Debt Rattle January 19 2021


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    Claude Monet The house at Yerres 1876   • The Zeitgeist Wants What the Zeitgeist Wants (Kustler) • Can Joe Biden Succeed Where Barack Obama Faile
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 19 2021]

    V. Arnold

    Claude Monet The house at Yerres 1876

    Wowee zowee!!! I love it; simply gorgeous…

    The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.
    – Julian Assange

    Bingo! 100% correct…
    Hey Trump; pardon/free Assange, goddamnit !!!!

    V. Arnold

    Addendum re: pardon Assange…
    It will be the greatest thing you (Trump) ever did, in your whole, wasted, life…


    Its not a lie. Its virtual. Therefore, don’t worry about the cost.

    The Zeitgeist Wants What the Zeitgeist Wants

    1. The actual location of the inaugural event remains a mystery, or even if it will be an event, maybe just a pre-recorded video concoction of Mr. Biden’s greatest hits of 2020.
    2. First up, the Dems promise, will be an executive order granting amnesty to an estimated 11-million illegal immigrants,
    3. the rules for claiming asylum. That will surely be welcome news to the millions of Americans whose jobs, livelihoods, and businesses have been destroyed by Covid-19 lockdowns.
    4. …. information at hand. Does the president have it or not? Something is going to drop in the hours ahead. Will it be consequential? Will it correct anything that’s gone wrong? Or will it just drive the country closer to civil war?
    the Biden plan …. is not a budget …. is a virtual wish list …. is a ton of pork
    Its all virtual, including money, including value

    traders awaited a speech by Treasury Secretary nominee Janet Yellen in which she’s expected to call for expansive government action to bolster the U.S. economy.
    (Print more)
    More virtuality
    Hillary Clinton Wonders if Trump Spoke to Putin on Day of Capitol Riot: ‘I Would Love to See His Phone Records’
    Its only virtual. Its irrelevant. Ask Canada and Iran.
    (Only one president at a time. Trump was not a real president)
    Biden and the boys, can speak to any foreign power before he is sworn in as president.
    Biden is a virtual president.)

    USA shot itself in its virtual foot
    …. A virtual revolt

    “The role of the press is to keep powerful officials accountable to the electorate. The one journalist who has achieved this above all in recent years is the Australian Julian Assange. He is languishing in a British prison for exposing the powerful in the interests of the people. It is within your power to set him free. Please pardon him, Mr. President.”

    Dr. D

    China Imports Of Corn, Wheat Hit Record High Amid Soaring Food Prices

    If they don’t capture America as colony, they die. DNI just said they captured the election. Any questions?

    The Left-Right thing written in several of those articles is just false. Biden is putting in corporatists and NeoCons. The Progressives are getting shafted. But neither is he compromising with “Republicans”, or uniting with 80Million citizens, as widely-applauded 2nd Impeachment shows.

    How does this all work? Because there’s no Left, Right, “Far-Right” (there is no “right” there is only “Far-right”) or Progressives, (as AOC just proved with rejecting M4A and embracing Pelosi) There are insiders and outsiders. Insiders AT the pig trough, and people bled white filling the pig trough FOR them. With the blood and hours of their lives. There are Populists and Establishment. Populists believe in “Democracy”, and Establishments do not. Etc. These lines are similar to the former ones but different enough that if you use the old vocabulary nothing you say from that point will make any sense.

    …As all on purpose. Because their job is to PREVENT the news, not report it. You don’t own a paper to make money, as the animation shows, nobody cares about that, you own a paper to SELL FAVORS, that’s your income, to trade influence, promote some pals, extort others into line, because CNN and all have proven there is no money whatsoever in News. So if they “lose money” every year for 20 years, can you tell me why they keep pouring money in? Because, duh, they’re not “losing money”, they are laundering it. Money goes out on CNN, NYT, WaPo’s etc bottom line, stock price, while the owners of CNN, NYT, GET money in backroom payoffs, insider trading influence peddling for government contracts. Like Amazon/CIA totally unsecure mega-billion server deal and WaPo. In the exact matching amounts? For reals?

    They report to STOP the news and the baffle the people to keep away from knowing what’s really going on. Because knowledge is power, so we need to remove and pollute your knowledge so you keep not having any strategy and power.

    Speaking of news destroying knowledge with lies, “insurgents invaded our Capitol”

    Shows what they think of us. “Insurgent” has meaning. Not a very clear one, like their new favorite “stormed” which has no meaning at all, but some meaning.

    How do you “Invade” your own country? The citizens of the country “invaded” the Capitol? By visiting it? How does that work? Are we not allowed there? An “insurgent” intends to overthrow the government by non-procedural means. But the “government” here is established by contract law in the Constitution. How do people who were following the Constitution and law, asking questions, following free assembly, free speech, constitute an attempt to overthrow the law they are supporting and following?

    One wit put it better:

    “Wait. So white supremacists stormed the capitol to overthrow the white supremacist government but were stopped by the white supremacist police and are now being tracked down by the white supremacist FBI?

    Either I’m confused or y’all story don’t add up.”

    So they, the “Insurgents” “Stormed” the capitol in a “violent Coup attempt” with selfie sticks, weren’t armed, had no plan, were not coordinating with any other group, government, military, or other, wandered off bored without even being opposed, in order to overthrow…themselves and their own President?


    Yet this is reported every day. Using this rhetoric that by definition is inaccurate and transparently, patently false, by their sympathizers as well as by opponents. ‘I feared for my life” – AOC. From a fellow congresswoman she was bunkered with, actually, not the crowd; as apparently in the delusional fantasyland Democrats live in all Republicans are armed, all are white supremacists, and all kill…I dunno, anyone? Everyone? Congresspeople? They can find. …And the fact that this never, ever happens, that net GOP rednecks have overwhelming arms for +100 and no gays, no blue or brown people are killed, year after year, lifetime after lifetime, never computes for a second to question ego and say, “Huh. Maybe this can’t logically be true.” “Maybe if they wanted this, in 100 years they would have done…something. Anything. Ever.” Maybe all the blue and brown people are getting killed overwhelmingly, almost exclusively, in BLUE CITIES: Baltimore, D.C., Chicago, L.A., N.Y., N.J., Detroit.

    N O P E . It’s a Congresswoman she’s sitting across from the AOC feels should be shot. I mean: she feared for her life, right? Isn’t that the standard? She had the feelz, so let’s get to shootin’.

    I’m sure there must be one, but you’re right: It seems there is no cure. 100 years of peace, 100 years of proof, even the actual event, right before their eyes, make no impression on the hall of mirrors and reflection, projection, called the Ego. What can I point at when you can’t see anything but your own mind?

    “Congress needs to establish an investigative body like the 9/11 Commission to determine Trump’s ties to Putin so we can repair the damage to our national security and prevent a puppet from occupying the presidency ever again.”

    I know you’re senile, miss, but we already did this. It was called the Mueller Report.

    But I’m in favor. We start today with the President. Right now! We’ll calling “Hunter Season: Special Investigation into the Biden Occupation.” Target: $1 Billion and counting. Catchy, right?

    But what did I say above? All words are mirrors, projections. There is no level of hypocrisy or illogic that can break the glass of illusion and return sight. That is to say: I, Ego, am infinite good and all I do it right and sensible, and YOU, any restraint on Ego, however small or meaningless, are pure Evil, and must be utterly destroyed, animal, vegetable, and mineral, until you are not even remembered and cease to exist altogether in the feelings of Ego.

    That’s why law. They permit NO restraint. NO law. NO order. NO rules. None. And with it no reason. As above with the march-overthrowing-themselves. No logos. No science. They are following no natural laws. “We’re and empire now and we create our own reality.” Want your enemy to be something? Just report it. Want to attack someone? Just say you have the troops and will be met with open arms and home by Christmas. Don’t like the smaller-than-wanted christmas card they sent? Now they’re a racistnaziwhitesupremacistrussiabotinsurgent. Easy!

    What we’re fighting is simple madness. Insanity. Either we stop them from jumping off a cliff in Russiaphenia psychosis, or they handcuff us together and jump anyway. And note, in these conditions, logically you should just kill the patient and save the town. Emotionally, as humans, in compassionate humanity, we the good guys will never do that, but make all and every attempt to save them instead. Because I care, I must stop them, and it’s not easy to face pure madness and utter, unrestrained violence.

    But “that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

    “Germany Weighs Up Mandatory FFP2 Masks In Shops And On Transport (G.)”

    Well at last that’s at least plausible and scientific. However, Italy already revolted and is opening up, so there’s no chance this can happen unless you break Europe into a hard North and South.
    …And P.S. it wouldn’t stop COVID anyway, so thankfully it’s not dangerous.

    Cuomo, having failed to deploy his vaccine, and half his nursing home staff and patients refuse to take it, now blames the U.S. Government and wants more vaccine. …Because he can’t use what he has…just like those ventilators, the hospital ships, and everything else he’s touched. Well, shows he’s a top politician, and Democrat: “It’s somebody else’s fault!”

    That didn’t happen.
    And if it did happen, it wasn’t that bad.
    And if it was that bad, that’s not a big deal.
    And if it is a big deal, that’s not my fault.
    And if it was my fault, I didn’t mean it.
    And if I did mean it…
    You deserved it.

    (Repeat as required.)


    More virtual Yellen – wish list
    “But right now, with interest rates at historic lows, the smartest thing we can do is act big. In the long run, I believe the benefits will far outweigh the costs, especially if we care about helping people who have been struggling for a very long time.”
    Yet if helping people who have been struggling for a long time is the goal then USD1.9 trillion is nowhere near enough.


    If Biden, on his first day in power, can, (with an executive order), grant amnesty to an estimated 11-million illegal immigrants, why can he not grant a pardon or amnesty to Snowden And Assange
    Why is everyone afraid to petition Biden?
    Why is nobody petitioning Biden?

    Dr. D

    Because Biden isn’t President? Because no one thinks he’s a live human being with free agency either before or after Jan 20?


    Is there still chance for the Assange?

    Year later, site commentators and me included are still alive. Some of us could have sworn that had something like mild Covid symptoms. In the family, on my wife’s side, there were a few cases, that were over in a few weeks with no “deadly virus casualties” but more like “time not to visit untie and uncle since they have cough and fever” of our past. Excessive Covid-talk legitimizes over the board induced fear, IMAO of course. As mentioned, we all did what we had been doing our entire life – being reasonably cautious in the “season” and maintaining basic hygiene, given that we are also, again reasonably, healthy..

    Painting like today’s, done in a single breath, is nothing more like stepping stone or warm up for the “real work”, thus not his best. Equivalent of writer’s 1000-word-a-day-no-matter-what. Actually, power of the “brand” make one take a second look.


    CNN spot
    Okay, so you’re saying that you will combat extremism by preventing extremist voices. Chicken and egg.

    CNN is supposing that echo chambers *cause* extremism…sure, echo chambers can fan discontent into extremism, but the root causes are disenchantment with the status quo: economic disparity, lack of meaningful work, dissolution of family, cultural, and community bonds, the emphasis in capitalism of always needing products to find fulfillment, poverty, a dearth of opportunity, difficulty in obtaining basic healthcare, unhealthy foods, lack of connection with the natural world, etc., etc.

    Propaganda cannot fix social ills. Prozac can’t either.

    D Benton Smith

    Accepting the unacceptable is intolerable, but if you don’t accept it, then WTF ?

    American political activity for the past 4 years has been a psycho screaming chaos of enormously important questions for which all possible answers are just totally fucking off the wall horrible, no matter what is your preferred political tribe, nor how deep you care to dig (or not). Did I say America ? I meant to say the world.

    Neither WW2 nor the American Civil War compare usefully to the current level of confusion and anxiety. At least back then the issues were fairly clear-cut : For the Civil War the issues were States’ Rights , Secession and Slavery. For WW2 the issues were : Quasi-Semi-Democracy vs Officially Legal Tyranny , and the issue of inalienability of human rights vs humans as rulers’ chattel.

    Oh, to have our problems be so simple once again. But wait ! They are still that simple . In fact the issues are not just as simple, they are literally the same issues as they were back then : human rights, sovereignty, self defense, slavery, and the rights of rulers vs the rights of the ruled.

    So what changed ? Why do our modern problems feel so much more complicated now as compared to then ?

    That’s easy : Sheer fucking numbers of people, and the unexpected emergence of totally unforeseen technology.

    In 1860 the world’s population hovered around a billion and today it’s SEVEN TIMES that many. Back then espionage was sketchy , slow, very hard to staff, and constrained by the sheer laboriousness of the tasks. Today people carry cell phone spies in their pockets by the billions, and digest the information with super-computers and psychology driven AI software. A billion dollars can be sent half way around the world in less time than it would take an old time banker to start loading it onto a horse drawn wagon.

    We have no systems provenly tested to deal with that, and you gotta know that humans have tried them all. So it’s not the issues that are new. It is the parameters and logistics and capabilities that are new.

    For example, governments have always spied on their people and always will. And people try to evade that spying, as they always have. Neither of those things are new, nor will either of them ever go away (because human beings shall compete. Period !) What has changed is ultra high technology that enables a far smaller number of spies to dig far far more deeply into far far far more people’s business.

    The reason Assange and Snowden are prisoners (thankfully they avoided execution or assassinations) is that they enabled the populace to counteract . . . to some small degree . . . the exorbitant advantage that technology was providing to government. The reason that government is working so ferociously to censor and control the Internet is that the Net has been giving a pretty darned big advantage to the populace. Rulers use the word “populist” as a bad word. Rulers view Freedom of Speech and Communication as a clear and present danger. As well they should, because it is. So there ya are. Plain and simple. Just not easy.

    It’s pretty obvious that the way to fight back is to use the technology itself to circumvent the obstacles and vulnerabilities which government is now using technology to depower us. In other words : use tech to not be spied on (like Snowden did). Use tech to bypass their attempt to censor free speech (like Assange did). Use tech to let everybody else know about it (like both of them did.)

    Ironically , but not at all surprisingly, it’s the bad guys themselves who ensure that the bad guys will be defeated. They accelerated a fight which had previously been fairly stably balanced. That was dumb, because the fight can never go away nor be excessively won nor excessively lost. The fight is baked into the structure of the frigging Universe itself for crying out loud ! Individuals (and groups of individuals, too) must compete in order to survive. Period . Thinking that they could tip the scales enough to significantly change the balance for very long was just plain stupid.

    If you build a machine that can rule the world then the individuals (and groups) of the world will compete to see who gets to run the machine. Duh !

    By taking away our freedom of speech , assembly , self defense and free movement the bad guys are inadvertently creating increased demand for those very same things. And in that manner the bad guy’s are being the proactive agents of their own undoing. Had they not threatened to take the things that I cherish, then I would not now be demanding more of those very things. Nor would I be calling for the thieves to be rolled up and stored somewhere unpleasant for a while.

    Veracious Poet

    The Cartel aka The Deep Swamp is now officially a Breakaway Civilization.

    MAMA! (Make America Mexico Again)

    Got bananas?


    Vaccines for Corona. << Creepy Section >>

    1. On 14 Jan. 2021, The French Gvmt. published a new directive. Ppl who are afflicted with Down’s Syndrome (Trisomy 21) are now lodged in the same category as those aged 75 + (plus med personnel under various criteria) and so have ‘priority’ for being vaccinated.

    In France, a consent form must be signed before being vaxxed, this is clearly problematic not only for ppl with uni degrees (say) but also for handicapped ppl who are entirely dependent on what they are told by their carers. They are advised to contact local health authorities and so on (?!)

    I needn’t draw the parallels.

    link > Gvmt. website in F

    2. Israel is touted in the MSM as being a vaccine champion, as concerns the numbers ‘vaccinated.’ One article from Haaretz giving some nos, hmm:

    More disturbing:

    Israel Reveals the Patients’ Data It Gives Pfizer as Part of COVID Vaccine Deal

    quote: … Israeli Health Ministry obscured portions of the contract relating to commercial information such as the amounts to be paid to Pfizer … Israel has committed to provide Pfizer with a large amount of data on its coronavirus vaccination campaign but not information that would identify individual recipients of Pfizer’s vaccine, according to the contract the government signed with the pharmaceutical company and the Health Ministry made public on Sunday…

    The Israel vaccination program is a medical ‘trial’ under another name?

    John Day

    80 year old NY woman on ventilator for COVID did not stay on vent or in ICU after “miracle drug”, ivermectin.

    New York Supreme Court Judge Order: Give The Patient Ivermectin As Court Battle Leads to Ivermectin for Successful Treatment Against COVID-19

    Ms. Smentkiewicz’s son told journalist Herbeck that “we did a lot of research, we read about Ivermectin…the results sounded very promising, and we decided we had to try something different.” Thereafter the son told the Buffalo News journalist, “we pressured the doctor in the ICU to give it to her. He finally agreed.”

    By Jan 2, the hospital doctor approved the first dose of the anti-parasite drug, according to court papers. The result: “a complete turnaround.” Apparently, within 48 hours, she was taken off the ventilator and transferred out of the ICU, reports the Buffalo News based on a review of court documents. However, once she was transferred to a different wing of the hospital, the doctors there refused to administer the drug, and the woman’s condition quickly worsened. Her son Michael declared, “We were astounded when they refused to give her any more doses.”


    @ V Arnold;

    Today, the Trump administration filed an appeal against the UK decision not to extradite Assange. I must imagine that means that Trump has no intention of pardoning Assange.

    Trump is an asshole and a terrible human being. I have no idea what he has done for anyone that makes him popular – unless one is very wealthy and/or hates all forms of functioning government that serves the commons. Spent his last day in office still trying to extradite Assange and writing some more executive orders, which haven’t been revealed to the public yet.

    US Files Appeal in Assange Case

    V. Arnold

    Trump is an asshole and a terrible human being.

    Yes indeed; on both counts…



    I hate to pop your bubble Teri , but Trump has never had control of the DofJ or FBI!

    Congress decided who could be AG! Sessions, Barr both deep state plants!

    Your anger should be directed at the folks who control the DofJ!

    Uniparty figures like Mitch, Nancy, Chuck, etc!



    You are entitled to not like Trump and I can accept that, no problem.

    Right now the uniparty, deep state, etc. folks are laughing that they have managed to convince you that Trump is solely responsible for jailing Julian, not them!

    I have written before on the TAE why Trump is unlikely to pardon Julian. The reason is very simple. The deep state have threatened Trump and his family if he does pardon Julian! I will also say Biden will not pardon Julian nor will Harris because they are deep state!

    As for Trump having control of the DofJ and FBI please remember who spent the last 4 years trying to find a crime, not finding a crime, inventing crimes so they andcongress could impeach Trump? Yes the DofJ and the FBI and the CIA! Does that sound like Trump having control? What did Barr do on his way out the door?. Yes, stab Trump in the back! Like the State dept!

    If you want a single person to blame try Mitch! He alone is the one who decided who he would confirm as AG! Mitch also decided all of Trump’s other cabinet ministers too! Notice how they all stabbed Trump in the back too? Why because Trump was an outsider! Not one of them!

    Trump has never had any motive to jail Julian but the deep state sure has motive! They cannot let Julian prove that Russia didn’t hack the DNC, the whole foundation for Congress’s RussiaRussiaRussia narrative against Trump! (Remember poor Seth Rich paid the ulimate price for leaking the DNC!.) Now it Julian’s turn to die!)

    Hate Trump but please put the blame for Julian’s jailing aquarely 8where it truely belongs!


    @ WES
    You said everything that I was going to say. (Of course, in a fewer words) 🙂

    repost from:
    January 4, 2021 at 11:19 pm
    From the horses mouth
    Why is nobody giving the link?
    Thursday, May 23, 2019
    Press Release Number:
    WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
    Charges Related to Illegally Obtaining, Receiving and Disclosing Classified Information

    First Assistant U.S. Attorney Tracy Doherty-McCormick, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Kellen S. Dwyer, Thomas W. Traxler and Gordon D. Kromberg, and Trial Attorneys Matthew R. Walczewski and Nicholas O. Hunter of the Justice Department’s National Security Division are prosecuting the case.

    Download Assange Superseding Indictment
    Download Remarks from the Briefing Announcing the Superseding Indictment of Julian Assange

    (Everyone interested can do a search of the names, just like I did)


    I see Hillary and Nancy are ramping the RussiaRussiaRussia narrative!

    Back in the 1980s we heard the same USSR narrative too!

    Then in 1983, I went to work in a bunch of Siberian coal mines for 6 months!

    It was like going back in time, to say the 1940s – 50s!

    If I went into Russia fearing the Russians, I came out not fearing them at all!

    After living in Russia, I soon realized that their domestic economy was in total shambles! That is why I was there! To try and save them from themselves! Needless to say, I failed!

    Russia could produce plenty of guns and secret police, but could not produce enough butter, or food, or toilet paper for it’s people!

    So, yeah, I stop worrying about the Russians after that!

    P.S. There are simply not enough Russians, to do everything the uniparty says the are doing!

    D Benton Smith

    Now that Donald Trump is leaving the massacre I guess all of us who liked him are the only sitting ducks left in sight.



    What is even more interesting are the 3 previous heads of the Department of Justice’s National security division!

    Dana J Boente
    Edward O’Callaghan
    Mary B McCord

    These 3 played starring roles in DofJ, FBI, CIA, and Congress’s efforts to impeach Presdent Trump!

    These are the who’s who of the deep state!


    D Benton:

    Well, if we are sitting ducks we are indeed dead!

    However, if 9we constantly paddle around, it will make it that much harder for them to shoot us!

    V. Arnold


    I hate to pop your bubble Teri , but Trump has never had control of the DofJ or FBI!

    I didn’t see anywhere that Teri said he was in control of either department.
    Just speaking to his character; he’s (Trump) an asshole…and I concur…

    Dr D Rich

    Well D Benton and Wes,

    You’re right.
    It’s the 11th hour.
    The military abandoned its Commander in Chief.
    President Trump’s withdrawal will not beget him kind treatment from his persecutors. And that treatment is guaranteed to be excessive as all Narcissistic reaction tends to be.


    V Arnold:

    Teri says “Trump administration” to appeal Julian verdict!

    Can’t get more clear than that!

    When Trump is long gone, Julian will still be in jail or dead!

    The deep state will be deeply content!

    P.S. I still have my fingers crossed for Julian!

    Dr D Rich

    The Assange Appeal is Trump’s deal to keep the Trump family out of jail.
    Virtue signaling at it’s most perverse.


    Dr. D. Rich:

    I seriously doubt Trump had any say in the appeal!

    Look who is running the DofJ’s national security division!

    It sure ain’t Trump!

    For sure the swamp needs to prevent Trump from pardoning Julian!


    Senate guy asking Yellen (today) if $15/hr won’t kill what’s left of small business…
    “People need help and this will give it to them.” (paraphrase)
    There seems to be a pattern here.

    If it was me, it wasn’t bad. If it was bad, it wasn’t me.
    Today’s “healthy” personalty.

    The DNC doggies are all in a whirl
    Those mangy old mutts
    Think that Russia’s a SQUIRREL!

    Hillary. I don’t even…

    Brace for impact.

    Dr D Rich

    Gina Haspel resigned.
    She should be arrested, tried and punished instead.
    The fix is in.


    Now is the time for the Populist Deplorable wing of the Republican Party to leave and form a new party. Yes, blow up the GOP. Tell Mitch McConnell to go pound sand. I hope dissolution is inevitable. The sooner it happens, the better.

    And if they can find the right leadership, and the right PR managers, maybe, just maybe, they could create an identity that is more “Populist” and less “Deplorable”. Maybe, just maybe, they could join forces with the trampled down Populist Progressives in the Democratic Party — who should have learned by now that the Democratic Party will never be democratic. Leave the Democrats to self-destruct with nothing left but the Neoliberal and Identity Politics faction.

    This is my hope.

    Dr D Rich

    Forget the article about Gina Haspel.
    Read the comments.
    Something is afoot.


    In the USA, private public partnerships never work. Higher profits and the public good are contradictory. The neoliberal cult says only markets determine value but they keep trying again and again to cut into the stream of public money. The US Vaccine partnership will likely fail too from the virus becoming endemic, jab reluctance, and mutations. Since there are no long-term studies on mRNA vaccines, the emergency injection of millions of Americans should have been treated as a very large testing trial and extensive reporting of adverse effects and efficacy required. Israel apparently still has a working government for members of its state religion. With 50 states injecting the vaccines as they want, this is impossible. US Corporations today get away with billions of dollars for vaccines, stock buy backs, bonuses, and manslaughter.

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