Debt Rattle July 15 2018


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    Ezra Stoller Parking garage, New Haven, Connecticut 1963   • Theresa May: Trump Told Me To Sue The EU (BBC) • Trump Reveals The Queen’s Private V
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 15 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Your phone (cell/mobile) is your enemy. It tracks you eveywhere you go 24/7/365. Turning it off doesn’t negate the tracking. Taking out the battery might; but even that is not certain.
    What do you think about that?
    Better yet; do you want to stop its tracking for a certainty?
    It’s not difficult or expensive. Just wrap your phone in a double layer of aluminum foil and be sure there are no gaps in the folded seams.
    More expensive, but far more convenient, is a Faraday bag.
    Easily found online.
    If they’re still available, Prince Albert tobacco tins would also work…


    Another way to deal with cell phone tracking is simply to leave the wretched thing at home assuming you must own one at all. I successfully spent my first 60-plus years without one of these and I don’t see why I can’t continue doing that.

    Well, I can, until the carrying of a cell phone is made compulsory. One can think of quite a number of reasons why that might happen.

    Come to think of it, the term “cell phone” seems entirely accurate and descriptive of how the gadgets are used and, increasingly, how they’re purposed. CELL phone. Hmmm.



    There are bigger fish in the ocean ….

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