Debt Rattle March 4 2019
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March 4, 2019 at 10:21 am #45752
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRobert Frank London 1951-52 • US, China Said To Appear Close To Deal To Roll Back Tariffs (R.) • Beijing To Encourage ‘Shadow’ Lending To Boost
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 4 2019]March 4, 2019 at 11:21 am #45753V. Arnold
ParticipantRobert Frank London 1951-52
Very interesting photograph.
It would be easy, given the time, to project quite a lot into/onto that picture; but I’ll resist such…
But many possibilities for sure…
It’s one of the things that make it so interesting…March 4, 2019 at 2:06 pm #45754kultsommer
ParticipantZH article about US voter preference, while they may have a point, hides glaring fact that any discussion about obvious criminality is also labeled as “socialist” and thrown into the same bag. Label usually comes with good measure of vomit about Stalin and Mao while they are at it .
One of my favorite “Pixsons” yesterday. Artist head was painted, both, with the steady gaze at the model
and looking at task before him and thus becomes animated. Not sure who was the lucky girl and could not recall if he had known Dora in 1926.March 4, 2019 at 2:07 pm #45755Dr. D
Participant“Meng claims they detained, searched and interrogated her before telling her she was under arrest.”
Well in the U.S., which has much more defined rights (that we seldom follow) this is perfectly legal. The clause is called ‘habeus corpus’ whereby a person can be detained without arrest for 24 hours. If someone is being detained, it is necessary for safety to search each detainee for contraband, dangerous objects, etc. before being left in detention. And I would certainly hope you would WANT to be asked questions, i.e. communicating with the state agency during this process. Clearly if they didn’t talk to you, that would be bad, so it’s hard to sue for it. In the U.S. also (again strictly in theory), you can REFUSE to talk, and you can phone your solicitor to get matters underway. All perfectly normal.
…And I have this weird feeling that it’s not as generous in China, although being the daughter of a billionaire in an oligarchy, a man who is also a transfer from the Red Army, she may have never been picked up in the street by the Chinese police and given a good dose of Chinese law and order. But hey, she can file, there’s no law against it. But maybe she should think twice before flying into an extradition country WHILE THERE’S AN OPEN WARRANT FOR HER ARREST, written in all the Interpol computers that as a party member, her and her company, her father and all of China have complete access to? It ain’t a secret. Don’t poke them in the eye and then whine about it, they wouldn’t have been nearly so generous to me. …Or you could just enter illegally, because that gives you way more rights now; it would just be catch-and-release, then you jump bail.
“[It is] vital to be strictly guided by the principles of the UN Charter”
He’s speaking to the country that just approved of toppling an elected leader with a U.S.-trained bystander who never ran for or held office, between elections, with no law or mitigating factor even pretended. This is the country that has the largest pile of chemical weapons, is the only nation to use an atomic bombs on multiple cities, regularly uses land mines and cluster bombs in civilian theatres, and just today dropped white phosphorus in a war zone they are illegally invading, in violation of U.N. and Geneva conventions in order to steal $2B of Syrian gold they have no claim to.
Good luck!
“It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,”
…And because it’s so clear and we have the evidence, we have to open 60 new investigations to prove and attain that evidence, the evidence we need to get, because we already have it. Meanwhile, opening FISA warrants 6-layers deep on every opposing Presidential candidate is NOT obstruction and NOT a crime we want to pursue. I say great! Trump can open boundless FISA investigations on all 14 Democratic presidential candidates and everyone they ever met and every dollar they ever spent since nobody minds and this is how we do things now. After they are elected, the Trump FBI can investigate and remove the elected president citing no evidence. Right?
“America’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits Rock Bottom (SCF)”
Does this have something to do with how, even after being lambasted all yesterday, BuzzFeed still hasn’t removed their claim that Cohen has documented evidence that Trump ordered him to lie, something Cohen refuted last week and Mueller had to go on record saying never happened? And how the Covington articles, disproven within minutes of allegations, are still online today, despite being sued for more than their parent companies are worth? –Oh and NBC only yesterday reported falsely on a Bernie Sanders speech viewer had just seen hours before, AFTER CNN salted his town hall with nothing but anti-Bernie DNC operatives? Like that kind of rock bottom? …But it’s not rock bottom. They’ll do worse tomorrow.
PS, he says “so long as it trashes conservatives.” But far from being silenced on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, and any open email service, Conservatives are being de-banked by Chase and others, following a long list of things de-banked that are legal but-we-don’t-like. So citizen THX1138, you can no longer get food or health vouchers, have fun under that bridge.
Everyone has free speech, but some have more free speech than others. Wasn’t this exactly what Aaron Russo said? By the way, in Oppositeland the haters are the 81 year-old guys with red caps, not the kids who beat them up in the streets; the ones who question false allegations, not those who make them; and whistleblowers who reveal crimes, not those who commit them. Because when you are #AntiLogos, this is the only possible outcome.
“We’re getting early signals from Democratic primary voters that they are looking for … someone who agrees with them on policy,”
I hope they didn’t spend a lot of money on this study.
“only 38% of respondents said they would support a third-party candidate”
“Only”? In statistical terms, that’s probably more than support D’s and R’s.
“Carpocalypse Now: We’re in the Endgame for Cars (BI)”
1) Subsidize every private business like roads and oil, while cutting every public option like trolleys and railroads.
2) Erase all public transportation for 100 years, making the public system worse than Bolivia. Leave it this way while wasting so much money you could restore and rebuild the system every 60 hours.
3) Raise car prices multiples higher than people can afford by mandating or force-offering features nobody wants.
4) Claim to solve the problems government created with subsidies and regulation with MORE subsidies and regulation.
5) When inevitable crisis comes, make cars de-facto illegal either by insurance, cost, or by green policy.
6) Hand all profit to your friends who will track every citizen while they applaud the complete loss of physical mobility, giving insiders tyrannical power over uppity citizens, as described in their papers for 50 years, but can be seen in movies such as “Minority Report”
7) Profit!My idea?
1) Stop government subsidizing private corporations, the definition of a “fascist state.”
2) Stop subsidizing wars for Exxon and the merger of state foreign policy for corporate profits.
3) The cost of oil and roads both rise, and people respond by re-localizing and driving fewer miles.
4) Mass transportation becomes marginally profitable.
5) As they haven’t taken $7 Trillion for wars plus $1 Trillion in oil subsidies, I now have money to spend on that transportation and increased oil cost.
6) Land greens as less is used, more is saved, strip malls stop being built on farmland, roads are de-classed.
7) Lack of Profit! GDP falls, car sales fall, oil use falls, defense spending falls, payment to congressmen and Wall Street falls.…It’s not the OWNERSHIP of the car that’s the problem. Everyone still drives only 7-9am and 4-6pm, and barring other changes, you’ll need roughly the same number of Ubers as you would civilian cars. That ownership is only used for control and tracking of peasants, so that only wealthy Congressmen and insiders will own cars and afford privacy. Similar to the Soviet regime?
“Britain’s Bat Conservation Trust has pleaded for the culls to end,”
I don’t want to pick on them but really, you have no jurisdiction, little leverage, and every creature in your own country is dead, especially the bats since all your bugs are dead. Maybe you could go save Britain first? The White Man’s Burden never ends.
March 4, 2019 at 2:13 pm #45756Dr. D
ParticipantOur President is in the WWE Hall of Fame.
Not sure Idiocracy was supposed to be an instruction manual.
March 4, 2019 at 3:56 pm #45757zerosum
ParticipantIts amazing the numbers of indicators that are demonstrating …..
Yesterday is gone
Can’t afford education
Can’t afford to buy a home
Can’t afford to buy a car
Can’t afford to hire a debt slaveCan’t get rich
Can’t become an elite
Can’t get out of your class
March 4, 2019 at 6:50 pm #45758John Day
ParticipantFurther minimalism…
Riding a bicycle is really energy efficient. It does require the existence of roads to be that efficient, which is a huge assumption. They currently exist.
In the days before I had a car I carried some really long lumber strapped to my bike a couple of times, and pretty far, 5-10 miles. Not fun in traffic…
When we bike toured as a family in Europe and New Zealand, we carried our own stuff on our bikes from hostel to hostel. That is really efficient, but hard, and there have to be hostels. We rarely met folks camping that way, first a German family, then an Austrian man and a family from Tasmania.
The folks who bike camped were very impressive, indeed, carrying much heavier loads than we were. It placed them upon a pedastal of nearly super-human endeavor in our estimation.
That’s good context. It’s a really advanced level. I bike camped some in Germany in summer of 1981, and gave up on it pretty quickly after everything got wet. That’s the problem with tent camping, it’s a fair weather activity.
That’s not quite the end of that thought, though…This guy made a bike camping trailer for $150 and what looks like a couple of years of work, with this being the second project. It is a really refined and well engineered design, an exercise in using the least which works well, and everything working together. It is waterproof, well insulated, aerodynamic, very light and includes the essential functionality for surviving bad weather and sleeping restfully, anywhere. He largely used plastic political campaign signs and duct tape for the outer shell, and aluminized bubble insulation inside, on a 1″ X 2″ wood frame, supporting more of that plastic and a foam mattress. Note that is is low enough to sit in the end with feet comfortably on the ground, chair height. 4, 2019 at 6:54 pm #45759PlanetaryCitizen
ParticipantAfter my daily dose of TAE, and yes I take exception to certain conclusions in thinking that are part of the litany of topics, I do also find no small portion to be informative and worthy of my time. I also read my twice weekly dose of Kunstler. Lord knows why I bother anymore. The sarcasm, disdain, general condescension and often the inanity of the topics along with his dozen or so coterie in the comment section leave me with little of value but an appreciation of creative word smithing. I expect it’s more habit than anything else.
I then read this by Dahr Jamail and Barbara Cecil at Truthout .org. The message, while completely dire in its scope of things yet to come, left me with such a deep appreciation of the possibility in life and the essence of what is and could be for myself, family, and humanity, along with a depathologization of passing’s. Perhaps you will enjoy it as well.
Rethink Activism in the Face of Catastrophic Biological Collapse
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