Debt Rattle May 25 2022
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- This topic has 43 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
May 25, 2022 at 7:42 am #108455
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterVincent van Gogh Pietà (after Delacroix) 1889 • America’s Ukraine Policy Is On A Collision Course With Reality (Moloney) • The Secret American
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 25 2022]May 25, 2022 at 8:42 am #108456V. Arnold
ParticipantVincent van Gogh Pietà (after Delacroix) 1889
It is interesting how many different artists are drawn to this event in Christian history; and their subsequent interpretations…
May 25, 2022 at 9:23 am #108457Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterYeah yeah VA, I’ll stop now. Unless I find a Picasso
May 25, 2022 at 9:35 am #108458Red
Participant“The 5G telecommunications network is designed to use geolocation and behavioural tracking that will connect your digital identity to your individual behaviour and facilitate the carbon footprint tracing process..”
I haven’t a mobile so tracking me will be a bit more difficult.
May 25, 2022 at 9:47 am #108459Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI haven’t a mobile so tracking me will be a bit more difficult.
Not when you can only pay your bills through facial recognition.
May 25, 2022 at 10:13 am #108460V. Arnold
ParticipantYeah yeah VA, I’ll stop now. Unless I find a Picasso
Well, that would be interesting for sure.
I can’t imagine how Picasso would render that…May 25, 2022 at 10:21 am #108461tinfoilhatted canuck
… and let’s not forget the ubiquitous cameras.Hmmm, mental note for nephews seeking career — personal disguises, both physical and digital?
May 25, 2022 at 11:05 am #108462Dr. D
ParticipantIR reflectives can baffle the cameras nicely. Not all are visible, you could wear baffling makeup for instance that’s invisible. Some use an IR flashlight in the brim of their baseball cap. So. Easy.
“Ukraine Will Seize Assets of Citizens Sympathetic to Russia”
They’re broke. The new “Steal Anything” bill. They learn so well from the Anglos and the West. We were broke, so we just ordered Russia to keep sending gas without paying. I don’t see the problem. It’s very simple: I want it, you have it. Therefore, I take it.
“’Blue-Checks’ Furious after Henry Kissinger Says Ukraine Should Cede Territory for Peace With Russia”
US/West surrenders. For now. Since Kissinger is the coffee boy for the real powers, who’s backing down? Is this like when the Bushes, Baker, the USSC, other old-timers told the young blood to cool it? Who then didn’t, and screwed everything up, so here we are?
“Potash Train Derailed in Canada Amid Fertilizer Crunch”
Another coincidence. Was it another small plane landing right on top? Or an accidental fire? Maybe it slipped on a banana peel. Do we have to do this or is somebody going to be an adult someday?
“Saudi Arabia Signals Backing for Russia in OPEC+”
No kidding. Saudi dumped the U.S. and flipped to Russia almost a year ago now? Anglos are slow on the uptake. But 5-year-olds are playing on their phones and easily distracted. So they went to Saudi to order them to increase oil because we are attacking Russia. THEN PROCEEDED TO CRITICIZE THEM ABOUT KASHOGGI. MBS then summary tossed the envoy into the Persian Gulf, who was lucky to keep his passport and make it home. What makes you think you can go ask a serious, world-altering favor then lecture them on Woke morality? The U.S. doesn’t lock up and kill journalists, citizens of 20 nations, drone U.S. citizens who are children? Leave mines and cluster bombs, uranium? GTFO. Bonus: Saudi has no oil, so they can’t increase production anyway. We fatally damaged their wells last time around.
Biden is going to release diesel before the election. Instead of keeping it for the military. Speaking of, since the Pentagon is like top 5 user of oil on the planet, I’ve got a good idea on where you can economize and stop using oil to relieve the shortage. Admiral Gilday, meet canoe.
Like the Congressional trading app:
“Glencore Pleads Guilty to Decade of Bribery and Market Manipulation, Will Pay $1.5 Billion Penalty”Smallest penalty in history. $100M a year, probably made in the $10 Billions/yr. 1% fee to government, no jail. Carry on. We were just a little low on cash this week, Uncle needed you hit you up. Every year this happens, LIBOR, MERS, metals trading. Not counting probably multiple back-billions because somebody saw Overstock fundamentals as strong (naked shorting) and Tesla fundamentals as…well maybe not worth the value of all other car manufacturers combined (burn the shorts), tell the SEC to S.E.C. All those Ma and Pops lost money because, “no fair value,” “no price discovery” at all, the market’s only purpose. Glencore is part of the big club, including BlackRock and Vanguard, who control and therefore centrally plan all our markets, with zero Capitalism. They then blame Capitalism and install Socialism because #OppositeLand.
“”Worst Jim Crow Ever”: after Voting Law Hysteria, Georgia Shatters Turnout Records: …what Vanity Fair called a “massive voter suppression” mechanism”
Wrong again. Wrong every day. Wrong for decades. Predictably, reliably wrong. But it’s “My side, right or wrong” and “I’ll never take the consequences of my actions: I’ll make YOU take them.” So no one cares. It’s impossible to be discredited. Impossible in a world where reality is in my mind and I’m always right.
Orlov: well, there IS a contingent of White Hats burrowed in the Derp State. They are Nationalists, Constitutionalists, and they are under constant pressure by the Globalists who remain in charge. So a “Multi-polar world” (Pole what?) or as normal people would call it: normal state sovereignty and national interests as we’ve had for 1,000 years, would counter-weight the Globalists who collect in Davos and the UN and fascist monopoly MNCs. That is, White Europeans (not even White ‘Americans’). So getting Russia strong enough to counterbalance the imbalance is as important as getting the U.S. States to oppose and counterbalance the imbalance. And they can, and have, done so by pretending to hurt Russia. That is, they oppose blood-breathing maniacs like Bolton generally and have to. But should Bolton and Kegan want to hurt Russia in a helpful way, being morons, we stand aside and say, “Wait. Stop. Don’t.”
They don’t actually need to talk to Russia, the FSB, and the generals about it, especially as after Clinton killed all the America First Generals in a small plane crash, (for supporting the Constitution and rule of law) they were in deep hiding. Yes, if you support the Constitution and the very principle of there BEING a United States, you will be hunted down, purged, shot, and removed. Obama removed more Officers than anyone in history in this last attempt. But those generals don’t NEED to call Putin on the phone, the way non-General Milley did, promising to call Xi with all the latest intel and guaranteeing we would never attack our own paid masters, China, without permission. The Russian generals can tell the White Hats exist and what they are up to, or they’re not worth the name of “Generals” at all. I mean, if it’s dead-obvious to me, some idiot in his basement reading The Atlantic, then SURELY it’s been obvious to them for 25 years longer.
In addition, with similar signaling, they can make an opening in the Defensive line for them, wink, and Russia can take advantage of it. If you don’t read the double-talk of diplo-speak, I don’t know how to communicate how incredibly obvious such communications are, perhaps more obvious and clear than just saying so. It’s like reading “Doonesbury” or some other arcane saga. At first it may make no sense, the characters are all unknown, and you only get one joke in ten or one highlight. After a few months, what was blank and arcane becomes a rich tapestry of implication more real than directly reporting. These blokes live in that world from the age of 20, and use not only such clear double-talk, jokes, references, but constantly specific numbers, specific dates. Why Trump send 59 Tomahawk missiles to Syria, or such was reported? Why not 57 or 61? You often find this in news where they report “33” shots, show a picture of red shoes, but later we find out it was 27 shots. Why 33? If they got it wrong, why to that specific number?
Now coincidences exist, but you can’t see the same names, dates, numbers, and places decade after decade without wanting to ask questions and get to the bottom of it. My take is that White Hats are and have been strengthening Russia, and appears they have succeeded. Russia is the army that is crashing the Globalists and their system. When that happens, the combined nationalists, or as they call themselves, “patriots” will re-claim the system and run it for humankind again, and not mass-murdering meglomaniacs. But that’s a rough transition as markets fall, the dollar isn’t accepted, and we have no manufacturing. India or Kenya or Brazil is no better off, but we’ll try to make the best of it as we utterly erase the Globalists from the surface of the earth. Without them, our prosperity is swift and certain and justice can return.
“We are paying a heavy social, political, and economic cost for our militarism. Washington watches passively as the U.S. rots, morally, politically, economically, and physically,” –Hedges
Yes, by design and plan, published and promoted tirelessly, and you can read their papers on their goals going back decades. Hedges acts like it’s an accident. Unintended. All you have to do is be literate, and credit them when they say something. It’s actually not that hard, and unlike the above, you don’t need to decipher secret codes. They say they want most humans dead. They say it’s to save the earth, but who cares why? Then the very same people take trillion-dollar measures that accomplish the very goals they declared a day before. You don’t have to be a genius here, you just have to not turn off your brain in “the horror, the horror.”
“Yeah, because “Hillary’s lawyer” fed them the story. That’s how it becomes a story. And then a probe.”
Why was it an investigation? Because she told them to. They obeyed instantly although she had no office and no legal position. When Trump said look at anything, do anything, arrest anything, they did NOT obey, although he DID have the office and legal authority. See how that works? He was not allowed to even reverse his own executive orders.
No Democracy. Your voting doesn’t matter. And they are out for themselves, ignoring every law. And you refer to and follow the law for what reason again?
“facilitate the carbon footprint tracing process..”
So they’re taxing the miles in your car for “carbon footprint” but also are going to tax your existence on basis of “carbon footprint”? And this is somehow coincidentally identical to “Social Credit Scores”? Uh-huh. The new currency was not backed by oil, it was backed by compliance. Obedience. Submit or Die. As your “carbon”, that is, your oil, energy use, is shut off and you live under a bridge with the other scum.
Note: the “Carbon Credits” are not carbon credits, the BTU-currency of the Technocratic Elite. Like Dollars, Stocks, Bonds, they simply “hypothecate” more into existence if THEY need them. That is, fabricate, counterfeit, LIE. If YOU need them, however, you die. Too bad. Carbon Credits of the Green New Deal were to be enacted by Sachs, Morgan, HSBC, Fargo, the same criminals who defrauded all markets and all people for the 20 years before now, bankrupted citizens, opened fake accounts, stole customer money to trade with, bought jumbo-jets for drug cartels, and were involved in arms trafficking. Then got bailouts and used the bailouts to pay the biggest bonuses in history, more than the GDP of Iceland. So it’s not just some benign “Carbon Credit” we all try to be responsible with. You’re a punk, a patsy, a sap. They take private jets to Davos with party drugs and 13-year-old girls on board and be as irresponsible as they can be and still stand up. …I mean, if you haven’t noticed what the plantation master and his whip hand were up to for the last 40 years. Apparently the Pastor would never cheat on me with the choir boy, snorting meth off his butt-cheeks.
“power grids worldwide won’t produce enough electricity to meet the soaring demand, threatening more than one billion people with rolling blackouts.”
Speaking of, it takes 40 years of pilfering and active neglect to get it to this point. Every person, everywhere in every utility company knows this is wrong and it will reduce the grid. Yet their internal expertise is overruled for 40 years in a row. Against all laws and all potential profits. Just a big coincidence, I say! By the same people who signed the GND and Paris accords that demand ¾ fewer people.
When I say I’m going to kill someone, and they die, and they are found in my living room with my pocketknife in their back, and I’m covered in blood, and he wrote a sign note saying “I wert killed by the Docktor”, it’s just a big dumb mystery no one can figure out. Like DNC donor Buck or the FBI, I investigate myself, and find that I’m innocent.
“Biden Underwater on Almost All Issues Except Handling of Covid (Hill)”That’s ironic as he really REALLY failed at Covid. He’s twice as bad? And he had a vaccine?
May 25, 2022 at 11:32 am #108463Oroboros
ParticipantMay 25, 2022 at 12:56 pm #108464Henry
ParticipantSo Raul is correct in saying, “Not when you can only pay your bills through facial recognition.”
With the introduction of TPUs and OpenCV, Computer Vision has become surprisingly easy to perform. On the farm, we have purchased two Intel Movidius Neural Compute Sticks, and the price of the devices is dirt cheap.
(It would have been great to get the TPUs from Coral, but because of supply chain issues, we are using Intel)
That said, “Computer Vision” is very cheap and here today. Everything from facial to object to critter recognition is now possible for good or ill.
May 25, 2022 at 1:24 pm #108465Oroboros
ParticipantThe Rinotards and their bunk-mate Demotards have a new slogan/meme for the 2022 and 2024 elections:
Same Ass, Different Cheeks
Make America Not So Great Again
May 25, 2022 at 1:33 pm #108466zerosum
ParticipantWake up! It wasn’t real
• America’s Ukraine Policy Is On A Collision Course With Reality (Moloney)
• The Secret American Plan to Make Russia Great Again (Orlov)
Reality. Deal with it.• No Way Out but War (Chris Hedges)
“……. watches passively as the U.S. rots, morally, politically, economically, and physically, ……..”——–
The only people that are recognized/exist will have a digital identity
DAVO, the 2022 World Economic Forum
personal disguises, both physical and digital
Hiding in the back country will only make you a terrorist/rebel and give you a lifestyle without access to the diminishing resource.
Those with the most will lose the most
Jumping into your RV with only a cooler of supplies, and going to the back country will not be an individual survival plan• One Billion People At Risk Of Power Blackouts As Global Grids Stretched
Today’s Social/economic structure.
Pretending to exchange/trade/buy resource for by using “money”Survivalist paradise. (Until there is nothing left to take)
It’s very simple: I want it, you have it. Therefore, I take it.
———–May 25, 2022 at 3:10 pm #108467D Benton Smith
Participant“It is generally a good idea to avoid ascribing nefarious intent to actions explained by mere stupidity”
Yeah? And what kind of an idea is it to ascribe stupidity as the motive for premeditated murder while the killer is literally engaged in the act of killing you six ways from Sunday.
Please grow a pair, Jim, or kindly shut the fuck up. It just PAINS me to witness a major intellect such as yourself embarrass the rest of us with your pusillanimous dodgery.
May 25, 2022 at 3:22 pm #108468my parents said know
ParticipantHow did the elo-im conquer the morlocks?
The sun burnt the sleep from their eyes.
How will the white hats prevail over warlocks?
By shining the light on the lies.How do you get yourself out of the box?
By seeing outside of the walls.
“Endure and prevail” is the strange paradox-
Endure ’til the faux empire falls.May 25, 2022 at 3:35 pm #108469zerosum
ParticipantThe stupidity of “leaders” continues to boggle the mind.
The stupidity of voters surpasses the stupidity of the “leaders”.May 25, 2022 at 3:38 pm #108470phoenixvoice
ParticipantRolling blackouts are not something to look forward to in the Phoenician summer…
Here’s to hoping they don’t occur on Friday — the city pool down the street is open every day except Friday during June & July. At least I got the ice maker back to working properly…better make sure all electronic devices are on surge protectors. An interesting thought: would the high school cancel classes for a prolonged power outage in August during the school day?
I can’t help but wonder…will the people wake up and demand change when the electricity is blacked out and the air conditioner dead in 110 degree weather and food is scarce and expensive?May 25, 2022 at 3:41 pm #108471boscohorowitz
Participant“Chomsky was criticized after saying in an interview that former President Donald Trump is the “one Western statesman of stature” who laid out a “sensible” solution for Ukraine. He said Trump spoke about facilitating negotiations instead of “undermining them and moving towards establishing some kind of accommodation in Europe in which there are no military alliances and mutual accommodation.”
Chomsky must’ve gotten a brain-lift. That’s the first, or at best one of the very few, useful things he’s said since 911.
Meanwhile, this guy is notorious for getting things wrong and right at the same time. Here, I think he’s mostly right, albeit with the usual hyperbole that seems de rigeur for today’s pundits both mainstream and alternative:
May 25, 2022 at 4:03 pm #108472Mister Roboto
ParticipantJust in case you-know-who shows their screenhandle around here again, this time braying and hectoring about monkeypox:
May 25, 2022 at 4:15 pm #108473Mr. House
ParticipantChomsky is trying to be contrarian to save some face. He showed who he really was when he wanted to ban the unjabbed from life. He’s held up on high as some great wisdom of the ages for what? What great thing in his lifetime do people point at and say things are much better because of Noam Chomsky?
May 25, 2022 at 5:59 pm #108474Eric Blair
ParticipantRegarding the ubiquity of religious art motifs (thousands of pietas) in Middle Age & Renaissance art: consider it propaganda by the Catholic Church. In fact, artist weren’t allowed to depict non-religious motifs, or rather no art that wasn’t religious was funded. Caravaggio was considered heretical because he painted the Madonna from a prostitute as model and worshiping peasants kneeling in front of a cross with dirty feet. How disrespectful to depict real people!
May 25, 2022 at 7:09 pm #108475Mr. House
ParticipantThis sums it up perfectly
May 25, 2022 at 7:48 pm #108476WES
ParticipantHave you noticed that joe biden and the democrats no longer seem too worried about the mid term elections in November?
That is because the uniparty is busy doing it’s usual fixing magic in the primaries and have already prepared the actual election results.
There will be no surprises on election day.
Election night will remain dark.
Nothing will change.May 25, 2022 at 8:10 pm #108477WES
ParticipantThis facial recognition thingy.
I have facial pictures of each of you.
I will simple place a picture of you to the camera/scanner.
You will be charged for whatever I do.
You will not be able to say it wasn’t you who did it!
Because I provided absolute proof it was you!I have facemasks of each of you.
With your face I will stand in front of the camera/scanner.
You will be charged for whatever I do.
You will not be able to say it wasn’t you who did it!
Because I provided absolute proof it was you!I have a copy of all your biometrics.
I will feed your biometrics into the camera/scanner.
You will be charged for whatever I do.
You will not be able to say it wasn’t you who did it!
Because I provided absolute proof it was you!The more secure your ID is, the more insecure you will feel!
May 25, 2022 at 8:11 pm #108478Armenio Pereira
ParticipantWe, humans, are advancing, some say.
Towards what?
If we don’t know the destination how can we assess the progression?
Are we moving forward, backwards, or simply going nowhere faster than we were yesterday?There’s no freedom, only Acceptance & Denial (and the journey back & forth between the two.)
The Universe is a Heart, quiet & monotonous at The Center/Core (Acceptance’s abode), exciting and dangerous at the throbbing Periphery/Frontier (the land of Denial.)
We are prisoners of the Heart and of the everlasting peregrination between The Center & The Periphery.[We all do the same: we try to maximize pleasure and minimize pain.
We can’t escape Sameness.
We all have different strategies on how to achieve it, we all try to do it differently.
We can’t escape Difference.
Pleasure & Pain, Good & Evil, Symbiosis & Parasitism, Cause & Effect: The Dualistic Engine.
We can’t escape it – we can’t rig it – we can’t destroy it – we can’t understand why it exists.There’s no freedom, only the everlasting peregrination between The Core & The Periphery. The Center assuages us with its quietness, weary us with its monotony: we leave, frontier bound. We love The Frontier for its excitement, hate it for its perils, so we leave, centresick (homesick for Acceptance.)]
Some will understand these words, while others will be infuriated by them; that’s OK, because while I’m returning to The Center, longing for Acceptance, others are leaving for The Periphery, summoned by Denial; our expectations are wildly different, we can never meet on common ground. That’s how it’s supposed to be: for the Whole to hold, the Parts must be out of sync. [Do you know how a structure responds to an increased amplitude when the frequency of its oscillations matches its natural frequency of vibration? That’s right, it collapses (Yep, the walls of Jericho, the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the London Millennium Bridge cases comes to mind.)]
A better future?
Fully embrace The Now regardless of any reasonable doubt.May 25, 2022 at 8:35 pm #108479willem
Participant@WES: “Have you noticed that joe biden and the democrats no longer seem too worried about the mid term elections in November? That is because the uniparty is busy doing it’s usual fixing magic in the primaries and have already prepared the actual election results.”
Or maybe it’s because they know it doesn’t really matter who “wins.” The road we are on will stay the same.
May 25, 2022 at 8:57 pm #108480WES
ParticipantWith so many wars being run simultaneously against us little people, it is hard to be concerned about a little war in the Ukraine that is only killing a few hundred people a day, when all the other wars, like the covid vax war, food war, war on the truth, are killing thousands of us little people every day.
The Ukraine supposedly has 43 million people.
But 10 million people left before the war.
Then 6.5 million more people left when the war started.
So that leaves about 27 million people still left in the Ukraine.
The Ukraine has canceled passports of all draft age males who left the country.
So prez Z is going to raise another million strong army when he is already sending 50 to 70 year old recruits to the front contact line?
The US is fighting the war to the last Ukrainian.
Russia has slowed down their operations to provide extra time to find that last Ukrainian!Is Greta even a thing at Davos these days?
My electric chain saw at the cottage is named Greta!
On Friday I am going be opening up the island cottage for the summer!
That means canoeing and kayaking!
Ticks too!So everybody in Washington DC lies.
This is the lowly place the truth goes to die!
The swamp’s surface is covered in dead flies.
If only at the swamp’s bottom lying liars lie.May 25, 2022 at 9:05 pm #108481WES
Yes, the uniparty wins no matter what happens in their 2 party system!
It is a 2 sided coin!
RINOs on one side.
DINOs on the other side.
Two sides of the uniparty!RINOs = Republican in name only
DINOs = Democrats in name onlyMay 25, 2022 at 9:13 pm #108482chooch
ParticipantSo Kissinger said,
“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome.”
This two month window of time keeps cropping up whether it is the remilitarization of the Ukraine forces and the deployment of trained guerillas to be deployed in Russian occupied regions.
For Russia, they need the two month window to mobilize more troops to back fill so they can redeploy their battalion groups for the next phase of the offensive.
Then of course, the Chinese are running air and sea combat drills while Biden is in the Region. Recordings of Chinese Twain invasion planning are leaked. How much is misinformation/misdirection?
I don’t think XI has the cojones and Putin needs an off ramp. I guess we will find out this summer. Who is gonna take the coup dog seriously? Maybe for that reason alone they should. Life seems to have no value. The irony of it all.
Most will be swallowed up in death simply because that is what we choose.
May 25, 2022 at 9:16 pm #108483Oroboros
ParticipantMay 25, 2022 at 9:18 pm #108484Oroboros
ParticipantThere Will Be No Insurgency In Ukraine Against Russia
May 25, 2022 at 10:12 pm #108485ezlxa1949
ParticipantChris Hedges wrote, “No respite from gas prices that are projected to hit $6 a gallon.”
Yesterday I put some petrol in my tank, car’s tank that is, and paid $1.939/litre for 91 octane with 10% ethanol. The car runs quite happily on that. This converts to USD 4.92 per gallon. Getting there. On average the car consumes 9 litres/100 km, so the $70 I spent for 36 litres gives me a range of 325 km. I don’t drive much these days, so that should last me for a couple of weeks.
But should I suddenly want to drive to Melbourne, that would cost me $143 for the 660 km trip. Ouch. I can remember the unhappiness when petrol prices rose above $1/litre and the service stations had to find space for an extra digit on their billboards and pumps.
Diesel currently costs over $2/litre. Canberra gets 90-odd% of its food brought here by diesel. Yes, prices are noticeably going up.
And the country as a whole has about 2 weeks’ stocks of transport fuel. Try putting coal in your fuel tank. Back to WW2 days with gas generators on vehicles?
We have made such splendid provision for the future.
May 25, 2022 at 10:27 pm #108486ezlxa1949
ParticipantOops, I made some elementary mistakes. Honestly,my arithmetic is getting worse.
Range is 400km.
Cost of Melbourne trip (one way) is $115. I think the train costs less than that.May 25, 2022 at 10:29 pm #108487Veracious Poet
ParticipantMay 25, 2022 at 10:47 pm #108488D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe Three Stages Of Deceit
First they lie to us so well that we don’t even know it.
Then they lie to us so poorly that only the insane could believe a word of it.
Then they don’t even bother to lie about it, and just do whatever they want to in plain sight.It’s stage 3 that you should worry about.
May 25, 2022 at 11:08 pm #108489WES
Actually your range is $100!
Gas in Toronto, Ontario is $2 per litre.
About the same cost as yours.
And most of the cost of gas is the taxes!May 25, 2022 at 11:08 pm #108490Veracious Poet
I was concerned @ stage -0-…
The people lying to themselves & each other, selecting apparatchik liars-for-hire for their narcissistic Fee-Fee-Feelin’z.
Predatory culture > Suicidal sheeple > Pathological mass psychosis 😕
Got spirituality?
May 25, 2022 at 11:40 pm #108491zerosum
ParticipantIn case you didn’t read it
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022
The Consent of the Governed Is Slipping Away
The realization that we’re not actually being represented at the federal level has eroded the consent of the governed for the national government.May 26, 2022 at 2:04 am #108492chooch
ParticipantRussian Lawmakers Scrap Upper Age Limit for Military Service
Analysts say Russia may be seeking to loosen requirements for contract soldiers in hopes of shoring up its manpower in Ukraine without resorting to potentially unpopular measures like mass mobilization.
“If the Russians are to make any serious advances from now on, it will have to be with slow, methodical operations with a significant investment in resource and manpower.”
May 26, 2022 at 2:39 am #108493chooch
ParticipantPer the New Russian Recruitment Bill,
“Highly professional specialists are needed to use high-precision weapons and operate weapons and military equipment,” said one note accompanying the bill.
According to Trent Telekom (Retired DoD Civil Servant)
The US military and most other western aligned militaries build guided missile preventative maintenance programs around long service, highly trained non-commissioned officers (NCO’s).
Russia does not have a professional NCO corps as the West understands the term.
There are contract Praporshchik & Senior Praporshchik and junior officers who do a lot of technical subject related maintenance.
And the levels of Kleptocracy rampant in the Russian military since the 2012 ascension of Defense Minister Shoigu means training & expensive diagnostic equipment have been defrauded.
May 26, 2022 at 2:52 am #108494 -
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