Debt Rattle June 2 2022
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June 2, 2022 at 7:33 pm #108925
John Day
Participant@Armenio Perira: I accept. It’s a choice. There is effort inherent in it. There are beguiling options
“Faith without works is dead” Why, if choice and action are illusory.
What did Jesus teach through his actions and words?
Does God watch the same movie, knowing every detail and the ending?
Not all questions can be answered with certainty, but there must be moral choice, not merely illusion of choice.
(It seems that the uncertainty principle defeats absolute determinism.)June 2, 2022 at 8:09 pm #108926D Benton Smith
ParticipantWhat would happen if a human fell in love with a robot ? The human would be in love and the robot wouldn’t.
June 2, 2022 at 8:15 pm #108927upstateNYer
ParticipantRaul: “There will be a huge -and probably violent- backlash against the entire gender “discussion.” Just as there will be to the Covid “measures”. […] But it will fail, because boys vs girls, and immune systems, go back to our very core, and cannot be reversed at will.”
Thank you for stating this so succinctly. Absolutely agree. These darned things are barely limping along on two legs now. Not worth the screen space, typing time, or breath to argue about.
June 2, 2022 at 8:16 pm #108928upstateNYer
ParticipantPS … kind of like arguing over which country is “winning” the Ukraine vs Russian war. Seriously? Ok.
June 2, 2022 at 8:32 pm #108929John Day
Participant@D Benton Smith: Can a human “be in love” with a non living machine, or merely “be smitten”? 2, 2022 at 8:35 pm #108930willem
Participant@Armenio Perira and @John_Day: I have done a LOT of reading and a LOT of thinking on the concept of free will. I’ve read convincing arguments both for and against it. All I have been able to conclude after all this effort is the following:
– My inner “senses” seem to tell me that I do indeed have free will, and I think this is true for most other people, too. (This could just be due to all of us being conditioned in this belief from a very early age.)
– Whether it exists or not is probably immune to proof, which means that our belief in it is faith-based rather than science-based. (But if it doesn’t exist, you are not capable of making that choice, are you?)
– If free will did not exist, it would have been necessary for humans to invent it.
Two very interesting books that got me thinking even more:
– “Who’s in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain” by Michael Gazzaniga. (He has written several others, but this is probably one of his best.) Gazzaniga was able to learn a lot from experiments with patients after they had had surgery that severed their corpus callosum, the main nerve bundle that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. (BTW, this surgery is generally done because it has been found to relieve epileptics from recurring grand mal seizures.)
– “The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind” by Julian Jaynes. (Read his Wikipedia bio for more information about him and his ideas on consciousness.)
June 2, 2022 at 8:46 pm #108931John Day
Participant@Willem: The severing of the corpus callosum removes most communication between left brain and right brain. People “explain” actions from one side of the brain, which are initiated by the other side of the brain.
This confabulation-function of our frontal lobes is important for us to understand if we seek the truth.
People are much more often using their gray matter to explain the rationality of what they did, than they are to “act rationally”.
It is food for thought, a layer of the onion to consider, but not actually “the answer”.Again, it seems to me, though it could be a point-of-view, that the existence of the uncertainty principle excludes absolute determinism in the world.
June 2, 2022 at 8:47 pm #108932D Benton Smith
I would have to go with “smitten”. Actual love manifests at a relatively elevated position on the Scale of Awareness, high enough to perceive and recognize the validity of the existence of other self-aware identities. Smitten, on the other hand, is the way my kid brother felt about his motorcycle and his current girlfriends at the time . . . a really close call between which one he “loved” more.
June 2, 2022 at 8:49 pm #108933Maxwell Quest
Participant“There is nothing the matter with Americans except their ideals.”
I agree with this. Life could be so much better if the correct ideals were promoted. Instead, things seemed turned upside down, or IOW #OppositeLand. Everyone chasing after personal satisfaction and happiness, only to have it flee from them like a frightened deer. Therefore, do it harder, run after it faster, earn more money, more sexual conquests, bigger homes, pump up that status. “Geez, Louise, now I’m really unhappy! What gives?”
I’ve come to the conclusion that this is intentional, serving the purpose of the power elites. They can’t have people running around pointing the masses in the right direction. When the dark side of the force is disturbed by light-bearers, they are quickly neutralized by crucifixion, hemlock, or the ubiquitous “lone gunman” so that the status quo remains undisturbed. After a few years go by, order now restored, they erect statues and sing hymns to these fallen giants, murdered and safely out of the way. It’s the perfect time to pervert their doctrine so as to bury that as well.
Called my parents last Sunday only to find my father of 93 out in the patio garden getting things ready for summer. No more cough, both feeling fine after their bout with Covid. Since my dad’s oxygen level was borderline, I encouraged him the week before to get some prednisone to augment the healing process, which he did. I was concerned about the 10th day respiratory crash that occurred in some patients, where antihistamines and corticosteroids are needed to get lung functioning back on track. Anyway, they are both doing fine now, however their ivermectin supply was exhausted.~~~
I’m not sure what is driving the gender confusion. Possibly the proliferation of hormonal drugs finding their way through the food chain.There is a place for this, however, but not in childhood when the ego in unprepared and vulnerable. During deep psychological work, a student can contact the contra-sexual aspect of their psyche, awaken it from the subconscious, and unleash forces difficult to control. The job is then to harmonize the two into a one. In Alchemy this was symbolized by the half king – half queen image. I’m certain that this is not what the west is currently experiencing.
I’ve been enjoying all the recent articles, comments, and singing, but either have my hands full or else nothing to add to what others have already said. TAE is still my first stop in the morning. Good stuff!June 2, 2022 at 9:04 pm #108934willem
Participant@John_Day: I agree, and I found this “explanation” function of one half of the brain to be fascinating. It really puts one’s explanations about his observations and behavior in doubt.
June 2, 2022 at 9:07 pm #108935D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe only time that the word science should be capitalized is when it occurs as the first word in a sentence. It is best understood as an attitude or strategy, rather than as a “thingy” . it should be used in the English language in the same sense that we apply words such as observance, patience, or perseverance. It’s a way for us way to get to a place, not the place we’re going to. And even at that, in its finest application, it is still even more prone to error than we are.
June 2, 2022 at 9:11 pm #108936Veracious Poet
ParticipantMass formation psychosis, defined:
To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
June 2, 2022 at 9:28 pm #108937D Benton Smith
ParticipantLest we lose sight of the patently obvious simply because it is so obvious: the human body is a THING. As such it is (at best) an organically constructed artificial intelligence, and is as materialistic and devoid of true judgement as any other material device. The decisions of a healthy body left to it’s own devices . . . without the “adult supervision” and true value judgement provided and imposed upon it by a spiritual (non-material) awareness . . . and because it is so exquisitely designed to run on autopilot, that critter will lie, cheat, steal, kill, eat and fuck itself into oblivion faster than a politician will pick your pocket.
June 2, 2022 at 9:39 pm #108938Armenio Pereira
ParticipantOn one hand, living entities – including human beings – are hardwired with preservation instinct; on the other hand, “free will” proponents contend that said instinct can be overruled by free will (criminals and martyrs would then be among the most evolved human beings, if “free will” is to be considered the main human trait.) The question is: why would anyone equipped with free will would choose to continuously override his/her survival instinct by consistently engaging in extreme sociopathic behaviour?
My answer: they don’t choose, because there’s no free will; they – and all of us – are servants to The Everlasting Dissatisfaction.June 2, 2022 at 10:09 pm #108939boscohorowitz
ParticipantI’m hearing an old Elvis Costello song in my head, Watching the Detectives, sung as Tracking the Infections.
It’s the new thing to do.
Media says: pay attention. Almost everyone does. Most believe more than not (or close enough), a minority are more skeptical than not. They all tend to agree or disagree over something the media told them.
We then form opinions which are primarily defined by whether our opinion prevailingly believes media or prevailingly disbelieves media. Sort of a Janusian thing, although one side’s face (the skeptical) is usually much smaller than the other side’s face. But sometimes the polarity shifts, usually creating creating enormous transformation that makes the small face much larger than the big face, transforming it’s features. In time the old big face resumes dominant position while the huge-for-a-while face shrinks to its normal minority position.
Who You Tawkin to, WIllis? Yoself?
Skepticism is rampantly on the rise globally, much of it in response to the overwhelming credulity of the majority (something a wise lunatic I briefly knew here called “the Stockholm syndrome writ large”). Soon skepticism will be huge and enormous (and almost certainly painful) transformation will occur.
Will the WHO/Davosian New World Leaders succeed in their attempt to rule the world by medical fiat? Will Putin save us by his 5-D chess brilliance? Do I know a false dichotomy when I see one? Maybe not but I’m pretty sure that Ernest P. Worrell does:
June 2, 2022 at 10:20 pm #108940Armenio Pereira
ParticipantYou don’t use a nail clipper to cut down a tree; God wants to apply a major overhaul on the planet: other than a meteorite, humans seem like a rather adequate tool for the purpose.
June 2, 2022 at 10:31 pm #108941TAE Summary
ParticipantThere may or may not be free will but there is pain and there is moral responsibility. If you injure another person “But I have no free will” is not a defense. Guilt and consequences can be corrective, free will or not.
June 2, 2022 at 10:31 pm #108942Veracious Poet
ParticipantJune 2, 2022 at 10:39 pm #108943Red
ParticipantTake twenty five minutes and watch this summary and analysis of the davos crowd crowing.
The worst is yet to come. Brace for impact! This shit is about to become surreal.
June 2, 2022 at 10:59 pm #108944Veracious Poet
ParticipantFree Will is one of two choices (in the Now):
A> Choose EGO, & the consequences thereof…
B> Choose GOD, & the consequences thereof…
Choose (A) & EGO blocks us off from God, the rest of humanity, and reality itself.
Without Divine Intervention EGO tricks us into believing that what we think, feel and believe is the Center of the Universe.
All spiritual illness arises out of our EGO telling us that GOD isn’t necessary.
Choose (B), surrender the choice of conscience separation (ie terminal uniqueness), only then will the gift of The Greater Reality will start to unfold in your life in the Now).
EGO deflation at depth (surrender) is the cornerstone of spiritual enlightenment…
When/if EGO submits to the Greater Reality, it gradually becomes conscious that it is face-to-face with the Divine Presence within; that mighty, healing, loving, creative life which is nearer to us than we are to ourselves.
In this State of Grace, soul-contact with the Parent-Soul begins, opening an influx of life, love, virtue, health, and happiness from the Inexhaustible Fountain.
But be warned; EGO will try to use pride & fear to beat us back every time we try to look WITHIN.
This is my experience, but it is a personal journey every child of the Infinite must make, seemingly on a moment-to-moment basis…
Everything else is Clown World 😕
June 2, 2022 at 11:03 pm #108945my parents said know
ParticipantFree will is an act of faith.
On the other hand, I believe we live backwards in time, that is, we act and then we use our fine brains to rationalize and explain why we “chose” to do what we did.
We’re always a jot of time behind reality.
So I would say that the free will part becomes the choice of knowing and admitting what you did or denying and reinterpreting what you did.June 2, 2022 at 11:10 pm #108946Armenio Pereira
ParticipantIf humans are a chaotic feature then we couldn’t be more dumber.
(That’s why I believe in The Everlasting Dissatisfaction, aka God; I’m able to derive some comfort from being part of a major purpose, none whatsoever from being part of an obtuse random figment of the Chaos.)@TAE Summary
“Justice” and “ethics” are just useful components of the human internecine, and each one of us use those to the best possible extent of our perceived interests and our real capabilities; to be considered inimputable isn’t only a matter of insanity, but it can also be a means to rig the “justice” by the usual suspects.June 2, 2022 at 11:11 pm #108947my parents said know
ParticipantOh, and I think free will resides in the word “no”. You don’t have if you can’t say it. “No vaccine for me!” or “I think I won’t have a second helping.” or “Try it and you’ll find out how much I mean NO.” etc.
June 2, 2022 at 11:12 pm #108948Veracious Poet
ParticipantFree will is an act of faith.
I am no longer limited by practices of faith, or belief, as I am directly acquainted with my connection to The Infinite…
You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.
June 2, 2022 at 11:45 pm #108949Veracious Poet
ParticipantThe Biden administration said Thursday that children under 5 may be able to get their first COVID-19 vaccination doses as soon as June 21, if federal regulators authorize shots for the age group, as expected.
June 3, 2022 at 1:48 am #108950those darned kids
Participantdominion “voting” ¡systems¡ ALERT
welcome to ontario:
i went to vote, and gave my ballot to the dude. i thought he’d stuff it in the box. nope, into the machine it went.
i was so pissed..
June 3, 2022 at 2:18 am #108951chooch
ParticipantThe snippet with Doug Macgregor about WH sending high tech missile systems to Ukraine.
“I don’t know how they are going to acquire targets.” (Macgregor)
The US military news portal reports that soldiers’ mobile phone signals can be located in order to fire rockets at positions with pinpoint accuracy
The Ukrainians claim to have killed 12 general Russian officers since late February, in part because the Russians have resorted to using cell phones when their communications systems break down.
Russian troops are proving that cell phones in war zones are a very bad idea
Cell phones have played an outsized role in the Ukraine war. In particular, they have been used to geolocate sensitive military sites, giving the Ukrainians the ability to target Russian ships, ammunition depots, troop clusters and weapon locations.
The point about troop clusters seems to bare out. As the Ukrainians battle with the Russians in Severodonetsk, Russian reserves are pulled for elsewhere creating weak links in the line where effective counter offensives can be launched.
June 3, 2022 at 2:19 am #108952chooch
ParticipantCell phones have played an outsized role in the Ukraine war. In particular, they have been used to geolocate sensitive military sites, giving the Ukrainians the ability to target Russian ships, ammunition depots, troop clusters and weapon locations.
The point about troop clusters seems to bare out. As the Ukrainians battle with the Russians in Severodonetsk, Russian reserves are pulled for elsewhere creating weak links in the line where effective counter offensives can be launched.
June 3, 2022 at 2:23 am #108953chooch
ParticipantSchemes is like the Russian version of Project Veritas
June 3, 2022 at 3:23 am #108954John Day
Participant@Willem: “Confabulation” as I used it in “confabulation function” of our brains, is when somebody automatically makes up an explanation for something, which has no relation to facts. i think our brains paint our actions as rational in retrospect, though we are capable of rational decision-making also.
That’s what I meant about understanding this function of brain if one seeks truth.
@Boscohorowitz: Ernest P. Worrell was looking at a can of Jello and a can of Mountain Dew on some website with a picture of that guy from “It’s A Wonderful Life” dressed in a WW-2 uniform and holding some kind of hand-puppet. False-dichotomy though, sure enough. The blogger is named “Robin Morrison”; seems sort of free-associating…@Armenio Pereira: Sociopaths might be a different kind of animal in that they do not have compassion. It is hard to know exactly what compassion might be in another person, but they don’t have it.
In myself compassion feels like an engagement with the other living being, where I share their feelings somewhat telepathically. Freud would disagree, but Jung wouldn’t.
Does this mean that a sociopath is incapable of accepting divine guidance?
Are there aspects of free will outside of the important decision to follow Divine guidance or fear/desire?You said: “You don’t use a nail clipper to cut down a tree; God wants to apply a major overhaul on the planet: other than a meteorite, humans seem like a rather adequate tool for the purpose.”
God would perceive space-time as a broad expanse, not a moving process as we time constrained beings do, unless god were practicing empathy and experiencing through us.
At any rate, humans can readily make changes on the planet while having free will. In the movie “The Magic Christian” Peter Sellers’ character threw money around, bills, wads of cash, in public places, to observe what people would do.
I have wondered if one of the functions of our species, in service of planetary life, is to bring fossil water and fossil carbon to the surface, where they can be incorporated by life-forms. It’s a thought.
It could happen easily with free will, as we see the last 300 years seems to simulate to perfection, if it is not actually the case.@VP Gary: A healthy Ego will accept divine guidance because it’s like an angel on your shoulder feeding you the answers to the test.
@Red: Sorry; I didn’t watch the Davos-crowd-crowing video.@TAE Summary: I always read your stuff and I’m still glad you are back. You said: “There may or may not be free will but there is pain and there is moral responsibility. If you injure another person “But I have no free will” is not a defense. Guilt and consequences can be corrective, free will or not.”
I have to wonder in the context of sociopathy, the lack of empathetic-functioning, how this plays out. Sociopaths are often very good at reading people and understanding their emotions. they lie without internal conflict, so may be natural and convincing. They are bound by laws of society and rules-of-the-house, but I’m trying to understand what “morality” would be for them. It would need to be a cognitive model.@My Parents Said “NO”: Sorry, low hanging fruit… (chagrined)
@Chooch: The reports I saw portrayed it the other way, that Russia had strictly forbidden cellphones, because of targeting, and had targeted that big concentration of foreign mercs. in western ukraine early on that way, using a hypersonic missile to great effect. Last I saw the Russians completely disputed the loss of that many general officers. I think it was 2-3 and similar # of colonels, but this is a few weeks ago.D Benton Smith said: “without the “adult supervision” and true value judgement provided and imposed upon it by a spiritual (non-material) awareness . . . and because it is so exquisitely designed to run on autopilot, that critter will lie, cheat, steal, kill, eat and fuck itself into oblivion faster than a politician will pick your pocket”
We are extremely socially-malleable critters. Nobody pops into a 16 year old body without training, but it probably would be like that. It’s somewhat that way, anyway… Or, it was somewhat like that for me for awhile.June 3, 2022 at 4:14 am #108955Veracious Poet
ParticipantA healthy Ego will accept divine guidance because it’s like an angel on your shoulder feeding you the answers to the test.
I like that John, thanks 😉
A “healthy EGO” is today a rare commodity, IMHO.
I certainly did not have a “healthy Ego”, in fact quite the opposite, but I serendipitously (as a result of decades of self-inflicted pain) was gifted an experience where it was collapsed & my spirit took over (as you no doubt remember)…
Although my toxic EGO came roaring back, my spirit remained utmost & foremost.
So, if an alcoholic borderline sociopath like me can directly receive Grace, I know that anything is possible!
All I had to do was sincerely ask for help from the bottom of my soul, not knowing if God still listened to me, wherefore I entered another state-of-existance…
I’m still subject to the physical rules of the game, including suffering the abuse of free will by toxic EGOs, but there is a Peace, Strength, Love within that has continued to rewire my abused/corrupted mind for almost 9 years now.
The EGO finds the reality of the spirit within paradoxical (children fear it usually), building walls around the EGO to protect it from everything else, thus conscience separation…
I believe sociopaths suffer from the process to the extreme, but like me I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see…
Because of the gift of Grace, I know any human can be saved from EGOcentricity, but it still requires an individual decision, + a total commitment to living The Way in The Now.
I’m very sad for the human race (as well as all species of God’s children), most won’t get the chance to surrender to The Way before self-induced mass psychosis extinguishes that chance in this realm.
I can’t believe the levels of wantonly dishonest, violent hubris we’re all facing now, what a waste 😕
June 3, 2022 at 4:30 am #108956Oroboros
ParticipantJune 3, 2022 at 4:35 am #108957zerosum
ParticipantI have wondered if one of the functions of our species, in service of planetary life, is to bring fossil water and fossil carbon to the surface, where they can be incorporated by life-forms. It’s a thought.
Maybe, on this planet, or some other planet, there is a life force applying the butterfly effect to have life survive.
Meanwhile some deep thinking has already been done by some specialists.
1983 Dec 21;105(4):591-602. doi: 10.1016/0022-5193(83)90221-7.
A new theory on the origin and the nature of viruses
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