Debt Rattle July 2 2020
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- This topic has 39 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
V. Arnold.
July 2, 2020 at 10:44 am #60712
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterMarion Post Wolcott Unemployed coal miner’s mother in law and child. Marine, West Virginia 1938 • Crisis at Houston Hospitals as Coronavirus Ca
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 2 2020]July 2, 2020 at 11:22 am #60713V. Arnold
ParticipantIt’s theater, nothing in it is real, and you’re -literally- buying into it. Or wait, no, there is one thing that is real: people are going to get killed.
There you go…
Act II is yet to play out…July 2, 2020 at 12:37 pm #60714boscohorowitz
ParticipantInvest in burkha futures now! Get in on the ground floor!
July 2, 2020 at 12:44 pm #60715John Day
Participant@oxymoron: Thanks for complimenting me and boscohorowitz yesterday.
@zerosum: That “Gray Man” thing seems to assume being on foot in a mega city like New York or London. You might prefer being closer to your vegetable garden when things break. I do. I kept reading to the end for something I could use. It was kind of reassuring not to find it. I have a 1997 Ford Ranger with dings. It’s gray. It’s invisible on Texas roads. Jenny has a 2009 Toyota Matrix, bright metallic gold. It’s really visible, but never sinister or suspicious. I always wear a bright yellow windbreaker with lots of internal pockets when going through airports, customs, and so on. I’m easy to find, but always have nothing-to-hide. Those are all variations on not attracting suspicion. I can go anywhere in Austin on my bicycle, too. Whoosh, there I go, some guy on a bike, gone, forgotten…
@boscohorowitz: “She blinded ME with …….”July 2, 2020 at 12:54 pm #60716Carlos Jimenez
ParticipantTucker’s the master of sarcasm. May be that’s why he’s got the highest count of viewers on cable ever as opposed to CNN making stuff up every minute.
Talking about that, I thought I was reading The Onion when: “Mercedes Benz paints its race cars black to combat racism”. Apparently not, they’re picking up the mission that CHOP dropped.
July 2, 2020 at 1:04 pm #60717Carlos Jimenez
ParticipantOn the Depression Era picture atop, it reminds me of “You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive”. Wether by black lung, hunger or the Pinkertons doing the corporations dirty work with Gatling guns.
The newer Devil’s trick is ‘mountaintop removal’ same killing machine different operation. Crapitalism will never stop until all resources are exhausted and all life on the planet is choked up by waste to the point of death.
No better voice than Natalie Merchant’s to ask the question: “Which Side Are You On”.
July 2, 2020 at 1:33 pm #60718John Day
ParticipantIt looks baffling to some “medical experts” that a lot of people who were badly ill with COVID are still tired,hurting, and with ling and other organ dysfunction.
They are not acknowledging that this vessel attacks the layer of cells lining the arteries and arterioles all through the body. It also has ways of evading immune system attack. It prevents infected cells from expressing a surface-marker that says they are infected. The killer-T-cells don’t come kill them, so they later release their festering swarm of viral particles into the bloodstream.
Your very own immune system is the “wonder drug” for this infection. Do take 5000 units per day of vitamin-D, 10,000 a day for a month or so, if you are just starting. Summer-sunbathing-beauties probably don’t need the loading dose.July 2, 2020 at 1:35 pm #60719John Day
ParticipantOops: “ling” means “lung”. “vessel” should read “virus”
Joe Biden
July 2, 2020 at 1:37 pm #60720Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterFBI has arrested Ghislaine Maxwell. In New Hampshire. Expected to appear in a federal court later today.
July 2, 2020 at 1:43 pm #60721Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterThe issue I have with jobs reports like the one today (4.8 million new jobs “won”?) is that if I say I don’t believe a single digit of them, people will say I’m a whining pessimist.
But if I say I do believe every single digit, they’ll say I’m an absolute moron. And somewhere in between, according to their political color, they will, in the current situation, throw in either pro-Trumper or anti-Trumper.
July 2, 2020 at 1:50 pm #60722boscohorowitz
ParticipantOne wonders: bug out to where?
Any survival primer that tells me to not help others reminds me of why I don’t read survival primers. I get the rationale, particularly regarding mob midst-dom (that portmanteau went too far, jah?). But death already has my number, one day is as good a day to die as another, and our selfish genes steadily conquer our humanity by this divide’n’survive thing that got us into this mess in the first place. I submit that, in such times, there is more worth dying for than living for. I don’t mean as in suicidal escape but as rreasons to continue living, period.
Genetically, it sucks. The most cooperative and caring typically get taken out first while the more selfish and callous win the spoils. But genes are mindless drones. The will to survive foremost is, for this bleeding heart, where the currency of life experiences moral deflation.
Reminds me of the ending to William Gibson’ short story, Dogfight:
“A little adrenaline would pull him out of this. He needed to celebrate. To get drunk or stoned and talk it up, going over the victory time and again, contradicting himself, making up details, laughing and bragging. A starry old night like this called for big talk.
“But standing there with all of Jackman’s silent and vast and empty around him, he realized suddenly that he had nobody left to tell it to.
“Nobody at all.”
July 2, 2020 at 1:54 pm #60723generic
Participant51,097 new cases.
Joke going around here: “What borders on stupid?”
Answer: “Canada and Mexico.”
July 2, 2020 at 2:14 pm #60724Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI hadn’t seen this yet, from yesterday. Must be a link with the arrest.
Epstein ‘sex slave’ Virginia Giuffre, Alan Dershowitz both lose in new court ruling
Attorneys for alleged Jeffrey Epstein “sex slave” Virginia Roberts Giuffre were ordered Wednesday to destroy evidence from her case against Ghislaine Maxwell — as lawyer Alan Dershowitz was also denied access to the potentially explosive information.
Manhattan federal Judge Loretta Preska said she was “troubled” to learn during oral arguments last week that Giuffre’s lawyers, from the firm of Cooper & Kirk, had been given sealed records from her since-settled suit against Maxwell, who Giuffre claims recruited her to have sex with Epstein and his pals while she was underage.
The other men allegedly include Dershowitz, whom Giuffre is suing for defamation over his public denials of her accusations, including calling her a “certified, complete, total liar,” and who is counter-suing Giuffre for causing “serious harm … to his reputation, his business and his health.”
“As a practical matter, the Court would be surprised — shocked, even — if Cooper & Kirk was not in some sense ‘using’ the Maxwell discovery in its representation of Ms. Giuffre in her action against Mr. Dershowitz,” the judge wrote.
July 2, 2020 at 2:19 pm #60725zerosum
….. painless free stuff from government.
Stephanie Kelton, economics professor at SUNY Stony Brook, is the author of The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy. Professor Kelton was an advisor to the Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns, and her ideas increasingly find purchase with left progressives. It is certainly possible that she has a future either in a Biden administration or even on the Federal Reserve Board, which is a testament to how quickly our political and cultural landscape has shifted toward left progressivism.
And left progressivism requires a “New Economics” to provide intellectual cover for what is essentially a political argument for painless free stuff from government.July 2, 2020 at 2:50 pm #60726Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAccording to charging documents, Maxwell “befriended” some of these victims, “including by asking the victims about their lives, their schools, and their families”. She and Epstein spent time forging relationships with these girls, by taking them shopping and to the movies. The alleged grooming happened, according to the documents, at Epstein’s manse on the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, his ranch in Sante Fe, New Mexico, as well as Maxwell’s residence in London.
After developing a rapport, the documents allege, “Maxwell would try to normalize sexual abuse for a minor victim by, among other things, discussing sexual topics, undressing in front of the victim, being present when a minor victim was undressed, and/or being present for sex acts involving the minor victim and Epstein”.
Sometimes, Maxwell would give Epstein massages in front of victims whereas other times, she urged them to give him massages, “including sexualized massage during which a minor victim would be fully or partially nude.” These would often involve Epstein sexually abusing these minors.
On some occasions, Maxwell was “present for and participated in the abuse”
July 2, 2020 at 2:59 pm #60727Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAnd two counts of perjury.
July 2, 2020 at 3:40 pm #60728zerosum
ParticipantBehind the curtain old news
Monday, June 15, 2020
Commerce Clears Way for U.S. Companies to More Fully Engage in Tech Standards-Development Bodies
This action is meant to ensure Huawei’s placement on the Entity List in May 2019 does not prevent American companies from contributing to important standards-developing activities despite Huawei’s pervasive participation in standards-development organizations.
Other side to story
The move was seen by many in China as an admission by President Donald Trump’s administration that it cannot ignore Huawei’s influential role in developing the technical standards critical for future technologies.July 2, 2020 at 3:54 pm #60729boscohorowitz
ParticipantMy son the skater lives in downtown Seattle. I sent him this letter just now:
BLM made you want to help. Here’s a way to help: a large part of the Capitol Hill thing population was homeless people who enjoyed a space where cops didn’t hassle them and good food was reliably available.
Now that the cops have chased BLM out, the homeless are most likely taking the worst of it. The cops will surely use this as an excuse to harass them elsewhere. Not too far, just away from the de-re-militarized zone 😉 .
You could make up a buncha sandwiches, including lettuce, toms, etc. — these people rarely get fresh veggies/fruit, and hand them out. Also, sani-wipes. Tampons for the ladies. $30 and an afternoon’s skating around the area would make a lot of outcast people surprisingly happy, although the expressions of gratitude you’ll receive will range from tearful thanx to shove-off grunts. People living exposed like that to both the elements and the sordid social facts of our culture, tend to become emotionally calloused.
Media/culture tells us it has to be big to make a difference. This is, imo, partly because that makes easier targets for them to manipulate or even destroy. LIfe is composed of little things. The personal and singular is powerful, very powerful. It’s where all the real action happens.
Best to bring a buddy with you. The homeless are mostly harmless and mostly good if fractured people. But sometimes there’s a serious paraschizo, someone like that, and they are hell to deal with alone.
And of course, skateboards make great weapons/shields.
But that’s just precaution. The biggest danger from the homeless are fleas and disease.
July 2, 2020 at 4:16 pm #60730Dr. D
ParticipantContinuing their unbroken streak, Leftist BLM arrested for unprovoked crowd shooting of SUV and driver.
Well, you can’t very well arrest them BEFORE the crime, but fat lot of good it does after.
Oh and CHAZ finally ends with extreme “police” brutality, where CHAZ police empty 300 unprovoked rounds into two black children: 14 and 16. The 16 year old died.
Good job BLM. That’s showin’ how to do it. Took only 7 days.
What “Capitalism” do you mean? If a Choctaw trades red ocher with a Comanche, do the mountains fall? They are in a state of *perfect* capitalism: they own things, control the equipment to make them, and trade, often using abstract currency. There’s no enforcement, and no one can make them do anything. So the problem is where…? And does the cure to this terrible mountain-felling system kill 100M people per 100 years, beyond the daily terror, oppression, tyranny, and complete environmental ruin? If so, I’d rather have the disease.
I’ll take this one up: If the BLS said it, it’s a lie. The BLS is a subset: adult Americans, subset: Media. Every word, every breath, every number, every time.
Universal lies like MMT. Sure, it works. It’s a time-delayed reverse-progressive tax increase on the poor. It works by causing inflation that inevitably must help the top, the first-holders of new money while it raises prices on the last-holders of money, the bottom. It delays wage increases while increasing investment profits, and therefore turbo-charges all income disparity. That’s why they all want it, why it’s promoted in schools and billionaire-owned media articles and not banned and de-platformed like every idea that would actually reduce income disparity and harm the rich. –Incidentally the same reason why Socialism is allowed and promoted by all rich men and institutions everywhere: the few billionaire party-members will still be the deciders — far stronger — and live in palatial Dachas while they send you to Siberia and grab your daughters. And as always, the poor are easily sold on it and buy in, which utterly destroys them, as it has in Argentina and every other place it’s ever tried, and is the largest reason they have indeed been destroyed in America every minute of every day since we started MMT in 1971.
But by all means, do it more: utterly annihilate the poor. We’ll just invest and profit 25-fold by it with a 60% ruined economy and 30% unemployment rate with 20% of that nation on food stamps and the resulting nationwide riots. Why? Since nobody listens to what we say anyway. I’ll advise you not to and list why in endless mind-numbing detail, but they have to learn for themselves like always in history. The unlearning and unwary may indeed be going to h–l. Doesn’t mean we have to help, though.
July 2, 2020 at 5:10 pm #60731boscohorowitz
ParticipantThe study concerns households and larger cloistered environments like schools, which few appear to be seriously considering reopening. The words ‘public’ and ‘outdoor’ appear zilch in the article.
Households/schools are contagion environments almost impossible to control, which is why nursing homes and hospitals are notorious places to catch a wicked bug, and why PPE is so adamantly demanded in healthcare facilities these days.
(My wife works in medical admin. Local major hospital sent letter explaing that further practitioner privileges in said hospital depended on passing a $25 test to ensure practitioners had masks and they passed some kind of proper fit test. Three days later, another letter said, Cancel that. Most likely because the insurance comapnies, who probably instigated the first letter, discovered that there are no guarantees with this stuff, and the legal wrecking ball could swing both ways in subsequent litigation. In such cases, bureaucracies prefer to stick with silence than stick their neck out. The requirement was reduced to ‘wear a mask’ and follow pre-established guidelines for dealing with previous bad bugs like MRSA, requirement my wife’s practitioners were also familiar with and performed often.)
The article is rife with statements like this: “Most studies were underpowered because of limited sample size, and some studies also reported suboptimal adherence in the face mask group.”
This I agree with: “Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids (36). There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”
I wear the nice home-sewn face masks, made by my wife, in public more to make everyone feel safe. As the numbers rise, I am switching to my own sockmask design, which actually fits snugly and doesn’t pressurise at critical junctures creating vent jets like all other masks do except some high-techs made with modern form-fitting materials (and are probably uncomfortable).
“We did not consider the use of respirators in the community.”
Respirators, while uncomfortable, work far better than a loose-fitting mask like 99% of the people wear. If we had a disease prevention program instead of Fauci’s Farce, we’d have a zillion of ’em pre-made and arrangements to convert factories overnight to produce a gazillion bazillion more in short order. THat issue is separate from What Is Known to Work and What Isn’t or Doesn’t.
“In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”
Neither did I find in this review a basis to conclude that PPE Doesn’t Work.
Someday, maybe, we’ll be able to distinguish politics from epidemiology, although the similarity from harmful pandemical pathogens, and electoral republican democracy is rather striking.
Certain fetishist and probably many Islamically raised males should like this:
As for capitalism vs socialism, etc.: since I’ve compared pathogens to politics, I’ll note that capitalism is a slow-moving virus that very gradually infects the whole populace asymptomatically relative to nasty pathogens like Ebola, they produce in time more total devastation than any other system outside of despotic tyranny.
Which is what capitalism has turned into long before socialism as even coined as a word (early 1800s).
“Socialism emerged as a response to the expanding capitalist system. It presented an alternative, aimed at improving the lot of the working class and creating a more egalitarian society. In its emphasis on public ownership of the means of production, socialism contrasted sharply with capitalism, which is based around a free market system and private ownership.”
Socialism and communism are failed vaccine attempts to curb the destructive and impoverishing tendencies of capitalism, a cancer that is the other opiate of the masses, and feels good until it doesn’t, whereupon it then feels very bad.
July 2, 2020 at 6:08 pm #60732Glennda
ParticipantYou are in good form today, Raul. I laughed 2x, first with the Biden/Trump accusations of Marxist, then at the end with the picture of Putin that he killed Jesus. Always good to see the humor in the nonsense.
As a Californian, it was good to see a list of the cities with the big surges. Living in the East Bay area, I can see a few more quiet months of quiet home life in my future. My veggies are doing well, and I can still water them and get a crop or two before we will need to “conserve” water for the rest of the hot summer in to fall.
Thanks for the good reads with my morning coffee.
July 2, 2020 at 6:43 pm #60733Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterOh, that’s just great, Glennda, so you’re having a quite morning coffee while I’m tearing my hair out… 😉
But yeah, it’s like we’ve already landed in Monty Python territory, and there’s still 4 months to go. “You’re a Marxist!” “No, you’re a Marxist. And then some bystander asks: “what a Marxist?”, and they both go: “Shut up, we”re having an argument here!”
And you know, I’m reading people like Bosco here (nothing personal) talking about socialism etc., and I think: I never met an American who has any idea what it is. For Americans, socialism equals communism equals Marxism etc. It just means: some sort of idea that we don’t support.
They think Norway is socialist, and so is Czechia, but don’t ask them about the difference. Mention Medicare 4 All, and everyone but AOC and Bernie says: “Socialism. Bad”. While tons of countries have some form of it that are definitely not socialist. Except in American eyes, of course, just because they have it. Germany? Socialist! Canada? Socialist. UK? Socialist. Finish the story and color the pictures.
July 2, 2020 at 7:21 pm #60734Maxwell Quest
ParticipantJust stumbled across this and it really grabbed my attention. A new Unity Ticket composed of Andrew Yang and Admiral William H. McRaven for the 2020 presidential race, both of whom have agreed to lead jointly. This is being proposed by Intellectual Dark Web member, Dr. Bret Weinstein. At first glance, this looks like something I could get behind.
July 2, 2020 at 8:08 pm #60735my parents said know
ParticipantI’ve lost my will to post here-
It’s hot. My brain is stuck.
The way the world is headed
I no longer give a …
Damn!Went to grocery store yesterday that required masks. Instant asthma, foggy glasses, had to keep moving it to smell the produce, voices were all muffled. Worst of all, the place was filled with faceless zombies. We are hardwired for smiles.
We have entered the world of the living dead. But, gee, we’re safe, right? Safe is all there is, right? Better to be safe in Hell than to cough in Paradise, right?
Oh- and no masks with no social distancing didn’t cause The Virus to spread during our little riots. That’s so precious! God loves riots!July 2, 2020 at 8:27 pm #60736boscohorowitz
ParticipantI just cited when the word and the concept called socialism first came into parlance, R, to point out that capitalism(s) has/have been dominant longer than socialism(s) have been around. That’s all. What do you expect from a 15 year old girl anyway?
Me, I like socialism, whatever the fuck it supposedly is. I like the emphasis on ‘social’, which is the primary substance of any political system. I understand there’s a spectrum of not-entirely-capitalist economies, and that some of those non-entirely-capitalist approaches are loosely labeled ‘socialist’.
I also understand that none of these systems — cap, soc, com — have stood the test of enduring historical time and are all virtually in collapse because none of them adequately divorced themselves from virulent capitalism. Hence the vaccine metaphor. You do know the difference between a metaphor and a comprehensive definition?
It’s one thing to put words in a man’s mouth. That’s bad enough if sadly common. It’s another to put words in another man’s mouth and say he doesn’t even know what they mean. First you step in it, then you put your foot in your mouth. Why do you do that?
The problem with passive-aggression is that it ends in aggression. Me, I’m aggressive-passive. You can figure out the rest. Nothing personal my ass.
I’ll give my money away locally from now on and stick to reading Charles Hugh Smith.
July 2, 2020 at 9:05 pm #60737Mr. House
ParticipantLet me get this straight, we all accept that rich powerful people will murder a man in prison so their dirty deeds won’t come out, but not that they would create a false flag/pandemic to cover up financial collapse. The thing we’ve been coming to this site for a decade to learn about.
July 2, 2020 at 9:06 pm #60738Raúl Ilargi Meijer
Keymaster15 year old girls are so easy to offend, it’s almost not funny.
July 2, 2020 at 9:06 pm #60739Mr. House
Participant9/11= once in a lifetime event!
2008= once in a lifetime event!
coronaviru= once in a lifetime event!I’ve only been alive 36 years but damn thats a lot of once in a lifetime events
July 2, 2020 at 9:17 pm #60740Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterAnd I did specifically say Nothing Personal, I was using you as an example for how I think Americans understand socialism. But let’s not go there, shall we, certainly given that Epstein is in the news again so much today. Let’s call a truce. Whether you want to donate money for hanging out here all the time, that has always been, and always will be, your prerogative.
July 2, 2020 at 9:59 pm #60741teri
ParticipantExcess deaths year-over-year in US:
And I must add, screw Trump. No matter what else he is accused of (whether or not the accusations are true or false and no matter who has uttered them – forget all that other BS), the truth about Covid19 is that he has totally fucked up the response to it and a LOT of people died who otherwise would still be alive. A lot more will lose their lives because of this administration. We could have starved the virus of hosts with a strict couple of months on lockdown, followed by testing and tracing.
This country that, during WW2, went through 6 years of food shortages, gas and food rationing, women suddenly leaving the home to work, kids entering daycare when such was unheard of before, teenagers replacing men at work and at home as the men were off to war, etc., couldn’t suck it up for a couple of months to stop the virus. Now we have a president who says we won’t shut down again (as if what we did was a proper “shutdown”) and who simply doesn’t care how many of us die.
Lots and lots of information coming out about the long term health effects of Covid. Life expectancy in the US will be plummeting for the foreseeable future. No-one has written an article about this as yet that I have seen, but I expect there will eventually be studies that show how many years the average lifespan has decreased thanks to this disease. No doubt some politicians will see this as an answer to the so-called social security shortfall.
July 2, 2020 at 10:19 pm #60742zerosum
He said it, therefore , It must be true this time around.
Carville repeats prediction that Trump will drop out of race
BY JOE CONCHA – 07/02/20 01:50 PM EDT
“I think there is a significant chance he doesn’t run,” Carville told “Morning Joe” on Thursday. “This thing is going so poorly. He’s so far back. It doesn’t make much sense for him to run.”
Trump is a tenant of the white house. Most pissed off tenant wreck the house as a revenge.
As tenant of the USA, it takes a lot more time to wreck everything. Watch for the signs of wreckage or delayed destruction that will cripple the incoming tenant.
tit for tat. (the infliction of an injury or insult in return for one that one has suffered.)July 2, 2020 at 11:01 pm #60743Carlos Jimenez
Participant“What “Capitalism” do you mean? If a Choctaw trades red ocher with a Comanche, do the mountains fall? They are in a state of *perfect* capitalism: they own things, control the equipment to make them, and trade, often using abstract currency. There’s no enforcement, and no one can make them do anything. So the problem is where…? And does the cure to this terrible mountain-felling system kill 100M people per 100 years, beyond the daily terror, oppression, tyranny, and complete environmental ruin? If so, I’d rather have the disease.”
Well Dear Dr. D. I thought any explanation of “what kind of capitalism” was self explanatory, not the least because I called it “CRAP-italism” or as Noam Chomsky would call it: “REC”, Really Existing Capitalism. Where the financial “industry” makes 40% of the GDP and I can’t think of any economy that can thrive with so much skimming at the top from the labor below. Last time I checked, real wealth comes from labor not from usury. REC socializes losses and privatizes profit, a chosen elite can print money from thin air and charge interest on it. Commercial banks can do same with the full backing of the government stamp, at interest. It’s not counterfeiting is they do it.
Talk about an “exorbitant privilege”.
All big corporations enjoy some kind of ‘qualified immunity’, they can sow death an disease for ever and not be accountable. The Price-Anderson Act of 1957 is exhibit “A” of this long American tradition not always put into law but in effect is the law of the land. The “carbon free” “too cheap to meter” nuke power industry could not exist anywhere on the planet save for the goobmint blanket immunity as there’s no Insurance co. that would take that risk. And this works in practice for every other mega corporation.
I’m sure you didn’t know this… Of course you do, which is more baffling, with due respect, that as an MD committed to the health of the people and the planet too, I reckon, can so cavalierly discount the destruction of our life support systems if it doesn’t surpass your chosen threshold of a 100 million per 100 years deaths.
Your Choctaw trading with a Comanche is a bit too Disneyesque. That Choctaw and that Comanche and the Seminole down here and most everywhere else in the Indian nations, have bought hook line and sinker into the white man’s magic medicine of the Casino cargo cult and they’re raking it. Yes they did made a Faustian bargain alright. So much so that the IRS is dragging them to court to collect from the independent “Nations”.
“What we have here…” as the Captain would say in “Cool Hand Luke” “it’s a failuh to communicate”
I’m certainly not opposed to capitalism neither am I subscribing implicitly to socialism. A man should enjoy the fruits of his labor, store it and trade it or pass It on to his children.
But our current system is a Death Star with ever more suction power.
And a system prostrated to Thanatos is incapable of finding anything sacred. Everything is for profit. The mountains, the land, the trees, the rivers and the sea are all for profit or else their existence can not be justified, per se. That’s why we eat plastic from inside our fruits, our fish and our meat, along with the rest of the witch’s brew.And your trading injans far from being involved in trading ocher, fur or bison, if they didn’t hit the Casino jackpot, are destined to a short and brutal life of slow genocide extracting dense energy resources in the mines under a slightly better system than ‘encomiendas’.
Flagstaff, a day’s long travel? from your veggie garden in Austin is poked with a thousand hell holes in the ground from abandoned Uranium mines that will keep on dispensing death to the nearly 10 mn people of the surrounding area but mostly, to the natives of Navajo Res. Even their houses are built with uranium saturated earth. They can’t escape it.
As they can’t escape the second wave of the curse of resources: the rich coal deposits, so that Sodom and Gomorrah, aka Vegas, Phoenix, LA, etc can enjoy golf courses and swimming pools in the desert.
Meanwhile, Black Mesa’s water for human (the native kind) consumption was depleted by the coal industry.
I really don’t care if a million or as little as one life have been destroyed in Appalachia along with a rich environment, all dumped into the hollows and replanted like a Walmart parking lot.
Still it is a horrible crime. An unsustainable, unacceptable and selfish crime that borrows limited resources from the future to live up the overshoot, today.
Having said that, from the oposite side of the street as it were, I have enjoyed all along your steady counterpoint to Ilargi’s, it has helped me navigate and find my own position somewhere in between, in reference to the virus. The latter drawed a smile on me when he called you “TAE’s Resident Doctor”. A bit tongue in cheek a bit seriously, you have become that in the end, by way of steady and intelligent argument backed up by real time experience. Thank you for that.July 2, 2020 at 11:37 pm #60745Huskynut
ParticipantI just can’t get my head around why Maxwell would return to the US. She was safe from extradition living in France. Either she thought she could live without notice or consequence in the US (who in her situation would take that chance?), or else she is so confident of protection from any meaningful consequence (ie she’ll get a short easy sentence like Epstein’s first one, and is then free to live an unrestricted life).
My mind boggles that she could be confident of either of those things. But perhaps there’s enough blackmail evidence in every direction that she can/does feel confident.
Is there some other possibility I’m missing?July 2, 2020 at 11:56 pm #60746V. Arnold
ParticipantWow Ilargi; you’re on a roll today.
Keep it coming…July 3, 2020 at 1:31 am #60747V. Arnold
Participant51,097 new cases.
Joke going around here: “What borders on stupid?”
Answer: “Canada and Mexico.”
LOL, that’s a keeper…
ThanksJuly 3, 2020 at 4:46 am #60748Doc Robinson
Participant@ Huskynut, some news reports are saying Maxwell stayed in the USA during this past year. To avoid being arrested at the airport?
“Ghislaine Maxwell, the longtime girlfriend and alleged accomplice of accused … been “hiding out” in various locations around New England for the past year”
“Ghislaine Maxwell… holed up in New England since the disgraced financier’s arrest last July.”
July 3, 2020 at 6:02 am #60749₿oogaloo
ParticipantWhen the coronavirus hit, I was optimistic that it would be the catalyst for a lot of positive changes in the US. I figured that people would demand a better health care system. I figured that the slowdown would be the pin that would reset the financial system. I figured that people would demand policy changes that put main street before Wall Street. Forget it. Americans are too stupid and too propagandized to find their way out of this mess.
Antifa apparently has no idea what fascism is. If they had any idea, they would be attacking the unholy alliance of the Fed, the DC Swamp, and US mega businesses — the very definition of fascism. But rather than direct their wrath at institutions, they pick on individuals who have no power. And not to demand meaningful change, but for their own individual therapy.
BLM could have been a movement for positive change, one that brought people together. I had always thought of BLM as meaning “Black Lives Matter too” — in the spirit of MLK. But now you can be fired for suggesting that everyone’s life matters — something that I never regarded as being particularly controversial. BLM has been brilliantly co opted to turn justified indignation against police violence and police culture into a race war. The US has lost its collective mind.
Meanwhile, the looting continues, and only a few seem to notice. Or care.
And now the evidence is piling up that there may be no herd immunity for this virus. The antibodies don’t last long enough. And this thing attacks too many organs, and has too many entry mechanisms. Because it is not natural. Because it came from a lab. But people do not seem to care. Instead of demanding an end to “gain of function” virology research, people just shrug it off. Very few want to know the truth about where this came from.
The world has gone mad. I am tempted to leave the city, move to the country, unplug from the internet, and retreat from the madness. Unfortunately family obligations will postpone that for a while. But what will the world look like 10 years from now? Craziness.
July 3, 2020 at 6:49 am #60750V. Arnold
When the coronavirus hit, I was optimistic that it would be the catalyst for a lot of positive changes in the US. I figured that people would demand a better health care system. I figured that the slowdown would be the pin that would reset the financial system. I figured that people would demand policy changes that put main street before Wall Street. Forget it. Americans are too stupid and too propagandized to find their way out of this mess.Coming to grips with the genuine U.S. of 2020 is a six step process; it starts with denial and ends with acceptance…
March 19, 2003 (Iraq’s destruction) was the last straw for me…
The U.S. is well on its way out as a world power: Usian’s are the only ones who don’t know that reality, staring them in the face.I’ve already started to distance myself from the intertubes: TAE will remain as my main go-to place for reality checks.
Good luck, and don’t let the bastards get you…July 3, 2020 at 7:40 am #60751teri
ParticipantOk, I have to ask: Is “Dr. D” really a medical doctor? I frankly find that hard to believe.
So, are you a doctor, Dr. D, or that just a nickname you picked up along the way? If you are not, please do not allow people on this forum to continue carrying on with this assumption based on a screen name.
If you are…well, dear god.
July 3, 2020 at 8:07 am #60752V. Arnold
ParticipantSo, are you a doctor, Dr. D, or that just a nickname you picked up along the way? If you are not, please do not allow people on this forum to continue carrying on with this assumption based on a screen name.
If you are…well, dear god.
Thanks for that belly laugh…
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