Debt Rattle March 12 2020


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    Ann Rosener Reconditioning used spark plugs for use in testing airplane motors, Melrose Park Buick plant, Chicago 1942       • The Extr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 12 2020]


    As you probably know there is a very high rate of confirmed infections in Norway, and as a Norwegian I’d like to shed some light on the situation in my country. . One reason for it is of course the same as everywhere: The authorities are downplaying the risk in hope of saving the economy. I think that is even more pronounced in Norway where we’ve been hit with a double whammy because of the collapsing oil-price. But other than that I think there are two main reasons for the high rate in Norway.

    1. Lots of tourism to Italy.
    Most Norwegian had their winter-vacation in the period from 17. – 28. February. Since this has been the warmest year on record in Norway there has been almost no snow here. There are a lot of people into skiing in Norway so we’ve had a massive number of people going to Northern-Italy to go skiing. There was no effort to stop or even advice against this. This is probably the reason for the high rate in Sweden too, while Denmark has probably gotten their infections from Norway and Sweden.

    2. Testing.
    Yesterday The health authorities stated that we have tested more than 8.000 people in Norway. That amounts to 1.500 tests per million capita which is a bit reassuring at least.


    I am overwhelmed with sadness for Chelsea Manning. Do her judges and jailers tell themselves they are the good guys? Or that they are just doing their jobs?
    Coercive incarceration? Geez.



    BEDS – It seems desirable that virus patients are kept out of normal hospitals to prevent more infections. It struck me that buildings suitable as temporary hospitals are hotels! Considering how badly hotels are [or will be] affected I would imagine owners would be glad to rent out these places.

    Obvious issues are portable oxygen supplies, portable ventilators and staff. Care may be minimal but better than nothing.

    ALTERNATIVE ENDINGS – I would suggest that older patients be offered fatal doses of opioids! It may be a better option than suffocating to death.

    ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT – A previous neighbour who is an electronics genius made a device to ‘cure’ him of the flu. It worked like a taser but used square waves. He was an odd person so I put it down as a crank idea but some time later an item on TV said that square waves were used to sterilise wine in some way so it may not be quite as cranky as I thought! He claimed it worked and it would be interesting to know if it does or not.


    Market halted for the second time.
    TV Experts are try not to cry.
    China did a better job. China did not crash the market.
    This is a Trillionvirrus
    This is a blue collar victory run.
    Now I can go read TAE


    • Trump Suspends Travel From Europe To US (BBC)
    Travelers will go to UK then USA
    Travelers will go to Canada the USA
    Its time for Canada to shut the borders to USA
    Its time for China to shut the border from incoming infected country – USA
    Its time for the troops to go home.
    My opinion. My comment
    TAE is doing a great job of gathering all of the critical world articles that link and result in a clearer picture of what the elites are doing to make their lives better.
    Thank you


    @ anticlimactic
    My Dr has reassured me, multiple times, that the med are there to make sure that end of life treatment are being used to ease the passage to a better place.


    Thanks Frank3. Your short report is better than anything available from the msm.


    Its all word that made the oil price go to their lows
    Word do not increase the supply of oil inventory.
    Lack of consumption by buyers increases inventory


    Blue collar people, who are not in the stock market, don’t agree with J. Crame who just got burned in the stock market and was/is being made to look like a rich fool that lost a fortune..
    Many people lost their money by listening to Cramer’s advise. Its now Cramers turn to lose his money.

    “They Know Nothing” (Again): Jim Cramer Calls For Government To Suspend Taxes, Print Way Out Of COVID-19


    I agree zerosum. Thank you TAE for your fantastic articles and insights.



    Testing may look good in Norway, but zero deaths for 707 cases, not so much. Plus, this from Worldometer just now:

    135 new cases in Sweden, which announced that testing for Covid-19 will cease unless you are hospitalized or belong to one of the risk groups. Even if you report corona-like symptoms

    John Day
    It’s time to be an early-adopter of the new habits which will be the new normal.
    Adopting for cognitive reasons instead of abject terror is the preferred course of action today.

    This virus has a huge invisible leading edge of asymptomatic spread, so when you see it, it’s already too late.
    People shed it for days before they feel sick at all.
    Young people and teens and kids can spread it for weeks and never get sick.
    My son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter near Dallas, have a housemate, who got sent home from work because a coworker’s daughter got diagnosed with coronavirus. (We suspect not confirmed yet).
    This is the kind of way this pops up.

    This virus spreads by droplet nuclei in coughs and sneezes, and those can persist on surfaces for days when deposited by aerosol or touched by a hand.
    The next hand can pick them up and take them to a mouth or nose, the viral public-transit-system.

    I have no symptoms. I wipe my nose. I grab a door handle.
    You come behind me, You eat a snack. You are infected.

    Washing hands before and after touching public things is hard. I wash before and after seeing patients and alcohol-swab my stethoscope.
    How do I touch the knob on the sink?
    I grab a paper towel first, unless the dispenser is not working right, which is often the case.
    Then I touch the dispenser. OUCH!
    I have found that a sturdy pen or highlighter will pull a lot of doors open if deftly manipulated.
    I have been studying this, and you should, too. Study your hands, and everything they touch, and study each thing, and consider other touches it gets, and ponder work-arounds.
    Share insights at meetings at work. This will be well received.
    At People’s Clinic we hand out pens and clipboards with paper questionnaires.
    Oh, my those pens and clipboards get a lot of touches!
    What to do, now? Working on best solution…
    Give away all the pens and don’t give clipboards? What about the sheets of paper?

    We have to review all risks and benefits in new-pandemic-world.
    New habits will need to persist for at least 2 years while this virus methodically infects 60-70% of all the local populations in every human community, everywhere.
    Slowing the spread of infection down to a steady drip is the best we can do.
    A lot of infections at once destroys a working community in a couple of weeks.
    Then the biggest wave of sickness hits without a support system.

    They closed a couple of schools for coronavirus cases in New York today, but it’s just the Bronx.
    Wall Street should be completely safe.

    A truly bombshell and unprecedented accusation, underscoring that if Sino-US relations amid the broader crisis weren’t already bad enough, they’re about to crash much, much lower: China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman tweets “it might be the US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan” — the widely acknowledged epicenter and origin point of the Covid-19 pandemic.


    virus is travelling by private jets.
    Now, I’m more concerned
    PM Trudeau self-isolating after wife Sophie develops flu-like symptoms
    Nicole Bogart Writer

    Published Thursday, March 12, 2020 11:59AM EDT
    Last Updated Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:02PM EDT


    Yes,Yes! The best system in the world
    At the White House, President Trump said he doesn’t support House Democrats’ plan for the emergency economic package, and accused them of stuffing it with “goodies.”


    Testing may look good in Norway, but zero deaths for 707 cases, not so much. Plus, this from Worldometer just now:

    Hi Raul.
    I think the reason for no deaths so far is that it still only two weeks since the first confirmed case in Norway. And most of the early ones are skiers, so they are relatively healthy people. The last i’ve heard is that there are 10 infected in hospitals and 1 in Intensive care, but I can’t confirm if that is true since I just heard it on a messageboard. The deaths will probably start poping up soon though.


    Italy hits it out of the park again with 2,651 new cases and 189 new deaths. Let’s hope other countries are paying attention to the trendline, especially their own vs Italy’s. If you are where Italy was 10 days ago, what should you expect? Most people would be put to sleep by these numbers, because they all start out small.


    T-virus (trillion)
    Buying opportunity
    You can get borrow money from the fed if you are a connected elite.
    Blue collar need not apply
    Homeless and street people problem will get solved by the coronavirus.
    Dow went from -2,000 to -1,000
    The elites are not socialist or communist they are only “pigs feeding”

    Fed to pump more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention


    Bank Run! Pig Fest!

    Bazooka Backfires: Stocks Tumble, FRA/OIS Soars After Fed’s Massive Repo Operation Fails To Fix Liquidity Crisis

    Dr D Rich

    Agreed zerosum.
    Never forget our Gov’t has unimaginable amounts of money for the rich, fortune 500 corporations, banks, and the select few to prop up ther property values and “assets”, ie. Bezos and Amazon while it hemorrhaged money for the better part of two decades or Elon Musk with Tesla in the same pattern.
    The planned demolition of America while China threw their resources at breathtaking infrastructure projects that improved the lives of their people.

    What do we get? A FED “bailing” out their few rich cronies losing their asses in the stock market stampede.


    Another update from Norway:

    1. The Prime minister and the minster of health have had a press release and finally announced real measures starting immediately lasting at least two weeks. Among them are closing all kindergartens and schools. Which means most parents will stay home too.

    2. First Norwegian dead. An elderly person.

    It’s still worrisome that they are saying they expect 2.2 million infected and one third of that will get symptoms and only 5.500 will need intensive care. That’s just 0.25%. Seems obvious they’re fudging the numbers to fit what they think we’ll be able to deal with.


    Is anybody paying attention to the gatherings of the young adults on an extended 2 week spring break?

    Dr D Rich

    Raúl should weigh in.

    The FED’S action is not really increasing the money supply. It is just window dressing to give the appearance of such and that is why the FEDs actions continue to fail as a form of nominal GDP targeting. The money supply doesn’t increase because there is no distribution across the economy/country. Look for Failed Big Boeing to get bailed out next
    Basically, the FED is letting failed Bankers stay in their Bigl Failed Bank Houses.
    Here is a bloggers account from 2016:

    I am mostly concerned with fairness, regarding NGDP Targeting. I asked this question on a couple of econoblogs:
    …Oh, by the way, the big banks did a form of NGDP targeting in rich neighborhoods. They permitted those that defaulted to live there free, so the prices would not crash in those neighborhoods. So, even in crash cities like Reno and Las Vegas, there were people living over 5 years in houses where the mortgage was not being paid.
    Of course, the average Joe was not afforded such a break. The banks didn’t care that the prices dropped in his neighborhood because they had big clients ready with credit lines to go in and pay cash at rock bottom prices on thousands of homes. So, they got the houses they wanted back through foreclosure and credit to their wealthy clients.
    So, the question is, based on what the big banks did in the above statement, can NGDP targeting possibly be fair?
    Looking at the example in the quote above, the banks did not really increase the money supply. It was not actual NGDP targeting. Letting people stay in the houses without paying made it look like the money supply was stable, and that prices were stable.”


    Now that the coronavirus has possibly hit home, maybe now Trudeau will get serious!

    Now everybody in the world will just travel through Canada to get to the US!

    There are still direct flights between Canada to everywhere in the world!

    Want to fly to China? Direct flights to Shanghai!

    Nobody is being screened entering Canada!

    In Ontario there is still no community testing!

    Just self quarantine please, even though half don’t!

    Dr D Rich

    U.S. is continuing with the previously announced large-scale militaey exercise in Europe after Pres Trump announced the 30 day Europe travel ban.
    So, at least two explanations account for this disconnect of cause, effect and response.
    1. The coronavirus hysteria is a massive fraud.
    2. The troops were already immunized against the threat not dissimilar to what other writers alluded to with anthrax and botulinum vaccines administered before Desert Storm.


    The image that oftentimes forms in my mind when I start reading about these big bailouts, whatever, is that of a pothole.

    There is no plan to actually fix or make changes to the road, just keep pouring money into the hole so that cars can drive over it – it’s continually sinking and continually being “topped off”, so one doesn’t realize how deep it is, nor how much has flowed down it.

    When you look at the history of reserve currencies, it’s a pretty consistent graph. Human greed destroys the reserve currency status in 75 to 100 years. Right on schedule. And then the pitchforks and torches come out, things “bounce”, and we move along.

    Not as complex as the utterings that come out of a central bankers mouth, but his back is against the wall, not mine.


    Possible meme,

    Spot the difference below:

    TRUMP: If you want to get tested for Coronavirus, you can get tested for Coronavirus.
    OBAMA: If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep your doctor.


    Things are getting interesting here in Flyoverland USA. Ohio schools are closing for three weeks, any event over 100 people is getting cancelled. Most big white-collar companies are telling people to work from home. The Gov announced these measures today. And the Ohio Dept of Health Director dropped this bombshell: “…at the very least, 1 percent of our population is carrying this virus in Ohio today” or close to 100,000 people in the state.

    Stunning statement. I’m gobsmacked between disbelief and adjusting my mental map of this thing I’ve been studying for 2 months. That would put it two orders of magnitude above Italy, the worst case rate at 206 cases per million population. Seems implausible at best, and hyperbolic (bordering on criminal) at worst coming from a public official. There’s no data, could be hunch, could be informed by other evidence. I don’t know what to make of it yet The error bars and signal:noise ratio of data for this thing make prediction and comparison very difficult.

    Could it be true? In my non-expert assessment it would mean:

    – This strain is MUCH more contagious than WHO, CDC, et al sez. Airborne, not droplet. It would have to have been here for weeks to have spread so far essentially undetected (just four confirmed cases here now.)
    – it would have to be far less deadly than thought, with the vast majority being asymptomatic or mild cases, passing it off as a cold or flu – but carriers nonetheless.

    Article here and from any search engine.


    travel ban

    B.C. health officials discourage travel outside Canada, ban events larger than 250 people
    VANCOUVER — With spring break days away, B.C. health officials say they are now discouraging “all non-essential travel” outside of Canada due to the growing COVID-19 outbreak.

    Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry made the announcement Thursday during her daily virus briefing, and stressed that the advice applies to trips to the United States.

    “It is clear at this time that the evolving situation both in the United States and globally is a risk for all of us, and we are strongly advising people not to travel,” Henry said.

    Anyone who travels abroad will be required to stay home from work or school for 14 days upon their return to the province, according to health officials.

    There goes the trips for cheaper gas.
    Trump travel ban

    Only Americans will be able to get in the USA.
    How will they get into the USA?
    Airlines are cancelling flights.
    There is a 14 day self isolation for all arrivals from outside Canada into BC and Alberta.
    ( BC dropped the hammer before Trump.)


    I appreciate John Day’s comments, and I will add that I never realized how often I touch my face until I started wearing a mask. That suddenly made me conscious of it. Now if I have a little itch near my eye, for example, I scratch it with a disinfected pen cap rather than my finger. And I do that at least twice per day. Never thought about it before I started wearing the mask.

    I also brought several spray bottles to the office and made my own bleach-based disinfectant. I thought it would be a good idea to have several of these around so that people can spray down the things that everyone touches. But that is a long list of items: doorknobs, copy machine touchscreen, refrigerator door, coffee pot handle, button for automatic doors, cupboard doors, elevator buttons, conference room phone. The more you think about it, the more items you think about. And these should be disinfected regularly — a monumental task. But going through that exercise made more more diligent about just washing my hands after I touch anything.

    Dave Note

    China is pitching the storyline that SARS-Cov2 came from the US.

    From Peter Koenig at Global Research

    Looking back in the timeline;

    “First, there were the Military Olympics in October in Wuhan (18 – 27 October 2019), where about 200 American soldiers participated; the first cases of 2019-nCoV fever were discovered about two weeks later – two weeks is the average gestation period from infection to outbreak.

    Second, there was Event 201, on October 18, 2019, at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in Baltimore, Maryland, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF – the corporatocracy representing Big Weapons, Big Pharma and Big Money), and the John Hopkins Institute.

    The theme was simulating a High-Level Pandemic Exercise – and yes, the simulation produced 65 million deaths. Just a couple of weeks before the first COVID-19 victims were identified.

    Curiously, in their defense the sponsors of Event 201, now say,

    “We are not now predicting that the nCoV-2019 (which was also used as the name of the simulation) outbreak will kill 65 million people. Although our tabletop exercise included a mock novel coronavirus, the inputs we used for modeling the potential impact of that fictional virus are not similar to nCoV-2019.”

    One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to conclude that the simulation and actual outbreak is a very strange coincidence.”


    Question for John Day.

    My wife read something from a Japanese doctor.

    The doctor said one way to self test at home if you think you have the virus is to try and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If you can, then the virus has not yet spread to your lungs. However if you discover that you cannot hold your breath for 10 seconds without difficulty, then you need to seek medical attention immediately.

    Dr D Rich

    Just read this article, which was published in 2015 in “Nature”, which is a highly respected scientific journal.  Interesting, to say the least. It is likely this virus was created by US labs.

    Engineered bat virus stirs debate over risky research 
    Lab-made coronavirus related to SARS can infect human cells.
    Declan Butler
    12 November 2015

    Also, Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, and who drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, says he believes the infectious disease did escape from the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan – that the virus is dual-use biowarfare weapons agent genetically modified with gain-of-function properties, and was purchased from the BSL-4 lab at the University of North Carolina, where it originated.

    Dr. D

    Do her judges and jailers tell themselves they are the good guys?”

    They tell themselves they, like all their peers in government and out, are against the Constitution, particularly the 5th (incriminating yourself, no coerced testimony and confessions) “Speedy trials”, and “Cruel and Unusual punishments.” Because they love and worship government, they believe in life sentences for common contempt-of-court, as per Armstrong as well. But why not? Half the country is against free speech, free religion, free assembly, self-defense, specific warrants with specific targets, juries, separation of powers, limited powers-of-government, i.e. jurisdiction, prosecuting attorneys required to share all evidence with the defense, and just about every other Federal law every written. In its place, will to power. Might makes right. They have the might right now, therefore we do whatever they say when they ask for our daughters. That’s the law!

    The words of our first Federal Law aren’t important. They’ve been repeated until they have no meaning. It’s the concepts that matter.

    stuffing it with “goodies.”

    It’s a Congressional bill: of course they stuffed it with pork. The bribe money’s cut off from other sides and the Cramers of the world didn’t get a heads up, although the WHO people did (we have the internet posts that show them knowing and holding the market door open as long as possible to let their insider trillionaires sell out).

    Flip side, now $1.5 Trillion new dollars to insider golfing pals. Yay! No soup for you! The point ISN’T to help the economy; it never is. It’s to help the same 1st information insiders they helped get out of the market before declaring WHO. Well, at least the proposed Congressional bill – finally, and not yet done – offset unemployment, taxes, what-not, a little. At the same time realize this is Weimar’s point where they start printing to hand out paychecks to union workers. That is, inflation can go on a long time before it reaches the people. And also inflation doesn’t occur with employment (hardly ever, contrary to Keynes’ discredited dumpster fire) but in a WEAK economy like Brazil and Zimbabwe, specifically where there is a SHORTAGE of real goods. Check, check, check. But I’ve been telling you for years they were going to cause a monetary reset. 2018 was printed on the front page in 1989. 29 + 2 years. How much more lead time did you need? How about since the bank lockup in ’08? Prepared anything since then?

    “China is pitching the storyline that SARS-Cov2 came from the US.”

    Still very odd, what took them so long? I mean if I can find evidence it went through NC to Harvard to Canada to China, then re-edited in Wuhan, surely they can. I’m just a guy on the internet and I try not to look into things like that, just as they cross the transom.

    But on that note, remember way back Bill Gates’ exact virus scenario? And guess which was the country named? Italy. Same as the internet chatter in 1 Jan. Funny ol’ world. Those tech guys boy sure are smart!

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