Debt Rattle January 7 2020


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    Jack Delano Worker inspecting locomotive, Proviso Yard 1942   • China Pledges ‘Prudence’ In Diversifying Foreign Exchange Reserves (SCMP) • Exper
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 7 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Jack Delano Worker inspecting locomotive, Proviso Yard 1942
    Wow, that’s one hell of a photograph!

    A consistent point of view. The west makes sure nobody here believes it, but Iran has said the same thing for many years. It’s a religious issue. And just because we warp Christian values to allow for the inclusion of nukes, doesn’t mean they should do the same with the Islam.

    Indeed Ilargi; “a consistent point of view”
    Nukes are against Islam’s principles…
    Just what’s not to get?
    But, we know the facts; the west insists Iran cow tow to US interests; Iran never, ever, will…

    Dr. D

    Bitcoin up $1000 this week. There’s your capital flight signal.

    Borden Dairy Company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday … Borden was founded in 1857”

    This is what happens when you suppress commodity prices for 40 years in a row, savage all food and infrastructure while inflating paper prices to enrich idiot sons of idiot sons. From yesterday, what happens when rates rise as Armstrong says has occurred? Bonds, let’s say you own one, AAA or junk, paying 4%. If rates rise, all new bonds now pay 5-6%. What’s the value of your 4% bond? 25% less in face value more or less instantly. But it’s much worse than that. If milk is rising then likely wheat, oil, corn are too, and if money is leaving paper then you have “inflation” as well. So you have a 25% loss today AND a 10% loss per year by holding it. …Just like the 1970s. Which is why they called bonds “certificates of confiscation.” And while that DOES end at some point — Treasury rates of 19% “will pull money off the moon,” as they said in 1980 — it won’t end until you have a tsunami that levels every fraud in its path.

    P.S. also a lesson in central planning and price controls, as milk hasn’t been free-market in almost 100 years. So when you go to the store and there’s no milk, thank communism! Almost 200 years and the results haven’t been different yet! But this time, I tell ya, this time with Bernie and AOC and Yang it’ll be different, I promise.

    Iran ‘Not Interested’ In Having Nukes – UN Envoy (RT)

    Sheesh. Pretty sure Iran has had nukes for decades, at the least bought them out of the totally-unguarded USSR promoted by the U.S. At the very least Iranian scientists sit in every lab and test in NoKo and ahve $1.4B in U.S. cash-on-pallets. But what does that tell you? Like everyone else, they don’t want to nuke anybody. What I don’t get it that this is a cover story, a proxy-slang for something else I don’t understand. Nuclear power that would allow their refineries? Not sure, but the only certain thing is it’s not nuclear refining or bombs. For 30 years that story has made no sense, not the least of which bc Israel has said “they’re 10 years from the bomb” since 1979. …You know, the year after Israel sold all that (our) missile and weapons tech to them. No Docktor, that didn’t really happen, did it? Read a book.

    No one gives a crap about the nuclear deal. We and Israel and Pakistan and NoKo and India break it every day. We (+IDF) probably used pocket nukes in Syria. The U.N. oversees it all for pay. Since no one cares, and it’s a big puppet show, what’s it all about, Alfie? It’s so fake I don’t even want to talk about it.

    McConnell Urges Lawmakers to Wait for Facts on Soleimani Killing (R.)

    All of Hollywood didn’t wait to openly surrender and beg to occupied by Iran. Because muh, woman’s rights. Help Me Rhonda. Another episode of “Who Shall We Surrender to Today?” A: Anyone who asks, of course. That’s tolerance! In #AntiLogos, that’s #Winning!

    the time between Super Tuesday and the elections should be used to form a united front.”

    This is with AOC saying publicly that she and Biden shouldn’t be in the same party. Wait AOC: it was HIS party, so why did you join it? And when you arrive you have the right to kick him/them out just by claiming you’re a Democrat? Unity! A problem they can’t fix, I guess the clue-by-four didn’t hurt enough yet. HELP THE PEOPLE, WILL YA? Stop destroying every minority and working man in every city you own. Bloomberg had great ads, exactly what would work great to win 2020, but he’s tainted by god-all and can’t rise fast enough. When he drops, his loophole for campaign finance money goes too. Appears to be Sanders vs Biden/Biden-Mole. But neither side will turn out for the other. We’ll see if Pelosi drops a nuke, not in T, but on Sanders to knock him out of running by having to attend Peachment. In the tradition of constantly cheating, the DNC has just kept Yang off the ballot in Ohio, ‘cause you know, reasons. I can’t believe I’m watching this all over again. So…Yang Gang’s going to turn out in droves now that you’ve punched them in the nose and onto the mat saying, “Hey punk, know your place?” “Vote for us or else?” I don’t care, it’s better for me if they DO cheat, I just hate to see the game played so badly. It hurts. And more, it hurts the country. #ComeBack

    “Chelsea Clinton Reaps $9 Million from Corporate Board Position (Hill)”

    This would be less weird except she’s dumb as a post. No slight to her, she’s just a gal born to the wrong family.

    Australian Owners Say Cultural Burning Saved Their Property (Age)

    Real environmentalism, as clue-phone: humans are part of the environment. Headlines ask: will Australia ever recover? OMG idiots: yes. Cycles of wet and dry have been going on for 100,000 years there. You’ve made it so much worse with your “helping” but fire is not only normal it’s necessary. Animals will die as they do and have and must. It’s the humans that STOP that natural carnage, with their human “interference” with nature and controlled burns. But when humans are bad and must be killed, when they are not nature but above it as your weird religion believes, you can’t see that and ultimately kill everyone. Nevertheless, they will recover and survive, as we have here, for the exact same reasons.

    P.S. if you live in California or Australia, please either move your house or make a fire-able hacienda.


    In Japan, they even had mud storehouses: you put all valuables in, sealed it with clay, and evacuated. It would seem every house could have at least a Kansas storm-shelter for goodness sake. Spare that second 72” TV and get one. I’d say they have plows in the north and storm shutters in the south, but in fact no matter how many thousand times weather hurts them, people can’t seem to prioritize, you know, not dying. That’s humans, what can I say? But at least try not to kill every animal because of your reckless irresponsibility and love of English-style stick houses too.

    BTW, with all the calls to AGW, yet Australia arrested 200 arsonists? WTF can that be real? Maybe you should toss them into town square and let the mob decide what to do with them. Can’t imagine, except suspect that here in CA, but more for $$$.

    Dr. D

    Orlov is worth the time today, right up TAE:

    “While finance types and economists, who deal in dimensionless quantities identified by quasi-religious mystical symbols such as $, €, ¥ and £, toil tirelessly to maintain a fake Potemkin village façade of a thriving economy, no such theatrical suspension of disbelief is possible when looking at tonnes, cubic meters or kilowatt-hours. A bunch of ruthless financial swindlers teamed up with pointy-hatted economists spend their days reasoning circularly about price determining value determining price while resolutely confusing money creation with wealth creation. Meanwhile, a shrinking physical economy obscured by runaway debt remains on a collision course with reality; once the collision takes place, the result will be similar to what happened during the financial collapse of 2007-8, except that the desperate financial manipulations that were then used to arrest it will no longer work at all and the physical economy, which is already languishing, will grind to a halt.”



    • Chelsea Clinton Reaps $9 Million From Corporate Board Position (Hill)

    She was an underpaid elite.
    The measure of the pay of elites is different than the way the pay of other people is calculated and evaluated. (Check your facts with the enablers)

    Who writes the wiki bio entries? Who edits the wiki bios?
    She got married and raised 3 kids.
    (Spouse(s): Marc Mezvinsky (m. 2010), Children: 3)
    Stanford University (BA), University College, Oxford, (MPhil, DPhil), Columbia University (MPH), New York University
    Clinton has authored five children’s books and co-authored a scholarly book for adults on global health policy, as well as articles and opinion pieces published in major media outlets. She has received numerous awards and honors.
    Clinton has worked for McKinsey & Company, Avenue Capital Group, and New York University and serves on several boards, including those of the School of American Ballet, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Common Sense Media, Weill Cornell Medical College, and IAC/InterActiveCorp.
    Mezvinsky graduated from Stanford University in 2000, where he received a B.A. in religious studies and philosophy.[11] He then attended Pembroke College, Oxford in 2002, where he received his undergraduate MA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics.[12]
    After graduation, he worked at Goldman Sachs as an emerging markets foreign exchange strategist, and later went on to join the global macro proprietary trading desk.[22] He served as senior partner at 3G Capital[22] before leaving to start his own hedge fund, Eaglevale Partners, a traditional multi-strategy investment fund, focused on currencies, commodities and bonds. Eaglevale Partners closed in 2016.[23] Mezvinsky joined Social Capital as Vice Chairman in 2017[24] where he helped the firm manage its business development and growing portfolio of companies.[25] He left Social Capital in the spring of 2008.[3]
    In 2019, Mezvinsky joined TPG Capital as a managing director.[3]


    Tower of babel

    Do the rich and powerful hear and/or follow our advise/what we say on the blogs?
    Will they listen to ….

    If Baghdad Wants Us Out, Let’s Go!

    Perhaps, rather than sending troops into Iraq and Kuwait to defend U.S. troops already there, we should accede to the local nationalist demands, start bringing our troops home, and let Iranians, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, Yemenis and Afghans settle their quarrels.

    Now it is the Americans who are the targets of protests.

    Warning: Avoid, phlegm, dye, and paint balls


    While this talk has not yet been confirmed it does sounds highly plausible.

    Mr. Abdul Mahdi spoke with an angry tone, saying:

    “The Americans are the ones who destroyed the country and wreaked havoc on it. They are those who refuse to complete building the electrical system and infrastructure projects. They have bargained for the reconstruction of Iraq in exchange for giving up 50% of Iraqi oil imports, so I refused and decided to go to China and concluded an important and strategic agreement with it, and today Trump is trying to cancel this important agreement.”
    The American President’s threatened the Iraqi Prime Minister to liquidate him directly with the Minister of Defense. The Marines are the third party that sniped the demonstrators and the security men:
    Abdul Mahdi continued:
    “After my return from China, Trump called me and asked me to cancel the agreement, so I also refused, and he threatened me with massive demonstrations that would topple me. Indeed, the demonstrations started and then Trump called, threatening to escalate in the event of non-cooperation and responding to his wishes, so that the third party (Marines snipers) would target the demonstrators and security forces and kill them from the highest structures and the US embassy in an attempt to pressure me and submit to his wishes and cancel the China agreement, so I did not respond and submitted my resignation and the Americans still insist to this day on canceling the China agreement and when the defense minister said that who kills the demonstrators is a third party, Trump called me immediately and physically threatened me and defense minister in the event of talk about the third party.”

    While this talk has not yet been confirmed it does sounds highly plausible.

    The chicken-hawks of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have all lobbied the U.S. for war on Iran, now fear the consequences:


    Be careful!

    Your critical thinking abilities will be strained
    Don’t let your emotions rule your thinking
    Salt will not be enough to keep your sanity.
    Fake news

    Warning to USA troops: phlegm, tracking dye, and paint balls



    Israel’s high court blesses killing and maiming of Gaza protesters
    Maureen Clare Murphy Rights and Accountability 26 May 2018
    The Israeli high court ruled in favor of the state’s argument that protesters constituted a danger to Israeli soldiers and civilians, thus justifying the use of lethal force.

    During a special session of the UN Human Rights Council concerning the events in Gaza last week, the body’s High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein stated:
    “Although some of the demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails, used slingshots to throw stones, flew burning kites into Israel, and attempted to use wire-cutters against the two fences between Gaza and Israel, these actions alone do not appear to constitute the imminent threat to life or deadly injury which could justify the use of lethal force.”


    Warning to USA troops: phlegm, tracking dye, and paint balls


    Iran has said consistently: We don’t want to develop nukes. But is continually demonized. You want to hit your head against the wall. What am I missing here? Why is there this drumbeat?

    Your other posts relating to the great climate hoax scam arr proven false easily and constantly by scientists, but don’t let that stop the hysteria. When you have newly-minted scientist Jennifer Aniston declaring that all the fires set by hundreds of arsonists in Australia are the result of climate change, then we definitely have to worry about a coal plant somewhere that raised people out of poverty,. Keep on keepin’ on with the nonsense,. It’s certainly a certain type of fun to watch. But, as it ramps up to Salem witch trial levels it’s starting to look like serious dangerous delusional madness.. Jennifer Aniston? On international TV? Saying something that is a complete utter lie? Wow.

    Could you at least for 10 minutes or so consider not supporting this horrible stupidity?

    We are so screwed. Can you at least try to mitigate this idiocy? I’m begging you. You have a platform. Stop encouraging this evil lunacy. Please. Thank you.


    Love the Mark Twain quote. If I’d been drinking coffee I might have sprayed the screen. LOL!!! so true.

    I love the map Tyler put up of the US military surrounding Iran. Please, when can we move back within our borders? The Wall Trump is building should just keep us within.

    V. Arnold

    The news this morning…the news? the news? there ain’t no stinking news…
    Only a rush to print, anything, fact free bullshit! and hyperbole…
    The only thing I know for sure is that the sun rose in the east this morning at 7:05 am…

    V. Arnold

    This seems appropriate:
    Country Joe and The Fish 1967
    “I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ To Die Rag”

    Well, come on all of you, big strong men
    Uncle Sam needs your help again
    He’s got himself in a terrible jam
    Way down yonder in Vietnam
    So put down your books and pick up a gun
    We’re gonna have a whole lotta fun

    And it’s one, two, three
    What are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn
    Next stop is Vietnam
    And it’s five, six, seven
    Open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

    Well, come on generals, let’s move fast
    Your big chance has come at last
    Now you can go out and get those reds
    ‘Cause the only good commie is the one that’s dead
    And you know that peace can only be won
    When we’ve blown ’em all to kingdom come

    And it’s one, two, three
    What are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn
    Next stop is Vietnam
    And it’s five, six, seven
    Open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

    Come on Wall Street, don’t be slow
    Why man, this is war au-go-go
    There’s plenty good money to be made
    By supplying the Army with the tools of its trade
    But just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb
    They drop it on the Viet Cong

    And it’s one, two, three
    What are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn
    Next stop is Vietnam
    And it’s five, six, seven
    Open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

    Come on mothers throughout the land
    Pack your boys off to Vietnam
    Come on fathers, and don’t hesitate
    To send your sons off before it’s too late
    And you can be the first ones in your block
    To have your boy come home in a box

    And it’s one, two, three
    What are we fighting for?
    Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn
    Next stop is Vietnam
    And it’s five, six, seven
    Open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain’t no time to wonder why
    Whoopee! we’re all gonna die

    John Day

    Of course I am very proud.
    Can I have my brain-slice back now?

    Working with slices of human brain tissue, the team found unexpectedly complex electrical activity in the dendrites of human pyramidal neurons. Modeling this activity then showed that single neurons were capable of solving computational problems which were thought to need a lot more brain power.

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