Debt Rattle June 21 2024


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    John Day said

    Here’s “Something Completely Different”

    Interesting link. Neutralise entities that are a threat, or as this person puts it, neutralise the strong nations.

    Let me tell you a story about something that happened recently:

    I have been working on a business project that occassionally requires me to go to a different part of town. One day, while there, I saw a good friend of mine being intimate with a woman in a doorway in the street. This woman was not his wife or anyone else I could name, but he was in a public place and I had to walk past him. He happened to look up and saw me walk past, with me looking at him, at which point he rapidly stopped what he was doing and greeted me as if nothing was going on.

    Obviously I did not mention this incident to anybody, what he does is none of my business, so his dirty little secret would have died with me. I should point out that this man and his family (young kids) are good friends, we see them every few weeks for dinner.

    After the incident, I thought that if I kept quiet then things could continue as before, but no, that has not been possible. Since the incident, the way the assumed-to-be cheating husband has related to me has been changing, a little at a time. I have noticed the change as he is now quite aggressively denigrating things that he knows are, or once were, important to me in front of other guests. That has triggered a change in my approach to him, making me more defensive and probably more touchy, on the lookout for the next “attack”. I should point out that we never discussed or mentioned the incident to each other.

    I am assuming that he has decided to try to neutralise me as a threat by denigrating me in the eyes of our other friends, thereby neutralising the potential harm I could inflict if I decided to tell someone our mutual secret. My guess is that if it was just me and him, he would go his seperate way and never see me again, but in this case our families are friends, so that would take some explanation to his family, something that would be very difficult. If he could live with me knowing his secret then we could continue as before, but no, humans are not like that, we do not like living at the mercy of someone else. At our first family meal together after the incident, everything was normal, but since that time, things have started to change.

    Humans neutralise threats, humans like to be in control but do not always enjoy the responsibility. Being an adviser – getting back to the video – plays into those human traits. The aliens want to have control over the leaders but do not want the responsibility of having to face the people who are ruled by those leaders. Such traits reveal that this story was either written by humans or the aliens are just as flawed as us humans.

    Maybe this seems a twisted reply to your video, but it was the first thing that came to mind.


    Wake up!
    Things are not in control.
    Each state has their own rules and regulations to control the election of the president.

    Things are not going to happen the way you think.
    Unintended shit going to hit the fan.


    Corbyn was ousted by the UK Jews, he supported justice for the Palestinians, something the Jews could never allow. The UK is as ruled by outside interests as is the USA. Two sides of the same coin.

    Dr D Rich

    @aspnaz (from the other day)

    I certainly covered the entire spectrum of it by supposing the claims about Netanyahu could be false.

    However, take into consideration The U.S. Govt co-opted All of Medicine by FIRST co-opting the military psychologists and many psychiatrists between 911 and the Iraq War inception 2003. No longer was the individual, the patient, the sole priority….the only priority. The Hippocratic Oath was denigrated, reduced to bad prose without substantive meaning.
    Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Tornberg asserted the medical degree was simply a certification of skill akin to a plumber’s, nothing more nothing less. Into that void stepped The Nurses. One Navy CRNA Albert Shimkus comes to mind, not encumbered by any superficial niceties like Title and Oath AND willing to run roughshod over the now meaningless medical degree. Subtract that now meaningless residency and fellowship “certificates”.

    Somehow Shimkus, CRNA, ended up (emphasis on the passive “ended”) on both sides of the dilemma….a controversy.
    Albert a nurse wore the title Surgeon without ever being a physician or surgeon. Albert as Joint Task Force SURGEON GTMO would have been in a position to stop torture of detainees. Hell Shimkus was so good he also served a tour unencumbered by The Hippocratic Oath as Skipper Naval Hospital Gitmo. If y’all didn’t think Albert’s goodness couldn’t possibly have gotten “gooder”, he “found himself” on staff at The Naval War College and on 20-member Task Force: ETHICS ABANDONED: Medical Professionalism and Detainee Abuse in the “War on Terror”.
    Those attributes seem mutually exclusive. You’d think an Anti-Torture Task Force could have found one CRNA that had NOT commanded 2 medical units notorious for Torturing Detainees.

    It’s still mind boggling the same Navy and DoD LEADERSHIP picked Albert Shimkus and Bruce Meneley to command medical units in Guantanamo Bay during the period of DoD’s collective obsession with torturing folk.


    There is a true story going around Taiwanese social media, it is popular because people have used it to ridicule the defence of Taiwan and how their spending on US defense systems is all useless. The story:

    A mainlander got into a tiny put-put fishing boat on the mainland China coast and he drove the boat across the Taiwan strait (200 km), all the way to Taipei, landing in a tourist area of the city where he wandered around for two hours on the waterfront, sampling the street food etc, then he handed himself in at the local police station and claimed asylum. He had expected to be picked up by the Taiwanese defence forces, but in the end had to turn himself in.

    The story was confirmed by the Taipei police.

    The guy was definitely a mainlander, but it is doubtful that he drove his boat all the way from the mainland, it is much more likely that he crossed the Taiwan strait on an ocean-going fishing boat then got into the small dingy to sail into Taipei. Regardless, it shows how tight the security is and how well the Taiwanese government have been bought to buy US weapons without any concern about value for money.


    Dr D Rich said

    @aspnaz (from the other day)

    I certainly covered the entire spectrum of it by supposing the claims about Netanyahu could be false.

    You have to assume that westerners in positions of power are telling lies and that everything you see is part of a PR campaign. This was not always the case, this has been due to the slow destruction of the moral code and acceptance in western society of amoral behaviour. It is what I describe as Jewish morality invading the USA. Looking at the USA’s latest amoral support for genocide, it makes their crimes at Guantanamo appear to be trivial; the USA is moving forward to self destruction, one crime at a time.


    Russia gave North Korea last year the Russia’s multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile Topol-M (SS-27 Mod 2)

    This is a very sophisticated nuclear missile, it’s Russia’s second most sophisticated.

    Multi-warhead, decoys, hyper sonic manuvering, etc….

    Can reach every square inch of Duh’merica

    It’s solid fuel and Mobile making it almost impossible to track with intel satellites. Fast too.

    Empire of Lies Media Maggots didn’t really report on it predictably last year.

    The North Koreans have already test fired it TWICE.

    Worked fine.

    Locked and loaded.

    When the UN sanctions against North Korea come up for renewal, NK’s new Bestie Russia will veto them and then transfer a Shit Ton of weapons and technology and cheap energy, etc…….

    Smooth Move by the NeoConJob Maggots.

    Topol test launched recently from a silo instead of a mobile one.

    Mobile version launch:

    Bombs Away Dream Babies

    Midnight Wind- John Stewart










    Dr. D

    I agree. If there are aliens and the are advanced, then in my opinion they are the same PoS degenerates humans are. So you could stop all this, and let it go? So you “can’t interfere”, so then you, being honest, normal creatures, simply admit you are there, because, like badgers and newts, and every other creature that is here, you are here. WTF “Prime Directive” could there be since you are here? IF you are here, SURELY have have the “Human” Right to be HONEST about it. Lying is OUR virtue, right?

    Oh it gets worse: According to…everyone, I guess, they ARE here abut “Can’t interfere” but are “Helping.” Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, “Helping” is the g-d d—mned definition of “Interfering.” You ‘tards. Right this very minute the U.S. is “Helping” Ukraine attack all formal Russia, with zero support from Ukraine except a light golf clap. But no, all the hushed, amazing stories are Aliens R eevrywhere, but they have to “Let humans do it themselves”, non-interference, WHILE they are flying everywhere, shutting off all our missiles, bombs, building all kinds of bases, sharing Tech willy-nilly, and running Antarctica.

    PICK. ONE. That goes for you aliens, if there are or aren’t any, but ESPECIALLY all the tale-tellers and narrative experts out there because your story makes no sense. That’s BESIDES the “Galactic Council” (aggrandize much? You DO know that would be more than 10 stars right?) meeting to decides our fate “Let ’em do nothing and they all die. It’s the moral thing to do.” AND ALSO no one sees them or provides proof of them EVER. Okay, I’m game: we’ve got tic-tac machines on the Navy website, I’m all ears. It hereby hath been, “Disclosed” dear sirs. No? No nothin’, nobody, no hows from no wheres? Really?

    I thought aliens couldn’t pop out and admit they are here via the “Prime Directive” until there was disclosure. There was. Everywhere. Every day. The g-d–d Mexican parliament “Disclosed” there are like 100,000 cell-phone sightings a month, disclosed. It’s on TV, in movies and is 1/10th of the whole internet you stories, disclosed. …But that’s not good enough for our esteemed “Galactic COuncil”. I guess they’re too busy sharing tech, helping governments hide secrets, and turning missiles on an off while not interfering in our wars.

    Seriously, give me a break. I don’t know WHAT all this is, but brother, it sure ain’t THAT.

    Here’s a start: write me a narrative that MAKES ANY SENSE, and is internally consistent. I guess we know where those other “alien” writers came from who wrote “The Acolyte”.

    D Benton Smith

    All the You Tube pundits are anxiously predicting that something unusually BIG is going on or about to happen, but none of them have ID’d it yet.

    Well, here’s what it is.

    The “Big Thing” that is about to happen is a schism in the 1.2 million member Roman Catholic Church. The battle is centered on literally ALL of the biggest criminal realities that we’ve been aware of and struggling to disseminate to the General Population. That struggle is over. “Pope” Francis just did us the favor of turning a smallish forgettable non-event into an enormously visible and important “hard news” event that is going to rivet serious attention from around the world. The story is already avalanching as we speak. There’s no way to stop it.

    Archbishop Vigano has publicly and formally charged the Vatican with specific crimes of “Woke, Globalist, WEF, Covid 19 bioweapon, homicidal vax campaign, organized sex perversion by TOP clergy, child sex trafficking, financial collapse, war on food, transhumanist mutilation, planned genocide, and so on and so on and so on.

    The mass media ignored Vigano for years because he was a relative nobody, but NOW, because Pope himself is charging Vigano for the crime of Schism (splitting the church into warring pieces) the event is now recognized as BIG news. So, the trial against Archbishop Vigano is going to propel those issues (and the horrifying crimes hidden within them) to the top of the news feed across the communication channels that inform every person in the world. I don’t see any way to avoid a literally unprecedented explosion of horrifying revelations tracing back to most big shots and every instition on the planet.

    And they can’t suppress the story! The corrupt Francis has inexplicably REPEATED the allegations made against himself in order to make charges against Vigano. Unbelievably stupid. So, now Vigano can pick up the hand grenade, pull the pin, and throw it right back into Francis’ lap by submitting the documented proof that the allegations are all TRUE.

    Talk about NEWSWORTHY ! It’s like Watergate, O.J. Simpson and 911 rolled into one.

    THAT is the exploding powder keg that’s going to set off the whole damn storage arsenal. Not only is everything that Vigano says TRUE, but everything he says ties DIRECTLY to the OTHER existential crises already about to explode all on their own. The unavoidable convergence of shit storms is unprecedented.

    This is a geopolitically megaton event. There has been nothing even remotely like it since the religious “Reformation” sparked by Martin Luther, except that this one is way bigger. We’re talking about an irreconcilable SPLIT in the largest religion in the world. And I remind you that it’s not just about religion. Remember that the Catholic Church as an institutions is ALSO one of the most financially and politically POWERFUL organizations in the world, with 2000 years of experience in how to successfully wield that clout, too! The question of who gets to run that outfit is a VERY important question.

    So yes, in recap, the world’s numerous existential crises are each and all rapidly accelerating toward their detonation points, and its worth mentioning that not only are each of these cataclysms going to be really big, but they are also all going to go boom at about the same time. That chronological synchronization makes perfectly logical sense because the crises are , as you know, very closely causally interrelated and being engineered by the same guys.

    We know a lot about who those guys are because regardless of their awesomely Herculean efforts to hide their identities, they still ARE who they are and it becomes a case of, “By their fruits you shall know them.” They’re the guys doing the hyenas share of the lying, cheating, stealing, and killing, so the “fruits” of their labor are not hard to find. The people who do those things the biggest, baddest, mostest, and OFTENEST are the ones we’re looking for. Guys like Francis, for example, or Netanyahu and a small host of others who’s masters still lurk in the shadows.

    But we don’t need to go down that rabbit hole right now because their identity is not the next big problem headed our way. We got a bigger freight train to fry.

    The important thing is that the cognitive and emotional SHOCK of all that IRREFUTABLE TRUTH coming out practically ALL AT ONCE is a clear and present danger to the typical human mind. What’s about to happen is not just a big thing. It is a NEW thing. It’s a thing that that no one on Earth has ever experienced before. Having reality smack everyone in the face like a runaway train is going to paralyze even tough old bastards who thought they were ready to handle ANYTHING. I’ll go out on a limb here on this point and hazard that it will shock EVERYONE right to their foundations.

    With that pleasant perspective in mind, I think now’s a good time to do a quick review of how things stand with our numerously various existential crises on this fine new Summer’s day of June 21, 2024.

    I suppose it would be sensible to write them down like a laundry list of all the stuff that’s going to hell in a hand basket and then go down the list ticking off boxes.

    But there’s a faster way.

    Let’s just take ONE of them and take it apart in such a way that it is easily apparent how that one single crisis leads to all of the others so that when IT explodes it sets off all of the others, too. Think of it as the nuclear chain reaction that occurs when critical mass is reached. (that’s a remarkably appropriate metaphor, by the way.)

    I refer y’all back to the topic at the start of this long comment, the schism that just formally started and is happening NOW, throughout Catholicism.

    As of last Wednesday June 19, 2024 the world’s largest religion (1.2 Billion people distributed world wide, with two thousand years of time on the job) has officially announced an irreconcilable schism which splits the entire body of the congregation into two camps: One camp being those who agree with Pope Francis (a very bad very Woke, perverted, deceitful and stupid criminal), and the other camp consisting those who align with and support the position proclaimed by Archbishop Vigano (a very good, very brave, very well informed, deeply respected and loved hero.) [NOTE: I don’t just admit my bias, I PROCLAIM my bias.] Every practicing Catholic in the world will have no choice but to make that choice, and SOON.

    The Vatican has formally charged Vigano with the crime of schism for whistle blowing on a long and lurid list of heinous crimes committed by Pope Francis and his con-conspirators. Vigano, on the other hand, has preemptively stated that his defense argument will consist of documenting the proof that all of his accusations against the diabolical criminality of Pope Francis are TRUE (including the fact that Francis is a pervert, a liar, and not really even Pope in the first place, under official Church law.)

    Leaks, rumors and conspiracy theories (even the most credible ones) are one thing. Publicly accepted irrefutable FACTS are quite another. When the situation that I described above is put on public display and accepted as the truth, a lot of brains are going to break.

    Make sure yours isn’t one of them by prepare yourself. Get ready to learn for fact that MANY of your scariest suspicions are simply true. Who knows the full extent of what’s coming out? Might even be aliens.

    Doc Robinson

    French First Lady Transgender Libel Case Goes To Trial

    This makes it seem like transgender people are so despised in France that calling somebody trans is a terrible insult. Perhaps the First Lady is being hypocritical?

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