Debt Rattle January 1 2025
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- This topic has 59 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by
Dr. D.
January 1, 2025 at 11:22 am #178197
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterPaolo Uccello Story of Noah 1447 • Ukraine ‘Has Ceased To Exist’ – Ex-Commander (RT) • Trump Eager To Settle Ukraine Conflict – Zelensky (RT) •
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 1 2025]January 1, 2025 at 12:53 pm #178200tboc
Participantinformation space is not malleable
Ai cannot alter that realityJanuary 1, 2025 at 1:17 pm #178201Dr. D
ParticipantThis has gotten over the top, but it is a cartoon.’m fascinated by him, but not just for the cartoons, like in 2000, he was totally normal guy. I mean, for a cartoonist. Great insight into daily humanity, regular characters of America. Then, overnight, went more 1% Woke than even Woke is. Like, unlike Woke, it was like he overnight believed in the secret Patriarchy, every woman character was overnight gay, femininity was banned, all his male characters were toads, etc. People were like, “what, did you rape somebody? Are you having a mental breakdown?” and no clues at all, personally, just bland social gestalt. But like the instant “The Memo” went out, long before most anyone read it. Now suddenly, same instant, over-the-horizon, every-conspiracy-is-true on da jooooos. Again, huhWhut? I have the very strong feeling you didn’t believe a single word of this back in Normal days, and in Feminism-to-da-moon days, which was only last year. Now it’s sprung fully formed from the head of Zeus. Again. And sure ain’t for the money, he got banned from everywhere WHILE being ultra 1% pro feminist Woke. Guess like this he’s doin’ it wrong, Satan says: Keep it down, DNC. And again, the non-Jewish mafia, at the top, apparently has put out the memo to kill da jooos again, so they can make their getaway. Stop helping. They’re like a human sacrifice, a snakeskin so they can escape unharmed, then claim victim later. And they will be, if you round up and harm the wrong people. Go round up the RIGHT people, who committed crimes, Yaweh knows there’s enough of them.
So if you’re looking for an example of social engineering, where the Grand Masters pull a lever on TikTok and an hour later everyone who loves Comey, hates Comey, no: loves Comey, no wait, hates Comey, no wait, “Who’s Comey?”; and the most hated VP in history becomes the most loved overnight, track these weathervanes like Tashida who are cruelly susceptible to it. Somehow.
What’s with some of this this week? Again, we can no longer tell anything. Like even when someone SAYS something, we don’t know if it’s true, if it was said at all, how much, etc. But let’s say 1) Trump needs to get to inauguration. Say any dumb s—t Rubio and his handlers want! It only sets up the later negotiations anyway.
2) We hear Trump talk about Greenland or Canada? A: COLLATERAL. We’re in a far better position than Europe in collateral, He doesn’t actually need to own the “nation” to get it, but think: Collateral. In fact, everything he says right now is collateral, even drilling.
Remember, Collateral isn’t “Real”, it can be expectations, which is what they need. So it’s monkeyshine, which moves a lot faster. The U.S. has a ton of real collateral, everything we own is shut, like our mines and factories, but monkeyshine: no one will believe it. If we SAY we will take Canada – or let’s say just that we’ll “make”, get Canada to open up to American methods of oil exploration instead of being Sweden — suddenly – Monkeyshine – they WILL believe it. …Even as they DON’T believe it when we do the very same thing here. Whatever. And so with Greenland, etc. The FANTASY of drilling Greenland moves faster than the drilling itself. But the FANTASY is the collateral.
We only need to get through this window of collapse ahead of Europe. We only need to outrun England, not the Bear. They are setting this up right now with a hostile Media, just went up today about Yellen time-bombing the Treasury Market and all the Employment numbers are rigged. (Also true, obviously) I was wondering what took so long, so they’re finally getting off the celebration sauce and setting the stage for the market “collapse”. Okay, but not in a fever yet either, neither time nor severity. Noted.
Elon got slapped by a comedian of all people yesterday and everybody noticed. AFAIK he hasn’t responded, which is good and may show he’s actually thinking about it. This is over the H1B visa thing which expanded into a “What is MAGA” discussion, like YOU, Elon, are not MAGA. It doesn’t go where you say. It goes where WE say. It does what WE want, and we want employment. Yeah, you may need some engineers and we allow that, but you and your pal Ramaswamy are just importing fry cooks for SpaceX cafeteria so you can only pay them $20k. We know, and we’re being generous, so knock it off.
The complications around this make it difficult to describe, but I’m sure those two are like, “We only get high engineers from India and Russia because Americans are mostly retards.” This is TRUE. And worse, they can’t SAY it, even though it IS true, because Ramaswamy just did and got in the soup for it. We don’ graduate no engineers, and those we do are arguably stupid. But the way they’re responding also shows me and everyone they neither know nor care. They just want cheap labor. Which is ALSO true, you monkeys. IF you had the slightest inclination to America, which is what we sent you for, you’d say “we’ll scour the earth to hire every American FIRST,” AND ALSO open the desperately-needed discussion as to WHY American education is so dismal it graduates open illiteracy everywhere. (On purpose). And give a million (which is chicken feed) to training AMERICAN engineers and getting them paid more than fry cooks, which is questionable. For instance many jobs with no shifts, no training, no responsibility pay more than being an RN Nurse. So why would you risk killing someone all career to make less than you can afford an apartment in that city? F– that. Be a middle management cube-hamster and clock out at night. This nonsense is all over, and they’re showing that worse, they’re unaware of it. And that “They” – rich guys and their recent norms – are the problem. They can get up to speed but this is what it takes.
I said that because what strikes me is, they’re partying like 1999, THEY feel they are out of danger, or cleared some enormous hurdle. THEY show, by actions, that they’re elated and just slacking off all over. Yeah, we all did that, but I called off the party about 2 days after the election, we have work to do. Elon n co are still goofing off like morons and it’ll bite them. How can they, the smart, motivated people, in danger, be slack when us normal folks are like “Get ye to work”?
Again, as with everything – I guess this year or until the stars change – we don’t KNOW what. We can’t SEE what they just beat and why they’re elated and feel in the clear. We just see them goofing off. Neither are we morons: fine to be elated and have a snoot, but we BOTH know the Derp State isn’t going to just concede, so get yer head right and back on your game here. If we can do that in the trenches, by God you’d better do that up with your stupid 5-star dinners, you mucks. (viz Muckimuck, a Canadian-Indian word)
What else? Yeah, YouTubes on how “It’s OVER!!!” for Trudeau. Oh God, no. By the law of “Nothing Ever Happens” that means it’s decidedly NOT over, and now we have to put up with him for 6 more weeks. No headline, it’s never “Happening”, they were never “Destroyed” by your argument, unless by “destroyed” you mean, “Didn’t even notice”, and nothing is ever “Over”. This was amusing for the first 10 years, but there are jokes: and then they end. This “top ten secrets local housewives say” now needs to be sunk in the East river…but only when shackled to every reporter and influencer that has ever used them. Even once. We can fill up the East river with their sodden bodies and pave it, it’s valuable real estate.
Please, no “Bombshell”, it’s never “Happening”, for the love of Holy God.
Speaking of not happening, the drones in NJ, looked to citizen vids, um, one of them WAS A SHIP IN THE HARBOR. Like a 1,000 foot cargo ship in the fog. Yeah, um, about that? Another were two helicopters, acting like helicopters, with the searchlights on. About that…?? But although not all of them, I have to say, it’s a wonderful happenstance that all these alien vessels are wired for 28v DC so they can use the FAA aircraft strobes. I mean: who would have thought! 28 volts, I guess it’s the galactic standard wiring.
Yes, there were others, but with no sound, purview, what are you supposed to make of them? Apparently facts are so irrelevant, we’re not even aware we should TRY to gather any, even badly? I guess they learn from U.S. Prosecuting attorneys?
So we’re Bored AF with this, is that the point? Because they expect that real aliens will appear and they want to set the stage of us not caring a bit and ignoring them when they do? Pretty inexplicable. But eg. if Israel is using all the neutron bombs all over on the regular daily now, and there’s an inauguration, then maybe when they land in port with hebrew stenciled on the side, we need to find them on the truck headed to Virginia?
It’s like an A.D.B, an “All Drones Bulletin”, and they don’t care that you know about Raytheon’s secret “Breakaway” drone tech, they WANT you to know. Because we need to crash the fake clown world into the real one that underlies it, where the U.S. civil government and they’ve been pulling strings from bunkers using captured M.N. Corporations for years. We need to do that without pissing every living human right the f– off though, when they find out what you spent their money on, and we have free energy reactor tech or something while they’re making $12/hr and getting stabbed by needles on the way to work.
They SHOULD come after you. You DESERVE it. If there’s any justice we’ll throw 100,000 of you in jail, so why don’t you draw straws and choose among yourselves before we get there. ‘Cause rope is cheap and prison is expensive.
““All hell is gonna break out” if the hostages aren’t released by January 20th.”
All those hostages are dead. And Israel killed them. We just don’t know they’re dead because as part of committing 100,000 war crimes, they leveled every civilian apartment, and Hamas was in/under them and no one’s found them yet. Get a grip. If 10 are alive I’ll declare a papal miracle.
“• Ukraine ‘Has Ceased To Exist’ – Ex-Commander (RT)Yes but only since 2014. We said so. We bought it and we own it.
“Eager To Settle Ukraine Conflict – Zelensky (RT)
Who? Don’t they have an elected leader or something who can talk for them?
“Gas prices in Europe have shot up to $536 per 1,000 cubic meters during ICE trading, the highest since November 27, 2023
It hits them 30 days, the retail bills delay another 30 days.
“In response to Kiev’s decision to stop the gas transit, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico threatened last week to cut electricity supplies to Ukraine.”
This isn’t a threat, what choice does he have? They will need to buy a million 900 watt space heaters and it will barely make the difference. If Ukraine doesn’t like it, turn the pipe back on. Ukraine is doing this, not Slovakia.
“Trump wrote in a soon-deleted post, adding, “We miss you and X! New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!!” before signing off with his initials, “DJT.”
How can I miss you if you won’t go away?
“• Scholz Hits Back At Musk In New Year’s Address (RT)
So he had the opportunity to say, “Nobody cares what foreigners-we-don’t-like think.” NOPE. Like Trump, they have to respond, then OLAF GAVE THEM THE POWER. Scholz just made him relevant. I mean, fine by me, but game played badly. This is 1st level stuff.
“Christiane Hoffmann, said at a news conference on Monday that while everyone has the right to an opinion, Musk is attempting to influence the German election”
Demonstrating that word means nothing. He only HAS an opinion. He only SAID his opinion. What additional add would there be to aspire to “Influencing”? A: None, they’re the same, in fact he’s doing a lot LESS than most. Like I don’t see a campaign donation, which is also legal. “We Make S—t Up!”
“56% of Germans believe Scholz has done a poor job, while 37% are satisfied with his performance.”
And this is ELON’S fault? Like how Russia was the one who bailed out Wall Street for $23 Trillion and wouldn’t allow a vote on Medicare4All? Yeah, it’ the other guy’s fault, he MADE me make every decision I made, that were all universally stupid and failed. Elon’s been up me butt the whole time, like “Ratatouille”.
“AI is very dangerous. Make no mistake.”It is. Very. But one of the key reasons is that people believe in it for reasons unknown. They don’t say “We’ve got this wall switch right over here, bye Hal”, Which costs about $10. AI is no risk whatsoever if it isn’t tied into the CyberDyne robot army. We just IGNORE it. Because it’s constantly dead-wrong. So who’s really the danger here, AI or the idiot humans running it? Believing it?
Well, if they can’t do that for Economists, Politicians, Progressives, Presidents, then we won’t for AI, that’s for sure. And why, I could not tell you. I’m one of those weird people who trust others based on merit and their track record of success. Apparently we are like the one in 10,000.
“leaves him “on the hook for the $5 million payout ordered by the jury.”
Just a review that no one cares, but he said, “I’m innocent.” She said, “no you’re not.” Sooo….since when has anyone, even a convicted criminal, served/serving time, been denied the right to claim their innocence? Suppose you were – crazy, I know – HOW would you ever bring a court case or appeal without being able to at least CLAIM your innocence? That the official facts are not the facts and should be reviewed? A: Ask the election boards, same thing. It is a crime to ASK, file paperwork, or PROPOSE facts. Opinions are treason. When I want your opinion I’ll beat it out of you. We know the answer BEFORE we look for the answer because “Time.” It’s optional, it runs both ways if I say so.
“• Even With Trump’s Endorsement, Johnson’s Speakership Is Far From Secure (JTN)
Worse, without a Speaker, he can’t even be confirmed. They can’t count electoral votes. Sounds okay to me, but not others, it would be an amazing Constitutional crisis, which we all pray for, and the USSC might open Brunson and add ANOTHER constitutional crisis, by removing 2/3rd of Congress for failing their office. That would help explain the bond/Market crash, and not be “Trump’s” fault.
Here’s hoping: every day government is in session, we’re at risk.
“• Let’s Get the United States Out of the Censorship Business (Turley)Your meta-meta basis. This is not an OPTION, sir, this is a Human Rights abuse, which requires PRISON, including million dollar civil suits all around. We don’t just “Leave the business” because it’s not as profitable as we thought. You’re arrested and your whole department is vaporized. …Or maybe we should have an official U.S. Federal “Lynching Department”? An official “Department of Tuskegee Experiments”? And so on?
You should be fired for THINKING it. This is why they win. Stop helping. It’s enough they don’t GO to prison, but at a minimum we have to name, state, progress as if they SHOULD, and prosecute them, because that’s the legal fact. As a lawyer you should be disbarred. Your clients have failed by your approach, all killed.
“• 2025: A Second Renaissance, Or Chaos? (Pepe Escobar)
That painting almost certainly had non-colorfast pigments and faded out to gray which is a pity. Perhaps someone can digitally re-create an idea of the original.
It’s a renaissance here too, but “re-Birth” requires a Death first. …Death of the Boomers, like PCR, and everything they believe and stand for. Not personal, “Science progresses one funeral at a time”, this is always true of everyone and all cultures, although we’ve taken it to a disturbing level. Be like Elsa: Let It Go. You’re giving it to kids like Crenshaw. He’s like 40 years old. You’ve now skipped TWO generations who are now your slaves. It’s going to Gen Z. I’m unsure this has ever happened before in history, or not before a complete, society-wide collapse and ruin.
“to provide a definitive nationwide ruling on whether physicians’ public speech is fully protected”
How? How is this not protected? And second, this is SCIENCE. If you can’t speak, there’s no Science. So quite the reverse, every doctor who is NOT protesting in this lawsuit should be fired and removed. Every one who is NOT speaking should de-licensed. They are no longer Scientists, they are witch-doctors. Why would I trust a doctor who vows never to look at and discuss evidence?
“• Jimmy Carter’s Legacy Still Hampers A World Trump Must Fix (JTN)
The world we’ve living in, everybody’s dumping on Carter. Is now really the time? Did we do this much even for Poppa Bush? Like Lionel, for instance, who is public for decades, knows better, jumped on this with both feet. That’s after jumping on a bunch of other things (Bannon-Elon) and dragging his own audience. But good example, I think when they’re the underdogs they can be better behaved. So wtf? Check yourself, rise up: do better. You’re embarrassing yourselves. The lot of you.
“”Winning was easy, young man. Governing is harder.” — Hamilton
“• Paramount Series ‘Landman’ Surprises With Anti-Climate Agenda Message (ZH)
Shocking. Okay, who paid and ran interference for this? This never happens organically. I’m thinking of stellar show “The Great” among hundreds of others, demonstrating how evil, thoughtless, selfish, and capricious “Russia” is (Peter the Great) … just one week before we Lo! Then a Miracle Happened and Amazingly got in a spat where it was totally useful for the public to think of Russia that way. They’re now so predictable, I just use THEM to steer myself around. Same with Landman. So apparently drilling is about to become totally, critically, vitally necessary where those who drill are the good guys, the Americans? Against the Bad Guys, drug cartels, bankers, regulators? Huh. Funny ol’ world.
My first question was, actually “Where did they find any writers for it?” Like is every right-leaning writer been paid a million dollars and air-lifted into their studio? There are probably only 10 non-leftists in North America. Even the Right ones would be savage environmentalists like John Muir or Wendall Barry. Moving like 6 inches towards telling the truth about oil would reverse like 100 years of work. Where there wasn’t a single gap, a flawless panorama of anti-capital, anti-work unbroken by a single word.
…While “we” – meaning “you”, woke environmentalists, leftists – enslaved every new nation, every Asian slave worker making shoes, and using more oil per day in your lives than even the most rabid neanderthal Muscle Car jock of 1952. You DID it all. You just wanted to HIDE from it. To LIE.
The Right isn’t any better, but they weren’t lying either. Or only half-lying.
Goes to show turtles can think fast, because that’s how they’d move in the water.
That’s a lot of wet dogs.
Because: the Internet, everything is false, this is NOT 1680s folk song, the version we know is very specifically from Robert Burns, 1788, although based on an older song. Older folk versions such as:
“Should Old Acquaintance be forgot,
and never thought upon;
The flames of Love extinguished,
and fully past and gone:
Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold,
that loving Breast of thine;
That thou canst never once reflect
On old long syne.”Ludwig van Beethoven also wrote an arrangement of Auld Lang Syne (WoO 156/11) published as part of his 12 Scottish Folksongs (1814). Both of these classical versions use the original brisk strathspey rhythm.” –wiki
Speaking of reading Cicero: “There is no kind of government more deformed than that in which the wealthiest are regarded as the noblest.” — RePublica, 1.34
January 1, 2025 at 2:02 pm #178202Oroboros
ParticipantLet’s start the New Year with a shining nugget of Wisdom
January 1, 2025 at 2:05 pm #178203John Day
ParticipantAnd Now For Something Completely Different: ;-}
Flood of Kwanzaa Posts Hits the Media—Here Is the Truth About the ‘Holiday’
Marxist-inspired black nationalists and virtue-signaling white liberals celebrate a phony holiday invented by a violent felon.
Moreover, that felon originally created Kwanzaa as a religious alternative to Christmas, not a corresponding secular celebration.
Nonetheless, prominent communist/globalist politicians do not care about such details, as evidenced by their embarrassing eagerness to flock to various social media platforms and wish everyone a Happy Kwanzaa, whatever that means…
..”Let us carry the wisdom of the seven principles with us as we work to build a brighter future. Happy Kwanzaa.”
Note: Kwanzaa was first celebrated in 1966. What’s Her Name (VP Harris) was born in October 1964…
..Thursday on X, communist/globalist Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, posted an equally nauseating “Happy Kwanzaa” video, which, for all its humiliating phoniness, at least identified those much-ballyhooed “seven principles”: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith…
..Likewise, communist/globalist Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York took time away from securing New York City’s subways to wish “Happy Kwanzaa.”
Thankfully, another X user replied to Hochul with a correct assessment of the “holiday” and its sinister purpose.
The user wrote:
Kwanzaa is a new, Marxist, European invention meant to separate black Americans from Christianity. You are probably older than Kwanzaa, Governor.
The original African faith, among those practiced in the world today, is Christianity. So Merry Christmas, dummy...
..[B]lack nationalist Maulana Karenga unveiled Kwanzaa in 1966 to fill the gaps where the U.S. had failed African Americans.
“Unveiled,” of course, amounts to a clever euphemism for “invented.”
Four years after “unveiling” Kwanzaa, Karenga unveiled his dark and sadistic side.
Griffin wrote:
Though he denied the allegations, in 1970 he and three other members of the US Organization, a black nationalist group based in Los Angeles, imprisoned and assaulted two female members.
Trial testimony revealed that the women had been whipped with cords, beaten with batons, and seared with irons—while naked—in an effort to elicit confessions that they were conspiring against him.
Karenga subsequently spent several years in prison.January 1, 2025 at 2:05 pm #178204Oroboros
ParticipantAnother Truism to guide our collective paths forward in the Brave New World we have devised for ourselves
January 1, 2025 at 2:09 pm #178205Oroboros
ParticipantInfrastructure is Job One in the New Year
Keeping our eyes on the Prize
.January 1, 2025 at 2:10 pm #178206Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 1, 2025 at 2:16 pm #178207Oroboros
ParticipantAnd let’s not forget ‘Make Duh’merica Healthy Again’
The ‘Food” Industrial Complex needs to sell the Big Lie about seeds oil that are in 99%+ of Duh’merican ‘food’.
January 1, 2025 at 2:22 pm #178208Oroboros
ParticipantAnd on the Debt Front, going from 2 trillion in debt to 32 trillion in four years, all I can say is, “Impressive”
Well Played, I tip my hat to y’all!
But little Suzy is penciling out the ‘budget’ numbers and it’s just a long Trail of Tears for the Future of Duh’merica.
Even a four year old can see it……January 1, 2025 at 2:22 pm #178209Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 1, 2025 at 2:42 pm #178210tboc
Participant“All hell is gonna break out” if the hostages aren’t released by January 20th. – DJT
The Man Who Would Be King – KiplingJanuary 1, 2025 at 2:48 pm #178211Oroboros
ParticipantRarely discussed on TAE, not ‘important” enough subject I guess
January 1, 2025 at 3:01 pm #178212Oroboros
ParticipantThe Devil Made Me Do It
US Capitol Dome Struck by Lightening New Years EveJanuary 1, 2025 at 3:04 pm #178213Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 1, 2025 at 3:07 pm #178214Oroboros
ParticipantGovernment Emergency All Points Bulletin!
Be on the lookout!
January 1, 2025 at 3:11 pm #178215zerosum
ParticipantYesterday is gone.
Ukraine stopped the flow of gas.
Stop your wars/, stop your depopulation efforts, stop your killing, stop your destructions.
Make peace.Ukraine halts transit of Russian gas to Europe after a prewar deal expired
2 hours agoA decades-long arrangement allowing Russian gas to flow to EU states via Ukraine has ended after a five-year deal expired.
Ain’t seen nothing yet.
• Fuel Prices in Europe Surge Amid Looming End to Russian Gas Transit (Sp.) response to Kiev’s decision to stop the gas transit, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico threatened last week to cut electricity supplies to Ukraine.
In response Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the finality of the situation during his annual press conference on December 19, stating, “This transit contract will not exist anymore, it’s clear. But we will manage; Gazprom will manage.”
In response Breakaway Moldovan region cuts heating and hot water after Russia stops gas flow
In response No problem. EU has gas storage.
January 1, 2025 at 3:14 pm #178216Oroboros
ParticipantMany here on TAE think AI isn’t good for much
January 1, 2025 at 3:39 pm #178217kultsommer
ParticipantMake songs by the truckloads that titillate Trump’s ego and with that corner him into doing the right thing.
Gaza is already a Hell, so I am curious what will be his move in “All hell is gonna break out!” ???
January 1, 2025 at 3:46 pm #178218D Benton Smith
ParticipantAnyone who has dabbled much with the current “state of the art” so-called Artificial Intelligence (and I use the term loosely) is aware of AI’s propensity for error, including the existentially dangerous propensity for being unaware of it’s own mistakes (which could be life threatening to our species if AI was granted or claimed both agency and authority.)
This threat to human life is aside from and in addition to the idiotically suicidal notion that humankind should invest all of it’s material and spiritual resources into a project which any fully rational persons KNOWS cannot be fully accomplished to the extent that it’s delusional proponents claim (despite copious evidence to the contrary).
Let’s put that genie back into its appropriately sized and stoppered bottle before it kills us all six ways from Sunday in a predictably grisly and humiliatingly ludicrous fashion.
January 1, 2025 at 3:48 pm #178219D Benton Smith
Make songs by the truckloads that titillate Trump’s ego and with that corner him into doing the right thing.
Good idea.
January 1, 2025 at 4:00 pm #178220D Benton Smith
ParticipantReality is going to continue to be perfectly fine and 100% operational. Humanity on the other hand, might be in for a rough ride until they get it out of their thick skulls that intelligence is something that can be manufactured artificially.
January 1, 2025 at 4:08 pm #178225tboc
ParticipantNew Year!
Hope you have one.January 1, 2025 at 4:36 pm #178226Noirette
ParticipantFollowing on w. LUX LIVing, here is the entrance to the Trump NY Ball at Mar a Lago. 16 mins. Filmed at one entrance, Forbes.
The sometimes scratchy music is not overlaid – it is a quartet (or quintet?) playing at that entrance, welcoming the Guests. Later there is an OOmphaa! orch. playing behind Trump.
At 11:58 Trump and Melania walk forward, filmed at that one entrance. Trump is asked something and burbles about a Great Nation Once Again. Melania pretends to be fascinated. Oh man. Trump repeats some ‘tropes’ – ppl not supposed to be in our country, etc.
January 1, 2025 at 4:57 pm #178227Oroboros
ParticipantGoodbye 2024
Hell-0 2025
Let us see if the black guy gets the same treatment as Epstein
January 1, 2025 at 5:05 pm #178228Oroboros
ParticipantLarry Johnson puts Carter into context
“The death of former President Jimmy Carter at the age of 100, does not mark the end of an era.
Actually, his death is an exclamation point for the disastrous US foreign policy of the last 45 years, especially with respect to the threat from Islamic extremism and the troubled relations with Russia.
Jimmy Carter’s reign set the stage for much of the current unrest and turmoil in west Asia and Ukraine.
While it is true that Mr. Carter worked diligently after leaving Washington, DC to burnish his image as a humanitarian, his policies towards Russia and Iran became festering sores on the American political body that linger, still suppurating, until today…..”
January 1, 2025 at 5:24 pm #178229phoenixvoice
Anyone who has dabbled much with the current “state of the art” so-called Artificial Intelligence (and I use the term loosely) is aware of AI’s propensity for error, including the existentially dangerous propensity for being unaware of it’s own mistakesWhen you think about it, AI’s training to “think” is based on human language. No wonder it makes mistakes — big ones — and is unaware. Humans do that while speaking/writing all of the time.
January 1, 2025 at 5:36 pm #178230Oroboros
ParticipantMore from Andrei Martyanov
More context about Carter and who pulled his ‘strings’
Not gonna sugar coat Carter
“Brzezinski stands here as a special figure not just because of his fanatical Russophobia, but because of his very prominent position as a foreign policy adviser to the Obama Administration and later, before his death, to Joe Biden and, in general, to the Democratic Party establishment going back to the times of Lyndon Johnson.[Brzezinski was a] professional political scientist, who distinguished himself as a National Security Adviser in the Carter Administration
[Brzezinski really was a Polack fuckwad who manipulated Carter to the detriment of the country and it’s future]
“Brzezinski wanted Poland to be “free”, and in pursuing this objective, as is expected from most “political scientists” and consistently low intelligence US National Security Advisers, he laid the bomb under America’s future, including by manipulating an intellectually mediocre POTUS such as late Carter into insane foreign policy.”
January 1, 2025 at 5:47 pm #178231Oroboros
Kurakhovo Has Fallen: On the Last Day of the YearRussian Forces Conquer Key Donetsk Logistics Hub With the Last Ukrainian Coking Coal Plant
On the last day of December, the Russian 5th brigade raised their flag over the Kurakhovo industrial zone, last bastion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
Kurakhovo was the lynchpin of Ukrainian defenses in the region, and its fall opens the way for the Russian troops to Pokrovsk, a key logistical hub for Kiev.
The loss of Kurakhovo hurts Kiev from the economic standpoint as well, since the local coal mining area was the only place under Ukrainian control where coking coal was still being produced.
The loss of the coal plant kneecaps Ukraine’s steel production, and therefore its military industries.
Kurakhovo, besides being a key logistics hub, was the last Ukrainian position for firing artillery shells towards Donetsk city.
The 10-year siege against the breakaway regional capital is over.January 1, 2025 at 5:49 pm #178232kultsommer
ParticipantTrump NY Ball at Mar a Lago video.
That eyesore seam separating pastiche halves of badly proportioned and designed “grand column”.
All from the one who should be able to afford top notch labor and materials for his own residence and calls himself is a builder.January 1, 2025 at 5:51 pm #178233Oroboros
I like it, good titleJanuary 1, 2025 at 6:03 pm #178234Oroboros
ParticipantThe last time 10 stocks accounted for 38% was 1929.
History rhyme’n there….
The Empire of Lies ‘eConomy’ is toast.
The longer it takes to collapse, the more Trump will “own it”
So Trump might as well collapse it sooner so it still looks like Pedo Jo-jo baby
Thumbing your “Third-Eye” at the problem.
January 1, 2025 at 6:37 pm #178235kultsommer
Participant“Currency” for the people who want to become rich without a second thought as who is supposed to put some serious real work to produce an actual tangible back-up for their newfound wealth.
January 1, 2025 at 7:03 pm #178236Dr. D
ParticipantFair enough, but they paid for electricity, didn’t they? That’s better than the Treasury.
They’re solving an actual real problem of fraud and transparency with lower prices.
That’s better than the Fed.
Like I’ve always said, Crypto will rise so long as banks and governments are lying and stealing. It will stop the minute they don’t.
Buy Buy Buy,
January 1, 2025 at 7:06 pm #178237kultsommer
ParticipantYoung attractive woman disembarks from the Grayhound in some *small town* where police car turn into slow roll while passing by and when is hard to describe as who is creepier hotel clerk or the guy in the nearby liquor store where she got the “obligatory” water bottles. After a few minutes of getting herself together in the hotel room she undresses in the most skimpy shorts and tank-top and steps out for her regular jogging routine with her pony tail hair, dumbly, bobbing up and down…..
This one is no different, regardless of her outfit being something else, I am not referring to a potential danger but to
rather that nauseating sense of self-rightness where it, absolutely, does not belong: 1, 2025 at 7:18 pm #178238D Benton Smith
ParticipantWhen you think about it, AI’s training to “think” is based on human language. No wonder it makes mistakes — big ones — and is unaware. Humans do that while speaking/writing all of the time.”
That’s a very good point, and a new one, too. Good food for careful thought because these AI’s are, as you just pointed out, “Large Language Models:”. GIGO, as the old saying goes (Garbage In Garbage Out).
January 1, 2025 at 7:23 pm #178239Oroboros
ParticipantDifferent Strokes for Different Folks
January 1, 2025 at 7:37 pm #178240Michael Reid
ParticipantJanuary 1, 2025 at 8:30 pm #178242Oroboros
ParticipantAI and Drones
Cause People just aren’t smart enough to manage stuff.
“The global drone market is projected to reach $55.8 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9% from 2021 to 2030”.Artificial Intelligence (AI) has redefined the capabilities of drones, turning them into advanced tools for solving complex challenges across industries.
AI-Powered Smart Drones enhances functionalities like autonomous navigation, data analysis, and decision-making, making them invaluable in fields ranging from agriculture to disaster management and defense.
How AI Makes Drones Smarter
1. Autonomous Navigation and Flight Control
2. Advanced Data Processing and Analysis
3. Precision Mapping and Targeting
4. Enhanced Surveillance and Security
5. Swarm IntelligenceTechnical Innovations Driving AI in Drones
1. Machine Learning Algorithms
2. Computer Vision
3. Edge Computing
4. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
5. Sensor FusionReal-World Applications of AI in Drones
1. Agriculture
2. Logistics and Delivery
3. Construction and Infrastructure
4. Environmental Conservation
5. Disaster Management
6. Defense and SecurityHow AI Makes Drones Smarter
1. Autonomous Navigation and Flight Control
Example: Delivery companies, like Amazon, use AI drones to navigate urban environments, avoiding buildings and other obstacles during package deliveries.
2. Advanced Data Processing and Analysis
Example: In construction, drones equipped with AI scan sites for safety hazards, generating reports in real time to prevent accidents.
3. Precision Mapping and Targeting
Example:. Post-natural disasters, drones use AI to map affected areas, helping rescue teams locate survivors and assess damages efficiently.
4. Enhanced Surveillance and Security
Example:. AI drones deployed along national borders identify unauthorized crossings and alert authorities for prompt action.
5. Swarm Intelligence
Example: During forest fire emergencies, swarms of AI drones identify fire boundaries, assess damages, and guide firefighting teams to critical areas.
Real-World Applications of AI in Drones
1. Agriculture
AI drones monitor crop health, detect pests, and ensure efficient irrigation.
Farmers report 30% higher yields using AI-enabled precision agriculture techniques.2. Logistics and Delivery
Drones automate deliveries, especially in hard-to-reach locations.
AI calculates optimal routes and delivery schedules, reducing fuel and time.3. Construction and Infrastructure
Drones inspect sites, monitor progress, and detect structural issues.
Real-time insights improve safety and reduce project delays.4. Environmental Conservation
AI-powered drones monitor wildlife populations, track migration, and combat illegal activities like poaching.
5. Disaster Management
Drones equipped with AI assess damages, locate survivors, and deliver medical supplies during natural disasters.
6. Defense and Security
AI in drones enhances surveillance, reconnaissance, and threat neutralization with minimal human oversight.
Hold On, I’m Comin
January 1, 2025 at 8:45 pm #178243Dr. D
ParticipantWow, this says everything I was trying to say, and has better charts and data.
Must read, H1B Visas:
Why Do They Want To Replace You? Control, Oh, And To Increase This Quarter’s Profits
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