Debt Rattle March 13 2021
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- This topic has 31 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by Dr. D.
March 13, 2021 at 9:41 am #71086Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Times Square, New York 1954 • DeSantis to Biden: Thought of Reinstating COVID-19 Restrictions ‘Insane’ (Hill) • Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy aro
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 13 2021]March 13, 2021 at 11:27 am #71087V. ArnoldParticipantSo, same shit different day?
I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.
– Richard FeynmanWell? There you go…
So,today what will you do that you didn’t do yesterday?March 13, 2021 at 12:05 pm #71088V. ArnoldParticipantTimes Square, New York 1954
Thanks for todays art; I was 9 in New York at that time…
March 13, 2021 at 1:10 pm #71092Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymasterUnexpected twist:
March 13, 2021 at 1:31 pm #71093TopcatParticipant• DeSantis to Biden: Thought of Reinstating COVID-19 Restrictions ‘Insane’
The way the Covid has been handled by western governments, is a crime against humanity. The sheer damage done to such a massive swath of humankind, economic, social, spiritual, psychological.
This is a ‘talking point’ – Crimes Against Humanity
It’s something that if it sticks to a politician or bureaucrat or apparatchik or Party will be real Death Cap, a kibosh if you will.
Ilargi posted a Tom Stoppard quote the other day
Words are sacred. They
deserve respect. If you
get the right ones, in
the right order, you
can nudge the world
a little…Well, let me add ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ are the right ones for these times, and in the precise right order!
Bed Pan Biden is a sick joke. The Pathocrats behind him are a sick joke.
DeSantis, even if for base political gain, is actually speaking truth to power, a hollow phrase in most cases, but here 100% correct.
Bed Pan can’t allow too many governor to openly give him the finger on the national/international stage or well, he’ll cry tears of rage in public! hahaha!
Here to our fearless (cough) leader (cough), Old White Joe
(apologies to TS Eliot for the pronoun modifications!)
I am the hollow man
I am the stuffed man
Leaning alone
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
My dried voice, when
I whisper alone
is quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats’ feet over broken glass
In my dry cellarShape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
Remember Me Bed Pan Biden – if at all – not as a lost
Violent soul, but only
As a hollow man
The stuffed men.March 13, 2021 at 1:34 pm #71094Dr. DParticipantBiden has repeatedly vowed to not lock down the country but warned in a prime-time address Thursday night that some restrictions may have to be revisited if current downward trends change and the virus resurges. He emphasized, though, that his administration is focused on helping the nation return to normal. “Even if we devote every resource we have, beating this virus and getting back to normal depends on national unity,”
Deconstructing lies. Every word a lie. “Vowed not to lock down the country”, which he already has and approves of. It’s a campaign promise and the recommendation of Tony “I don’t know anything, I just guess” Fauci.
“Current downward trends change” They already said they will change as every day they have new, faster, stronger variants that also kill no one. They are already in Florida they said. So their variants, aren’t, or their response, isn’t.
“Focused on returning to normal” Every word of every breath is that there is no “return to normal.” But in the EVEN numbered minutes Fauci says one thing, and in the ODD numbered minutes something else. Now why no one trust me? Must be the science deniers, but the CDC already has the monopoly on that.
“ we devote every resource we have” Like refusing to even have a VOTE on Medicare for All, national health care during a pandemic. That’s a resource you have, and are fighting tooth and nail to NOT deploy it. Also, I dunno, you got no tests. You still got no PPE. You still trained no doctors, nurses, clinicians. You set up zero sanitariums, you used zero Hospital ships and Javits Centers, refused to open a mask factory when the owner wanted a mere 12mo lock-in purchase you knew would happen, provided no food and no financial support except the $100B per MONTH to insider banks.
Speaking of, heard a great story: So these two shepherds are in Bethlehem, Joshua and Zachariah. The angel comes down and says “Lo! Your messiah is born this day, come and adore him.” They go off to the manger and Zach says to Josh, “Wow, this is truly awesome. I’m so excited about this, I’m going to give you my whole $1,400 stimulus check.”
Josh says to Zach, “Oh yeah? Well I’M so excited, I’ll not only give you my stimulus check, but another $1,400 every HOUR, for all time!”
…That still wouldn’t reach Biden’s $1.4 Trillion signed off this week.
Fun story, but it makes you wonder, “Where’s my d—–d money?” 90% of it is going anywhere but us, with 2,000 years of $1,400 checks, surely each American would get, I dunno, $50,000 UBI?
So don’t talk to me about how “we devote every resource we have”
And of course, “national unity” where AL Gore may have invented the internet, but Joe Biden invented the vaccine. He started it, created it, distributed it all in just this month!
Look, you want unity, you say blandly, “We thank the previous administration’s (add adjective belated, stupid, foot-dragging) effort to get the vaccine going.” Then like, “we’ll take it from here.” But the very THOUGHT of not lying, with every word and breath, when it’s so obvious to every American and is certain to piss them off, is JUST TOO HARD.
We have the Wheel of Fauci 4 masks, then none, then one, then giggle about it like Psaki, cause it’s TOO FUNNY! “You actually believed us??? I can’t help myself!!! I’m addicted to making you look stupid and seeing what I can get away with!” …It’s the narcissistic sociopath’s lament. But since the whole nation is now mostly narcissistic sociopaths, they don’t notice.
“We may have to reinstate restrictions.” Hahahahaha! Go ahead and try. The state have already told you they won’t, you can’t make them, and to “Go f— yourself,” personally. On the plus side, the nation is devolving, leaving central power and going regional and local. Bye-bye nice man. The End.
“Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World (AIER)”
Yes, but Democracy is really going gangbusters with the 51% trampling and killing everyone they find, so really you mean they wrecked all human rights. And science, which will not recover from this when the Hague rules that medicine has committed a crime against all humanity on the basis of no evidence, research, and is in fact COUNTER to it. See CDC paper on “Masks Don’t Work.” And therefore CDC advises, “So keep wearing them, and also a buffalo rattle and parrot feathers plucked at midnight.”
This is even IF the untested, unscientific, always-failed-before vaccine doesn’t ALSO kill a few million, which it probably will. Keep diggin’ boys, I’ll watch.
I mean, you do know almost all deaths are due to government, right? We had 300M in Socialism alone, but you need to add all the wars and stuff in the West, too, clearly that would be another 300.
“life expectancy in the United States last year had its sharpest plunge since World War Two.”
Lockdown is trying to maintain the POWER system, monetary system it all depends on. The looting is just like Russia and has the same sharp attack on all citizens, the same sharp drop in mortality, by the millions. Most predictable thing ever. Just be honest. Just say it out loud. It was so easy a cave man could see it a year ago.
“preventing people from talking to each other in the street”
They’re already doing this, but especially to terrorize children and make them mentally ill and suicidal. No one notices this is a Staasi wet dream? Am I on crazy pills? They’re the same thing. With the same people. For the same reasons. Thank God “that can’t happen here” or we’d really be in trouble. We’re too exceptional.
“129 billion face masks [are] being used globally every month”
Turning all of nature into one-use garbage. #Winning. Now we can choke a fish and be happy, feel we’ve done our civil duty, as humans and stewards of the land. Oh, btw, according to the CDC’s OTHER research, Covid doesn’t kill anyone. It’s like 99.997%, only killing people over 80 with three comorbidities, trapped inside without Vitamin D, that were statistically going to die in 6 months anyway. Please level another mountain and put me in prison, and tell me how much you love and care. And Help.
“ EU’s Green Pass Will Only Be Valid With EMA-Approved COVID Vaccinations (EN) “That can’t be right. Vaccine Passports are an unhinged, evidence-free conspiracy theory. They said so as recently as yesterday.
And natural immunity? No, no sir. You must PAY to become a Star-bellied sneetch. Being one for free doesn’t count.
Kunstler: IF ONLY Americans were buffaloes and not steers. But we are long-suffering. Then suddenly we enter the war and nuke somebody.
“the scandal surrounding alleged manipulation of scientific data”“If Science ain’t lyin’, it’s not real Science.” Our new motto.
In brain-melting illogic, Cuomo killed 15,000 people. No one cares. He is accused by six, but we do not #BelieveAllWomen. Poor Andrew is against Cancel Culture, being the core value of Blue, and of his entire state, the nexus and origin of #Umbridge and baseless-cancel-theory-for-raw-power-and-profit. Oh and he was Governor and political since a child but he didn’t know nuttin’ about no Epstein, no Weinstein, no nothin’ nobody despite being elbow to these DNC fundraisers for decades. Nope! Who coulda knowd! I mean, when Weinstein gave 5-figures to Cuomo and the Manhattan D.A. and his rape case just went away, that’s all some big coincidence I tell you what. That’s just a conspiracy theory. When his accusers, and not one but TWO accusers of Kevin Spacy were killed in the streets of NY, that’s just bad luck and nothing-to-see-here, I tell you what. You can tell because nothing was investigated. No one was charged. No evidence was presented before a judge. Just like the election.
Pure as the driven snow. They hate him for his freedom.
There is NO level of crime, murder, lies, cover up, graft, theft, and inhumanity they will not tolerate and indeed approve of. None. AOC herself is on #MeToo, loving all 15,000 deaths and all 20 years of child trafficking and paid rape. Or she would surely say something, right? It’s not a secret, we have Weinstein’s check stubs and Epstein’s party lists.
“Criticizing Public Figures is Not Harassment or Abuse (Greenwald) “
Well, it’s the New York Times, so of course every single word is false. These are the guys who said Saddam, Baathist and arch enemy of Al-Q, had weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Q. Oh and that he had A N Y T H I N G to do with 9-11. Then troops with open arms, we’ll be home by Christmas, it’ll pay for itself, Clapper isn’t recording your phone calls, Assange is true…until now he’s false and enemy of the state, slave markets in Libya are good, Ukraine is an organic upraising and not a state Dept op for the money, Skripals were deadly poisoned by the world’s least-lethal poison, and oh golly, every pro-war, pro-death, anti-peace, anti-humanity stance going back to the Sandinistas, when the basement dwelling “Village Voice”, a neighborhood paper, ate their lunch and embarrassed them for years because they actually did – ANY – reporting. You know, by hiring a “reporter” who “asked questions” down in Central America. That was the ‘80s, 40 years ago. If they were ever a paper even before then, as we found with Church Commission, and plus the recently-released paid propaganda contracts from MI6 to Reuters. If you think the NYT wasn’t doing the same, you’re crazy.
So she’s just keeping up the standards of total non-journalism going back to Pulitzer himself. “Give me the photos and I’ll give you the war.” “Remember the Maine” …And how it allowed the U.S. to steal all Spanish holdings and have deeply heartfelt, rainbow-painted colonies, like our loving, caring foray into the Philippines.
When will you stop believing the lies? Cut them off. Go around.
March 13, 2021 at 2:09 pm #71095ByronBishopParticipantI have long been fascinated by Britain’s refusal to return the Elgin Marbles to Greece, and the story above is just the latest in the saga. There have been moves in the last decade by museums and universities to return artifacts and bones to the aboriginal tribes from whom they were taken. At present in parts of North America, new archaeological finds of ancient remains are studied and then returned to nearby groups for traditional burial. But the British Museum (or more properly, the UK government) has been reluctant to return cultural treasures brought from Greece, Egypt and other parts of the Levant, India and beyond.
The fact that the Marbles were “purchased” from the Ottomans is a very convenient rationale. Modern western legalistic thinking is broadly based upon the Ten Commandments as a moral code, especially the shorthand version:
Thou shall not steal
. Apparently this originally referred to stealing people – kidnapping – and not to stealing goods. Stealing goods was proscribed in many other parts of the Old Testament, with varying penalties / remedies. (Wikipedia has a good article. )
“Thou shalt not steal” is a rule that very much operates for the benefit of those with something worth stealing, and it also reinforces the moral high ground of the victim: never mind that the thief was starving and you have lots of food – it is still wrong and an affront against the natural order.
I prefer the Buddha’s version as offered in his precepts, which I understand as meaning:
Do not accept what is not freely given
. This moral law weakens the legalistic position of the British Museum because the Greek people did not freely give the marbles to Lord Elgin. Buying hardwood from the Burmese junta falls into a similar category: the Burmese people are not freely giving or selling their forests. Just because you bought a boatload of timber from someone doesn’t mean that you have a moral right to it.
The British Museum and others used to say that the artifacts from developing nations are being protected, and when those nations are able to adequately preserve and protect those artifacts , they will be returned. I am pretty sure that the Greeks can protect their antiquities at least as well as the British Museum.
How sad that this is still an issue.
March 13, 2021 at 2:38 pm #71096OroborosParticipantThank Ilargi for the Unexpected Twist clip!
To coin a new expression that sounds positive but isn’t, that Craptistic!
Having insurance coverage denied for taking an untested cancer therapy rebranded as a ‘vaccine’ is oh so close to, you guessed it:
Medical Schadenfreude
March 13, 2021 at 3:15 pm #71097madamski cafoneParticipantDr. Fauci, White Courtesy Phone, pls
March 13, 2021 at 3:48 pm #71099zerosumParticipant” …. 75,000 over 80s died. 75% of them had been vaccinated by the time they died.”
Interesting numbers of the 265,295 old age care home residents eligible for the vaccine have received a jab, NHS England said. A further 28,000 residents have not been deemed eligible because they have tested positive in the last 28 days or cannot receive the jab on medical grounds.
(More inside ….)
(More inside ….)
I’m happy in my ignorance. I don’t live in Dr. D’s reality.
/sMarch 13, 2021 at 3:53 pm #71101zerosumParticipantIt would not post until I removed “http://” and the complete link with “http” showed up.
Now, this comment is not posting and must be changed.March 13, 2021 at 4:04 pm #71102zerosumParticipantWhat hurts!!!
16 Countries Are Pushing United Nations To Condemn US Unilateral Sanctions.
Visualizing The Rising Cost Of College In The U.S
March 13, 2021 at 4:26 pm #71103madamski cafoneParticipantThey’re running out of time to put together an Orwellian state:
Poll: Nearly half of voters think COVID lockdowns unhelpful or made no difference
March 13, 2021 at 4:29 pm #71104madamski cafoneParticipant“Do not accept what is not freely given”
That’s when you take what you can get. Life, I submit, is closer than not to Twain’s famous intro:
“Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.” M. Twain
March 13, 2021 at 5:19 pm #71105Maxwell QuestParticipantAs I’ve come to expect on TAE, many great comments today. Dr. D was on fire and had me laughing with every sarcastic barb.
Enjoyed your “Crimes Against Humanity” focus. I’ve thought about this often as of late, and can’t help sensing that some sort of reckoning is near at hand for our pandemic conspirators. Covid seems to have expose the corruption of our WHO/medical/pharma system just as the 2020 election did for our electoral/judicial system. If the pandemic cure turns out to be worse than the virus, then there will be hell to pay. Many of us already know that this is the case, but the brainwashed public will jump on board if the experimental EUA vaccines begin to backfire.
“Boris Johnson Says UK ‘Legally’ Obtained Elgin Marbles, Won’t Return Them (RT)”
I can understand why the UK would resist returning the Elgin Marbles. It’s not so much about the Marbles as it is about all the other national looting that occurred during their years of empire. If they give back the Marbles, then who will be next at their door demanding the return of national treasures? Precedence is what the UK is protecting with its obstinance.
And can cultural treasures be isolated from actual treasures? What about all the gold and silver that were stolen from national treasuries in the last century? And how far back do we go? Will South American nations then want Spain to return all that was looted by their conquistadors in the 16th century?
March 13, 2021 at 5:43 pm #71106NoiretteParticipantUSA: Texas Senate Testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough who makes the point that Covid-19 patients are not being taken care of which I agree with. (Not all he said natch.)
I never thought the Medicos (with some valiant exceptions of course) would simply abandon their mission to take care of patients and do their very best (even if not super effective all the time..) but that is what has happened. Naive me, sigh.
We see that medical circuits (doctors, clinics, hospitals, professional associations, Gvmt regulation and oversight, as well as medical research as reported scientific journals) have been infiltrated and taken over by ‘big money.’
As desperate ppl will pay everything they have and go deep into debt for help, cures, and saving a loved one.
(re the “West”..)
In no particular order, the culprits are Big Pharma, Big Corps who run hospitals, care-homes, outpatient clinics, networks of med. practices. Pharmacists (on the ground practioners, also part of Big Corps in many places), medical machinery and equipment producers (huuuge industry, very expensive products, profitable for share-holders), and at another post, Health Insurance, private cos. in first place but not only, Gvmt. tax payer supported is not exempt.
20 mins, March 2021. search on you tube: McCullough testifies to Texas Senate
March 13, 2021 at 7:21 pm #71108a kullervoParticipantNobody wants to understand how scary this is. Freedom is a basic right.
• EU’s Green Pass Will Only Be Valid With EMA-Approved COVID Vaccinations (EN)There is no such thing as “rights” – there are only needs.
Rights are an abstract construct created by any given human group (a society). Rights are devised, implemented, changed and canceled at society’s whim.
Needs are real. You have to satisfy them as a long as you want to remain a viable living entity/species, regardless of any rights you may think you are entitled to.
There are 6 fundamental needs (5 complementary and 1 supplementary):
– To breathe.
– To sleep.
– To excrete.
– To exert self-restraint.
– To eat.
(the supplementary)
– To procreate.[Listed by decreasing order of importance, “importance” here meaning degree of control (= ability to suppress it at will for unrestricted periods of time) one has over a particular need.]
March 13, 2021 at 7:54 pm #71109thomasjkenneyParticipantRE return of stolen stuffs, this is a really nice docu:
March 13, 2021 at 8:00 pm #71110a kullervoParticipantRights vs. Needs
(Lets imagine you want to keep on living.) You are presented with the following options:
a) To be placed in a prison with guaranteed regular meals.
b) To be placed in the middle of a desert with guaranteed unrestrained freedom.Take your pick and act accordingly.
(First you take care of the fundamental needs – then you go around proselytizing about rights, disturbing everyone else’s peace of mind and making a nuisance out of yourself.)
If a country is governed wisely,
its inhabitants will be content.
They enjoy the labor of their hands
and don’t waste time inventing
labor-saving machines.
Since they dearly love their homes,
they aren’t interested in travel.
There may be a few wagons and boats,
but these don’t go anywhere.
There may be an arsenal of weapons,
but nobody ever uses them.
People enjoy their food,
take pleasure in being with their families,
spend weekends working in their gardens,
delight in the doings of the neighborhood.
And even though the next country is so close
that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking,
they are content to die of old age
without ever having gone to see it.”Lao-Tzu, Tao Te Ching (translation by S. Mitchell)
March 13, 2021 at 8:20 pm #71111a kullervoParticipantMost of us have accepted the prison our ancestors built for us.
For awhile we thought that embellishing the prison’s walls was all we needed.
Now that many of the inmates are going crazy we complain and do nothing.
Complaining is foolish but doing nothing is fine,
because you cannot prevent
the ebb and flow.March 13, 2021 at 10:57 pm #71112Doc RobinsonParticipantThis journal article echoes what commenters VietnamVet and V. Arnold (among others) have been saying.
Is living in the US conducive to your health?
Chris Fradkin, Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 6 March 2021In numerous health markers, the United States is low ranking, compared to other high-income nations. Regarding Covid-19 management, the performance of the United States has been abysmal, compared to other nations… Living in the US is not conducive to our health. In fact, the environment is more threatening than that of any OECD nation. Until the US reconfigures its core values, through reduction of disparities in wealth, there will be no future other than the one that is before us, which according to the experts is bleak.
March 13, 2021 at 11:45 pm #71114zerosumParticipantWhy!
Spotlight on Como ..
Hunter Biden sneaking off in the darkMarch 14, 2021 at 1:14 am #71115OroborosParticipantMarch 14, 2021 at 1:15 am #71116OroborosParticipantDr. Reiner Fuellmich Crimes Against humanity updates
March 14, 2021 at 1:23 am #71117WESParticipantI have never studied “Law”, but my basic understanding is; Possession is considered to be 9/10ths of the law. Sorry Greece, your left holding the losing 1/10th of the law.
Obama, now serving in his 3rd term as president, is a busy guy these days. Controlling joe is the easy part. Withold joe’s meds if he acts up. Give joe a double dose before showing him in public. He has already gotten all of his old buddies reappointed back into government. Getting rid of old democrat Cuomo is proving to be the hardest part. Obama has lined up 7 women, so far, to take Cuomo down. It is hard to take down a Democrat that likes women! Cuomo is still standing! Obama is now busy lining up the 8th woman. I guess we will soon know the answer to; “How many women does it take to knock down a Democrat?
March 14, 2021 at 1:31 am #71118WESParticipantHaving travelled, I loved the diagram showing how screwed up the world’s electrical power system is!
Q: Why so many different power outlet types?
A: Non-trarif trade barriers!March 14, 2021 at 1:35 am #71119OroborosParticipantThis is even more cogent summary about the Class Action Lawsuit against PCR test ‘peddlers’
Update on Reiner Fuellmich Lawsuits: Fraudulent Use of COVID-19 PCR Tests: Germany, US, Canada
March 14, 2021 at 1:38 am #71120WESParticipantMadamski:
Thanks for that great Mark Twain quote. I had forgotten it!
Still love his story on the proper way to bury a Democrat!Knowing of him, I guess these days that makes me politically incorrect.
March 14, 2021 at 1:58 am #71121madamski cafoneParticipantI have never trafficked in the pc/non-c nonsense dichotomy.
In a democracy, no one is correct. They just want what they want and get what they can get. Conservatives think they’re politically correct, liberals think the honor is theirs. There is nothing correct about politics. Nothing. Politics is a brawl, no more, no less, and there is no such thing as a fair fight.
Not to mention they’re usually more bluster than not:
March 14, 2021 at 3:36 am #71122my parents said knowParticipantCould H I L L A R Y want the governorship?
Gillibrand, obviously, but I think she’s already shot her wad.March 14, 2021 at 3:53 am #71123March 14, 2021 at 12:39 pm #71136Dr. DParticipantKullervo, that is exactly what the Enlightenment was saying with “natural law” and the “rights of man” but expanding it with deeper thinking.
Yes people need to eat and breathe, but sadly for the psychos, they also need religion, purpose, constraints of space-time mean they each have their own perspectives, opinions, and that requires the communication of their opinions both in order to function as individuals, as a community, and for their psychological help. They can, will, and must have the personal defense of their life, that is their food (that “killing people for stuff instead of just letting everything be stolen” that is often criticized here. But if you are a shopkeeper, and all people can steal your food, what happens then? Like Monty Python’s “Lupins” it’s legal and ethical to steal from any person on earth who owns one less spoon than you do? Surely that is madness, even if we could calculate it. And they are indeed supporting and expressing this sheer madness right now, with the obvious unhelpful results.) Okay: I’m game. You want to let anyone one dollar poorer than you come to your house and take anything they want so long as they aren’t one dollar RICHER than you. Cue end of all work, period, because there is a limitless number of people with low standards who will always be in your fridge “sharing”. Ask me how I know.
That isn’t mean, it’s coaching. They also need to get up to their abilities and also help the community. And as a community, I have a responsibility to charity for them, but that is only going to function when I can keep an eye on specifics, encourage them to expand and strengthen, and most importantly say “no”, which in addition to government’s dependence on extractive violence as a basis for charity, is the key failure of government-led social programs.
So the Enlightenment, yes, says people need food and that food not to be stolen. But it also says people need to talk, interact, not be killed, etc, so we have the Bill of Rights, and since they can’t even remember and uphold that, a few other natural rights that have now been forgotten. Denying assembly, the right to visit your own family, as they have done, is prison and also torture under most international law. These rights will make you no less sick than poor food or water and must be fought for to save one’s own life, just the same.
They say these are given to us by our “Creator”, so no society has the slightest power over them. Where a single man is, and no society, the needs and rights still are. But if that’s too far, what they really mean is they well up out of humans as a function of BEING human. Again, no society provides them. And if they deny them, that government instantly is being attacked by the humans betrayed by it and is not stable, cannot persist, must always add violence and more violence until it comes back in accordance with natural law and admits what reality is. What humans are.
We cannot do that, we cannot admit reality, which is our arch enemy, the #Tao, the #Logos, God himself, the Way, so we are in for a heap of violence and endless trouble waste of resources and effort attempting, foolishly, in hubris, to defy man in the same way one might fight gravity, or the tides. “We’re an empire now, and we create our own reality” This is the Tao, and they have lost the Mandate of Heaven.
It’s safer to be in the desert where quite probably your freedom and creativity can create water and wonderful life (see: Bedouins) than to be in the United States which uses every means to kill you both fast and slow and removes all means to defend and save your life. I’d put less stock in food and water, but there’s no place left on earth they won’t swoop down and “help” you.
Key video of Australia spending thousands of dollars sending a helicopter into the outback to recover one family camping safely far away from Covid.
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