Debt Rattle May 19 2023


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    John Falter The Windy City 1946   • The US Should Be a Force for Peace in the World (EMN) • Ukraine Has ‘Five Months Left’ To Impress US – FT (RT
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 19 2023]

    Dr. D

    “• The US Should Be a Force for Peace in the World (EMN)

    Can we do this by leaving everyone alone and setting a good example? Worked before.

    Map: Mexico is not only armed against us, it’s invading by the millions. That’s 5GW, long and tediously outlined by all the best war colleges and often in the news. Columbia professors did seminal Papers on it. A U.S. President read and followed them. “Gee, if we don’t look out, something might happen.”

    “Ukraine has not made significant gains, then the international pressure on [the West]”

    But Not now? And WHO would put pressure on them that isn’t now?

    “Ukraine Has ‘Five Months Left’ To Impress US – FT (RT)

    With what men? And now no ammunition? Come to think of it, I’m surprised NATO didn’t put a few nukes in that bunker. Once you do there is perfect dissuasion. And then you can blame Russia. For Russia’s part then they would need to rapid unplanned disassembly the nukes in Belgium before they move. Then you can blame Russia.

    “The administration of US President Joe Biden is reportedly considering ‘freezing’ the conflict in Ukraine”

    Wow, they still think they have options. That’s adorable.

    “Without American consent, the training is likely to be limited to technical lessons and technical language only”

    Book a conference room and win the war.

    ““..this proposal calls for Russia to withdraw its forces from all territories within Ukraine’s 1991 borders, to pay reparations, and to submit to war-crime[s]”

    Book a conference room and win the war. “But we TOLD them. I wrote it right here on this spreadsheet.”

    “President Vladimir Zelensky has asked the G7 to consider holding a summit on the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine without the participation of Russia,”

    Uh. Da whut?

    “China lacked “credibility” Wait, NATO started the war, funds it with $200B and 50,000 men and CHINA lacks credibility?

    “The Economist that he now believes peace in Europe cannot be achieved without Ukraine joining the US-led military bloc.”

    That causes peace? Talk about having no credibility. And Who? There’ll be no one left in Ukraine.

    “..If history is any measure, nothing concentrates the mind as much as a subpoena and immunity grant..”

    You give immunity so you can prosecute someone. They give immunity to everyone within 100 miles of the case, as Hillary did to her staff in 2016. They give immunity — which they shouldn’t in the first place, there’s no need at all — to prosecute no one.

    “• It’s Over Folks (Denninger)

    Bad news: Nenner, Armstrong, the Archdruid, and all history says this cannot be reformed. No one will take the pain and do the work. Because if I do it, as a whistleblower, I disappear, or are fired at a minimum as we saw in testimony yesterday, then Congress can’t be arsed to defend whistleblowers. Like Assange, who was merely the publisher of whistleblowers, once removed. If I do out here, I’ll be arrested, if I do work at my house, it will be stolen. Pass.

    The country will change instead. It’s not going back. Devolution. But if we have PRINCIPLES, and believe in the Constitution and refuse to forget, it will all turn out. That seems very likely. We still refuse not to speak. We haven’t changed our minds, we just think they’re idiots and occupiers now.

    “FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants (ET)

    So you’re saying there were so many hundred agents there that it would be a major deal? Okay then release all the records to Congress without their photos as is legally required for you to do so. Then we can all discuss it “safely” and you can explain why there could be a riot with more FBI than protesters, and Capital Police escorted them all to the rotunda. I mean, shouldn’t the FBI have done something since they were right there? I mean, if it was at all dangerous, then the FBI was essentially committing sedition themselves NOT to stop it, right?

    “strip the citizenry of its rights in defiance of long standing constitutional principles.”

    This is why there’s no “It’s an Emergency” clause in the Bill of Human Rights. As we see with Macron.

    “Gorsuch understood the threat to Americans’ liberties, but he was powerless with Chief Justice Roberts”

    Yes, because Roberts is a State instrument. That’s why Bush put him in: he believed in universal and total power resting entirely in the Executive (Bush personally). ‘Cause that’s all constitutional-like. Kavanaugh is along the same lines, and voted left already. Everyone ignores this, so I don’t know why he does it. It’s not like the Left will start liking him or stop trying to kill him and his children or anything. They are public on the murder of Justices, on TV, by top leaders like Schumer and Waters, then their followers take many events of direct violence.

    But remember this all started with the Far Left shooting up all Congress on the Baseball field. Memory hole. Never happened. That was because they were trying to expose pedophile rings. Memory hole. Never happened. There’s no such thing as pedophiles! Everyone knows that. They are everywhere except there are zero in D.C. and government, it’s the only city where everyone is perfectly innocent.

    ““Somewhere along the way something happened and people began to think that only certain forms of speech were acceptable,

    Yes, it’s called “Political Correctness” and we were all lambasted as neanderthal meanies for saying exactly this would happen.Decades ago, at the very first breath of it. Where’s my Apology Brian? Where is it? But we all know being right for decades means you’re an idiot and should be ignored, along with your entire party. Guess what? There were communists in Hollywood too, and they DID want to expose your underage children to sex.

    Surprised I’ve never seen the Tianmen Arch. That’s very nice.

    “Elites who rule our world also control all the major Pedophile rings in the world with the assistance of the CIA.”

    …Don’t be ridiculous…oh wait, Epstein Exists. That is the precise definition and expression of that statement. As is Nexium. And about 100 others if anyone bothered to look. Remember how they ran out of prostitutes at the last Davos? I’m sure exactly zero of them were of questionable age, because we haven’t looked.

    1/3rd of Canadians now favor euthanasia for the homeless? How quickly that moves, just like in Germany. Only a few months ago they had no euthanasia at all, now it’s for everyone I don’t like. Well, once the STATE is all-important, then the only logical conclusion is to sacrifice all the Individuals who are old, sick, stupid, not pulling their weight, or…I just happen not to like them as much. Killing everyone is “the greater good.”

    In bad news: Where is Gonzalo Lira? Shouldn’t we be following him directly like Assange? I mean, the U.S. told Ukraine to arrest him, right? His last video was on the removal of Joe Biden.

    Dr. D

    From this week: there were no gay bars, except for all the gay bars there were:

    It was deadly, except that everybody knew where it was, and nothing happened. They just came in, turned the keys, and opened every day. There were no gay people, because it’s both a choice and not a choice, and they both knew and didn’t know, so they both could and couldn’t go meet other people at the Molly House and regularly did marry them, except when they didn’t. And everybody knew, except they didn’t. This went on for centuries, since long before Rome, except it didn’t.

    Yup! That’s logic. And this story we hear every day about it.

    So tell me again how we have an honest, intelligent conversation about this?

    Someone would have to stop lying. For even a second.


    A dog school in Canada? Oh dear. I hope it’s not government funded.

    Bracing myself for the next news cycle and the Rise of the Trannie Dog movement!


    You only know/believe what the new media tells you.
    (go back to sleep in your lalaland)
    Truth/actuality is a nightmare
    Ignore the blogsphere and the misinformation influence of the A.I.

    Destruction/end of social/economic/political infrastructures and depopulation.
    Never before has there been a puppet of hate and war been used, Zelensky, to generate so much hate, killing, destruction, wasting of critical resources and energy.
    Next ….. F-16
    • Putin Warned Patriot Air Defences Wouldn’t Survive Long in Ukraine (MWM)

    Vladimir Zelensky has asked the G7.
    (The leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US and the EU)
    To join/help NATO/Ukraine military in trying to destroy Russia.
    Peace will only come in the ruble of civilization.


    The Russian Kinzhal is the slowest and least sophisticated of the three major hypersonics

    The Zirkon and the Avangard, which are faster and have far greater range and can maneuver at hypersonic speeds to avoid being intercepted are far more dangerous and the Russians are ramping up production of these like there’s No Tomorrow

    If you can’t handle the Kinzhal, you will never handle the other two.

    They will be targeting the Ukronazis’ infrastructure in big, big ways and if the Pole-Tards® think they can slip in some ‘peace keeping’ coalition into Western Ukronaziland, well, they will be vaporized with these missiles and will look like the latest two Ukronazi ammo dump mushroom cloud videos.

    The first ammo dump explosion was estimated by reliable sources as approximately $500 million dollars worth of ammo to have made an explosion that big.

    That’s half a billion dollars in one pop.

    And there was a second one shortly there after one.

    Hey, that’s your tax dollars going up in smoke

    Duh’merican could have fixed quite a bit of it’s inner city First World Shithole® (FWS) infrastructure for those two ammo dump detonations.

    Oh look, it’s downtown San Franshitsco



    Forced conscription is an accepted means of eliminating the russophile part of Ukraine’s population. Rather than just killing them, which would go down as genocide, conscripting them is a way of doing the same with approval of the West. By encouraging Ukrainians to “fight”, we are making ourselves complicit in genocide.

    Michael Reid

    would ANY government, yours included — wherever that may be — wish to have access to the data from ANY social media platform and if it could obtain it, would it?

    The painfully obvious answers to these questions reveal the absurdity of singling TikTok out as a problem while pretending to be “protecting citizens” for “national security.” It is a red herring and a step towards censoring and hence controlling EVERY social media platform.

    The Most Diabolical Legislation Ever Created… Here’s What it Means for Free Speech


    Couldn’t resist this flashback after viewing the 999 stairs to heaven and glorious mountainside opening pictured above. Makes me wonder how long it takes the average person to make the ascent.

    Ahhh the Stairway song. It was everywhere back then. It is still here, ringing in my Heart as always. Slow dancing in the basement on Christmas break, the entire dorm hallway dancing to the sounds of Zep records spinning, live in concert in Cincinnati; it was Heaven. (I may have missed the hippie thing but was full immersion on the late 70’s after party). The best part is that we were all in on it TOGETHER. We shared an era of truly great music. (Thankfully the incredibly isolating, personalized play/set lists, ear buds, and phones did not exist). We didn’t know how good we had it.

    Deep experiences of sharing something extraordinary with a group/entire generation of other beings – lives on in some of us. Wisdom gleaned from direct experiences of coming together is essential to attracting more of the same. Even in times of disenchantment – ENCHANTMENT finds us in our everyday lives.

    For those of us who made the Half Dome (Yosemite) climb, the shared togetherness of accomplishment at the top never leaves. Same goes for the final “slog” of reaching the top of the South rim of the mighty Grand Canyon after starting over on the North rim 4 days earlier. There’s nothing like giving yourself to life.

    Appreciate your contributions, Ilargi. Makes me wonder how you do it.

    LOVE to All.

    Figmund Sreud

    There’s a dog school in Canada so they don’t stay home alone.

    Yes! And it’s in my home town, Calgary, Alberta!

    Ruff and Puff

    Ain’t it cool!



    I love dogs as any guy next door, however some owners are deeply offended if you do not see their dog as their child. Entire homes were designed to accommodate Fido.
    Mundane as i is, every bit counts and trickles to the madness that were in.


    Germ would have posted this from Walter M. Chestnut: “Friday Hope: Spermidine: Clearing the Spike Protein.”

    It offers up several original ways to induce Autophagy (pronounced “ah-TAH-fah-gee”) (which is your body’s process of reusing old and damaged cell parts) – to clear the spike protein. Sauna (heat) and coffee are on the list.


    Medicare (and S.S.) bar graph. Scary!
    After 65 of age entire population jumps to fix medical problems that were accumulated prior.
    My mother in law had a “house visit service” by some, I assume, “non profit” shit business. Twice a month temperature and blood pressure measurement by the “nurse” and thumbs up assurance by her that old bird is in good shape. She’s driving large Lexus electrical, so once she had to cancel the visit because her battery was low..
    Ask for anything on Earth that you feel like having: diapers, cane, walker, vitamins….all promptly delivered to the door. Insurance had to pay $4,000 monthly for what I had seen as a scam and told my wife right away to cancel the crap, which she did.
    Just in case if one wonders where the money goes.


    Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger has signalled a U-turn in his views on Ukraine’s prospective NATO membership. The veteran politician told The Economist that he now believes peace in Europe cannot be achieved without Ukraine joining the US-led military bloc.

    Really? Most of us know what Kissinger is like from his track record, I suspect that Russia knows the same. There was no way that Kissinger believed in keeping Ukraine out of NATO, he was being disingenuous, he has a track record of this sort of shite and we all know that he loves his wars and war crimes. Listening to Kissinger trying to make peace is a joke, the man has no credibility in that department.


    Within the last 24 hours we’ve seen 1600 Ukrainian troops killed

    At that rate its 16,000 dead in 10 days


    Kosher theatre. How in the name of Christ can people not see the same jewmoney behind all the players? 2 World Wars , coke and pepsi, US and Russia, ford and chevy, the same demonic smallhats run all of them. It’s a show, you’re being set up for the kill, goyim. Sheep led down the chute for shearing and slaughtering. Wake up Whitey, this crew wants you dead. You’re the only obstacle to their world domination. Take a real good look around you, you’re in a Hell, created on purpose by the synagog of satan.

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