Debt Rattle December 10 2018


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    Jerry Bywaters Oil Field Girls 1940   • Investors Managing $32 Trillion In Assets Call For Climate Change Action (R.) • BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil F
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 10 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Jerry Bywaters Oil Field Girls 1940
    Gobsmacked by that painting; I imediately knew it was loaded; very complex and not an easy read.
    Clicking on it bore that out, even more than I initially thought.
    The women’s faces seem to bear a slightly hard edge to them.
    The color red plays a prominant role as well; likely symbolic, but of what, I’m not sure.
    Stereotypically red symbolizes prostitutes/prostitution; but that wouldn’t be a fair certainty, but rather only a possibility.
    Good one Ilargi…

    V. Arnold

    In a worst case scenario, the US will use this as a reason to attack now, before Americans figure out they can’t win. Ilargi

    I firmly believe this is exactly why Russia has concentrated its military research on defensive and not offensive weapons systems. They’ve said as much, having no imperial ambitions…
    Russia is very far ahead of the U.S. in defense; and especially electronic warfare, and the U.S. knows this full well.
    It doesn’t mean they won’t act stupidly; face must be saved.
    Russia and China have operational hypersonic weapons against which the U.S. has no effective response.
    This makes for a very uncertain future; at some point, some asshole in the U.S. may just push it to a genuine confrontation and everybody loses; especially the U.S.; blown out of existance for a certainty; Russia? Possibly not so much, initially, if their defence works as advertised.
    But, nuclear winter may untimately end it all…

    Dr. D

    Just what I was saying about the EU project, EU flags on the tanks putting down French protesters:


    So you have the project to bring Poles to put down Frenchmen, French to put down Italian protesters, and everyone to put down the Greeks, and this shows they were a hair’s breadth away. Classic history, happens 100% of the time. Bring in the Vandals to put down the Romans. Pay some Hessians to put down Philadelphia. The Protestants shipped to Ulster. And so who wins when you have a pan-European force Macron himself said they needed urgently, just last week? Not the Poles, Italians, or Frenchmen, that’s for sure!

    The EU was built from the ground up to crush dissent and democracy, and empower oligarchs in a neofeudalism that could never be reversed, and you could tell that from the white papers by 1990. If you keep going where you’re headed, eventually you get there. Here we are.

    “The question is … which is to be master—that’s all.”

    V. Arnold

    Dr D
    Spot on re: the EU.
    Destined to disolve; what emerges from the dregs remains to be seen.

    Dr. D

    Italian Priests Vow To Open Church Doors To Evicted Immigrants (G.)

    Really? That’s amazing. They don’t open them to Italians or the rest of us. If I emigrate to Romania, will they finally help me?

    “I thought “that’s a brilliant title” because, although we are not in any way really like the Soviet Union, there is a similar feeling in our present day.

    This guy needs to talk to Dmitri Orlov. This is exactlythe way the United States is today. In every possible way, but particularly in everything government touches, like college, banking, and health care. It’s Soviet. Kafkaesque. Everyone knows, everyone is unhappy, but everyone just says, “it’s the system.” Yes, you morons, but it’s YOUR system. It doesn’t come from God in a cloud, there’s literally no one in it but you. You can make it literally any way you want. Dispense sentences written on candy wrappers from a pinata? Sure. Run the whole thing out of your front pocket like a Mafioso? No difference. Shoot blind darts at a spinning wheel? No worse than the system we have now. You can make your days happy – heck, you could make the system work! And in working, not wasting, you could double your six-figure pay, and STILL the people wouldn’t care because they would get better help, justice, and health care than they’re getting now. …But every day, they get up and instead cowardly turn the wheels of a system they hate that tortures their neighbors, and in so doing, deaden and hate themselves. What put this in the heart of man is beyond me, but I think it’s the #antilogos: once you accept a false premise anywhere, it works its way through the entire system like a cancer, turning everything upside-down. By now we have 90% false premises, a reverse of where we started, and they still haven’t turned around. They will wait for the collapse so they can fulfill their cowardice and not be responsible – responsible for stopping the horror, responsible for fixing it.

    Every morning Donald Trump wakes up in the White House, he tweets something absolutely outrageous which he knows the liberals will get upset by, the liberals read his tweets and go “This is terrible,”

    And every morning he proves that HE is who is in charge, and they are merely REACTING to him. And every morning they fall for it again and reinforce his power. And supposedly Trump is the stupid one. Yes, WHY do you think he does this every morning? To prevent you from getting anything done, you idiots. To distract from what he’s actually doing. Nice how the smart are completely un-selfaware and unable, while the dumb know what’s going on and are slowly getting things done. Because that’s how we measure “smart” and “stupid” now. Same running pass-play for 914 days in a row, and not only are they falling for it, they still don’t realize there IS a play. First down after first down, scoring against 16 candidates and two political parties, two Supreme Court justices, and he’s still just “lucky” and “stupid.” SMH.

    He’s certainly right in that real power operates outside the theatre, and that’s because government is not what is taught and reported, the power does not lie where it was taught or reported, the Deep State, the corporations, the nations, organizations, the actors involved, none of them are what they are reported to be. It’s nearly 100% lies. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” — CIA Director Casey So because the Overton Window is 1,000 miles away from reality, the NYT, the WaPo, have no choice but to report #StarkRavingMadness even if they know what’s going on, because to do anything other would be reporting, be revealing the actual truth of our nation and what’s going on out there. Unfortunately, to some extent, that would be reinforcing Trump’s allegations, (although inconvenient allegations of the Left too) and at least some events – like for instance, the Gulf of Tonkin – that are still considered conspiracy theories. Their own rules of power and conduct forbid them from reporting the certain truths, which has slowly become all truths.

    But why believe me? Take it from a master:

    “I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.”

    “Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.”

    “The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason.”

    “If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people – including me – would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.”

    “The most consistent and ultimately damaging failure of political journalism in America (is that it) has its roots in the clubby/cocktail personal relationships that inevitably develop between politicians and journalists.”

    “In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.” –Hunter S. Thompson


    @ Dr D
    Great observation.
    “…. Nice how the smart are completely un-selfaware and unable, while the dumb know what’s going on and are slowly getting things done. Because that’s how we measure “smart” and “stupid” now. “

    re.: my observation
    Jerry Bywaters’s Oil Field Girls 1940

    Decoding the Details: Oil Field Girls

    Women are in the wrong scene
    The woman on the left (girl next door)

    Ankle bracelet not 1940
    dress is proper length below the knees
    She is pregnant
    She is not wearing an insulated bra
    Red bracelet on left wrist (wrong)
    dress sleeve right length

    woman on the right (not PUT together right)

    boots don’t go with skirt and sweater
    Skirt too short for 1940
    V-neck sweater too low and too tight
    red belt has no buckle
    sleeve too short
    bow in hair don’t go with hat in her hand
    hat does not need hat box
    down cast look makes her look like she is sad

    V. Arnold

    I just read the Adam Curtis interview with the Economist; it was quite good. I like Curtis’ films so it was nice to read him being interviewed.
    8500 words, not a short read… 😉

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