Debt Rattle May 27 2020


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    G. G. Bain Metropolitan Opera baritone Giuseppe De Luca, New York 1920   • Despite The Hype, Gilead’s Remdesivir Will Do Nothing To End The Coron
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 27 2020]

    Dr. D

    So Hong Kong did everything right. Funny.

    “Peru Seemed to Do Everything Right. So How Did It Become a Covid-19 Hotspot?”

    “Peru was one of the first nations in the Americas to take strict preventative coronavirus measures, like stay-at-home orders, curfews and border closings. So how did it become one of the hardest hit?
    As of Monday, Peru had more than 123,900 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3,600 deaths — putting it second only to Brazil both in number of cases and deaths in Latin America.
    The two countries had handled the epidemic entirely differently: While Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the dangers posed by the coronavirus, Peru’s President Martin Vizcarra declared on March 15 a nationwide state of emergency that included mandatory self-quarantine, and shuttered the country’s borders.
    But the virus surged all the same.”

    As with the same curves worldwide. Of course, being journalists, the article is almost completely fact free. What are the ages? Locations? Income? Chart? Time? Comparison to world and 1st day? de Nada.
    But then, by not providing any facts, they didn’t have to lie! Or at least not that I could find at first reading, I’m sure it’s in there.

    Still, jumping point for the question: if these things supposed worked, even in hindsight, then why does every one of them have glaring exceptions and contradictions? Sounds like the data itself is faulty.
    Then, when nobody did their job and everybody’s lying, we all yell at each other! Really, it’s a win-win.

    “what’s the death and positive rate look like?
    So cases continue to go up but the death count peaked in mid-April, flat-lined, and now has collapsed.
    Why did all of this happen?

    Let’s recap: The “mitigations” were worthless. That was established by the end of March. I’ve pointed it out time after time; the curve of infection rate (not count, rate) bent before the steps taken could have had an effect. That which occurs before you do something cannot be caused by the “something.” This isn’t a matter of debate; it is fact and anyone arguing otherwise isn’t a “scientist” — they are committing fraud”
    Birx and others have repeatedly claimed we were in the “logarithmic” phase through April. That’s false and by the second week of April it was known to be a lie and thus could no longer be claimed as a “mistake.” We’re now six weeks or more beyond that point and yet not one retraction has been offered.”
    it takes five days for cases to become symptomatic and we are now three or more such periods into the “reopening” in Georgia, Tennessee and elsewhere. There have been NO logarithmic spikes in case counts or hospitalizations in any of these jurisdictions.”

    “…The CDC now claims that 0.05% of those under 49 who are symptomatic will die.”

    Folks, even the CDC is now saying this bug is no worse than twice as bad as the normal seasonal flu. That is, it’s roughly as bad as the flu season in 1968-69, or even that of just a couple of years ago — and that of 2009.
    “We knew immediately and factually after Diamond Princess that this “first premise” was false, as I noted at the time… Where is my apology and where are the heads of the politicians and so-called “experts” who murdered businesses and jobs by the tens of millions? When do they pay for the damage they caused on purpose predicated on an outright lie?”

    Well, never, duh. No one apologizes, because no one admits they were wrong. That’s a feature of a fact-free, logic-free, science-free world of da feelz.

    Meanwhile, in the world of real danger, gun-free Chicago has record shootings for the holiday weekend. 10 killed, 39 shootings. No one cares. “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” Huh? What??? “But we told them!” “It appears they are not following the law!” Hahahahaha. You guys are so cray-cray. If the TOP doesn’t follow the law, and the BOTTOM doesn’t follow the law, there’s only one sucker at the poker table, and it’s YOU. YOU are the only one following the law or even having the fantasy anyone is following the law, so you are the one paying for it, and you are the one being murdered and robbed, with robberies and murders done in your name, while refusing to take responsibility and defend yourself. Well, evolution at work, I guess. If the lowest poor guys in Chicago can understand this, image how dumb the smart guys must be.

    “Chicago’s stay-at-home orders are still in effect until the end of the month” What? People don’t just obey everything you say? When did this start? Who could have seen this coming? Taleb, have you heard of this “people not doing whatever you say” before? Is there math and charts for populations not obeying and committing crimes in history? What a genius!

    V. Arnold

    …and all the Kings’ horses and all the Kings’ men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again…


    What did we see?

    Capitalism at its peak.
    Young white people at the beaches.
    Anti body tests are not accurate.
    Solution: A new name for Senior homes, care homes and Nursing home will save seniors
    Reality are my thoughts. My thoughts are reality

    I got a crop of spinach from my garden


    My Numbers tell my truth
    My truth is irrelevant

    Reservations for camping crashed
    Mosquitoes are waiting for the banquet


    And so it starts! Mayhem! There are those that love the smell of napalm in the morning. You either surf or you fight ………or both.


    So if defeat seems inevitable. And the voters will vote you out. A large second c19 wave will keep the electorate at home. Make voting by mail illegal or difficult and a second term is possible even probable. Why would a little death stop Satan. keep hammering the states to open up. It is not about the economy it is about the election.



    I wonder if the misquitoes can spread the virus?


    Last two:

    Just remember, as Mark Twain said, you need to bury Democrats face down so they can’t dig themselves out on election night!

    This problem has been around for over a hundred years!p

    John Day

    Not a lot to offer today that TAE readers don’t know, but another vegetable garden picture…

    The SARS-CoV-2 virus pulls a concealment trick, removing the Major Histocompatibility Complex markers from the surface of human cells it has infected, so the white blood cells of the immune system leave those cells, teeming with virus they are producing, intact, to later release it into the body.​
    This is what HIV does, too.
    It was forbidden information, scrubbed from social media platforms, that SARS-CoV-2 shared genetic homology with HIV in some important sections.
    “Racist”. (Just how would a section of HIV viral code get inserted, functionally intact into a coronavirus?)
    The South China Morning Post has this story.

    Medcram Covid-19 update 75 looks at pathological findings on autopsy of lungs of people dying from COVID, Influenza-linked-ARDS, and unrelated causes. The significant finding is high levels of inflammation of viral infected cells lining the tiny arteries and capillaries, and that many of these critical little capillaries are clotted off by the inflammatory response to the viral attack. This response is unique to the COVID infected lungs.
    The blood vessel lining, “endothelium”, is the significant area of attack that determines the patterns of disease, distress and death which we are seeing.

    In Brazil and other poor countries, lots of young and previously “healthy” people are dying from COVID. The factors leading to this are presumed in this article. I really want to know, myself, precisely what is happening in those people’s bodies, and how to prevent and counter it. (What are their vitamin-D levels, please? For starters.)



    My daughter’s rabbit Moki, wants her share of your spinach!


    HI Wes

    But I was naive then and maybe more naive now. Or maybe the transparency level is rising. Or maybe the evil is just, I dont know, MORE EVIL.



    Can’t do.
    A 6 yr old boy found a litter of 6 baby rabbits and made them his pets.

    I hugged my 7 yr old grand child and after, took a vitamin D, just in case.


    Isolation is the first step in brainwashing. Humans are so hungry for socialization that a jailor becomes a trusted companion.
    Is this why the cult of the virus has become so prevalent? The experts have so terrorized the populations that they have locked themselves in their abodes and hang on every word the experts say, no matter how confusing the message.
    Cognitive dissonance is an important part of brainwashing. Festinger (originator of the term) learned that if he paid people a dollar to tell a lie, they would more likely come to believe it than if he paid them $20 for the same lie (I wouldn’t have sold my integrity for a measly buck!”).
    Well, we have given up our integrity, our rights, our joys, our humanity for a measly virus that the CDC now says kills .2-.3% of those it infects.
    This is why the cult now needs to double down- to save face, we must keep the terrifying virus alive despite flattened curves and a mostly reliable treatment. The curve is flattened because we gave up so much! The treatment is more deadly than the incredibly deadly disease!
    This as-yet-unseen SARS-CoV-2 but early-named Covid 19 is a public relations campaign to herd the masses into pens of obedience, snitching, and virtue-signaling (like a prison camp in the Korean war).
    How else could so few control so many?
    Juries, businesses, schools, ceremonies, rites, religious exercise, dissent, protests, visitation, mating rituals, smiling faces, elections, concerts, sports, parties, assemblies…
    If we’re good enough, we can have some of that back.


    I should have been more clear. Trump keeps hammering the states to open up. A large second wave will help him in november. making voting by mail difficult will help trump in november. He cant win on his record but his cult will show up and vote.

    At the same time I realize that the infighting and hatred for fellow American’s is a distraction from the fact that the greatest theft in history from the working class and future generations to the elite just took place. Is there anyone that feels 8 men should have more wealth than 4,000,000,000 people. I dont care if you are religious, spiritual, agnostic, or atheist there is no moral ethical or even logical way that makes sense.


    We, at TAE, understand
    Elites used trillions to achieve monopolies while hiding behind the virus.
    It was too easy for them.


    Spoke to my mom friend in the hood in Aptos. The gals are getting restless..talking organizing and push back. Perfect beach weather…not a foot print in that sand. All in perfect health. Vitamin D the natural way. It’s just right over there…..over that imaginary line in that sand…right there.


    I noticed … on TV ….
    Whites demonstrating “I can’t breath”
    Whites on beaches, no face masks, no distancing



    As for no social distancing on the beaches.

    The women are to blame!

    P.S. Moki understands! She is planning on living in John Day’s garden instead!


    Okay- let me try that again (lost post). I suspect:
    Covid 19 is a brand name that is an artifact of the non-diagnostic rt-pcr tests and the wildly enigmatic antibody tests. There IS a rare, unexplained atypical pneumonia out there that can no longer be studied because there is now an “official” explanation, because- tests, when positive; symptoms, when negative.
    In the meantime, the Davos types are tickled that you aren’t getting all hot and bothered about the economy because COVID SQUIRREL.
    So everything’s good.

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