Debt Rattle March 29 2019


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    Pablo Picasso Self portrait 1906   • Theresa May Cuts Brexit Deal In Half (Ind.) • Theresa May Tries To Buy Time For Brexit Deal As MPs Call On H
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 29 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Tylenol – Paracetamol – Acetaminophen (all the same), and Ibuprofen are known to damaged kidneys (and livers) at normal doses when taken over the long term. Athletes be warned…
    15% of Thailand’s population is infected with hepatitus B; that’s roughly 15 million people out of roughly 63 million citizens.
    On top of that, the Thai medical profession is adamantly anti-aspirin because they claim it causes excessive bleeding during surgical and invasive proceedures. There is no evidence of this in the general population.
    I’ve had dentists refuse me because I only use aspirin; refuse Paracetamol/Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen.
    Haven’t used any of them for over 30 years. Gods be good; my wife quit Paracetamol years ago.
    Because my father was intimately associated with both the medical and pharmaceutical professions; I quit trusting doctors (all) and pharmaceutical companies (all) many decades ago.
    I haven’t been able to buy aspirin here for many years; and have my sister send me a dozen bottles every year. The country is just beginning to wake up to the hep b endemic here and realize aspirin may be the only answer; but its slow, very slow to change belief; possibly not in my life time; we’ll see…

    V. Arnold

    …that’s roughly 15 million people out of roughly 63 million citizens.
    Correction; that’s wrong; make that 9 million citizens @ 15% of the population.

    Dr. D

    “What if one plan or another gets voted through by 1 single vote unleashing events that will last 50 years or more? That’s democracy?”

    Yes, it is. And that’s how I have been run over by government every day of my life. Although the premise of representation at all has this issue, this is why the Founding Fathers here hated and feared ‘democracy’ above all things: three wolves and a sheep voting on who’s for dinner. (Answer: ME) A CONSTITUTIONAL system such as they built exists exclusively to protect the rights of the MINORITY. Little known fact, since they instead report that Neanderthal conservative constitutionalists are against minorities, when in fact they would protect ALL minorities: Amish, Scientologists, spaghetti monsters, atheists, Hindus, Progressives, Luddites, or transhumanists. Oh and PS were the ones who ran both emancipation and civil rights. In the example above, yes, so they vote to leave by one vote. SOME decision has to be made: yes or no. But those in the 49% can’t be trampled with abandon because of it.

    But in either case, the sort of lightning democracy they adore is NOT decided by a single vote for 50 years or more. I mean obviously: the instant they lost, they already planned a new referendum every month until they won again. So by this time next year, they’ll vote to UN-vote, and rejoin. Then UKIP will get control and UN-UN-vote again, on and on, forever. So in a democracy there’s ZERO chance of a 50-year plan, any more than any vote — health care, bailouts, battleships, subsidies, funding — obviously has ‘effects’, consequences. But I can’t suspend the consequences of action, and neither can I stop people from having opinions 10 years from now and acting on them. In a democracy nothing is settled, and their premise was to at least slow down the mob, get them to reflect and debate, and change government ponderously with all voices heard. If not, there’s always dictatorship, and they’re not capricious or unrepresentative at all!

    “They proceeded to seduce voters with fake facts and bogus promises. They stoked fears, fuelled grievances and inflamed prejudices. They appealed to the lowest human impulses, and unlocked the ugliest features of the British character – xenophobia, jingoism, aggression, insularity, arrogance and a perverse, pig-headed pride in our own ignorance.”

    Wow, that’s a heck of a quote. It was about the EU-remainers, right? Because I’ve seen nothing but fake promises from Brussels, attacks on minority nations, fake facts, north-south prejudice and grievances that appeal to the lowest human impulses: to rob and oppress one’s neighbor because those dirty Greeks deserve it. The jingoism, xenophonia, arrogance and oppression of Brussels against the poorest and weakest has been unprecedented. And when Britons want to get away from that, THEY’RE the jerks?

    So Fletcher’s right: when standing up for yourself and your sovereignty is uncomfortable, you should just surrender. Before anyone’s been hurt, even before there’s been any hardship or rationing. Ask Churchill, he’d tell you: “We shall surrender on the beaches, we shall surrender on the landing grounds, we shall surrender in the fields and in the streets, we shall surrender in the hills; we shall always, always surrender, rather than be a little uncomfortable.” I mean, that’s how I remember it anyway. The price of liberty is responsibility and work: that’s why nobody wants it.

    PS I remember the same here. We can’t beat China, we can’t negotiate, with a huge economy, finance, and military, we can’t think of any leverage we might have, so all we can do is surrender to any trade policy China wants, and accept their illegal domestic enforcement like a good boy. …Until somebody TRIED something, TRIED negotiating, where we seem to be doing okay and maybe making some headway although it hurts.

    “he falsely stated called for the elimination of airplanes and cows.”

    Wow, that is amazing. Because it quite clearly does, even in any reporting or short-form. And since they openly call for this daily, AND the world is ending in 12 years, they should be proud of it and tireless in attempts to do just that if they believe themselves at all. Yet they lie about it? We’re all going to die. Do they not WANT the world saved?

    Meanwhile, they DON’T talk about Trump following the U.S. habit of invading other nations and allocating land that isn’t theirs. Nice! We report fake accusations that AREN’T true, and avoid TRUE accusations that ARE true, and can’t figure out why he looks like a landslide 2020 and they look like a bunch of untrustworthy liars. Here’s a thought: tell the truth.

    “Pelosi and McConnell Are Inching Us Closer to Nuclear War (TD)”

    For example, about NATO, the greatest threat to life on earth.

    “Average Americans Can’t Afford A Home In 70% Of The Country (CBS)”

    While statistically true, this is difficult to follow. From Wilkes-Barre to Bakersfield, the nation looks unceasingly like a Mellencamp video, and that was 35 years ago. You can buy houses for $10,000 for 1,000 miles, you could buy a Victorian farmhouse and 90 acres for 100k, and this is like ¼ median income, not 6x income like Brooklyn. However, you would still also die there, as there are no jobs, no money, no stores, and no hospitals. Welcome to hell. So if they want cheap houses, top mansions with 10’ ceilings and 10” moldings in the ballroom, there’s as many as you want to buy in Cleveland and Detroit. But reporters don’t care about facts like that because the only people and stories that are important are in the cities. And not ‘cities’ like Cleveland that nobody cares about and want for-the- love-of-god to just go away and die quietly, but the 12 blessed cities, where the ‘important’ people live, who aren’t sub-human like the rest of us.

    Anyway, 20 million empty homes in the U.S., the rest are falling down and condemned, so where’s your price rise and housing shortage? What you have is an income shortage, because all the income has been sucked into 6 places on the coast. Just like Toronto, London, Sydney, and Paris.

    “Half a billion more people could be at risk from mosquito-transmitted diseases within 30 years”

    Yeah, except there aren’t any bugs anymore. Try to keep up with your own (fake, alarmist) news, Guardian. Also, since cold Canada has an awful, awful lot of mosquitoes, and New Mexico does not, are you sure you’re going the right way with this? They promised the world would be a desert, not a lush, verdant, wet (and therefore highly productive) land.

    “A Year of Silencing Julian Assange (Vos)”

    Yes, but isn’t his free speech really hate speech? I can’t think of any reason he would release perfectly true, confirmed emails except that he hates us for our freedoms.

    V. Arnold

    Dr D
    I do hope you were able to avoid biting your tongue with it so firmly planted in cheek… 😉
    I especially liked the Churchill bit:

    Ask Churchill, he’d tell you: “We shall surrender on the beaches, we shall surrender on the landing grounds, we shall surrender in the fields and in the streets, we shall surrender in the hills; we shall always, always surrender, rather than be a little uncomfortable.” I mean, that’s how I remember it anyway.

    Carlos Jimenez

    Dr.D. I cracked up at your quip “three wolves and a sheep voting on who’s for dinner”. It’s what’s life is all about under Plantation regimes sold as democracies.
    Except we don’t have any power voting against perpetual wars, Goldman Sachs, the corporate State or foreign control of Congress.
    Ditto for Euro proles. Tip of the hat to ya for turning the table on this:
    “They proceeded to seduce voters with fake facts and bogus promises. They stoked fears, fuelled grievances and inflamed prejudices. They appealed to the lowest human impulses, and unlocked the ugliest features of the British character – xenophobia, jingoism, aggression, insularity, arrogance and a perverse, pig-headed pride in our own ignorance.”
    The EU is rotten to the core and can’t collapse fast enough for me or for many freedom loving folk that have been trampled by it anyway.
    That the UK is falling apart under the stress of a challenge that is not prepared to take on, is not an entirely bad thing as it hasn’t yet lost its imperial hubris bombing here and there at will and “punching above its weight” as David Cameron once said or the current MOD head running his mouth with the threat of showing China who’s boss. Cringe worthy. It might take a full on collapse for this has-been empire to register its place in the real world: an American style suburbia/car dependent infrastructure spawned under the former oil abundance of now depleted North Sea oil fields yet it carries an energy burden on the whole system, the industry that Hitler didn’t bomb, vacated by the other parasitic “industry” that skims the top, banking and finance, 66 million that can not feed themselves, sleeping with the enemy within…good luck with that. It used to be an island fortress, now it looks to me more like an island presidium a-la-Alcatraz.


    Don’t worry
    The solutions are going to be found
    The solutions are coming
    Survival of the fittest

    • Tylenol -Paracetamol- Reduces Positive Empathy (FR.)
    • Number Of Children In Absolute Poverty Across UK Hits 3.7 Million (Ind.)
    • Average Americans Can’t Afford A Home In 70% Of The Country (CBS)
    • Skin-Eating Fungal Disease Wipes Out 90 Amphibian Species In 50 Years (G.)
    • Mosquito-Spread Diseases May Endanger Millions In New Places (G.)


    The characterisation of leave voters as xenophobic is bigotry. We voted for democracy. We don’t want to be trampled on by a totalitarian regime like Greece was.

    We can still have immigration, but we can have immigration from other countries like Africa too. Why do Africans have to be excluded but not Europeans? is that fair?


    “I’ve had dentists refuse me because I only use aspirin; refuse Paracetamol/Acetaminophen/Ibuprofen.”

    Thats very interesting indeed! A few years back my GP put me on a heavy dose of Ibuprofen (for an arthritic condition). Within a couple of months I began developing a cataract in one eye, which progressed very rapidly. Rightly or wrongly I attributed the cataract to the Ibuprofen and refused to take it any more.

    Some years later I developed a really painful bout of shingles, for which the GP prescribed heavy doses of Paracetamol. Within a short period, a cataract began to develop (from scratch – no prior indications) in the other eye.

    So, like you, I now refuse to go anywhere near iboprofen or Paracetamol. I checked this out with my cataract surgeon – he told me that shingles can cause cataracts. I nevertheless remain skepical – is the cataract a result of the shingles or is it a result of the medications used to alleviate the discomfort of shingles? (The old “correlation does not imply causality” trap).

    I’ve been a fan of Asprin all my life – somehow it just seems to ‘agree” with me. It is useful for thinning the blood in those of us who have blood types that coagulate all too readily (and are therefore likely to be hit by stroke if nothing else gets us first).

    Asprin, i.e. salicylic acid. was originally derived by the Chinese from the willow (Salix) as a kind of herbal medicine. I was amazed to discover in Shanghai a few years back that it was only available by prescription (or the Chinese equivalent of that). Not sure if thats still the case, and may only apply to heavier doses of aspirin.


    Canada is a cold country. We could use some global warming here. I have been waiting for over six decades for it to warm up!

    Quite frankly I am getting dam tired of waiting! I want it to warm up now! Not tomorrow! Tomorrow may never come!

    Now, I have done more than my fair share to create global warming! I helped the cause by working in coal mines on every continent in the world to greatly increase coal production.

    Now in my old age, I want the global warming folks to begin delivering on their promises that Canada will warm up!

    I am getting rather cold waiting!


    V Arnold. “On top of that, the Thai medical profession is adamantly anti-aspirin because they claim it causes excessive bleeding during surgical and invasive proceedures. There is no evidence of this in the general population.”
    Here in New Zealand I was asked to stop taking aspirin two weeks before my surgery.
    And yes, while aspirin may reduce the chance of a stroke caused by a clot there is still the risk of a stroke from a bleed.
    With ‘The number of children living in absolute poverty across the UK has increased by 200,000 in a year, to a total of 3.7 million‘ perhaps the UK should get guidance from China of how to lift people out of poverty.
    And saying that the average American can’t afford to buy a home in 70% of the country because ‘While average earners nationwide need to spend only about one-third of their income on a home, residents in Brooklyn and Manhattan must shell out more than 115 percent of their income’ sounds a bit weird to me. Perhaps they mean to pay the rent or service a loan.

    V. Arnold

    Interestingly, native Americans also extracted an aspirin like sbstance from birch tree’s bark.
    Aspirin is a god send for me; I also have bouts of arthritis and it works wonders sans side effects.
    I also suspect the AMA of collusion with big pharma on pushing alternative NSAID’s (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) because they are more profitable. In fact you can lay odds on that!
    I’m not saying some people don’t have adverse reactions to aspirin; but I personally have yet to meet one.
    In any event; one must take ultimate responsibility for their own care, which requires being diligent and informed.

    V. Arnold

    I was told the same thing here before a biopsy of my prostate; I didn’t agree but complied.
    I asked the doctor, if I did indeed, have prostate cancer, could the biopsy (there were 13 samples taken) spread the cancer? He said no. He is also a pre-eminent doctor in his field.
    A few weeks later I saw an article which stated that research has shown, a biopsy (prostate), could indeed spread the cancer. My instincts/intuition remain sharp and focused; my biopsy came back negative.
    I’ll not have another one and quit PSA testing right after the biopsy (which is what triggered the biopsy).
    Anyhoo, that’s just me and 74 years of a fascinating walk through this life…


    V Arnold. I would imagine that they don’t want us to bleed like a stuck pig during surgery which, of course we do do by taking aspirin. Saying that even though I didn’t take aspirin for two weeks before my hip surgery I must have bled like a stuck pig because I needed a blood transfusion afterwards. I was a little anxious at that because I hadn’t stored any of my own blood in advance.

    V. Arnold

    Well, there you go. The word transfusion strikes fear in me; again, I do not trust the system.
    It is profit driven which automatically corrupts the entire process.
    I repeat:

    In any event; one must take ultimate responsibility for their own care, which requires being diligent and informed.

    I’m also aware we are limited with just how much we can know and understand, unfortunately.
    This also includes things such as diet; probably at the very root of life and health.
    Even in the U.S. I only ate meat (zero beef) once or twice a week; fresh caught ocean fish more so (I lived on the Pacific coast).
    Here, some weeks I eat no meat; but fresh fruit, local vegetables, and legumes (many kinds of beans) and most notably, lots of Thai chillies almost every meal. The active ingredient capsaicin is a major health adjunct; here I say; “not hot, not delicious” which never fails to get a chuckle.

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