Debt Rattle January 7 2025
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- This topic has 55 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by D Benton Smith.
January 7, 2025 at 11:18 am #178698Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Jan van Eijk The Arnolfini portrait 1434 • Trump Urges GOP to Pass Bill Advancing His Policies (ET) • Dollar Reverses Losses After Trump Blasts
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 7 2025]January 7, 2025 at 11:20 am #178701John DayParticipantHitting Bottom
A new year may engender false hopes, but it is also true that societies hit-bottom sometimes, and refuse to proceed in the same dysfunctional spiral, particularly when they see obvious paths to immediate and longer term improvements in the manner in which political economy is conducted.
I’m not making any predictions, but there does appear to be an opening for western and BRICS political economies to incorporate better efficiencies in order to meet the human needs of human societies.
The failings of the directions taken since the 2008 global financial crisis have been made more clear by the extreme swings of the narratives during the COVID pandemic, and the revelations that much of this was manipulated to stabilize global financial interests, and that the various strains of coronavirus showed genetic evidence of gain-of-function manipulation in bioweapons labs, funded by the US, China and Canada.
The insult, added to those injuries, appears to be that the gene-therapy “vaccine products”, promoted as the solution to the lab-leak problem, carried the most toxic element of the virus, the spike-protein, as the core mRNA protein-product to be produced in the treated human cells. This has resulted in considerably greater harm than the leaked viruses, as shown by increases in excess deaths in “vaccinated” populations, beginning with the months that treatments began, and still continuing at the present time. The definition of “vaccinated” began 2 weeks after the second injection, which caused most of the immediate deaths to be recorded in the “unvaccinated” cohort, a handy trick. The further waves of excess deaths, notably in workers with employee life-insurance policies, have been dramatic, but more from strokes, autoimmune disease, cancers, myocarditis and heart attacks. They are simply denied by governments, and the recorded evidence is obscured and misinterpreted, but not addressed in detail. This stonewalling defense is beginning to crack in a few public sectors, a few US states, like Florida, for instance. The indignant cohort of society is not lessening with time, rather the vaccination-control-narrative is becoming progressively untenable.
The real, productive economy is enabled by energy and resources, especially oil, but also coal, natural gas, mined resources and farm products. This is the real arbiter of societal wealth, and subject to physical and environmental constraints, particularly as easily obtained fuels and ores are depleted, and many forms of pollution build up. Financial economy is supposed to be the management ledger of real economy, but has been separately gamed in a way which has caused financial ledgers to reflect something like 7X the amount of wealth which real economy embodies, or will ever be able to provide in the near future. This gross mismatch demands that reality be acknowledged, and losses assigned. Most of us would choose to assign the bast book-losses to the ultra-wealthy, who would still survive comfortably, rather than to ordinary people who might well die as a result. The desires of the ultra-wealthy are the opposite, and are better represented in the halls of power, but paradoxically, if the real economy ceases to function, they lose all of their wealth.
This is a moment in history where talented politicians can be helpful in distributing benefits and losses in a society, as fairly as possible, and so facilitate a societal unity of purpose, within an equitable social contract, such as was the case in the US after World War-2.
Looking at all parts of the world, excess debt-service, which parasitizes real economy, needs to be shed, and the perverse-incentives which cripple nations by extracting what is needed for life-support, such as food, fuel, housing, medical care and social health, and giving it to elites, needs to be renounced. The needs of human societies need to be respected first and foremost, for political economy to adapt to the new and less permissive conditions which we now face, and which will tighten further going forward.
Existing political structures can do this and have done it before, but the controlling cultures within them will need to change by eliminating perverse incentives to feed the rich, starve the workers, and maintain the status-quo, which is further extracting wealth from the real economy, weakening it over time. Certain powerful and obviously corrupt people might be made examples of…Tim Morgan at Surplus Energy Economics presents, Predicament, not outcome
What we’re witnessing is the inflexion of the economy from growth into contraction, and this will apply leveraged pressure on the markets for discretionary (non-essential) products and services upon which so many corporate behemoths rely…..As is surely self-evident, energy, resources and environmental tolerance can’t be lent into existence by the banking system, or conjured out of the ether by central bankers. When we allow the supply of credit-money to expand at rates exceeding the current or forward claim-honouring capabilities of the material economy, we set up stresses which can have only one outcome.
This brings us to the inevitability of a much larger “GFC II” sequel to the 2008-09 global financial crisis.
Although the available data is neither complete nor timely, we can estimate that, stated at constant values, worldwide financial assets have increased by at least USD 450 trillion, or 150%, during a twenty-year period in which global real GDP grew by only 70%, or USD 44tn… The apparent implication – which is that more than $10 of new financial claims have been created for each dollar of growth – is a serious understatement of the true severity of the situation… ..Today’s over-centralized, top-down systems and institutions are likely to be replaced by decentralized, bottom-up alternatives operating at a more human scale. Before any of this can happen, though, we have to navigate a financial crisis on a scale that will dwarf the events of 2008-09. Whilst the sheer chaos likely to be caused by this event is apparent, a less obvious consequence will be the destruction of large swathes of what is currently understood as “wealth”. “GFC II” could turn out to be, as the first global financial crisis never was, a great leveller, resetting the relationship between wealth and incomes… ..SEEDS analysis indicates that, other than in the very weakest economies, the provision of the essentials to everyone can remain affordable well into the 2040s, by which time the definition of ‘essential’ will have changed. In other words, if the trend towards the immiseration of millions continues, it will have done so as a matter, not of necessity, but of choice. Hudson: Cracks in the Empire – Is the American Superpower Fading?
I’ve been thinking what a good title for the show should be, and I think it should be, “Today’s world economy is as good as it gets.” I think the United States, Europe, and the Near Eastern economic and political situation is, obviously, it’s unstable. And almost any specific forecast we make is likely to be wrong because there are so many variables at work and competing interests at play. But actually, this is what mathematicians call an optimum position. That may sound optimistic, and I’m never one to be optimistic, but an optimum position is technically one that, wherever you move, it’s going to be worse.
This is mathematically as good as it is. And that’s pretty much the situation you have today. You could say we’re now in the best of all possible worlds, given the policies that have led to the conflicts that we’re seeing: the conflict of national interest, the conflict of domestic interest, the conflict between the United States and Europe, and the United States against all the rest of the world. And I think that this year is going to be more than just change. I think that chaos is now official US policy. And that’s what you do when you’re trying to stop the world from moving in a direction that’s not in your interest… And the basic aim of the U.S. policy is to keep an optimum position from changing by creating such chaos that there’s not going to be an alternative…
..I think there are two areas that we have to concentrate on. One is gas, and the other is debt. And the most immediate problem is gas right now, because that’s the political key as well as the economic key. The United States foreign policy for the last century has been to try to control Near Eastern oil and gas production, because energy is the key to economic production. And the reason the U.S. wants to control it is to prevent other countries from having it if these countries act in a way that the United States opposes…
..United States strategists are, on the one hand, they’re saying, well, we’re going to insist in exporting more to Europe. President Trump is insisting that Europe buys more American LNG, liquefied natural gas, at four times the price it was paying Russia. But if it does this, then that’s going to create shortages in the US and US gas prices will go up. And if US gas prices go up, then the US consumer price index is going to go up. And that’s what the Republicans are in Congress opposing…
..You’re having gas prices now going up for the whole rest of the world. And that includes the global South countries. So something has to give because Africa, Latin America, other very heavily indebted countries can’t afford both to pay more for their gas these days and still keep up with their foreign debt service in hard currency, in US dollars. So the US selling more gas to Europe at high prices is going to create a rise in the dollar… And the US foreign policy doesn’t think of the world economy as a whole system. It’s tunnel vision. How do we hurt Russia? Let’s do that first. And then we’ll think of the rest of the world. So this is why the US policy is creating chaos in the rest of the world…
..I don’t see anyone except the right-wing parties opposing this. The left is completely on board with the U.S. Cold War because the left-wing parties, as I think we’ve discussed before, have been staffed by politicians who have been dependent on very heavy subsidy and grants from non-governmental organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy to build up. So you really don’t have a domestic formulation of what would a rational European economic policy be to restore prosperity, and in fact, is there a way to restore the dismantling of heavy industry, steel industry, automobile industry, manufacturing industry, even fertilizers and chemicals that have already been dismantled? Or does Europe have to go the way that the Baltics have gone? … The Eurozone, as we’ve discussed before, is basically dominated by NATO and by the United States indirectly. I don’t see much of a solution except poverty for Europe…
..This is an Orwellian 1984 world that we’re seeing in Europe. And I don’t see… it is obviously worst of all in England under Starmer and the Labour Party. But what’s happening to the Labour Party is the same thing that’s happened to the German Social Democratic Party that’s now fallen behind the Alternative for Deutschland in the polls and is going to be pretty much wiped out in this month’s election. And you’re going to have one European country after another going the way of Romania. What are you going to do when people do not vote for the United States, but vote for their own national welfare? …
..The first aim is you need to cope with the foreign debt problem. There is no way that the BRICS countries can grow and at the same time pay the foreign debts that they’ve been saddled with for the last 100 years and especially since 1945 by the neoliberal philosophy that’s been pushed by the United States and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
The policies that have been imposed on the BRICS countries have forced them into a chronic balance of payments and trade deficit as a result of their dependency on the United States and its allies that have made them not viable countries. That means that the loans that were made to these countries have no chance of being paid…
..And the fact is that the people that hold these dollar bonds are client oligarchies who don’t want to hold their own currencies because the global south countries and their oligarchies realize the debts can’t be paid… And this is a problem for the BRICS countries. On the one hand, the BRICS countries, in order to grow, have to write down their debts… So the vested interests in many of the BRICS countries are not favoring the national interests. That’s the big conflict you have between the fact that these countries are bifurcated between a U.S.-centered elite and the country as a whole…
..What are you going to do about the fact that as a result of the debt crisis, these countries have been driven by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and U.S. policy to sell off their oil, mineral rights, their natural resources, their natural monopolies of public infrastructure to foreign investors? How on earth can they grow if all of their national patrimony and all of the revenue, the land rent, the raw materials rents, the monopoly rents from this national patrimony is paid to foreigners? Well, you could look at the BRICS countries in very much the same way as Russia under the kleptocrats…
..The whole logic of industrial capitalism was to free economies from the landlord class and its land rent, to free economies from economic rent. And that was what classical value theory from Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Marx, the American economists all said, “we want to prevent rent seeking… to bring prices in line with actual cost of production.” That’s what enabled England first to become the workshop of the world, and then enabled the United States and Germany to replace England by creating a mixed public-private economy with its own national control of money.
The BRICS countries could follow this policy that made first England and then America and Germany able to organize their industrial takeoff. But in order to do that, you have to have a concept of freeing economies from economic rent. You have to have a concept that basically goes back to Adam Smith. His idea of a free market was a market free of economic rent…
..So, if the BRICS economies said, we’re going to recover our natural patrimony from the kleptocrats, not our own kleptocrats only, but the foreign companies that have bought our oil and gas, we’re going to use that as our natural, our fiscal base. And that we’re going to use that fiscal base to finance our own economic development. Well, then you’re going to essentially be able to do in this century what the late 19th century European countries did… And what they do see is China’s remarkable economic takeoff. And China calls this socialism with Chinese characteristics, but it could be called the American economics takeoff with Chinese characteristics, because that’s the American economic takeoff…
..And there’s a third aim that the BRICS countries should have, and that has to be to raise living standards and raise labor productivity. Because you can’t have a class war against labor and expect labor to be highly educated, well-fed, well housed, and productive. If you want productive labor, you’re going to have to raise living standards. And the vested interests in most of these BRICS countries want to keep wages low. If they have factories or whatever their business is, they look at labor’s wages as being antithetical to themselves. And the way that the United States solved this problem was to say, okay, we know that you industrialists don’t want to pay high wages to labor. But what we’ll do is have the government pick up many of the costs of living for labor. The cost of education, the cost of health care, the cost of low-priced transportation, communications. And so that you don’t have to pay labor high enough wages to pay for its own health care, education, and all of that. Well, obviously that’s not what the United States is doing today. You’re having just the opposite…
..Again, you need an economic theory and economic doctrine for this. The doctrine was what 19th century classical economics was all about… The way to create a prosperous economic growth is to avoid private debt. Keep debt and money creation domestic. The debts you owe are in your own currency and you control your own currency in the same way China does, through a public bank, not through private commercial banks. You want to tax economic rent and unearned income to encourage earned income by actually being part of the production process, not part of the rent-seeking… superstructure… And you want to create a prosperous domestic labor force so that it can become high-productivity.
That’s how the United States developed a high productivity labor force itself. The way in which the BRICS countries can follow their national interest is clear, but you need a doctrine for that and an economic philosophy. That’s the missing element that I see right now. Rickards, Trump’s Plan to End Currency War 3.0
As reported in The Washington Post, Politico, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance and other outlets, Trump is working on a secret plan to devalue the U.S. dollar. The goal would be to cheapen U.S. exports and thereby help the U.S. balance of trade and create exported-related jobs…
..The critics are wrong and don’t understand what Trump is actually trying to do. Trump is not trying to start a currency war; he’s trying to end it once and for all…
..Far from the reckless, inflationary process the media claim, Trump’s actual plan is based on the highly successful model developed by James Baker for Ronald Reagan and implemented in the Plaza Accord of 1985 and the Louvre Accord of 1987… The parties reached a joint agreement that would devalue the U.S. dollar in an orderly fashion versus the French Franc, Japanese Yen, UK pounds sterling, and the German Deutschemark. Once the targeted level for the dollar was achieved, the parties would use their best efforts, including market intervention as needed to maintain those levels within narrow bands.
A separate meeting in Paris at the Louvre in 1987 agreed that the devaluation phase was over, and the dollar would be maintained at the new parities. This was not currency war; it was currency peace achieved by agreement and implemented in a cooperative fashion…
..Trump’s goal is to repeat the success of the Plaza and Louvre Accords. Trump’s advisor on this is Robert Lighthizer, who is one of the most brilliant financial minds around and was Trump’s U.S. Trade Representative (2017-2021). Lighthizer was also USTR for Ronald Reagan from 1983 to 1985 so he’s a veteran of prior currency wars and was in the administration around the time the Plaza Accord was being developed. Lighthizer is the perfect individual to help Trump achieve the kind of success that Reagan and Baker had in the 1980s. The media are trying to portray Trump as reckless when in fact he’s proposing something highly beneficial for U.S. jobs and U.S. industry. Krainer, The political tides in Europe are turning against the Empire
It seems that the same cultural countercurrents seem to be gripping many nations as the recent elections in the United States, Slovakia, Romania, Georgia, Hungary, France, Germany, Croatia and Moldova have shown (yes, Moldova too).
It may be that in spite of the loud banging of the war-drums in mainstream media, and among our political class, very different currents are gathering below the surface. These currents might continue to gain strength; it’s what our ruling establishments like to label as Russia’s malign influence. More likely, the truth is that ordinary people got tired of the lies, hatred, hostility and the wars, as well as the intellectual and cultural junk food that’s become the pervasive staple among Western nations. This is a hopeful sign, because escalating the wars could prove difficult for the imperial establishment. What if peace starts to break out all over the place in 2025? It’s a worthwhile idea to pray for and struggle for. 7, 2025 at 11:21 am #178702John DayParticipantTrudeau Out: Canadian Prime Minister Quits
Trudeau, 53, currently the longest-serving leader of any G-7 country, announced Monday he plans to step down as head of the governing Liberal Party. He will remain as prime minister until a new leader is selected, and parliament has been suspended until March 24 while that process is underway. The winner of the Liberal leadership contest is set to become Canada’s 24th prime minister and will have to quickly prepare for an election, which the Conservative Party is the clear favorite to win, according to public opinion polls. Elon Musk exposes the pack raping of a quarter of a million English school girls, Declan Hayes
Elon Musk threw the cat among the pigeons when he recently highlighted the pack raping of over 250,000 English school girls by packs of middle aged Pakistani men, who got away with their crimes for over a quarter of a century, thanks to the collusion of the British judiciary, the British constabulary, the British social services and the British political system, which are now all trying to squirm their way out of taking responsibility for the rankest of crimes they are all fully complicit in...
..Heads have to roll, literally, and the first head on the chopping block must be that of British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer (who was the Director of the Crown Prosecution Service during these grooming gang rape gang revelations, who was the boss of the CPS lawyer who originally dropped the prosecution of Kabeer Hassan because he believed the 15 year old girl made “a choice to be a prostitute” and who discredited her as a witness even after reviewing DNA evidence and hours of testimony), followed by King Charles, who is not only the brother of Jeffrey Epstein sidekick, Prince Andrew, but who recently knighted Peter Mandelson, another key Epstein (and Tony Blair) conspirator, and who, in his role of Prince of Wales, was also bosom pals with Sir Jimmy Savile, the BBC’s child rapist in chief...
..Not that there is anything new or novel in these crimes. The Pall Mall Gazette, to its eternal credit, exposed the white slave trade in Victorian Britain and, though it is a half a century ago since I first read of it, the crimes they uncovered still sicken me to my core. Then there is the Paedophile Information Exchange and the North American Man/Boy Love Association, both of which were very active in the 1970s and both of which enjoyed widespread political support from senior politicians who remain active to this day...
..Although Musk has probably his own libertarian agenda afoot in turning his guns on the Pakistani pack rapists, they deserve all the incoming Musk gives them and their equally vile white collar collaborators… But Musk, at day’s end, is irrelevant in all of this, at least until the great and the good of Germany and England wrest power away from the Pakistani pack rape enablers. Though Musk has rattled our overlords’ cages, until the great unwashed can storm those gilded cages and finish off what Musk has started, Musk’s protestations, like those of others before him, will only amount to so much hot air that will get lost in the bread and circuses. Musk renews attack on British PM over mass-rape scandal
The US-based tech billionaire has slammed Keir Starmer as a “national embarrassment” and said he “must go”
Gangs across the UK, involving men of predominantly Pakistani origin, rape-tortured vulnerable girls on an industrial scale over the last thirty years, with multiple independent inquiries indicating systemic failures to investigate the crimes. According to three separate reports published in 2013, 2014, and 2015, local politicians and police alike opted to cover up the rapes partly out of fear that bringing the perpetrators to justice would be seen as “racist.” UK’s Starmer Dismisses Rape Gang Outrage As “Far-Right Bandwagon”
After news broke that UK’s ‘safeguarding minister’ Jess Phillips blocked a public inquiry into the country’s prolific rape gangs, Prime Minister Keir Starmer – who allegedly covered for Jimmy Savile, went into victim mode – dismissing the outrage as simply part of the “playbook” of the “far right” – the same thing he said after a Muslim radical stabbed 8 children, killing 3, in the Southport Massacre. UK responds to Musk’s criticism over child rape scandal
Health Secretary Wes Streeting has said the government is willing to work with the tycoon to tackle sexual abuse of minors
Musk, who is known for his stance against illegal immigration, has been particularly vocal about the scandal, calling it a case of “state-sponsored evil.” 7, 2025 at 11:22 am #178703John DayParticipantElon Musk calls for King Charles to dissolve parliament over ‘grooming gangs’ Biden Regime behind massive child trafficking networks in Guatemala, hidden by NGOs that front as “humanitarian aid” to “save” the kids of this sex slave trade
The Guatemalan Secretary General, Angel Pineda, says the Biden Administration is running the world’s largest child sex trafficking ring. He says, “They’re harvesting the victims from Guatemala. They’re picking them out like they’re going shopping for shoes.”…
Angel Pineda claims the Biden Administration is responsible for running the world’s largest child sex trafficking ring, involving the trafficking of victims from Guatemala.
The U.S. government, particularly the Department of Homeland Security, is alleged to be working with Mexican Cartels and NGOs to create a public/private partnership for child trafficking. Over $800 million from the U.S. has reportedly been used to fund these NGOs in Guatemala over the past four years.
More than 291,000 unaccompanied alien children (UACs) have gone missing or are exploited under the Biden administration. The issue was highlighted in a joint House Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on November 21, 2024. Trump Border Czar: Mass Deportations Of Illegals Starts Day One
President Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan unequivocally outlined that mass arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants inside the US will begin on day one of Trump’s second term and will not be delayed under any circumstances. OpenAI whistleblower death: Autopsy suggests murder, not suicide
Former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji made headlines for his revelations about ethical concerns surrounding generative AI
The parents of Indian-American techie Suchir Balaji, who was found dead in his San Francisco apartment on 14 December 2024, have rejected the official suicide ruling, alleging that their son was murdered.
Suchir Balaji, a former OpenAI employee, had made headlines for his whistleblowing revelations about the ethical concerns surrounding generative AI. In an interview with NDTV, his parents claim that the second autopsy report indicates “signs of struggle,” including a head injury and trauma, which contradict the suicide verdict by the medical examiner’s office. Suchir’s mother, Poornima Ramarao, expressed disbelief at the suicide ruling, citing the absence of a suicide note and the findings of the second autopsy.
“We have facts with the second autopsy — head trauma and signs of struggle. This is not a suicide; it’s a murder,” she stated.
His father, Balaji Ramamurthi, recounted their last conversation on 22 December 2024, when Suchir returned from a trip to Los Angeles in good spirits. “He seemed happy,” he said. US-based tech mogul Elon Musk has likened liberal billionaire George Soros to Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, the principal villain in the Star Wars movie series. The barb followed Joe Biden’s decision to bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the powerful financier.
January 7, 2025 at 11:23 am #178704John DayParticipant ‘Don’t feed the troll’ – Scholz on Musk
The German chancellor has called the Tesla CEO’s support for Germany’s AfD party “troubling” US Deep State: Its Roots, Tools and Enablers
The “deep state”, never part of the Founding Fathers’ design, has turned US democracy into fiction, former US assistant treasury secretary and renowned economist Dr Paul Craig Roberts says. What does he mean?
The deep state, described by US political scientist Francis Fukuyama as a network of “unaccountable professional bureaucrats,” is really a far more extensive entity.
According to Dr Roberts, it encompasses not only bureaucrats but also elected officials, Wall Street, major corporations and even foreign government lobbyists.
The modern-day Leviathan is deeply embedded within the structure of the US government, with professional bureaucrats serving merely as pawns in the games of their overlords, the economist says. But the game begins long before governance — it starts at the very phase of elections...
..”The power that the Constitution gave to individuals now belongs to interest groups that determine elections with campaign contributions,” the former assistant treasury secretary in Ronald Reagan’s government stresses...
..He explains that as a result, elected representatives are beholden to the individuals and interest groups who funded and supported them.
Those include the influential Israel lobby, arms manufacturers, intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, agribusiness corporations, Wall Street and others, all of whom provide funding and favorable publicity to those they help elect. Intelligence agencies also occasionally provide staged false flag events to give a candidate or a policy a boost, he notes...
..For nearly a century, various measures were enacted to curb the influence of big money on the US political system, particularly during elections.
But those efforts were effectively overturned in 2010 by a landmark US Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which paved the way for unlimited corporate funding of political campaigns.
That same year, a related federal court decision in the case of versus the FEC further expanded the influence of money in politics by allowing unlimited contributions to political action groups who distribute the donations to candidates — ostensibly isolating the candidate from receiving funds directly from a donor.
Roberts says that those decisions gave corporations, the Israel lobby and the super rich the power to purchase the US government. “For American democracy to be restored, money must be taken out of politics,” he argues...
..Roberts recalls that last month Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr — nominated for secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services — had dinner with Big Pharma executives, including Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Lilly CEO David Ricks and Steve Ubl, CEO of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA).
The economist highlights how RFK Jr previously condmened the same Big Pharma firms, accusing them of producing unsafe COVID-19 vaccines that harmed millions and creating treatments that undermined the health of American children. “In other words, even private interests that are harmful have to be negotiated with. This doesn’t leave much room for reform to reach very far,” Dr Roberts says. Israeli lawmakers demand military destroy all food and energy resources in Gaza
Israeli lawmakers are urging the military to intensify the genocide in Gaza by destroying any possible sources of energy, food, and water in the territory. destroyed 815 mosques, 19 cemeteries, 3 churches in Gaza in 2024–19-cemeteries–3-churches-in-gaza
January 7, 2025 at 11:23 am #178705John DayParticipantHeavy Israeli Attacks on Gaza Kill More Than 90 Palestinians
Waleed al-Bardaweel, a survivor of the attack, lost three of his sons in the attack: Mohammed, 13, Ahmed, 11, and Abdul Rahman, seven. “The Israeli army called this place a safe zone. Their claims are all lies and slander,” al-Bardaweel told Middle East Eye.
Ziad al-Lulu, another survivor of the attack, told MEE the tent camp was hit at 1 am without any warning. “The next thing we knew, our world was engulfed in flames. Children were torn apart, women were torn apart, it was like the day of judgment,” al-Lulu said. Eighth infant dies from hypothermia amid Israeli genocide in Gaza
The infant’s grieving mother describes the unbearable conditions her family faces, borrowing bedding and blankets from other displaced families who are themselves struggling to keep their children warm.
In a heart-wrenching video shared by a Palestinian journalist on social media, the grieving mother, overcome with tears, described finding her child frozen, saying, “It was as if he had been placed in a freezer.” Israel denies knowledge of Gaza hospital director’s whereabouts
The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) has voiced grave concerns over the fate of Dr Hussam Abu Safiya, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, especially after the Israeli occupation military denied having any record of his detention.
Abu Safiya was detained on Saturday after occupation forces raided and forcibly evacuated the hospital. Video footage later released by the occupation army showed Abu Safiya entering an Israeli military vehicle and being greeted by occupation forces. UNIFIL accuses Israeli army of deliberately destroying property in southern Lebanon
The UN Interim Force in Lebanon on Saturday accused the Israeli army of deliberately destroying its property and critical infrastructure in southern Lebanon, leading to a serious escalation in tensions along the border.
In a statement on Saturday, UNIFIL said: “This morning, peacekeepers witnessed an Israeli army bulldozer destroying a blue barrel marking the withdrawal line between Lebanon and Israel in Al-Labbouneh, as well as a watchtower belonging to the Lebanese Armed Forces adjacent to a UNIFIL site in the area.”
The blue barrels, which are markers for the withdrawal line — commonly referred to as the Blue Line — delineate the boundary established after Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000. deal until Israel agrees to quit Gaza, end war: Hamas
January 7, 2025 at 11:24 am #178706John DayParticipantThe US confirmed on Saturday, that the American aircraft carrier (Truman) in the Red Sea was out of service, coming days after it was targeted by Yemeni forces.
Quiet Part Out Loud: Trump Admits Hiring Hawkish Mideast Envoy Because GOP’s Neocon Wing Wanted It
Donald Trump has tapped another neoconservative for his cabinet, selecting Morgan Ortagus, his previous administration’s ex-State Department spokeswoman, to serve as deputy envoy of his Middle East peace team.
The president-elect made the announcement in an oddly resentful manner on his social media platform Friday.
“Early on Morgan fought me for three years, but hopefully has learned her lesson. These things usually don’t work out, but she has strong Republican support, and I’m not doing this for me, I’m doing it for them. Let’s see what happens,” Trump wrote. you guess? Thanks Charles. How & Why Government, Universities, & Industry Create Domestic Labor Shortages of Scientists & High-Tech Workers
Norway Doubles Down on Oil and Gas
Norway’s oil and gas investment is expected to reach a record high in 2025, driven by new exploration activity and increased demand for Norwegian gas.
While Norway is a leader in renewable energy, it continues to invest heavily in oil and gas production, raising concerns about its climate commitments.
Norway aims to balance its oil and gas production with decarbonization efforts Pesticide Banned in Europe But Widely Used in U.S. Makes Brain Cells Age Faster
Exposure to atrazine can make nerve cells age faster and harm the hypothalamus, an essential part of the brain, increasing the risk of neurodegenerative disease, according to a recently released study in mice. 7, 2025 at 11:25 am #178707John DayParticipant Catastrophic Neurological and Psychiatric Damage from COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
Increased risks of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, transient ischemic attack, myelitis, myasthenia gravis, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. The “vaccines” help the virus, not you. 63 Peer-Reviewed Studies Link COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ to the Emergence of Vaccine-Resistant Viral Variants
Variants emerged in temporal and geographic proximity to clinical trials or mass ‘vaccination’ campaigns. Just stop now – COVID-19 mRNA Injections Dose-Dependently Increase Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Up to 121%
Findings reinforce evidence of negative efficacy with repeated doses. “No” means “yes, if we want to”. Vermont Supreme Court Ruling Allows Schools to Administer COVID Vaccines Without Parents’ Consent, by John Klar
Despite mainstream media reports to the contrary, a ruling in August 2024 by the Vermont Supreme Court effectively gives schools a free pass to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children even if parents request their children not receive the vaccine.
Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
In August, Vermont’s Supreme Court that ruled a 6-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents’ specific instructions that he not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family’s sole recourse is a federal claim requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed. All other traditional causes of action for violating these parents’ rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent protections for patients, are extinguished completely. FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines
Explosive revelations as a study conducted at FDA’s own lab found residual DNA levels exceeded safety limits by 6 to 470 times. Experts say it’s a ‘smoking gun.’ 7, 2025 at 11:54 am #178716OroborosParticipant• Nuclear Fusion Offers Safe And Clean Energy
Fusion energy is a Clownshow
Another scam perpetrated on the Sheeple,
Bah,bah,bah Black Sheep have you any wool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir, three bags full…………..
Fusion is perfect for Woke Gen Z technological retardsPerfect…
January 7, 2025 at 12:01 pm #178717OroborosParticipantA Duh’merican Monument to Greatness
The plaque reads:
“The Quarter Pounder with Cheese”
Made Duh’merica Healthy
Smooth Move, cha, cha , cha…….
Meanwhile, in a distance far away land…..January 7, 2025 at 12:14 pm #178718CelticbikerParticipantWhen Musk says we’re gonna shake things up, who’s “we”? An obvious frontman for jewbankers, DOD, CIA, technocrat, gussied up version of Gates, doesn’t give a fuck about Joe Blow and would replace him with a streetshittter in a heartbeat. Oddly, he resembles that ethereal dude in the painting above. I wouldn’t trust either fuckin one of them, ever.
January 7, 2025 at 12:15 pm #178719OroborosParticipantWhat Aren’t ‘People’ Talking About?
Well, that’s easy…..Gen Z actually has a point here
I’m sure the Youth Generation coming up has a grasp on things
And of course 5th Wave Feminism is leading the Leadership Charge into the Future…..
January 7, 2025 at 12:18 pm #178720January 7, 2025 at 12:18 pm #178721OroborosParticipantJanuary 7, 2025 at 12:19 pm #178722OroborosParticipantJanuary 7, 2025 at 12:38 pm #178723oxymoronParticipantOk I feel dirty and ashamed. Did I allow Elon and the internet to hack my emotions? If as Galloway says – 89% of all sexual abuse (reported) crimes are perpetrated by whites then 11% sexually assaulting 250-500 thousand girls seems like an impossibility. Sure Stamer is a complete lifeless turd but what is going on? I know the gang-rape is largely unreported and there has been a great deal of coverage over the last year or so about police doing nothing because of – you know – racism. But what the actual? I either have become a completely hackable animal or I just learn to have no empathy and not give a shit about pack rape anymore because – nothing is real and nothing to get hung about, strawberry fields forever..
I have a feeling the English including Galloway are lashing out because they are ashamed of their country (few centuries of genocide and colonialism helps) and hate Elon for holding a mirror up that they let get real dirty. I kind of despise that class system of cucks and landed gentry. Can’t they do anything about it? Australians probably no better.January 7, 2025 at 12:50 pm #178724Just Some RandomerParticipantOxy – the majority of abuse reported in the UK is perpetrated by white people, because the country is, despite what the media would have a casual viewer of TV believe still mostly white.
Some interesting statistics here (yeah, yeah, it’s ZH I know, but the stats are the stats)
I will guarantee that if a mass rape culture had developed where white perpetrators were organised into gangs luring in thousands of girls and sharing them around like playthings for horrific abuse, with the full knowledge of the police and social services, there would have been no memos from Government calling for the whole thing to be ignored in case it upsets ‘Community relations’ – and that, I think is the main point.
As Nixon found out to his cost, it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.
January 7, 2025 at 12:56 pm #178725oxymoronParticipant‘Tesla cars, with their sleek design and state-of-the-art performance, marry ecological consciousness with technological dominance, reaffirming Faye’s insistence that future societies must balance environmental concerns with bold, dynamic solutions. Tesla’s emergence as the world’s most valuable car company is not just a market success. It symbolizes the cultural shift towards a future where sustainability is not synonymous with mediocrity
ecological consciousness only – the ‘idea’ of ecological’. How can vehicles made with non-renewable fossil fuels and rare (meaning – rare) earth metals be ‘sustainable’?
Walking is sustainable – those cars are for rando weirdos. Not my religion babes. Sorry.
Say Hi to Jehovah for me. Tell him I’m sorry he’s special.January 7, 2025 at 12:57 pm #178726oxymoronParticipantThanks JSR
January 7, 2025 at 1:08 pm #178727John DayParticipantPierre Poilievre’s gonna “put Canada first”.
😉January 7, 2025 at 1:20 pm #178728John DayParticipantNuclear Fusion:
“Said the pie-man to Simple Simon, ‘show me first your money’.
Said Simple Simon to the pie-man, ‘indeed, I have not any’.”January 7, 2025 at 1:24 pm #178729John DayParticipantElon Musk, born in South Africa, raised largely in Canada, is mostly a product of the British Commonwealth, is he not?
He “made it big in America”, but that’s not where he’s from.January 7, 2025 at 1:25 pm #178730OroborosParticipantPoilievre
Talk about stereo types
The origin of the name Poilievre is believed to be French.
The name is broken down into two parts, “poile” (fur or pelt) and “lievre” (rabbit or hare)
The New Leader of Canazida is a rabbit pelt.
January 7, 2025 at 1:26 pm #178731OroborosParticipantJanuary 7, 2025 at 1:30 pm #178732OroborosParticipantNot all of the younger gen are Woketards
But some are still feeling the Devil’s Riding Crop
January 7, 2025 at 1:32 pm #178734Dr. DParticipantVan Eick, they need to get out in the sun more. And that’s his self-portrait in the mirror, upside down, backward, and parabolized.
“UK’s Starmer Dismisses Rape Gang Outrage As “Far-Right Bandwagon”
Being against a quarter million child rapes is a thing only the Right cares about. Guilty as charged, I guess. If that’s what the definition is according to you, then I guess I’m on the Right. …Many (leftist) people have commented on this, in their attempt to be center-left. Tim Pool for example. But since they ban you if you don’t rape children, it’s impossible.
“According to BBC Newsnight, Britain’s socialist government are considering ending their security partnership with the U.S. unless Donald Trump distances himself from Elon Musk’s views on grooming gangs.”
Yay!! Do it. DO IT!!! So they’ll even throw NATO allies under the bus to defend million-child rape gangs? Put it on the front page. Let everyone know who you are.
“Musk’s $100m donation to Reform only if Farage is sacked.”
Since clearly he’s helping, don’t care. Thanks for the progress you did, but if this is as far as you go, we’re going further. That leaves PM Robinson or Galloway.
“Swiss Burqa Ban Begins”That doesn’t look like freedom to me. So I can’t wear a hat now? Well, not my business.
“Germany’s Gun-Grab? Saxony-Anhalt Begins Disarming AfD Members
Every list. So, gun registry. Gun permission. Gun process. This is why it “Shall not be infringed”, because, “Who decides?” Also a joke of security theatre: IF you had the slightest intent to do anything you’d 1) Take over an armory 2) Use bleach or lasers or something. Proving that at least at this point, they haven’t the slightest intent to violence.
So 3) We take away guns from people who prove they haven’t the slightest intent to violence and permit relentless violence from those many parties and people that do. How about this: when you’re all done with your work and there’s really no violence in the streets anywhere in Germany, only THEN will you have time to bother with a serving papers on a prominent political opposition. No rapes for several weeks, all the police office has been all rested and cleaned up, well then, dig to the bottom of your inbox and see what’s been hiding there.
“Alan Dershowitz: Lawfare Against Trump & Allies “Worse Than Stalinism”
From yesterday, Dershowitz strikes me as someone wrapped up badly in corruption that wants out. He has found this opportunity in the Trump era and he is moving forward with it without getting killed. Pretty sure he knows things.
…Killed like the NOLA D.A. who “Committed Suicide” yesterday, just a few days after the nation’s biggest case was forming on his desk concerning Derp State Terrorism. Why would I be suspicious?? That sort of thing happens all the time!! Can’t remember the last case where, say, a common street mugging happened on some kid in D.C. that FBI took it over completely because they do common street muggings and bathtub accidents now. …Then a day later the nation’s most expensive legal firms appear and offer pro bono to the family for the totally unrelated street mugging. Yup. Every. Day.
“Bannon Goes Off On Musk Over “Social Credit Score” Changes On X
Great to go after him. And this is why we have Free and Open discussions in the marketplace of ideas. The #Opposite of censorship.
“ Trudeau To Be Humanely Euthanized” – BbeeWe’ll pet his pretty head as he fades away and bury him in the backyard. Parliament is dissolved, so I guess Canada entirely comes to a halt and falls into the sea. Without the Federales to tell every Canadian what to do, they all lie down and commit suicide.
Giving Hillary Clinton Medal Of Freedom, Biden Avoids Tragic Suicide “ –Bbee“Allstate CEO Explains If Americans Were Nicer, Islamists Wouldn’t Have To Murder Them” — BBee
“FBI Turns Itself In For Planting Jan 6 Pipe Bomb To Collect $500,000 Reward From FBI “ — BBee
Whaaaa?? Daily Mail?
So this is both consensus reality, and also totally made up and not true. Got it. BothNeitherAi.
“• Dollar Reverses Losses After Trump Blasts WaPo’s “Fake News” Tariff Report (ZH)
Ah but it’s not reversed. WaPo is doing felony insider trading on behalf of someone. Releasing this they know the market will rock, billions of dollars are transferred, and London scoops up the foreknowledge to delay their bankruptcy. Are you going to “Reverse losses” by reversing all those trades?
“• Musk and Trump Can Bring A New Era That Blends Technology and Tradition (RT)Will they? I see no tradition whatsoever. And it’ll be the South African tradition? Or what?
“Tesla cars, with their sleek design and state-of-the-art performance, marry ecological consciousness with technological dominance,”
Nothing but monkeyshine all the way down. Teslas burn coal, and they are the least ecological, via their cobalt, lithium, etc. They are the least traditional, as they are roving panopticon corporate surveillance machines. And Musk is an anti-freedom anti-environmentalist. The only thing he has going is he’s one iteration less totalitarian than his peers.
“Conspiracies Too Awful to Imagine? (Victor Davis Hanson)
The, “And nobody went to jail” article. There’s time. Thousands of known felonies were committed. Most of them aspire to sedition and hanging, but there are thousands and thousands to choose from. …And then we start the CIVIL cases, at $1M a pop for suppressing speech.
“They found a cure for gluttony. Now do narcissism.” — Peachy Keenan
Not sure what the context is, but I think Ozempic.
“During his conversation [In a language neither of them speak] with Fridman, Zelensky, among other things, said that it was “bad” that Ukraine did not have nuclear weapons and confessed that he “despises” the Russian people.” So he’s a core racist that wants nukes.
Duran did a remedial on how this all started. That is, all the Minsk, 4 treaties governing this. Yes, the very FACT of the treaties – since always – was that Ukraine was protected and sovereign if it was neutral and had no nuclear weapons. It hasn’t been sovereign in decades – the CIA is in there from Day One, 1994 and certainly, openly, over the line since 2014. That’s also when they declared intent to get nukes, thereby invalidating all the treaties. This was the same governing Belarus, they remind. The very FACT of CIA color revolutions there – anywhere, at any time, in any measure – invalidates Budapest to begin with. That’s what “Neutral” “Non-interference” means.
They add that NEITHER country was negotiating. Again, we repeat again, in Department of Redundancy Department. ALL of this was an INTERNAL treaty, between Kiev and the DONBAS, a UKRAINIAN oblast. Russia had nothing to do with it, and neither did America. Ze was feverish to get RUSSIA to be involved, sign involved, negotiate involved, and Russia was blankly W. T. F. ???
Why? Legally it would be “Russia invading” and “Meddling in internal politics”
…WHICH IS WHAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES WERE DOING. Then legally they can get involved, “Defend” in NATO, blah blah.
So NATO eventually required the ‘22 invasion, but only after all this f-ing, derp-head nonsense.
They’re still at it, where the U.S. is-it-is-or-is-it-ain’t negotiation between us and THE WAR WE ARE NOT IN. Because we the ‘States are innocent as doves, ain’t we? Oh but we are, but ALSO we’re totally not.
HOW can you, anyone, possibly deal with such lunatics and villains? Negotiate and sign with them? Surely, you’re mad.
So now, Trump and the crew, all D.C., are just admitting they’ve been running a illegal war of aggression. But doesn’t count! Backsies! No one notices, since it’s been true – while also being false – the whole time. This is AFTER Merkel, everyone admitted on camera again and again, they violated all treaties, specifically Minsk, with no intent at any time to uphold it or do anything but invade Russia. Again, since our Party = Right or wrong, we approve.
“Continued support for Kiev is vital for the “
credibility” collateral of the West..” …And by “West” they mean “London”. We won’t collapse but UK will if they don’t sell 250,000 12-year old girls a year for £50 pound note for serial gang rapes.
“This says Ursula and Bourla used SMS and then deleted the messages. WhatsApp seems more likely, since it is encrypted.”So this is their formal, legal, argument? Okay then, it’s illegal, proceed to jail. I don’t care that it hides an even MORE illegal crime, we’ll bring that case after you’re already in jail for this one.
January 7, 2025 at 1:32 pm #178735Dr. DParticipant““According to three separate reports published in 2013, 2014, and 2015, local politicians and police alike opted to cover up the rapes partly out of fear that bringing the perpetrators to justice would be seen as “racist.”
Great, but “Partly” is not “Mostly.” So what were all the many other reasons, Mr. Reporter, since “Partly” is a word we use for “Way less than 50% and probably under 30%? That means “A wee bit” for racism, but MOSTLY because they would be fired or their own children would be picked up and raped by the same organized crime syndicate. No? WE KNOW FOR A FACT they fired, dismissed, or had “accidents” with anyone who DID prosecute crime. At all.
So the entire UK police force, apparently does not “arrest” (ie “stop”) investigate, and refer crime now. Sirs, what ARE you doing all day when you come in the Office? Playing Whist?
Okay, so let’s reverse that statement: if it’s only 30% about anything having to do with racism, then IT’S NOT ABOUT RACISM AT ALL, is it? The only existence of those words is as a bare fig leaf, covering nothing. That’s just saying “My uncle is $10 richer than I am so it’s okay to steal”; no logic or cover at all. Where did this come from? So in 1860, 1960, 2000, no one would arrest an 2nd generation fellow from Mumbai doing armed robbery in a chips shop? Uhhh…me don’t think so. So you ALWAYS did this, for 200 years, up until STARMER got in. Hmmmmm…. Do I see a trend? It was unremarkable, obvious, not racist ever, once, for all that time 10 generations until 2008 or so and “Occupy”? Huh.
So when you go flat broke, and need to divide and conquer, suddenly this appears from the head of Zeus fully-formed? A: That’s what “Google Search Terms”says. Not. Racism. At all, ever. Never was then or now.
“Robert Bates, the founder of the Centre for Migration Control, told The Telegraph that the government must implement “far stricter visa protocols” for those nationalities with a “disproportionately high propensity to engage in criminality.”
I mean, maybe, but I’m pretty sure just ARRESTING CRIME AT ALL will solve this pretty quick, yes? Ever hear of “El Salvador”? Arrest ANY crime. Just try it, it’s so crazy it might work!
Again, it’s LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for this not to be conscious, motivated, prosecuted decision right from the top. From Starmer, he was in that seat, but as only prosecutor at that time, therefore above him. They keep saying “To not increase tensions” “To defend settling things down” Uh-huh. So you all thought – and strategically, not morally here — that when you have 10,000 rapes in England, that moving the number up to 250,000 would SETTLE THINGS DOWN?? Like the Public would be ever so much happier with you and the immigrants then?
Yeah, uh, what I’m seeing is: Every word out of your mouth is a lie. Every “justification” is transparently ludicrous, and YOU JUST LIKE THIS SORT OF THING. That’s like saying, “Well we had to let them complete the rape, because if we stop in the middle, it’ll muss up their clothes. Do you have any idea the cost of British wardrobes over the calendar year?” NO. You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. That’s the level of their arguments.
I don’t CARE what crazy people say: they say ALL KINDS of things about how Beelzebub is haunting their purse, don’t care. You go to jail, you can’t say “Obviously God says you must rape whenever it’s raining” or any other pin-headed non-sequitur. Glad to hear it, we typed it in the court record, now welcome to jail.
“• Amazon Confirms Melania Trump Documentary (RT)
Why do they hate immigrants so much? Is it because she’s a woman?
“• Nuclear Fusion Offers Safe And Clean Energy (JTN)
They’re really running out of ways to steal money if they’re down to this. Like the High-speed rail is now admitted they took all of it – ALL – and stole it into other departments and projects. You know: they’re weren’t authorized? That’s why we have “Bills” and “Allocations”?
“It also doesn’t carry the risks of a nuclear meltdown that, while very rare, can occur in a fission reactor,”Yes but only fission reactors that were created that way in order to create military-ready Plutonium. Dozens of other reactors do NOT have this problem, but no nuclear bombs. The “Cue ball” one, where all fuel is inside graphite and cannot meltdown even if the reactor is shut off forever is one of them. …That no one is interested in at all. Because: it’s not about creating power (windmills and ethanol, clearly) and not about safety (all other examples in the universe, but “Gain of Function” is a good one).
Anyway that leads to important quotes from important experts on the matter:
There is not the slightest indication that [nuclear energy] will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will.” ~ Albert Einstein, 1932.
Yeah, that quote is not 1909. Experts!
Proof that Science is settled! Now shut up and don’t ask questions! Testing and talking is #AntiScience.
January 7, 2025 at 1:37 pm #178736OroborosParticipantOh, by the way….
Kids are being programed and socially groomed at surprisingly young ages.
The New Shiny Digital Dystopia
.”This Message is Approved by Ted Kaczynski!”.
.January 7, 2025 at 1:43 pm #178737OroborosParticipant“Scientists”
January 7, 2025 at 1:44 pm #178738OroborosParticipantJanuary 7, 2025 at 1:53 pm #178739Dr D RichParticipantJonathan Turley really did cite John Fetterman to bolster his thesis.
God.I know, I know, I know Fetterman fulfils Ds miserable criteria of max credit for Man in the Arena.
January 7, 2025 at 2:14 pm #178740zerosumParticipantControl, Free speech, distraction, secrets, lies, Change, transition, hypocrites, “conspiracy”, confessional pardons
• Trump Urges GOP to Pass Bill Advancing His Policies (ET)A reconciliation bill, which would enable the policies to be passed with a simple majority, bypassing the Senate’s 60-vote threshold.
Johnson said the bill could be delivered to Trump’s desk for signature by the end of April.
Senate Majority Leader Thune said the GOP also planned to use the Congressional Review Act to “undo some of the Biden administration regulations that are weighing down our economy” and pass another reconciliation package to expand the tax relief provided to Americans during Trump’s first administration.
The 2024 election proved to be the largest verdict in history after years of lawfare and biased media reporting came to nothing.
• Conspiracies Too Awful to Imagine? (Victor Davis Hanson)———–
You must imagine that the incoming Solicitor General, John Sauer’s, first act in office will be to ask SCOTUS for a ruling on the legitimacy of preemptive pardons — blanket pardons for crimes alive perhaps in guilty consciences but nowhere extant as yet in the legal system.
———-January 7, 2025 at 2:56 pm #178741That BlokeParticipantOroboros,
Maybe it was derived from ‘poil’ = ‘hair/fur’ and ‘levre’ = ‘lip’ therefore meaning ‘hairy lip’.
January 7, 2025 at 2:58 pm #178742those darned kidsParticipant3. Indeed, during the Trump administration, we witnessed once more undreamed-of efforts to
January 7, 2025 at 2:59 pm #178743those darned kidsParticipantjust sayin’..
January 7, 2025 at 4:37 pm #178745OroborosParticipantJanuary 7, 2025 at 4:39 pm #178746OroborosParticipantTAE could use a good dance number
January 7, 2025 at 4:40 pm #178747OroborosParticipantSaved from a Life of Crime
January 7, 2025 at 4:41 pm #178748tbocParticipantdoes anyone have the historical and current data on domestic violence in the UK?
historical and current data on domestic violence in the US?
do you have data on arrests versus reports and claims of domestic violence in western society?
any data on rapes in the US not reported and not prosecuted?
ask the people of Okinawa about drunk foreigners raping their women in their effort to defend and promote democracy“There are lies, damned lies and statistics” – Mark Twain
all violence directed toward women and children is horrific, all violence directed toward women and children is horrific, all violence directed toward women and children is horrific
to even suggest that sexual violence is peculiar to any geographic region or emmigrees from any geographic region displays an ignorance that can only be measured in terms of disgust and an arrogance that is beyond measurei know that the entertainment industry, the marketing industry and education industry in the US have groomed two generations of monogametes to prostitute themselves for a “pocket full of mumbles”. Even a knave such as Jimmy Swaggert wrote Rape of a Nation.
look up coveture and suffrage in the UK
look up divorce and property rights in the US
read some Dickens, not Little Jimmy the other one
then listen to Little Jimmy sing LIfe Turned Her That Wayand man up and humbly pay respect to a member of this community
“She’s well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand” – Lennon-McCartneyJanuary 7, 2025 at 4:41 pm #178749tbocParticipant“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” ~ H. L. Mencken
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