Debt Rattle November 16 2019


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    Pablo Picasso Coffee maker 1943   • The Brennan Dossier: All About a Prime Mover of Russiagate (Maté) • The Deep State’s Deep State Department (K
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 16 2019]

    Dr. D

    Same old same old. Marching on forever.

    The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it.”

    This from a guy who vowed to “fundamentally change America as we know it.” Guess what? Just like now, that’s a thing a lot of Americans opposed.

    He also said, ““The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.”

    And he’s right. Because we have a one-party system, the party of the Deep, Steady State, OF the insiders, AGAINST the people. Just like everywhere else: surprise!

    “Obama Left An Ambassador to Die (PJMedia)”

    Everyone can set policy but him…as long as that is the Deep State policy. Everyone can hire and fire ambassadors they want…as long as they are the employees the Deep State wants and will start 15 new wars and kill 6M people…including 60,000 each year at home. So long as you obey us slavishly and without hesitation, you’re in charge. …For those too dumb to know what “being in charge” really means. Hint: it means firing people ’cause they look at you funny. If you can’t do that, THEY’RE in charge, slack off, and run roughshod.

    And just as Schiff thinks he’s the whole Senate now, he’s also the executive branch, deciding who our ambassadors, who our IG, who our Justice Dept employees –oh, and who the President– should be. …And he STILL has less overreach than the UK and EU courts.

    When Did Ukraine Become a ‘Critical Ally’? (Buchanan)”

    When? In 1970 under Kissinger and Brzezinski. They were proud of it. That’s why we’ve funded Russian hated and armed the literal, historical Nazis – the Banderites – there.

    Ah, but although we haven’t got Bush, Cheney, and Blair in jail, at least Brzezinski got to write that his Ukraine plan was a total s—t-show and a complete fail, just like the other works of his life. But he got us to the edge of nuclear annihilation and to kill a couple million people trying, so that’s a win!

    Not until Trump became president did lethal aid begin flowing to Ukraine, including Javelin anti-tank missiles.

    Nope. Never happened. He’s a Putin Puppet don’t ya know, not the guy who left all treaties and dangerously escalated the arms race with Russia, lowering the threshold for nuclear exchange. …But really: we found out in Yemen that the Javelin missiles are about as useful as spitballs, just like our Abrams tanks. We needed to offload that obsolete garbage harmlessly on someone. Russia would roll over Ukraine before you could finish watching “Game of Thrones” and it isn’t the Javelins stopping them. “Q: What does Russia call the German army? A: A speed bump.” Well they have 2M men in service, it’s not really a joke.

    …Don’t know why he bothers, anyway. If he started nuking Russia, it wouldn’t change the reporting. We’re a Reality-Free zone! #AntiLogos fanatics, dying by the 60,000s for our religion!

    Arbuthnot Out as Assange’s Judge, Says Wikileaks Lawyer Jen Robinson (CN)”

    So if they’re removing Arbuthnot, they’re reversing all the decisions she made, right? No?

    And what if, I dunno, spitballing here, someone were to mishandle and release 30,000 classified emails by, I dunno, keeping then on an unsecured server in her basement so China could hack them and pay her? Would that be a sort of similar crime deserving of 8 years of solitary? Or…I’m sorry, I lose track here: what’s the difference again except that in the U.S. publishers have 1st Amendment rights and government employees cannot mishandle government records?

    “Justice for me but not for thee”

    “The Australian government has not, as far as I am aware, raised any objection to the treatment of Julian Assange”

    Raised any objection? And here I thought they applauded the murder of their citizens. (And ours, btw, see Five Eyes). And their own citizens cheer! Ooh, ooh, me next! Me next!

    Dr. D



    Why do we raise kids “not to lie?”
    Why do we raise kids “not to steal?”
    Why do we raise kids “in la-la-land?”

    V. Arnold

    Obama is an Oreo cookie; not to mention mass murderer and war criminal!
    I, for one, wish he’d STFU!!!
    But then; I guess he fits perfectly with today’s government in the U.S.; fascists, hypocrites, and double crossers…

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