Debt Rattle August 9 2024


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    Henry Bacon Fisherfolk returning with their nets, Étretat 1890   • Harris Snubbed VP Contender Shapiro Because He’s Jewish – Trump (RT) • Why Did
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 9 2024]

    Dr. D

    “Nevada Agrees To Purge 90K Ineligible Voters From Election Rolls

    Knocking off 100k at a pop. …But the last year’s voters rolls didn’t have nothin’ wrong.

    Ah, I now see the stolen valor problem, because reporters can’t do their jobs.

    He specifically leaned in and implied he was a combat veteran – that’s clearly an indication of character, but not unusual for a politician. He then specifically said, campaigned, and on camera saying he was deployed in “Enduring Freedom” and other actions, many times. He specifically wasn’t. Not even a gray area. He was part of none of them and there was no reason to just go forward and add these lies, he could have just let the implication suggest it. But he felt the need to actively and brazenly lie. After bailing out, or that’s what his men say. His men campaigned AGAINST him, way before all this, in 2019. Ouch.

    He is also essentially lying about his rank. Sooo…perfect stand-in for Biden, who ALSO lied about everything he’d ever done, and every accomplishment he’d ever had. Look for a deep roster of plagiarism, I guess.

    Yeah, no, you can’t do that. That’s over the line even for politicians. And they want to front-page this guy. WHILE he allows Minnesota to burn and THEN takes people’s self-defense while claiming valor for carrying a gun you’re not allowed to have. …Stay tuned for more, sounds like there will be.

    “Israel Attacks Airbase In Central Syria Known To House Russian Troops

    Certainly trying everything to kill us all… When we write the book on WWIII, they’ll say 6 Billion people died because one man didn’t want to go to jail. …And everybody else thought that was fine.

    “Why Did Kamala Snub The Obvious VP Choice In Josh Shapiro

    The above headline is the reason why. Apparently they picked two, floated Josh, and then saw the level of backlash even in their own party. Not to be dissuaded, <em>they then caved AND called all their own people AntiSemites, a twofer. “You’re all racist f—ks, vote for me!” #Winning! …But we already saw this in NYC where they backed Farrakhan and booted all the Jewish (i.e. “donating”) members who had been in the Party for 60 years. “One Big Tent!” Yes, a circus tent.

    Trump: “Journalists Confused By Presidential Candidate Standing In Front Of Cameras And Answering Questions” –Bbee

    Bannon “Speaker Johnson must act.”

    If only we had one of our people in power who could DO something. Well, vote Republican, I guess!

    “• Harris Chose Walz Over Shapiro to Ward Off Critics of Israel War on Gaza (Sp.)

    Using your Harris-telepathy? I mean, maybe? That’s my read as well, but what good does it do? They can piss off the MN Muslim base, or the coastal Jewish base. Those are the choices. …Or rather, like Harris on the podium, IF you had a brain in your head or a political bone in your body, you would have laughed it off, re-directed, and people-personed a third option. But they have no creativity, because that requires a connection to Source. That requires “being human” and claiming your soul.

    Are they just fixated on Israel, and why? IDGAF what happens to Israel, and neither do other Americans. It’s all a media op. For 50 years. Like 5% care. So you could ignore for AND against and pick somebody who talks about student loans and working jobs. They clearly did not do that, as they clearly had their minds on pro/con Israel…using my Harris-telepathy. Ignore it all. You’ve been smoking your own bulls—t. This Jew/Muslim thing is the least important thing in America, among a very, very, very, very long list of least important things.

    “Kamala is getting rejected by everyone,” noting that the campaign reached out five times to try to get him on board but [Cenat] doesn’t “give a f–k” about her.”

    That’s the kind of enthusiasm that wins elections. And look at her platform: that’s why. What Platform?” You ask. Exactly. I have zero idea what she’s selling. From “cankles to cackles”? “Four More Wars”?

    Anyway, all of this has zero relevance, since the U.S. has zero relevance, it’s not an election, and Harris will get 600 Million votes.

    No fan of Rickards, but he’s correct on these subjects. Market needs to crash on Biden, but this isn’t a crash, it’s a joke. Cullum for example has the market +100% overvalued and it never stops at “Fair” value. So Dow 10,000? Yes, usually things retrace breakouts, and that’s optimistic: all market crashes are usually 90% down. But we have to adjust for endless inflation, so it’s probably the same. (The 1970’s market dropped 90% inflation-adjusted)

    Russia needs to smack Europe senseless, AND Iran now needs to smack Israel/US senseless. …Thanks Israel. So we’re at Russia levels every F16, every base maybe in Romania too, takes out every regional satellite in 2 hours, AND Iran shuts Hormuz in an hour on the same day, driving oil to $250 DURING a crash.

    ….And during an election. I would. Be glad I’m not running things. I don’t feel like dragging it all out so Millennials never recover, ever, yet another generation without a chance, living under no rule of law, vs just taking your medicine for once in your life since 2000, 1994, 1971. Yes BTC drops to $10k, so what? So does a house.

    “• German Heavy Armor Back To Fields Of Kursk Region After 80 Years (RT)

    Still trying to antagonize the Russians to attack, just as every day they antagonize and attack us. “I just KNOW you’re all stupid, violent, worthless pieces of human garbage like I am! So the only reason you don’t act selfish, lash out, and kill everyone is because you’re weak!!!” No. It’s because YOU are a violent, uncreative, immoral piece of human feces, and WE, the rest of the human race, are NOT. That is, you’re projecting. That’s what YOU would do in our place, but we have morals and self-restraint, a thing you’ve never known.

    So that’s not working with Americans, shoving trans offenses in our faces (which we dgaf about) and trying to get us to take a swing, and Russia too. Even Starmer in UK, desperate to get a big enough offense he can crack down on, STILL can only arrest 40 year old women shopping and 15-year old girls.



    “The incident prompted scrutiny of the US Secret Service’s failure to prevent the assassination attempt, ultimately leading the agency’s director to resign.”

    …After she destroyed all records. Now the is tag-teaming it by refusing to issue any official timeline and perjuring himself in Congress. …To no censure or arrest. For either. Or the several dozen accomplices to murder.

    “• Scott Ritter Blasts Raid on His Home as US Gov ‘Fishing Expedition’ (Sp.

    But plenty of time to arrest journalists! But only if they’re AntiWar.

    “• Allowing Two Million Gazans To Starve ‘May Be Moral’ – Israeli Minister (RT)

    See? That’s only Logical. …Which is why we don’t agree with or platform psychopaths and sociopaths. Killing weaker people in National Heath? Totally logical. For the Greater Good. Killing everyone who’s willing in Canada? Excellent cost-saver. Running open Eugenics? Perfectly rational. Release a bioweapon that kills 100 Million people? A good start on Saving the Planet. Perfectly rational and Good.

    Yes, there’s a reason Humans don’t act that way, and shouldn’t.

    “However, I consider @joerogan a brilliant mind and someone who speaks the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable.”

    He’s clearly not brilliant, Feynman was “Brilliant”. Just goes to show how far having any basic common sense and the slightest orientation toward honesty can get you.

    For the UK: ““Our First Amendment freedoms give us the right to think what we like and say what we please. And if we the people are to govern ourselves, we must have these rights even if they are misused by a minority.” ― James Madison

    …Or NOT misused by the minority, or at all. We’re all using that Free Speech exactly as what it’s for. …And using it to NOT be re-colonized by Europe. Or not any more than under our present Vichy government.

    Dr. D

    This is the state of the Collective West and the Empire of Lies, Lies Lies in particular.

    It’s about basic competence

    And I mean even basic competence in being evil.

    It’s not there.

    The Mind Virus Maggots have eaten away the brain circuits of basic math and street level commerce.

    Duh’mericans at every strata of society can’t even resist losing any of the various forms of Three Card Monty that are Eternal throughout human civilization.

    Fraud, deceit, intentional malice, accidental malice, it all sails over the Sheeple heads like starling murmurs high on rye seed infected with egrot fungus.

    There is no gradual correction paths left for Duh’merica, to much runway gone by and not enough left for liftoff

    Crash an’ Burn coming up soon.

    Even the fuel for this coming Satanic Burning Man Extravaganza® of Western Civ Seppuku is too expensive







    Which Overlord Wears It Better?




    The Big Consolation Door Prize

    Say, “Hallelujah”



    And as if a senile pedophile gangster isn’t quite enough Ritual Humiliation of a nation and it’s Sheeple:



    The perfect Irainian response to Israel’s actions, to avoid escalating things, would be to hit sponser US’s assets instead.
    Joe won’t mind.

    Are the Israelis so incompetent that they can’t eliminate 2 million Gaza Palestinians in 10 months?
    They better hurry as they only have 5 months left! /s

    Did Obama just throw a Walz anchor to help save a drowning Kamala, ahead of the August 19th Democrat convention in Chicago to cornate Big Mike?

    Was the Ukrainian excursion into Russia just cover to extend Ukrainian mobilization for another 3 months?
    Those perfectly dead Ukrainians are refusing to talk, as usual.
    Those 800,000 Ukrainians in hiding, are sufficient cannon fodder for another 2 years of war.

    That Jim Richard fellow is one rather shady guy. Just saying.


    Tim Walz “man-ning” the Demonrats 2024 website

    “I’ve got it covered”



    Ritual Humiliation, Duh’merican Style

    “Oh kind Sir, my I have some more?”



    Even Star Trek can’t figure it out



    Now I get it…





    Let’s go to the circus.

    Peace, ceasefire and negotiations with Palestinians
    Israel’s assassinations and Iran’s pending retaliation
    Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz means a major recession

    Nazis have returned 80 years after being defeated..
    Ukrainians deliberately attacked non-military targets, acts of terrorism

    The US Secret Service’s failure to prevent the assassination attempt of Trump.
    The US government’s harassment campaign against those who object to the official conflict narratives
    The US proxy war in Ukraine
    (Peace is to support diplomacy over militarism, to promote dialogue instead of confrontation)

    Ideally, the government is supposed to serves us, not us serve the government.


    Move the Phuck Over DUI

    The Empire of Lies has TUI


    Dr. D


    Newsflash: Kamala is a Libertarian!

    P.S. What’s a “Woman”?

    So they’re going to just leave everyone alone about everything, unless they’re, I dunno, murdering babies or something, right?





    Out to Lunch

    Competence, it missed the bus

    When you wait three weeks for your new drivers license to arrive in the mail



    She’s a vampire so it’s understandable

    John Day

    @Oroboros: Boscohorowitz wishes you well and told me to say “Hi” after engaging on the comments section of “A Midwestern Doctor”.

    I think Kamala/Clinton/Obama had to let Josh Shapiro go because of his obvious political Zionism, and service for the Israeli military, which had come out when his trial-balloon went up.

    Walz looks like an old Pillsbury Doughboy, portrayed by Norman Rockwell, but Man, there’s a lot of venom coming out against his mildly-corrupt-and-typically-conflicted “old” white ass. I’m a full 6 years older than he is. He really let himself go, which doesn’t speak much to his long-term prospects…


    Gen Z Having Their Cherry Popped

    Reality as a Fact of Life



    Think of the Bright Side, Gen Z might innovate something High-Tech AND useful



    So 10-15 kilometer penetrations are possible.

    If Ukraine can do it to Russia, Russia can certainly do it to Ukraine at least as well or better – more men, vehicles, air support, artillery, etc on the Russian side.

    Why would The Ukraine bother? A big penetration in and of itself changes nothing. To provoke Russia? A demonstration to secure more donations? To reach the nuke plant? Are they dashing down that one road there for maximum declarable distance or is there some specific objective?

    Russia allowing it would at least make sense internally, procedurally, in terms of removing Russian restraint. Idunno.


    “Everyone thought it was going to be Shapiro, it turned out not to be Shapiro,” Trump said on Fox News on Wednesday. “I have very little doubt that it was not for the reason we’re talking about. It was because of the fact that he’s Jewish and they think they’re going to offend somebody else.”

    Trump is playing the > I’m the trad. Religious Republican in favor of Isra-hell CARD …too hard.

    Big Mistake. Afaik he was a long-time Dem, in favor of ‘minority’ groups, didn’t he even win an award once for hiring black ppl? He was sorta pals with Jesse Jackson > one of the few things I knew about him before he ran for Prez. Ok, maybe not directly related.

    So Shapiro is Jewish, as is Kabala’s hubbie, her step-children are being brought up in the ‘Jewish faith.’ Trump implies that Kamabla (names her so in a tweet) is afraid of losing the Muslim vote.

    Georgie Junior Bush, imho, won the election due to the slim top-up of Muslim vote with a discourse of ‘for conventional social values’ and ‘peace, respect for religions’ – (9/11 flipped that fast..) (Ok the weight can be discussed.)

    “The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, says 78-percent of Muslims who voted in the 2000 presidential election voted for George Bush.”

    Survey Shows Bush Support Drops Among Muslim Voters

    About the same or maybe a bit more % now vote Dem because of the ‘Respect Diversity’, etc.

    Just …Illustrating that when slice-n-dice demographics furnish the base for the ‘appeals’ and ‘fake promises’ Pol. Parties in the US make to ‘communities’ (i.e. different demographic groups, mostly defined by ‘race’ / ‘religion’ / ‘sexual orientation’) to manipulate them to vote for some ‘representative’ thereby obscuring ALL important issues – > Energy, industry, equality, education, social services, foreign policy, military alliances, miitary strength, and more, seems to work fine.


    Why would The Ukraine bother?


    It’s the only move they have, PR, cause they’ve shot their wad elsewhere.

    And Russia loves to suck them forward and annihilate Ukronazis.

    This PR stunt had to use at least some ‘elite’ (read nazis scum) forces.

    Russian love killing those faggot maggots

    Puts a smile on their faces and a spring in their step.

    The ‘Kursk’ Ukronazis are now just a grease spot on the side of the road.

    Leaving Nazilensky with fewer seasoned soldiers an ‘one week of training’ forced, coerced meat puppet amateurs to face the 800,000 highly train, professional, volunteered, contract, motivated and very angry Russian troops.

    I can’t wait for the Russians to really open it up.

    The SMO so far has just been a limited junior varsity scrimmage



    I’ve been hunting around for any alternate explanation than PR, found this post on Moon of Alabama

    Last night a column of Russian trucks and armoured vehicles advancing to meet the NATO backed Ukrainian invasion force was attacked and destroyed by NATO missiles and weapons systems, including US guided HIMARS missiles using cluster munition warheads inside Russia.

    The Russians clearly never anticipated US guided Tactical missile stikes deep into Russia against its military forces and paid the price for travelling in long columns – 100’s of Russian troops killed and wounded and columns of armour destroyed in what is arguably “the” most serious attack inside Russia yet using NATO weapons and ISR.

    This alone gives Russia the right to respond in the Nuclear Sphere against at least UKraine, and to respond in the Space Theatre by using Anti-Sat lasers and Anti-Sat missiles to blind NATO ISR over the battle-space.

    Both Putin and Medvedev are fully qualified Lawyers.

    They both know what has just happened.

    They now know that both Generals and Politicians (and many pundits and activists too) will be calling for Russia to now use their Legal right to use all means necessary to protect Russia.

    It is possible that NATO know this too, and as they have been slowly dismantaling Legal barriers in Russia for some time, including targeting the Russian Strategic Anti-balistic-Missile radar stations and the Russian Strategic (nuclear) airbases, without Russia invoking their Legal Rights to respond at a Strategic level, this invasion by NATO backed Ukraine, using NATO weapons, and NATO ISR, may be a deliberate attempt by NATO to provoke Russia into going “all in” in Ukraine.

    At time of writing, Ukraine is still advancing into Russia. The defending Russian troops have underestimated and not understood that this is a new style of attack using Russian-Style small unit assaults backed by tactical missiles and artillary.

    Currently Ukraine is destroying columns of Russian reinforcements, with such serious political ramifications in Russia that Russin media is restricting reporting, and even Russian backed Telegram channels are downplaying this.

    This attack / invasion is not Tactical – it is a Strategic assault that continues to be a threat the KUrst nuclear power station, just a few miles the last skirmish.

    This is a much bigger deal than most Analysts realise.


    I’ve been on the tear with image posts lately lately because the BLAH, BLAH, BLAH of words seems so tired and pitiful and useless to deal with the Present Brakedown of Reality® (PBR)

    Dr D is over the target when he says that the very meaning of words is being so corrupted by the Mediawhores that “talk is cheap” does not even vaguely beginning to deal with the Death of a Shared Consensus of Reality via language.

    Skating on thin ice here Sheeple People.

    Lose language itself to insanity and meaninglessness and the bloodbath with become a tsunami

    Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words


    Commentary blahblahblahblahblah



    Where things are going



    The Moon of Alabama has been had. Having smoke blown up your ass does that.

    I’ll stick with Andrei Martyanov’s sources

    “sorry SOBs from VSU are pulverized near border…..”


    Medvedev playing his part:

    The reasons and goals of the Ukronazi terrorist operation in the Kursk region are already reflected in detail and objectively in analytics. This is a desire to profitably show the remnants of the drying up forces to their owners in order to get a new portion of money and weapons, and an attempt to break up our battle formations on the main line of confrontation, pulling part of the forces to Kursk and Belgorod, and temporary information transformation of treachery into victory

    It is necessary to learn a serious lesson from what happened and fulfill what the NGS V. Gerasimov promised the Supreme Commander – in-Chief-to mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy.

    There is another important political and legal consequence of the incident. From this point on, the SVR should acquire an openly extraterritorial character. This is no longer just an operation to reclaim our official territories and punish the Nazis. It is possible and necessary to go to the lands of the still existing Ukraine. To Odessa, to Kharkov, to Dnepropetrovsk, to Nikolaev. To Kiev and beyond. There should be no restrictions in the sense of some recognized borders of the Ukrainian Reich. And now it is possible and necessary to talk about this openly, without embarrassment and diplomatic curtsies. The Bandera terrorist operation should remove any taboos from this topic. Let everyone know this, including the English bastards: we will only stop when we think it is acceptable and profitable for us to do so.

    Bright memory to the victims: military and civilian, all who came under heavy fire of neo-Nazis. The best memory of them is an elaborate retribution. Recovery to all the wounded.




    Chase this one down brother ;>)

    Today! Ukraine Detects and sinks a Russian aircraft carrier carrying 200 tons of ammunition


    Minnesota during the Walz BLM riots

    Beta testing before the Alpha testing in UKtardistan




    Limeyland, you’re so fucked!


    John Day

    The media result of jilting political-zionist Josh Shapiro will not abate 🙂
    My son, 19, was killed in Iraq serving in the military unit Tim Walz ‘abandoned’: I’ll never trust Kamala Harris’ VP pick who took the ‘coward’s way out’

    Dr. D

    What I’m hearing is the same: they are making a gambit on the Nuclear plant, for terrorist extortion (which can end the war) and threw everything they had at it, which is nothing. Perhaps they believe their own bs about how Russia is hollow, can’t replace any equipment lost, have been taking 10:1 losses, etc. They probably do.

    Btw, great new weapons tactics hitting Russia on the fly here. Too bad they’re retarded and won’t make any difference. I mean, yeah, if you don’t care if you die you can prettymuch always cause large casualties to the other side.

    I can’t figure the Russian side, since it’s too convenient for the legal framework for smacking NATO senseless as they are about to do. And have to, they’re incapable of getting the message without leveling NATO HQ in Brussels, crossing 10 air-defense zones, and letting them know we can reach you. So Russia HAD to have some new level to point to. However, it seems difficult to believe they would use this one, esp w civilians, and would just stage a different one, right? Well…politicians are capable of anything. I wouldn’t put money either way, don’t care.

    The point is it HAS happened, and the Carrier? And so they will hit them NOW, like for Monday’s opening? Now that they softened up the market on schedule?

    So…that’s that. I don’t think it’s WWIII — yet — but here we go. Whatever you do you’d better have done. ‘Cause banks may close and the NYSE may close 6 months or something. …But see? No election. Glad we spent all the time on it.


    This is looking like nonsense to me. CVN 72 is reported “deployed to the middle east” like a week or two ago = hanging out near Guam and despite wanting a 2nd CV over there, CVN 70, which was closer to the middle east back then, just hovers nw of Hawaii waving as 72 lumbers up even, and then past on its way to the middle east via the indian ocean….eventually. CVN 75 is still poking around off the east coast? CVN 69 (Eisenhower) no longer displayed. And her air wings? I wonder.

    I would more likely believe that even reporting on approximate carrier location has gone dark. The official reporting does not align with an urgency congruent with Iranian threats this past week or two.

    Stratfor: U.S. Naval Update Map: Aug. 8, 2024

    Dr D Rich


      The Nagasaki memorial outrage, where the US is using the excuse that ‘Israel’ is not invited to a commemoration of the victims of genocide (!) to back out of sending its own representative – which happens to be IDF tourist Rahm! – to the site of its own genocide represents a new low in how utterly Jewed-up the US has become, but this little game of pretend negotiations is up there too.

    In my estimation, the aforementioned should be difficult to argue, debate or dispute.

    However, there’s usually a brave (I use that term loosely in light of its redefinition by guys like Ritter, Tam, Amick, Walz et al) casuist, deconstructionist, or minor spellbinder willing to take up the cause, star or cross.

    Heave to boys!)


    I am not a fan of Deep Space Nine, but it is wedged between TNG and Voyager, so I have watched it.
    The problem is that I hate the Bajorans. They are an icky people who manage to rope everyone else into their creepy affairs of betrayal and intrigue as they foist their religion of “we’re so special” onto everyone else.
    Am I guilty of a hate crime?

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