then?]
    Shapiro is also now sadly downplaying something he shouldn’t. In the same aforementioned op-ed, he identified himself as a former volunteer for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)… Simultaneously, Shapiro’s volunteering for the IDF has been scrubbed from his Wikipedia page.

    Secret Service whistleblower makes stunning claim about director who replaced Kimberly Cheatle and says agents warned of problems for MONTHS before Trump’s assassination attempt

    As long as the investigations stop and there are no criminal charges… Secret Service Takes ‘Full Responsibility’ For Assassination Attempt On Trump

    Simplicius, Russian MOD Purges Hit Fever Pitch, as Belousov Scythes Corruption
    In almost every case, the above detained former deputies were involved in the logistics and supply to the Russian army, with Bulgakov being head of the department, and Tatiana Shevtsvova the accountant for the group.
    Though the scale of the purges is off the charts, they are obviously being taken with great satisfaction by most Russian military observers, as a good sign of progress…
    ..But the biggest bombshell of all, was a report in July wherein Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Mikhail Delyagin announced that 11 trillion Rubles had been stolen in the Russian MOD under Sergei Shoigu’s tenure… But hold your horses—it’s not exactly as it seems. Two main points: Firstly, he is not outright stating that Shoigu stole ₽11 trillion Rubles worth of funds himself—which is a massive $100 billion USD, equivalent to one full year’s worth of the Russian defense budget—but rather that it happened during his tenure. As you can see, it’s one stop away from direct accusation…
    ..Many pro-UA commentators now believe that “the walls are closing in on Shoigu”, and slowly but surely, the corruption dragnet is leading to him at the top of the pyramid. It’s difficult to say what if any involvement he had in the various kickback schemes his subordinates so freely employed to enrich themselves. But one thing’s for certain, is that on a purely theoretical basis, if you were in Putin’s shoes and constructing a massive takedown operation of the MOD, you would naturally save the top guy for last.
    The reason is, if you take him down first, there is chance for a coup or some military action being taken against you, given that all his ‘lieutenants’—to use mafia jargon—would assume they’re next, and immediately begin plotting a counterattack on his behalf…
    ..That being said, Shoigu himself may merely have been running a loose ship and turning a blind eye to, or may have been outright oblivious of, the shark-like feeding frenzy of corruption happening beneath him—which still does not altogether redound well on him…
    ..In general, it’s an unprecedented turn of events, with such a large claque of logistics-related deputy ministers and generals being rounded up. Though it is extremely revealing of Russia’s past failings and shortcomings, it also bodes well for the future, given that Belousov seems to truly embody the great scythe-wielding revenant of justice and reform many expected him to be.
    And by the way, before anyone thinks Russia is unique, the U.S. Department of Defense has no less corruption, and likely much more. It’s just that in the U.S., such corruption is institutionalized and instrumentalized in a more glossily sophisticated and quasi-legal way. What do you think those $52,000 trash cans from Boeing were all about?

    John Day

    Andrew Korybko, Five Takeaways From The Historic Prisoner Swap [This is likely to be a prelude to a negotiated settlement of the Ukraine war.]

    Andrew Korybko, Orban’s Insight Into the Global Systemic Transition and Hungarian Grand Strategy

    Is this week too late? [“Sell Mortimer, Sell!”] How Unelected Regulators Unleashed the Derivatives Monster – and How It Might Be Tamed, Ellen Brown
    ​ Speculative derivatives are a form of “financialization” – money making money without producing anything. The winners just take money from the losers. Gambling is not illegal under federal law, but the chips in the casino should not be our deposits or loans made with the backing of our deposits.
    ​ The Menand/Ricks proposal is for private banks, but banks can also be made “public utilities” through direct ownership by the government. The stellar model is the Bank of North Dakota, which does not speculate in derivatives, cannot go bankrupt, makes productive loans, and has been highly successful.​..
    ​..The “business of banking” can include making money for private shareholders and executives, but that business should be junior to the public interest, which would prevail when they conflict.
    ​ Unfortunately, only Congress can change the language of the controlling statute; and Congress has been motivated historically to make major changes in the banking system only in response to a Great Depression or Great Recession that exposes the fatal flaws in the existing system. With the reversal of “Chevron deference,” however, the OCC’s rules can now be challenged in court.​..
    ..A financialized economy is not sustainable and not competitive. The emphasis should be on investment in the real economy. That is the sort of paradigm shift that is necessary if the U.S. is to survive and prosper.​

    ​ Black Monday: Futures Plummet As VIX Hits 62, Japan Suffers Worst Point Drop In History​
    ​ Good morning and welcome to a global market meltdown, sparked by last week’s catastrophic BOJ decision to hike rates by 0.15bps which in turn crushed the $20 trillion yen carry trade, sent the yen exploding higher and wiping out trillions in highly levered investments, leading to a cascade of selling and forced liquidations which has resulted a historic market crash in Japan and a rout everywhere else.
    ​ In the US, futures are sharply lower with tech plunging as the global AI/Semis trade – itself a byproduct of the carry trade – is sold and small-caps are re-shorted. The Nasdaq 100 is set for its biggest opening drop in more than four years​.

    ​Too Late: Retail Traders Furious As Outages Hit Major US Brokerages Amid Black Monday Chaos

    John Day

    New Zealand Police Given Power to Restrain Citizens For Forced Vaccinations Under New ‘Pandemic Plan’​ [Yes, August 2024]​

    ​ Hotez Calls For Police Deployment Against “Anti-Vaxxers”
    ​ Social media went a little bonkers last week when an interview of Texas Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Peter Hotez began circulating with the Big Pharma insider calling for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the United States. Dr. Hotez’s statements first appeared on the YouTube channel of an international pediatric conference that took place in Colombia, but the interview then jumped onto X.​

    ​Seven burly soldiers jump an 18 year old, refusing vaccination, force him to the floor face down, pile on him, handcuff him, and inject him. “Stop resisting” is their mantra.

    ​ Navy Settles Lawsuit Over COVID Vaccine Mandate, But Service Members Say Fight Isn’t Over
    The U.S. Navy’s settlement in a lawsuit over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate is being heralded as a victory, but current and former service members argue that future remedies should include reinstatement, compensation for career setbacks and accountability for military leadership’s decision-making.​

    ​Peter McCullough MD, Meta-Analysis Finds Massive Failure of COVID-19 Vaccines to Stop SARS-CoV-2, 68 Studies Combined Demonstrates Lack of Theoretical Efficacy

    John Day

    ​ Study of 125 Countries Finds ‘No Apparent Benefit’ From COVID Vaccines
    ​ Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., co-author of a global study of excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic, joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss the study’s findings and analyze the likely causes contributing to increases in excess deaths and overall mortality.​

    ​ 14-Year-Old Forced to Get Pfizer Shot Should Be Allowed to Sue Board of Education, CHD Tells N.C. Supreme Court
    Children’s Health Defense today filed an amicus brief urging the North Carolina Supreme Court to overturn the dismissal of a case involving Tanner Smith, a 14-year-old who was given the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine against his will and without his parents’ consent.​
    ​ Smith and Happel alleged battery, violation of a North Carolina statute prohibiting vaccination with EUA products without parental consent, and constitutional violations.​ The trial court dismissed the case in February 2023 on several grounds, including that the defendants are immune under the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act, and that relevant state laws are preempted by the PREP Act.​ In March 2024, the North Carolina Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s dismissal of the lawsuit.

    ​Steve Kirsch, The virus was safer than the vaccine. Whoops!

    Meryl Nass MD, The ‘Food Transition’ Is a War on Food, Farmers and Everybody Worldwide
    Door to Freedom and CHD will present a 2 day, online symposium on this problem and *the solutions,* Sept 6-7, 2024

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