Debt Rattle December 8 2016


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    Jack Delano Cafe at truck drivers’ service station on U.S. 1, Washington DC 1940 • Trump Bull Market Bounty Tops $1 Trillion (BBG) • Trump Win Set Off
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 8 2016]

    Dr. Diablo

    Endless things here. Stockman calls for an immediate stock crash with 10x the money rushing out of bonds and into the rising US$? Yes, someday, but not while that firehose is running.

    After pointing out the phony rally, created on fake, printed money and poor accounting, we wag fingers at China. How dare they do what we’re doing! Don’t they know that money printing, debt inflating, and fraudulent accounting will end badly?? …You don’t say… What we have to realize at this point is ALL accounting is fantasy we just make up. Us and them and everyone. However, the actual things you build with debt you just made up in your head and wrote down one afternoon are real. So when the fiction — as in a fantasy novel — vanishes, because it was never real, no one is harmed, exactly. You just wake up from the VR illusion of your tiny blinking screen and see what’s really in your country; farms? factories? oil? economic interconnections, relationships, and habits? …Of course not really that easy, but once you accept that accounting, which is supposed to DESCRIBE reality, has no more reality than “Star Wars: Rogue One”, then it doesn’t matter WHAT it says, what is reported, or what markets say. There are no markets, just illusion, like a movie screen in front of Zappa’s brick wall at the back of the theatre. We do it, they do it, everybody does it. You’re just reporting movie reviews of what fictional characters said and believed in a fictional world.

    You couldn’t represent this better than the “Living within your means con” from Real News site ABC. So if you have two potatoes in the cupboard you should eat four? What fresh hell is this? Or no, we citizens can’t, but when we collectivize as GOVERNMENT, we can hand out four million potatoes when there are only two million in warehouses. Taleb’s IYI class, where, despite that all the accounting we report is total fiction, above, we still think that MONEY, that is, little numbers we write down, are actual WEALTH, i.e. potatoes. Or electric grids, or houses, or weapons, or machine tools, or water, or whatever. One is instantly convertible to the other.

    Hold on, professor glasses here: THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY. You IYI’s. The map is a representation of the territory. By the way your brain, what you think, is not reality, either. It’s a poor representation of reality, and you don’t just say things, like Karl Rove’s famous quote, and “create reality” by thinking ‘potatoes’ in your mind. That’s not being powerful, that’s psychosis. You might notice from the results it produces.

    “The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities…”

    And you wonder why yesterday Raul said that insiders were both clueless and helpless? Because as lawyers they literally believe that reality is created, like God, simply by thinking and saying things. That is, reality is, or can be changed to be, whatever they’re thinking in that 5 minute period, and the opposite in the next 5 minutes, and there’s no contradiction at all, like the media’s been doing, or governments, or the BLS. But this is literally madness, literally cannot be tolerated without complete destruction, and so 800 years ago the Lords, the Oligarchs of their day, put King John in a ditch and made him sign the Magna Charta so he would stop saying, “The Law is in my Mouth.”

    No John, no WaPo, no Janet, no Karl, reality is not created when you SAY something is true. There is a reality out there, and in that reality there are ACTUAL things, like potatoes, that have ACTUAL limits, and where there are ACTUAL means you must ACTUALLY live within. And generally socialist societies discover this the hard way. Ask Venezuela.

    Ken Barrows

    Money is a claim on wealth, not wealth. Or maybe money is a claim on energy.


    “… we can hand out four million potatoes when there are only two million in warehouses….”


    Is this how the pyramids were built?
    Maybe this is why the Tower of Babel could not be completed.


    “In the last four years alone, the ice sheet has shed more than a trillion tonnes of mass, according to earlier research.”

    Let’s assume – big assumption – that this number is not “homogenised”. It seems big. In fact, it seems huge – monstrously huge.

    Let’s try to get to grips with it.

    Divide 1 trillion by the area of the world’s oceans and seas (362 million km2) and we get 2,762 tonnes per km2. When you divide it by the number of square meters, you get 2.762 kg/m2. This ends up as around 2.7 litres/m2 or a rise of under 3mm – say 1/8 of an inch.

    Well, that might make some of you panic, but that is entirely your problem. BTW, the Antarctic continent (like Greenland, it is not floating) has been gaining around half of that.

    NASA Admits Antarctica Gaining Land Ice

    Now, let look at what the Danes are actually reporting (Greenland is owned by Denmark)

    Current Surface Mass Budget of the Greenland Ice Sheet

    Lo and behold, the Danes are reporting that Greenland is GAINING ice.

    I can only speculate that this “earlier research” is out of date.

    Ken Barrows

    You try so hard. I think climate change is a very complex issue, of course, but in the long run only three points matter: (1) is CO2 a greenhouse gas, (2) is CO2 increasing in the atmosphere–Mauna Loa, and (3) the paleoclimate correlation between temperature and CO2. That’s it, my friend. You must truly disagree with one of these three points.


    There is absolutely no correlation between CO2 and the earth’s temperature.

    Non-Existent Relationship …CO2-Temperature Correlation Only 15% Of Last 165 Years

    The 800 year lag in CO2 after temperature It would seem that temperature changes first and CO2 follows – with a huge delay.

    Pretending that one variable – out of the hundreds that play a role – is overarching is not science. The role of the sun, for example, is ignored by these primitive models.

    Ken Barrows
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