Debt Rattle January 17 2025
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- This topic has 94 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks, 2 days ago by
D Benton Smith.
January 17, 2025 at 4:59 pm #179607
Participant@D Benton Smith
I recently found some old receipts from a house I built pretty much single handed. Took me 6 months
I used 550lbs (11x50lb boxes) of 16P nails nails and I found the wooden handed hammer I used.
I’m going to put that old hammer in a shadow-box and “frame it” with a citation “Old Faithful” and hang it on the wall as a reminder to myself what old old fashion labor was.
January 17, 2025 at 4:59 pm #179608my parents said know
ParticipantI like Makis. Here’s an interview with him presented by rense.
January 17, 2025 at 5:01 pm #179609Oroboros
ParticipantMore old fashion labor repurposing
January 17, 2025 at 5:06 pm #179610jb-hb
Participantoroboros – THANK you for a sane, reality-based reply
Yeah, it’s a legal-regulatory web for trapping flies (people) like the pharma industry. A cure is not the goal.
January 17, 2025 at 5:08 pm #179611D Benton Smith
ParticipantRegarding the photo in the Facebook fact checker meme. The only upside to permitting that kind of behavior in broad daylight public is that it encourages the insane to come out of the woodwork and then we can see who they are and where they were hiding.
January 17, 2025 at 5:12 pm #179612those darned kids
Participant“The only upside to permitting that kind of behavior in broad daylight public is that it encourages the insane to come out of the woodwork and then we can see who they are and where they were hiding.”
i thought that’s why we had elections..
January 17, 2025 at 5:14 pm #179613D Benton Smith
Participanti thought that’s why we had elections..
Oh, man. That’s a classic. Thanks for the first real belly laugh of the week.
January 17, 2025 at 5:32 pm #179614those darned kids
comment from the youtube: “I was 37 weeks pregnant, baby was breach , I’d heard a heavy bass line could get a baby to turn – we put this on with the bass turned all the way up and my baby turned. Its was like an EARTHQUAKE. He was born the next week – 10 lbs. THANK YOU BOOTSY!!!!-”
January 17, 2025 at 5:41 pm #179615Oroboros
ParticipantCryin’ in my beer over the Slings & Arrows of Outrageous Fortune
January 17, 2025 at 5:44 pm #179616D Benton Smith
Participantregarding the afore-posted photo meme of the windmill blade graveyard. Can you imagine what the future archeologists will think when they excavate the site a few thousand years from now? Given that none of it makes any sense whatsoever now, in the present, then what kind of wild theories will they come up with in trying to explain the artifacts, in situ, when the those archeologists of the future have no other information about why the objects were ritually interred in the first place.
It’s going to drive them CRAZY (not that an academic archeologist isn’t more than a little bit nuts already).
January 17, 2025 at 5:53 pm #179617kultsommer
ParticipantEven obvious that is becoming out of reach for many, most of Americans rather love to purchase their home instead getting themselves involved in building one. They all love their white picketed paradise and nobody, as far as I know, complained and wanted to be something else – like “barn” or Buck’s geo-dome that are more suitable for lonely large plot of land and owner with adventurous spirit and time at hand.
Wood framed structure is easy and cheep to build – the very reason that it was invented and implemented in the XIX century. Feather light boards, instead of much heavier timber as in Europe, made an adult with mediocre skills and teenager without attitude capable of building basic shelter while advancing slowly to the West. Cheap and easy is often opposite to quality.
Yes… vast majority of Americans do live in housing tracts with their home close to adjacent neighbor’s (5’+ 5′ side yard each, bit tighter at the coastal properties). If you want to call it a communism so be it – you are out of control anyway.
For the n-th time: me stating the characteristics of diametrically opposite social contracts of a two systems does not make me pro or against the other.January 17, 2025 at 6:19 pm #179618Oroboros
ParticipantOne more observation on sustainable building materials
All masonry products, tiles bricks, cinderblocks and especially cement are very energy intense.
If I gave you some hand tools, a sledge hammer, a pick & axe, some buckets and a jury-rigged mini blast/bellows furnace, you could make a small bag of cement if you worked at it all day.
Just find a sandstone deposit, dig some out with the pick axe, break it into tiny pieces with the sledge and then cooked it with a bellows mini furnace, you’d have yourself some hand made cement.
The quality of the cement varies with the quality of the sandstone plus a few trace elements.
You little mini blast furnace, in your backyard, needs to be heated up to 1450°C (2642°F) degrees to make cement.
Basically, a cement kiln can melt steel, that quite hot to due ina backyard rig.
Take A LOT of energy.
So masonry products, tiles bricks, cinder blocks and especially cement are enormus amount of energy costs upfront, and then they last for centuries.
The Parthenon in Rome was a poured cement dome, dedicated around c. AD 126.
Two thousand year old cement still going strong. Ah, those Romans were clever.
So the Lumber industrial Complex doesn’t want durablity, they want continued sales.
Masonry cost more up front, is very heavy and needs energy to move it around (more oil) but lasts centuries if properly made and poured.
Duh’merica never thinks in the Long Run.
It’s a country based on the attention span of a gerbil and a quarterly profit review, that’s it.
Eurotardistan and many other parts of the world use masonry.
The Empire of Lies doesn’t for new residential housing
I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down….
January 17, 2025 at 6:27 pm #179619jb-hb
Participant“For the n-th time: me stating the characteristics of diametrically opposite social contracts of a two systems does not make me pro or against the other.”
oh, and so when you scolded phoenixvoice that people who like communism need to join you in the fight, you were just being impartial, evenhanded, agnostic. Just like you admonish people you know to be capitalists to join in the fight going the other way. Or did you?
And you jump in all the time – “Being anti-communist is CRAZY” just like you jump in all the time – “Being anti-capitalist is CRAZY” That’s you, Kultsommer? To a T?
Look, Id’ LIKE to have a discussion, but we cannot have a discussion until you’re willing to have a discussion and stop being Pragmatic™. Until you decide you want civil society and put down your weapons, it’s this. I’d rather it not be. Every exchange does not HAVE to be in bad faith.
The reason you see domes in rural areas is because HOA’s and multiple layers of government won’t let you build the dome. Only where there’s less government do they get built, for the most part. You would think from your implication, domes become somehow less-functional if taken out of rural areas or more expensive when they’re the most efficient use of materials vs volume. By magic I suppose.
Your last post, you tried to re-position me as unempathetic anti community guy while you argued against simple measures that would help a community.
This time you try to re-frame as me being “out of control” while you have a sober appreciation for the history of stick frame construction? Still just trying to argue through no substance, feelz, word-evocation.
You don’t seem to have a POINT, other than attempts to deflate and devalue while dancing around points of the compass. Who are you from post to post?
Here I am no TAE, a peak-oil website, at its roots. I THOUGHT that I was amongst long time peak oilers, that if we disagreed about other things but at least we had that as a shared culture. But we don’t. Who are you, where did you come from then, why are you here?
The most basic peak-oil stuff that Kunstler has talked about for years. When the petrochemical based civilization can no longer support 12,000 mile salads, it can no longer support the fancy intricate top-down managerial systems — power will have to devolve down locally, with people using their own passively energy efficient solutions.
haha yet classic peak oil 101 discussion stirred up a great hornet’s nest for a couple people here — got you extremely agitated.
What was it?
Communists will “point out” the problems of corp-gov-ngo fused bureaucracy, top-down manegerialsm. If someone complains about it, they’ll give a “har-har, how you like your Captalism™ now?” ….knowing it isn’t capitalism.
What got you going? The notion of the corp-gov-ngo backing off and individuals doing their own solutions.
marxists might point out the problems of corp-gov-ngo fusion, but they never want Theodore Roosevelt style breaking up the trusts, deregulation, stuff like that.
This is because – out loud and in print for over a centuries – Marxists have said they are NOT anti-oppression. They WANT oppression, they just think THEY should be the ones managing it and that the oppression should be re-distributed. BREAKING the oppression machine is anti-communist. Don’t break that thing we want to take over and skinsuit.
They don’t want to tear it down, they COVET it. That’s why tearing it down, even as an idea, got this barfight started.
It is particularly dumb of communists because it’s just like a major sports team fan. WE won. The team is a symbolic totem, a symbolic self-insert while the sports fan did not win anything. The communist gets to sit in their corner and eat their crust of bread, speaking in hushed tones so the snitch next door cannot hear them through the purposely paper-thin walls. Maybe the snitch decides they don’t like your face today and makes something up despite your caution and off to the gulag with you. But it would be “winnning”
That’s because socialism is the opiate of the masses.
January 17, 2025 at 6:47 pm #179620Oroboros
ParticipantThe Fine Art in Web Interface Design
Not everyone has the gift
The Code WhisperJanuary 17, 2025 at 6:49 pm #179621Oroboros
ParticipantJanuary 17, 2025 at 6:51 pm #179622Oroboros
ParticipantWhen working within the Capitalist Paradigm branding is everything…
January 17, 2025 at 6:58 pm #179623kultsommer
ParticipantFor God sake man, concentrate on your work or career.
You are a basket case of misplaced priorities.January 17, 2025 at 7:11 pm #179624D Benton Smith
ParticipantI am not “piling on” in correcting you, but as neutrally as possible I want to point out that you are not understanding the message that Oroboros’ is conveying with his meme postings such as the “Naughty Cat”. That particular photo/text meme is both a social commentary on the state of public moral standards, and also on the moral state of persons who are both so stupid and so immoral (at once) that the vendor (who is in much the same condition but not QUITE as stupid as his customer base) that he actually had to put up a friggin’ hand written SIGN by the door to prevent strip club patrons from walking into his café to lasciviously oogle the waitresses and freak out the customers.
It’s hilarious and it is both pertinent and relevant to what we’ve been discussing recently on TAE.
January 17, 2025 at 7:13 pm #179625my parents said know
ParticipantI wonder if you could plug the ends of some of those interred windmill arms and make a catamaran out of ’em.
A really big one. : )January 17, 2025 at 7:42 pm #179633D Benton Smith
ParticipantThat catamaran would be one big boat, and probably pretty strong, too.
January 17, 2025 at 7:52 pm #179634poppie
ParticipantNewsoms creepy dance. Could be a lot of things. Maybe grandma isnt going to give him money for drugs so he needs a better lie on the spot. Free form narrative development dance.
Things to watch in LA. If you walk away from mortgage and tax, your credit will recover. I have seen some photos of houses that didnt burn. That will get in the way wont it.
Germ. thx.January 17, 2025 at 8:06 pm #179635D Benton Smith
ParticipantImagine being in Trump’s position for the upcoming inauguration. Having just survived TWO extremely blatant and serious assassination attempts he must stand still in full view of thousands people for many long minutes WITH HIS SECURITY DEPENDENT ON PEOPLE WHO WERE INVOLVED WITH (or possibly ordered) THE FIRST TWO ASSINATION ATTEMPTS.
The job of providing REAL security must be an F-ing nightmare, bordering on impossible.
January 17, 2025 at 8:21 pm #179636zerosum
ParticipantProblem # 1
Lenders are calling in their loans.
Canada is +$40 Billions over budget.
USA is +$40Trillion over budget and growing.
Trump cannot raise taxes.
Therefore, the solution is to make the sheep pay a cross-boarder tariff/tax.
(Overwhelming loud cheer from the lenders.
Problem solved)January 17, 2025 at 8:23 pm #179637my parents said know
ParticipantWe watched a train go by loaded with some of those blades. Someone (I just discovered) took a video of it that’s on utube.
January 17, 2025 at 8:23 pm #179638zerosum
ParticipantUpcoming inauguration has been moved indoor.
January 17, 2025 at 8:27 pm #179639zerosum
ParticipantTrue about TicToc forced sale.
To get control of narrative/propaganda by not letting USA teen know what teens in Chinna are saying and doing.January 17, 2025 at 8:37 pm #179640kultsommer
ParticipantWow, that’s presumptuous of you!
Oddly, I immediately did grasp the photo/text meme, but if you find a connection to JB’s ramblings it is lame. I am not even trying to.
My recent posts were the result of me being confused by the promotion of “dirt cheap frugality”, apparently on the massive scale, that, somehow, should, at the same time, find it’s place within, I assume, advanced capitalist economy.
What, then, happens to job-creator entrepreneurs, investors, prosperity, growth that made millions from the former soc countries to flock upon the USA being tired of “dirt cheap frugality”?January 17, 2025 at 8:47 pm #179641D Benton Smith
ParticipantTariffs, of course just cause the retail price to jump by AT LEAST the amount necessary to cover the tariff fee, and usually quite a bit more to cover the administrative costs of enforcements, bribes, kick-backs and straight up embezzlement.
“The buyer pays for all”, and guess who that is?
January 17, 2025 at 8:53 pm #179642my parents said know
ParticipantErik P. probably knows a few trustworthy, loyal, accurate, sharp security he’d let Trump use.
And it might be just enough to keep the authorized “protection” from trying any funny stuff.
Wunderground says it will be 24, mostly sunny, and breezy (14mph wnw) in DC on Monday at noon.January 17, 2025 at 8:54 pm #179643D Benton Smith
ParticipantPresumptuous? Really? Why, for me to be presumptuous towards you means that you have already presumptively arrogated to yourself some undefined superiority to me in some way. I’ll leave to others to figure out what kind of superiority that might be. Maybe just the ordinary empty-snob kind of superiority affected by so many empty snobs.
Ah, well. That’s the thanks I get for trying to help you not make an ass of yourself. I could have saved myself the effort because you’re doing a great job of making an ass of yourself all BY yourself.
January 17, 2025 at 8:55 pm #179644Dr D Rich
ParticipantJonathan Turley channeling his inner D, Hegs, Tuls, Rit and Vive. (Did I leave anyone out more undeserving?)
When we take on a client, we are closely identified with their interests and their case. That creates a deep professional obligation not to use that relationship for our own benefit against the interests of our client. Thus, a lawyer cannot sever an unpopular criminal defendant by denouncing him as morally reprehensible.
As lawyers, we often take a series of steps to protect the interests of our clients when it becomes necessary to sever or end representation. The dropping of a client can have a damaging impact on the reputation or standing of a client. That is why it was surprising to see Mark Lemley, a Stanford law professor publicly denounce Mark Zuckerberg as part of social media tirade. It is a deeply concerning lesson for students at a law school already rocked by prior controversies over intolerance for opposing viewpoints
Yeah I bet they , him, JT struggle much like Elongated Musk struggles with acquisitiveness and selfishness and hoarding greenbacks….not.
The operant phrase is when it becomes necessary to sever or end representation.
Ya see, when some Folk start speaking in pronouns without ever producing the proper noun referenced by it, they, she, him, her, you then ya know they’re doing their damn best to Speak in Tongues or its equivalents. Notice no apostrophe. Kinda like D on a good day.
My attorney found it too as it turns never explaining it or providing a referral “when it became becomes necessary to sever or end representation”…………..wait…….wait……wait…
wait…….wait…..wait for it……….AFTER HE WE US ME PREVAILED AT THE BIIA AND THE SUPERIOR COURT.That’s right.
I told this dismal little shit synagogue worshippers that we would win and opposing counsel has a good chance of going to jail for putting forth two hearsay witnesses who fabricated testimony and spoliated physical evidence
My attorney won in court and on appeal because he had a superb client, an interesting case, and he gets to place the feather in his cap. And the little fucker quit and as opposing counsel noted, “even his attorney abandoned his case”.So why quit?
A. Managing partner doesn’t like an unreformed Catholic winning
B. He only worked 20 hours on my case over 3 years which included 3 days in court totaling 16 of those 20 hours (virtually defines inept representation still his victory)
C. He’s afraid UW MEDICINE won’t ever again provide healthcare to him, his family and law firm
D. Projection of the inner object state
E. He believed one of their expert witness Steph Smith who felt I wasn’t an Ophthalmologist becoz her husband is supposedly an Ophthalmologist AND she labeled me a NeoNazi Skinhead for shaving my scalp. Sorry never did but Steph is an expert 23 years younger than me….expert
F. My attorney’s personal rabbi and fellow parishioners pressured him to jettison his client immediately after getting paid.
G. My attorney is a psychopath that not only reverse Victim and Offender but also invert Winner and Loser.There it is, an expression of:
Bateson’s Double Bind Theory of PsychosisJanuary 17, 2025 at 9:01 pm #179645my parents said know
ParticipantI wonder if my catamaran would go ’round in circles? I doubt I could bookmatch the blades.
24F, that is. 1.5 inches of snow are predicted for Sunday, and will probably turn from slush to ice.
Is indoors better?
January 17, 2025 at 9:11 pm #179646D Benton Smith
Yeah, no way to book match the blade curvature, regardless of orientation the “direction” of the curve is baked into the spiral. Such a boat reminds of a childhood friend who bought a half-trained barrel racing pony that could only turn left.
January 17, 2025 at 9:19 pm #179647D Benton Smith
There it is, an expression of:
Bateson’s Double Bind Theory of Psychosis “Yeah, and to think that two entire generations (in America at least) have been raised under the incredible pathogenic stressor of being told one thing (by parents) and being SHOWN the exact opposite in the behavior of those same parents. Indoctrinate the kid to be fair and truthful, then punish them severely for being either one. If that won’t drive the kids crazy then nothing will.
January 17, 2025 at 9:38 pm #179648kultsommer
ParticipantWhy so edgy?
If I pick any random post by anybody on this site and, out of blue and not even related to your posts, claim that you do not understand it – that is referred to as presumptuous (I had to check the dict one more time).Time for Bob D’s: How does it feel….
January 17, 2025 at 9:49 pm #179649kultsommer
ParticipantLegendary David Lynch has died.
R I PJanuary 17, 2025 at 10:30 pm #179650D Benton Smith
ParticipantNice side step, but you’re not fooling anyone. Luckily for you nobody really cares about it. Most of it is so referentially obscure that it’s indecipherable anyway. I don’t care that much either, but I must confess that I DO enjoy needling bullies who diss my friends.
January 17, 2025 at 10:34 pm #179651John Day
ParticipantThanks Germ. I’ll read that. Got to get back to yard mowing. It’s gonna get cold this weekend.
@Noirette: I like how Alex Krainer thinks. He’s smart, experienced in the world and modest/thoughtful.January 17, 2025 at 10:45 pm #179652kultsommer
ParticipantThank you Professor DBS.
Now back to posting and preaching in your signature style: “Boys and girls this is how the things are….bla…bla..bla”January 17, 2025 at 10:47 pm #179653D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt’s a deal. I am retreating to my neutral corner.
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