Debt Rattle August 7 2024


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  • #165751

    Pablo Picasso In “Le Lapin Agile” or harlequin with a glass 1905   • Kamala Can’t Win (Lippincott) • US Democrats Make Harris-Walz Ticket Officia
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 7 2024]

    Dr D Rich


    This shit belongs in The Onion and Babylon Bee?

      “LaBosco shared that Gabbard is unaware…”

    Mind reader, perhaps. How would he know?
    Schroedinger’s cat n dog?
    Doesn’t Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle apply?

    Can you imagine how that conversation went?

    Agent: “Tulsi, are you unaware that you are under surveillance?
    Tulsi: “Yes, I am unaware.” (as she feigns her usual wandering white-forelock vapid look)
    Agent: “Tulsi are you unaware that by virtue of this dialogue you are now NOT unaware?”
    ANG Gabbard: “You got me”
    Agent DHS: “Gotcha!”

    One good thing that arises from This Thing about Tulsi is the exercise establishes once and for all her gravitas…..Walz’s ANG-level, DUI-sporting gravitas. At least Tulsi isn’t a schoolteacher that abandoned his ANG unit on the way to a combat zone. Is the latter true and is Walz also unaware…..that he’s gonna remind many ppl he might be the reincarnation of Ex-Con Denny Hastert?

    Low hanging fruit
    God have mercy on us.

    Move over West Point.
    Bow down Annapolis.
    Render that salute Colorado Springs.

    We’re on the verge of Generals and Privates, Admirals and Seamen AND dogs and cats sleeping together in inverted positions.

    Dr D Rich

    Forget Orwell’s 1984.

    A Political Ponerology is it.
    Andresj Lobaczewski……

    ….sprinkle in qute a bit of The Mask of Sanity too
    Hervey Cleckley

    Leadership exclusively by Criminals, Madmen and Spellbinders.


    Poor PCR. How can he get it so wrong? Sorry the Boy Scouts aren’t running things. They aren’t preparing for anything, unless they’re filling up their Swiss bank accounts while no one is looking.

    We personalize everything because the western mind is infantile. The Russians, Iranians and Chinese aren’t interested in playing Wack A Mole. Why eliminate the most incompetent leadership anyone ever put in charge of anything?

    Let Bibi take cover in his hole in the ground. Each day Israel and America get more weaker and move one step closer to the inevitable economic collapse.. Terror Inc. will go bankrupt. Prepared to fight a real war? That means engaging with reality. We’re talking about people who would help grandma across the street by hopping on her and riding piggy back.


    Dr D Rich. You are right. Ponerology cycle peaking now. Similar to Aztec shizzle.
    Next stop 4 horsemen.
    Large systems in reducing energy inputs go yeast/alcohol. Eat all the sugar till you die in booze


    Empire of Lies scores Gold



    Speaking of the Olympics archival photos emerged from a previous Paris Olympics

    Eric the Red’s ‘A Team’ strikes again!



    • This Boxer Is Male: IBA Press Conference To Address Olympic Gender Issue

    There’s one Sure Way® to find out!

    Take it away Clint………

    “I endorse this product”



    “Half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. 70% of all Pakistanis are inbred.”

    Well this should settle that……



    Hard to tell who’s going to Hell and who’s going to Heavan without a Scorecard©



    Who needs Religion when you have POOH



    • UK Travel Alerts Issued Worldwide

    Blah, blah, blah

    Talk is cheap

    The “Migrant Thang” needs solutions!





    Weak ‘men’ create Hard Times




    Dr D Rich

    BOJ (not Boris Orenthal Johnson, rather the Bank of Japsan) Uchida said:

      “..the bank will not raise its policy interest rate when financial and capital markets are unstable…”

    What did Uchida mean? Who is his target audience?

    Here’s the Japanese translation:


    Apparently, one of the many possible meanings of Uchida’s version of Japano-Econo-Post-Doctoral gobbledygook follows (and I find it, personally, the most satisfying)

      “…no worries my bitches. I covered your obscenely rich asses…”

    I mean, I could be convinced otherwise by 10,000 or so words from an Econ guru, JD Vance level investment banker or a good video.
    Uchida, “axiomatically” (?neologism?) proves once again that maintaining friendships with rich, important people is far more advisable than ever taking an ethical, moral, principled stand.
    Otherwise, nothing would ever get done.


    Why Duh’merica needs illegal migrants, besides skewing the vote tallies






    Dr. D

    “US Administration To Allocate $2.2 Billion For Power Grid Upgrades

    Great! Just 70x short of Ukraine. Gotta have priorities!

    Yesterday: I thought Elon was Jewish, or obedient, now he’s fighting with Jews and on the GOOD side? I can’t keep up. So Jew = Jew and Non Jew = Jew. That’s a pretty interesting theory you got there. It’s like the Woke theory of Racism. Racism = Racism. Everything else also = Racism. Racism is God. It’s Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and All-powerful. It’s everywhere, like the Force, In us, between us, surrounds us, it’s the thing that makes all things move in the Universe.

    The Dems are going for the Presidential Trifecta:
    The first black President of the United States
    The first woman President of the United States
    The last President of the United States.

    Except She’s not Black. Except there’s no such thing as Woman. And with no “President” they will have no Federal Power.

    “Nobody will let us cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger, even though it might be justified and moral,”

    What’s the world coming to when you can’t just kill 2 Million civilians at a pop? Hardly worth living.

    “Not to put too fine a point on it… UK PM Keir Starmer Vows To ‘Bring Anti-Globalists to Their Knees’

    Well there you have it, Mask-On, Mask-Off, Daniel-san. He is a Globalist, who kills British citizens for Globalists. Thanks! We’ll pass it around.

    Representative Raskin reveals that Democrats have a contingency plan in the event of a Trump victory in November – they will invoke Sec. 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from taking office. He predicts it will result in a civil war.”

    Reason 20 we can’t have an election.

    “@BenStiller says Kamala is a human being with empathy, it’s beautiful when she laughs,”

    Goes to show actors are retarded. Who knew?

    “Half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. 70% of all Pakistanis are inbred.”

    Well this is exactly why you want racial purity, right? Hating other races and not mixing with them is the best and smartest, right? (Now define “Race”)

    “Kamala is not a legitimate candidate for President. She is not popular. She is not inspiring. She has no base of support. She has no cogent policy proposals to better the country. She is a terrible public speaker with little to no grasp of national politics.”

    …And I expect her to win 600 Million votes.

    “• Jenna Ellis Flips, Will Aid Arizona Prosecutors In 2020 Election Case (ZH)

    Uh-huh. How many times they gotta Lucy kicks that football before you learn?

    “speculate that Gabbard may have been placed on Quiet Skies because of her viewpoints”

    But we’ll never know since there is no court, no process, no documents, and no method to appeal and remove yourself. That’s ‘Merica! “No Due Process” is our middle name! They hate us for our freedoms.

    “• This Boxer Is Male: IBA Press Conference To Address Olympic Gender Issue (MN)

    Well I’m certainly glad we’re talking about this while WWIII is afoot.

    Hey, we won in Ukraine, right? Been awful quiet over there, must be why.

    “NewsGuard and the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) have been criticized as the most sophisticated components of a modern blacklisting system targeting conservative or dissenting voices.”

    They said it, therefore it’s a lie. If the Bill/Product/Initiative is named, it is the #Opposite. The only purpose of words is to lie. Why else speak?

    “Notably, Elon Musk has now filed a lawsuit against GARM and may be able to get more evidence out in discovery”

    But I thought Elon was the bad guy? Along with Trump. Since there are no good guys, nobody’s standing up and fighting them, might as well give up. …Except 50 billionaires and 50 countries.

    “• Venezuela Opens Probe Into Opposition Over ‘Insurrection’ Attempts (RT)

    Wanted to add that just because the CIA is in there rigging the vote doesn’t mean Maduro isn’t rigging it too. No doubt he is! But he lives there and has jurisdiction.

    “The “far-right” is to these riots what “climate change” is to forest fires: a politically useful pretext”

    Starmer already said: he wants more censorship, more fascism, more police state, and to jail anyone against “Globalism” as quickly as possible. He is cleaning out and fast-tracking the courts, maybe open then 24/7 who knows? Nothing is too small to jail White Native Britons. #NativeRights.

    So it’s not really the crime or the stabbing. It’s the “Two Tier Kier”, that IF it is a stabbing with the RIGHT sort of fellows, it’s a GOOD stabbing.

    Feeling Stabby over the summer holidays? Ask if Britain is right for you.”

    From yesterday, I know you’ll app be shocked, but IF there was an autopsy at all on Crooks, none of us will ever see it. …Although that’s the law at every level in Pennsylvania. Maybe 75 more years, who knows? That is how we know everything’s going just right, perfect trust and transparency. And they do that only when they have nothing to hide at all! Nothing says “Trust Me” quite like hiding every single things and STILL Haven’t released a report.

    Report on what? I don’t remember anything happening. Must have been a dream, no one’s interested.


    Bipartisan House Legislation Aims To Counter China’s Investment In Africa

    “We cannot allow the People’s Republic of China and Chinese-linked companies to continue their exploitation of African nations,”


    You mean because Duh’merica can’t fall back on the “Slavery Thing? “

    The sheer volume of Chinese investments in Africa is probably more than the investment Duh’merica putsinto itself!


    Duh’merica couldn’t find it’s own ass if was looking for it with both hands!



    ” Racism is God. It’s Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and All-powerful. It’s everywhere, like the Force, In us, between us, surrounds us, it’s the thing that makes all things move in the Universe. “

    Why Yes, now that you mention it….



    Every phucking day, the headlines get stupider & stupider in the Empire of Lies Mafia Nation

    It’s like a bad trip from the 60’s

    Each sunrise brings something even more absurd, like a retarded clown trying to push a turd back up it’s ass.

    Lady Liberty (is she really a ‘she’) at the Crossroads


    Robert Johnson, the Real Deal

    Cross Road Blues

    I went to the crossroad
    Fell down on my knees
    I went to the crossroad
    Fell down on my knees
    Asked the Lord above, “Have mercy”
    Save poor Bob, if you please
    Mmm, standin’ at the crossroad
    I tried to flag a ride
    Standin’ at the crossroad
    I tried to flag a ride
    Didn’t nobody seem to know me?
    Everybody pass me by
    Mmm, the sun goin’ down, boy
    Dark gon’ catch me here
    Boy, dark gon’ catch me here
    I haven’t got no lovin’ sweet woman that
    Love and feel my care
    You can run, you can run
    Tell my friend-boy Willie Brown
    You can run
    Tell my friend-boy Willie Brown
    Lord, that I’m standin’ at the crossroad, babe
    I believe I’m sinkin’ down


    Control conspiracy
    TAE knows what is going on, curtail free speech.
    • The House Moves Forward With Investigation of Blacklisting Company (Turley)
    • Rumble Joins X In Massive Lawsuit Against ‘Advertising Cartel’ (ZH)


    Democracy – USA system of government – People Power
    Two vision – Kamala or Trump – Illusion

    • Kamala Can’t Win (Lippincott)
    • US Democrats Make Harris-Walz Ticket Official (RT)

    WHY – Peace Activist
    Gabbard was highly critical of U.S. interventionism and endless wars.

    • Tulsi Gabbard Actively Under Surveillance via Quiet Skies Program (uDC)
    It is OK for Israel and Washington to escalate the situation, but not for Iran or Russia.
    • The Road to War (Paul Craig Roberts)




    The Duran

    Germany trapped in long term economic decline


    Chinese Finger Trap for Deutschland Uber Alles



    Alexander was in Germany visiting relatives and said the economic malaise was noticeable but that the bulk of Germans did not connect it with the Nord-Stream pipeline getting blown up by the Empire of Lies or the accompanying economic downturn because of no cheap energy, the Master Resource.

    Germans really aren’t that smart about such things.

    Look at the arch of their history, think = ring in a pig’s nose.

    Their obsessive compulsive disorder is towards technological details, not Reality details.


    Stop, yur killin’ me Franz!



    re. Castello, at top post.

    See, it is said that this was the first time that SS snipers were dispatched to a Trump event, as I said before, and then the use of cell phones…etc…

    It was supppsed to be a public execution, his head blown off with both CNN and BBC there to make history with their coverage etc.

    I wonder what DT knows about it. Beyond his thanks to the Great (or whatever) Secret Service, his luck and being saved by God and so on as he claims. I wonder what if anything he will ever say about it in the future.

    Could DT be so naive as to think Crooks (the patsy) was a lone shooter and the SS killed him, and that’s an end to it? I doubt it, NO, but what can Trump say? One guesses that he will participate in the cover-up, he has no choice in the matter.

    What failed? Maybe chance, the ‘shooter’ missed, Trumpy shifted his orange coiffure just in time, etc. That means a lot of planning, manipulation (not expense, this kind of op. is cheap), somehow didn’t … gell… what a Disaster (for the planners.)

    For now, just one scenario, as I imagine it. Crooks was pushed to act ‘suspicious’ but not too ‘crazy’ to test Security, he was playing a role with promises of payments, he would be followed, covered, and ‘not alone.’ (Tests of ‘security’ are very common.)

    (Imho) Shots 1-3 were from a prof. sniper, the bad miss. No way this plot would have left the first shots to Crooks, so many things could have gone wrong. E.g. Crooks freaks out, flees, or even faints when he understands something – he is apprehended by random Police for whatever and removed – his shooting apparatus is not adequate – he is killed before he shoots – + more.

    What happened next is another story, in a way less important.


    Cheap Russian gas not only allowed Germany to keep it’s economy and industrial base (barely) competitive against say China, but the cheap energy was an opportunity to fix Germany’s many systemic infrastructural problems and related economic problems.

    Instead, German politicians pissed it away by not fixing stuff when energy was very cheap and now the door in shut and the infrastructure will accelerate it’s deterioration, leaving them slowly sinking beneath the waves.

    Eurotardistan’s core power is Germany.

    It’s bleeding out white now.

    Still has a pulse and can fog a mirror but The End is near.

    How’s that Green Energy shit goin’?

    Enough to replace cheap Russian gas?

    I didn’t think so…



    Project Ukronaziland is killing Eurotardistan


    Meanwhile, back in the Land of the Free

    In between Lucy pulling the football away at the last moment, Charlie Brown dispenses wisdom about gun control.


    Doc Robinson

    “Khelif is scheduled to fight later today in the Welterweight semi-final, and Yu-ting will fight tomorrow in the Featherweight semi-final.”

    Welterweight and Featherweight competitions? How dare they exclude some women because of their body size. Shame on the IOC.

    Dr D Rich


    Amen brother

    Christ, hell just froze over….
    …….I agreed with Noirette.

    Here’s what Trump should do.
    1. Contact Mike Kelly, Congressman Butler
    2. Tell Mike to put me Kelly’s investigation team. I’ve been there and done it. No one on his team is remotely as qualified. Healthcare investigations, Risk Management, JAGMAN’s galore, court martial judge, aviation mishap investigation, stabilized gunshot wounds in combat.
    3. Tell Trump to return to Butler. Eat breakfast with us Veterans and Kelly at Eat n Park.
    Then me, 6′ 6″ and some other equally big ballers will voluntarily surround Trump wherever he goes if he or his family fear for his life.

    I can’t stand the him at all, but as Noirette points out, nothing changed since the assassination attempt and execution of the kid, the patsy.



    D Benton Smith

    The following open letter needs to be read to all male policemen, soldiers, protectors and guardians of all kinds.

    I am writing this to you as though I were your father or mother, and I might as well be your very own parent because I have a son, as do all of your mothers and fathers. So even though I write on behalf of and for all parents everywhere, I am talking to you in this moment as though you were my very own son, grown to the age of a man.

    I am disappointed in you right now to the point that I am almost speechless from the shame and grief that although I tried to raise a man, I see how terribly I have failed. A man protects women and children. He does not stand idly by and allow harm to befall them if there is a breath left in his body to save them.

    Large groups of violently evil people are doing extremely terrible things to mothers and children, and you are not stopping them! Instead you are working and even using force to prevent the good men (the real men) from fighting to stop those violently evil people however they can. The ways that those good men are fighting to protect mothers and children are irrelevant in comparison to the need that the injury and killing be stopped. Absolutely stopped, immediately, regardless of smaller damages that might result from that vitally necessary action.

    Look around at your fellow policemen and other authorized protective services officers of whatever kind they or you happen to be. What do you see? Do you see other “guys” much like yourself who have financial responsibilities and aspirations as providers to their families, and so do their “job” because as providers you have wives who want homes and provisions, son’s who want to have adventures, or daughters who want a new pair of dancing shoes?

    And so you do your assigned “job” which is to stop good men from stopping bad people from raping and murdering mothers and children, and so the murdering continues, unopposed. Those women and children have completely entrusted themselves to the protection of men. Can men stand idly by while those mothers and children are cruelly and brutally destroyed?

    I raised you to be a man. I trusted you to be a man. I trusted you and now I see with my own eyes that instead of stopping the killers you are helping the killers by harming and opposing and trying to stop the good men who are fighting to put an end to the madness!

    Even as your parent, and with you as my own son, I do not know how I can ever forgive you for this betrayal of trust. Look at what you are doing!

    I don’t begrudge your wife the house and food you provide, and I don’t begrudge your daughter those new dancing shoes. I hope that your daughter dances those shoes to tatters during a long and fulfilling lifetime, because my daughter fell at the hands of those violently depraved people. My beautiful innocent daughter lies dead in her grave at the age of nine and will never dance again.

    Be a man or step aside to let men do what they must. Do it now.

    Doc Robinson

    That condor tiktok is full of sh##.

    Dr D Rich

    Ritter raided by FBI.


    D Benton Smith


    Ritter raided by FBI.


    Sure looks like it. Here’s the pics. No word yet about what the cover story for the raid is, but the heinous crime under Federal Investigation was talking out of school about Israel without permission.


    Half of everybody living in the Arab world is inbred. 70% of all Pakistanis are inbred.

    Notice how the Jews, the most inbred of them all, are not on the list, only America’s enemies are on the list. Are people really dumb enough to believe this shit? Talk about in your face dumb shit, this takes the biscuit.


    Cutting-edge weapons powered by artificial intelligence are emerging as a global security hazard, especially in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), according to several experts.

    Really? So the danger is the CCP who have not started a war with anyone. The danger is not America having such weapons, America the bloodthirsty mental patient in the childrens’ ward?


    Looks like Russia can be as incompetent as Ukraine. Despite them telling us that they have thousands of new recruits every month – doubtful – they couldn’t find anyone to guard the border with Ukraine. Makes you realise that this war is dumb versus dumber. Obviously Putin did not get the memo from the owners so was caught off guard.


    Same old, same old. Democracy for the Jews but not for the rest of the Americans.

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