Debt Rattle July 31 2020
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my parents said know.
July 31, 2020 at 10:08 am #61666
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterElliot Erwitt California 1955 • Young Children Carry Much Higher Viral Load Than Other Age Groups (SD) • Tokyo Could Declare Emergency If Situa
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 31 2020]July 31, 2020 at 10:27 am #61667V. Arnold
ParticipantThanks Ilargi, for what you do. Keep on keeping on… 🙂
Dr. Joseph Varon
‘I’m pretty much fighting two wars: a war against COVID and a war against stupidity’Covid can be dealt with; stupidity? Never…
July 31, 2020 at 11:08 am #61668V. Arnold
ParticipantNew global daily cases record, and global deaths are creeping up again. As are deaths in the US and many European countries, Hong Kong, China, Japan. This ain’t over.
That’s what worries me (This ain’t over).
I know you’re talking CV-19; but I’m taking it a bit further…
The west (USA #1) is not functioning in rational ways; failing 100% in handling myriad of their problems…
These people are dangerous; more so when when every response is followed by impotent results…
I think they are looking for a war; China seems to be front and center with what they’ve done (island building) in their South China Sea.
The USA would get its ass handed to it if they attack China on its own doorstep.
What then? Nukes?July 31, 2020 at 11:39 am #61669V. Arnold
ParticipantTrader Joe’s.
Holy shit! A voice of reason out of the interverse?
Damn, if I lived in the U.S., Trader Joes would be my goto place to shop.
Hip, hip, hoorah! Trader Joe’s rules the interverse…July 31, 2020 at 11:44 am #61670V. Arnold
ParticipantElliot Erwitt California 1955
…of course it is…
July 31, 2020 at 11:56 am #61671Dr. D
ParticipantUnfortunately now California is hell on earth. Not in the usual, advertised ways, but that US1 they’re sitting on is on the beach, and is nothing but 500 miles of pavement, strip-malls, and fast-food drive thrus. The beach looks good on camera: turn it 180 degrees and it looks like a run-down nail salon with a Dollar General beside. Then add the soundtrack, not the rushing waves of Kerouac’s Big Sur, but endless road noise of the interstate. Then add the smog of those cars hammering up against the high mountains, starting so early in the hot, sunny morning. They take paradise, and make it a horror…
The Houston doctor seems to be fighting other doctors, and the official national medical directives of Sweden and Netherlands. So sure: we have opinions, that’s how it gets discussed and we develop consensus. But so this doctor means more than other doctors who believe the opposite? Yes. That’s how FB, Twitter, and NY Times do it now: we publish some slice of what WE, non-doctors, believe, and if you believe OTHER doctors and scientists believe, you’re anti-science and are de-platformed, fired, and discredited. On what basis? A doctor says yes, a doctor says no. Which science? Which doctor? The one that wins the POWER, the ELECTION, silly-billy. The one that intentionally kills 30,000 people in NY nursing homes and hides the many working therapies being used worldwide. #Death Cult. #Truth is the only enemy.
“Young Children Carry Much Higher Viral Load Than Other Age Groups (SD) “
Speaking of, science just said the opposite yesterday. So which science to believe?
“China reported 127 new coronavirus cases”
AYFKM? That’s 0.0000106% Facts. Numbers. Nevermind, it’s like garlic and holy water. P.S. as in these tests, “Corona” is not “Covid”. Bait-and-switch. Again. Hey, where are those 15 days to “flatten the curve”? Because we didn’t have ventilators they are now mad were purchased — on their false science — and never used.
“cases there are rising again”
Yes, when they test a papaya, motor oil, and a blank, unused test and all come back positive, that can happen. Following people dying on the highway or shot in the head dying of Corona, we now have people, disgusted with the wait and impatient, NOT TAKING THE TEST and leaving, tests coming back positive. On what f’g test? The sample was never opened and never made the lab, what are you talking about? Every. Day. Ten times a day.
How many of these do we need before we say the data is s—t? Made-up? Wrong? Propagandistic garbage? Never apparently. Tomorrow it’s like CNN and the NY Times, CDC and WHO never lied and are white as driven snow. WMD and ties to Al-queda. RussiaRussiaRussia. Boot on the face, forever. Because we demand it, and hold it on our face ourselves.
“The mainstream media has backed up these assertions with vague references to “science” and “research”
Yes, because 100 years of research and official CDC policy is that IT DOESN’T WORK (against viruses), and June 6 research by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons proved it yet again with a spot test. But when the Dutch follow the most recent science, they are anti-science, but when they DON’T follow 100 years of Science, they are FOR science. See? In #Oppositeland, maybe, which is where we all live now. The “deniers” are deniers of American Physicians and Surgeons, for God’s sake! Including the Houston guy, which to be generous, he’s probably busy and hasn’t read it yet. All this to fight a disease with a 99.94% survival rate…and that’s WITH using their car-crash-and-gunshot-wound death toll.
Boring. Believe any known, discredited, transparent liars that ever spoke…but not the physicians’ association. Not June’s research, not the previous 5 research papers. Believe CNN and Buzzfeed, when have they ever lied?
“The Grifters, Chapter 1 – Kodak (Ben Hunt)”
Rumor has it this is different altogether. Not only is Kodak, a on-the-skids US Chemical company, a good choice to bring, you know, high-quality chemicals and pharmaceuticals back to America which dangerously has none, but something else. The naked silver short is so bad in Comex that every $1 in silver loses $1B to Wall Street. Now that’s pocket change now, especially using YOUR money to bail themselves, but it still matters. And that’s $10B from the recent bottom. BUT – here’s the fun – Kodak, being a film producer from 1960 when the shorts started – is ALSO a major silver short in the “Silver User’s Association”. …Allegedly, but almost certainly. The timing isn’t bad for that causing their bankruptcy. So the nearly $1B is yes, to get some jobs and domestic production, but also to bail out $10/oz rise on their naked silver short. If they didn’t, the upcoming rise to Gawd-’elp-us, maybe $200/oz silver will destroy them. How? Apparently Morgan used 10 years of transparent open market rigging…which is stamped cases under RICO law in DoJ right now…to get a vault of ACTUAL silver to offset their paper shorts inherited from the ’08 murder of Bear Sterns. That is, they may be the only non-naked player on planet earth right now, everyone has to kneel to them, and they are being run by the Government Treasury + DoJ.
But isn’t this what they wanted the Emergency powers for? To get medicine and jobs domestically that were “Grifted” away to China while Feinstein and Biden took in magic billions coincidentally? Remember who you’re talking about: it’s ALL grift. All the way down. The U.S. wasn’t sold to China by some accident, 30 continuous years of that sucking sound, opposed every day by the working public. Nope. They were paid, and it was grift. But selling it is a good thing, and un-selling it and employing some folks is a BAD thing.
“investigation that detailed Moscow’s interference”Speaking of every word being a lie, did NOT detail, FAILED to detail, ANY Moscow involvement, and in fact had to withdraw their cases. Except against Assange, who can die of a life sentence having never gone to court.
Did not mean to say Kamala “The Horror, the Horror” Harris was their designated front-runner. If so, they are even further from any sense of reality than I thought, and that’s saying something. But hey, when their express goal is burning black cities, black businesses, and black people, (all shot, burned, and ruined by 70% white liberals) she’s your man.
“Putting Susan Rice on the ticket would protect both Biden and Obama”
They are not going to get to the top in any time before the election. Only the next rung, if at all, like Comey and Brennan. Still, none of their choices make any other sense. Buttigeig could at least present strongly, and Tulsi likely could have won if given full support. Nope. No womens of colors for us. 99% of BLM money goes to Biden and white pals.
It takes a lot of years of College to forget what every 10-year-old already knows. IYI, when you finally cave in and start believing the media and experts who have never told the truth in our common lifetimes, quoting them as official, honest sources. So now we are dumber than any 5th grader? Why yes. They provably are.
July 31, 2020 at 12:17 pm #61672oxymoron
ParticipantI just can’t wrap my head around the epsilon theory article and Dr D’s take on it. My mind just can’t account for this shit…..
It makes me feel like all my composting and clothes mending was the dumbest shit a guy could do. Growing Vegetables! What sort of a moron am I? I could be swimming with sharks but I’m looking at other fishes assholes through muddy water….
Sorry about the languageJuly 31, 2020 at 12:30 pm #61673V. Arnold
ParticipantIt makes me feel like all my composting and clothes mending was the dumbest shit a guy could do. Growing Vegetables! What sort of a moron am I?
Why would you react like that?
To a post by somebody you do not know?
You let some interverse commenter, call your life and ideals, into question? With the shallowest of facts…?
You must not think very highly of your actions and dreams………………..July 31, 2020 at 12:51 pm #61674oxymoron
Participantmore along the lines of how little effect the actions have in the face of brutal grift.
July 31, 2020 at 1:03 pm #61675V. Arnold
Participantmore along the lines of how little effect the actions have in the face of brutal grift.
False comparrative; the question should be: what effect has it had on your life?
I suspect you haven’t though about that much…
I also suspect the effect of your efforts go far beyond your narrow perspective…
Wake up! Reality is calling… 😉July 31, 2020 at 1:55 pm #61676zerosum
ParticipantDoes the hat fit?
bully/boss, striving to be a highly paid enabler for the elitesI prefer to be the grey man.
July 31, 2020 at 4:33 pm #61679Bill7
Participant‘Doctor Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending ‘White Coat Summit’ — Hires Atty Lin Wood’:
Looks like those who rule us do not want simple, low cost solutions for OMG COVID-19 to get any use or attention.
Odd. 😉
July 31, 2020 at 4:59 pm #61680Bill7
ParticipantBy the way- when I used the phrase “those who rule us” I was referring to the Very Large Corporations that
in fact run our lives, as opposed to the fig-leaf of gub’mint on top that *appears* to give them legitimacy.-Bill7
July 31, 2020 at 5:32 pm #61681Bill7
Participant‘One Nation Under House Arrest: How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms?’, by John Whitehead:
“It’s for your own good, Little Peoples..” [and we-the-Few will decide what that might be].
“Not with a bang, but with a Whimper.” -TS Eliot
July 31, 2020 at 6:42 pm #61682thomasjkenney
Participant@oxymoron re: seeming futility
Your actions have local effects, especially if you’re growing food. Sure, you’ll never be able to ‘fix XXXX-ism’ or whatever. Talk to friends, feed them, let them feed you, play a guitar, walk in the woods, teach a skill, learn a skill…these are all revolutionary acts, and all will drain a little more energy from the beast. Act locally, and you are now ‘changing the world’ on a different plane, tilted from the traditional, and able to intersect with other planes.
July 31, 2020 at 9:10 pm #61683sumac.carol
ParticipantOxymoron I kind of know the feeling – we too scramble along growing fruits (minute quantities in the grand scheme of things). We try very hard to leave the land more diverse and healthier than it was when we got it. Then there’s the guy down the road renting his land to a cash cropper growing acres of corn. Feels like putting a thumb in a dike sometimes. On the other side, I feel really good when I am growing stuff in a gentle way -listening to the birds and the bugs. I do get a sense of eternity doing these things, the grand cycles of life.
July 31, 2020 at 11:10 pm #61684Huskynut
I know that feeling too. Psychology studies have demonstrated that depressives are more in tune with reality than happy bunny types. Political reality in particular is insanely depressing.
I believe that feeling arises from being honest about how little political agency we truly have in the face of the world. And that the counter-narratives that something is coming down the line to save us, be it “awakening consciousness” or Jesus or BLM or the Democrats, are just the psychological defense mechanisms of people who can’t/won’t front to the truth of a society in (likely terminal) decline.But.. once you’ve accepted the truth of that, why wouldn’t you do exactly what you are doing – making the most of your small corner of the world?
Puts me in mind of that Baz Luhrman “Sunscreen Song” track from the 90s:
“Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that
never crossed your worried mindthe kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday”July 31, 2020 at 11:35 pm #61685V. Arnold
ParticipantPsychology studies have demonstrated that depressives are more in tune with reality than happy bunny types.
Indeed. Depression has been my life long friend…and served me well.
Anxiety is a sign post that one has left the present, the here and now…August 1, 2020 at 12:05 am #61686sumac.carol
ParticipantSo true Huskynut- – I think we all kind of know the gig as it were. Then it can become a question of how you want to live your life. I want to step as lightly as I can on Earth and help its creatures live a good life as much as I can. It fills me with wonder at the beauty and mystery of it all.
August 1, 2020 at 2:57 pm #61705my parents said know
ParticipantBack to the rearview mirror? (April 8, 2020).
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