Debt Rattle November 17 2024


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  • #174643

    Massive Missile Strike Launched Russia’s Major Offensive Continues Military Summary For 2024.11.17


    Suck it up. You lost.
    Democracy is 51% of the voters
    Democracy is 49% of voters must accept nonviolent transfer of power and follow the lead of the new bosses.


    Reading John Days links.
    It is apparent from the information we now get about North Korea which was no doubt previously censored, that NK would mop the floor with SK. It follows that this is not their intent. It follows from that, that we are the aggressors. Same as the Russian steppes (Ukraine) since WWII.

    On the morning of November 17th, Russian forces launched a devastating attack on the Ukrainian rear infrastructure. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine assessed it as one of the largest missile and drone attacks in history.

    Posted by: Apollyon | Nov 17 2024 1


    The skirpal thing had some of the same ghost-story for gradeschoolers element as ISIS

    AlQueda is super duper scary, bad bad bad bogeyman Al Queda….

    But there’s an even biggerer, super-dupererier, scarrier, bad-badder terris group called ISIS. Look at the videos of beheadings that break TOS yet don’t get taken down….

    Nerve Gas is super scary. Sarin Gas is like, the super duper scariest one, 20x more deadly! The deadliest in the WORLD!

    There’s this super-duper-doooper scary nerve agent called NOVICHOK. Sounds SUPER DUPER slavic, SUPER Russian, amirite? and it’s 20x more deadlier, badderer, and scarier than SARIN!!!!!!!! BOOOOOOO!

    So when the Bad Man Putin sprayed people directly in the face with Novichok, causing them to take a 20 minute nap on a park bench, it was the most mostest super duper worst thing EVARRRRRRRRR.

    Such a scary thing that anyone who touched it, came near it, was in the same building, was within 100 feet of it, didn’t drop dead because of how deadly it is. SUPER SCARY DEADLY AND VERY SLAVIC AND RUSSIAN. Christ on a pogo stick.


    Regarding SNAP:
    A work requirement might be added for some able-bodied adult beneficiaries, with federal spending on the program capped.

    Statements like these really cause me to wonder.
    Except in times of high unemployment in the state (such as during C19) there already is a work requirement for SNAP. It gets waived (partially or fully) for adults who…

    • care for minor children
    • Are disabled
    • attend school
    • Care for disabled or elderly adults
    • are themselves elderly/retired

    So…which category of the above are intended to be pushed into the workforce for SNAP?


    If you fucking sprayed someone in the face with a Pam™ can of Novichok™, you’d instantly die yourself unless you were wearing a full hazmat space suit. Did someone walk up in a full hazmat space suit?

    If you sprayed a doorknob with Novichok™, you’d want to be in a full hazmat space suit to survive doing so.

    20×20=400 still? That hasn’t changed? 400x the power of regular nerve gas?

    Is there some magical substance that perfectly contains the Novichok™ so when you somehow slather it on a door knob, 1/400th cannot make it to you from 1 foot away and knock you dead?

    They had some sort of gigantic, super expensive government program to make nerve gas that behaves totally unlike nerve gas — because that’s what they wanted and requested. some head honcho said “Boys, give me nerve gas that doesn’t act like nerve gas. Here’s 500 billion dollars I want it pronto chop chop – by the way, I want you to start with something 400x the strength of regular nerve gas!”

    and having made some super space-age substance that STOPS the nerve gas from killing the person spraying/applying it – this mixture still remains Novichok-Deadly™ when people touch it though?

    Or that’s why they just took a nap when exposed? Some huge high tech program to take Novichok™ the most deadliest thing ever, mix it with our space-age goo, and have less potency than an Amazon tree frog. Brilliant. This way, we don’t use a frog. Or over-the-counter rat poison or fuck, just Draino™

    See? That’s JUST what those clever dastardly Russians would think of.

    What’s next, a Russian agent gives an expat a 3rd degree burn by walking up to them and detonating a hydrogen bomb specially formulated to allow people to deliver H-Bombs by hand, on foot, and survive? 100mt explosion with the effect of an electric kettle?

    I barely restrained myself the other times skirpals made it into the news. I’ll stop now.


    Like, did the UK intelligence services contract JJ Abrams to invent their story?

    “Hey man. I’m the new Speilberg! I’ll take any dumb idea that wasn’t my own, but THEN woah, check this out, make it super-er and dooper-er – cause I heard in film scool, ya gotta have STAKES, bro”

    Intelligence functionary: “Guy took the first star wars, used the same plot and characters, but dumber, made the Death Star a planet instead of a moon, had it destroy solar systems instead of planets. Consistently step-functions ‘stakes’ up one level while lowering IQ of the idea by a standard 40 points minimum. He checks out, sir. It’s a go.”

    Okay NOW I am stopping.

    Dr. D

    “Suck it up. You lost.
    Democracy is 51% of the voters
    Democracy is 49% of voters must accept nonviolent transfer of power and follow the lead of the new bosses.”

    Hahahaha! Absolutely. Suck it ‘tards!

    (However in a Constitutional Republic they still retain all their legal, property, and human rights and must be properly adjudicated in a court of law is any crimes are committed)

    I am so IN. They’ll never survive our implementation of human rights and LAW! Bwahahahaha!

    Dr. D

    Those dastardly Russkies who poisoned the Skripals should be super easy to find and camera: They’re the ones wearing a 20-pound hazmat suit all the way from Porton Down the train station Moscow. And wore it all the way back to the hotel and their decontamination chamber where they took a light shower (this is literally the UK’s allegation), that had street and hotel people dropping dead in a 40-foot swath all the way.

    …Until they rubbed on some Axe bodywash, of course. That smell can kill anything.

    Anyway, Scotland Yard was entirely baffled and unable to find them by following the 40-foot plume of dead bodies. …Which is why it was so lucky an executive from Porton Down was on sight at exactly that moment to help. Yup. All perfectly explainable you suspicious doubting man.

    Figmund Sreud

    “Star Track” vs “Star Wars” – transition / discussion:

    Figmund Sreud

    … feeling bit of great excitement and eagerness happening out there!

    Poland scrambles fighter jets amid massive Russian airstrikes in neighboring Ukraine

    Ukrainian energy holding DTEK says thermal power plants were targeted in Russian attack, causing ‘serious damage’


    Skirpals come home to their apartment with the novichok-slathered doorknob.

    Piles of bodies in the hall blocking their door. Skirpals assume this is just a cultural norm for the UK, muscle the bodies aside, already on the brink of losing consciousness, manfully grasp the door knob.

    Russians wandering the streets of England in hazmat-space suits deploying Novichok™ but law enforcement and all the citizens cannot notice them because they go around with fedoras precariously balanced on top of their space helmets.

    Multiple policemen reviewing video footage of the assassination attempt baffled, scratching their chins, “How the sam hill did they pull it off, Bob?” ….Russians in space suits very obviously milling back and forth onscreen murdering everyone, teetering fedoras threatening to fall or blow off at any moment.

    On the way back, the wind blows a fedora off and a British citizen points, exclaims, “It’s YOU!!!!!” but then the Russian grabs the hat off the ground, perches it on his space-helmet again

    “Where’d he go?”


    Putin talking with FIS, FSB, other agency heads in a meeting room in the 10th level of a secret bunker. Rubs hands together.

    Putin: ….and I’d like you to assassinate tHe sKiRpAlS. Har-har-HARrrrrr

    Assistant: Shouldn’t be a problem sir. 20 million undocumented migrants in the UK. We’ll pay 20 of them to stab the Skirpals with screwdrivers

    Putin: No, that’s no good.

    Assistant: Small airplane crash?

    Putin: No

    Assistant: Hit and run with a motor vehicle?

    Putin: No

    Assistant: Self-Nail gun x50? Falling down an embankment blocked off by a high fence? Hot tub? Falling from the top of a skyscraper to a mezzanine, then from the mezzanine to the ground?

    Putin: You don’t get it, do you?

    Assistant: Blow dart from behind a curtain at a fancy dinner theatre club? Silenced .22?

    Putin: You’re harshing my buzz, bro.

    Assistant: uh… nerve gas? We’ll buy standard nerve gas on the open market, have a tiny canister release it in their room on a motion sensor trigger? Untraceable due to its generic properties?

    Putin: Look man. What do I have to do here? I was with the KGB. Stone cold killer. We did secret ops for DECADES during the cold war. Knew our business like none other.

    Assistant: Uh…. if you’re looking for a terror factor, we could have our agents buy sarin gas on the open market anonymously. Still untraceable but scarier

    Putin: Fuck. Okay, I will come out and say it. I. Want. Novichok™

    Assistant: The unique super-powerful nerve gas meant to kill people in millions, easily traceable back to Russia as its sole producer to kill these 2 expats you find mildly annoying?

    Putin: THANK you. YES. Yes, exactly. I want this easily traceable totally overpowered hammer the size of the alps used for a screwdriver’s job. YES. Thank you. Finally.

    Assistant: I don’t know why we needed to be 10 levels underground for this, but I’ll see that it gets done sir.

    Dr D Rich

    Captain once….notice lower case a-p-t-a-i-n

    She’ll never be a CAPTAIN and she knows it. It’s a sister service.

    My theory is she’s TG or TV….Socratic-level stoicism, deep masculine voice, manly face, male gender activities (ANG, Alabama military school, surfing), infertile by IVF and biomale)

    Dr D Rich

    The Crying Game

    Dr D Rich

    Shamir over at Unz clearly had some of the TAE locals in mind.

      (Shamir) (explaining why the Jewish gatekeepers keep popping up to police goy thinking


      Some folks are bold enough to admit that Zionists are criminals, but then they immediately will cover themselves with political correctness by idolizing the Jews. Vice versa is also a viable opinion.”

      “Nowadays the formula has been simplified: Nazis support Israel, Progressives support international Jewry. And nobody is left who is against both. This divide-and-conquer alchemy works just as long as the Jews and Israel both remain awful. Some folks are bold enough to admit that Zionists are criminals, but then they immediately will cover themselves with political correctness by idolizing the Jews. Vice versa is also a viable opinion: the Jews are a problem that needs to be solved, and the State of Israel is that solution. This is an elementary dialectical ploy…”

    Formerly T-Bear

    Congratulations, the illegal occupant of the White House has gone and let lose the missiles of war. What ever makes that old dullard think the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s words have no weight when he stated long range OTAN/NATO missiles landing in Russia would be considered a declaration of war by OTAN/NATO countries and appropriate response would ensue. The U.S. public must demand the immediate application of the 25th Amendment to remove Biden and make Harris the first ersatz woman President and remove that from Killery Klinton’s grasp, forever unfulfilled (Cosmic karma for “We came, we saw, he died” harridan-speak).


    Ohio politicians and Jewish groups condemned the procession. “There is no place in this state for hate, bigotry, antisemitism, or violence, and we must denounce it wherever we see it,” Governor Mike DeWine said.

    Yeah, you have to be a Nazi in Ukraine if you want to be a Nazi supported by the USA and the Jews. So much hypocrisy, meanwhile the Jews keep on genociding the Palestinians.


    Pro-Western protesters clash with police in ex-Soviet state

    CIA is up to its old tricks again; the USA just can’t help itself, if there is the opportunity for a fight against some weak people, the USA is there in a flash; the opportunity for a fight against some strong people and the USA suddenly finds 10 reverse gears on its tank and then pay some other poor suckers get their slaves to do the fighting.

    Dr. D

    Yes. I don’t know what to say.

    Let that sink in.


    A Bizarre Kind of Executive Action: The Suppression of Epochal Documentaries

    A Bizarre Kind of Executive Action: The Suppression of Epochal Documentaries

    Same old, same old …

    Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks about the 1953 U.S. coup against the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossaddegh of Iran and of the approximately 72 CIA-led known coups the United States engineered between 1947 and 1989; author Stephen Schlesinger of the Dulles brothers’ work for the United Fruit Company and their subsequent involvement in the 1954 coup d’état against the democratically elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz who was instituting land reform that threatened United Fruit’s hold on so much of the country. In both cases, and many others, the U.S. supported vicious dictators and decades of terrible bloodshed and civil wars. We see a clip of JFK himself condemn the U.S. support of the Cuban dictator Batista, who was finally overthrow by Fidel Castro and his rebel compatriots, the Cuban Revolution that Kennedy understood and sympathized with.

    The USA controlling dictators in Central America so that some white guy can make profits off of the black slaves and their fruit. It is always the weak with the CIA.

    As Curtin says

    the fate of all people was then, and is now, linked to the need to transform the U.S. warfare state into a country of peace and human reconciliation

    Listen to all that reconciliation coming out of the USA after the Trump selection … same old, same old.


    Trump announcing that he is stealing the Syrian oil. Same old, same old.


    Dr D. Here is section you penned that structured my track. Thanks for your relentless musings.

    “I have dollars with a pyramid? Do I now? I’m not entirely in bitcoin and gold and live in the styx where I grow half my stuff and just trade favors with my friends? I pay what? King John says I have to use the pyramid for taxes but shucks darn it all, looks like I didn’t do any work or make any money this year, so in fact, Uncle Owes me! (earned income credit) Must be the darn economy. Fix your s–t and we’ll all go back to work.
    Since I refuse debt except to buy Bitcoin, therefore ending the Fed, the Bankers, and the Dollar, I have no overhead and living under this bridge is cheap, leaving me plenty of time to write financial articles explaining this to others and giving them options besides being victims in life. With each person that grows food, drops out of the system and ends debt, the resistance grows larger, as it’s just another name for “success” and “not being a fool.”
    I follow almost no laws as the police are too busy to deal with me, but since I have my own internal morality, that never gets me into any trouble. For the few laws remaining, I ignore those too, merely doing a cost/benefit ratio on breaking them, same as I would for crossing a high river or going into bear country: reality exists, you know. Law? What law? We all know it’s optional, I’m just taking them up on their fine example, and get a lawyer uncaring if it’s legal or illegal, same as they do. Or maybe I’m in a city, doing more or less the same thing, with far more action and exploits, breaking the law on purpose and getting rich.
    What are you doing instead, shooting people? My guess is no, because that’s a serious business for serious people and would take up all your attention.
    This is what I said to begin with: they are an occupation government, with no authority, so I ignore all their laws and resist. If you are in prison or on a chain gang, you’re not a slave, you’re a resistor. You can only be a slave if you accept that there is or could be any legitimacy to that. There isn’t.
    “Mahatma Gandhi — ‘They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience.” Slavery is the “Obedience” part, where they can sleep soundly not terrified I’ll escape and burn their house down while they sleep. I’m not very obedient like that. Sleep tight, Sunshine.

    Dr. D

    Guess there’s only this:

    Dr D Rich

    Self-hatred, in-group cognitive dissonance, industrial-grade hypocrisy….who knows??

      Tulsi Gabbard once touted working for anti-gay group that backed conversion therapy

    Loving, caring, understanding…

    I mean she changed(s) her mind to please whom, Her Daddy and his pet project, perhaps?

    D will opine and know what to say.
    Count on it.

    I suppose the inexplicably, chaotic behavior goes along with another one of those fringe, batshit-crazy pseudo-religions.

    Latest edit of Tulsi’s wikipedia page is November 17, 2024. Dr d?

    2002, while working as a self-employed martial arts instructor, Gabbard dropped out of Leeward Community College, where she was studying television production, to run successfully for election to the Hawaii House of Representatives.

    (((That’s the typical path to nowhere…CC dropout. Try fitting THAT into your resumé or qualification for Director National Intelligence))))

    According to Gabbard, she grew up with Hindu values.[61] She follows the Vaishnava tradition of the Hindu faith,[336][61] and values as her spiritual guide the Bhagavad Gita,[337] which includes the principles of Karma[338][339] and Dharma


    (((Yeah, okay. So do 1.4 billion others give or take 500 mil)))

    Science of Identity Foundation (SIF) is a new religious movement that professes to combine some teachings of yoga with aspects of Gaudiya Vaishnava theology. It is a domestic non-profit corporation in the state of Hawaii and its purpose is: “spiritual, religious and educational activities concerned with spreading love of God.” [1] It was founded by Chris Butler in the 1970s, and is based out of Hawaii, United States. Its condemnation of homosexuality and hostility toward Islam have been heavily criticized.

    (((There’s that dialectical again. “Spreading love for God but not love of you since you don’t belong. DEI for me but not for thee)))

    Dr D Rich

    Typical femme baritone

    Michael Reid

    Left is a Vicious Wounded Tiger,
    They Want Us Dead – Larry Klayman

    Left is a Vicious Wounded Tiger, They Want Us Dead – Larry Klayman


    Seeking Volunteers To Join New Department Of Government Efficiency

    promised to uncover the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic…”Bill Gates, Fauci will both be arrested for lying to the public about the COVID-19 vaccine,” Kennedy said last month. “And he’s going to have to go to trial.”​

    Volunteers of America?
    Sign me the fuck up for Hangman after the trials…can you hear us now with all your censorship, lies and crimes against the world for your “policies”?

    I volunteer for hangman. Fuck you and die covid cult scum.


    Has anybody volunteered to stuff a Gerbil up Graham’s ass?

    Admiral “Rachael”, KJP, Buttgag, and Nuclear cross-dresser luggage stealer tards offering services for Mx Graham. Pronouns fuck/you.


    Any last words? the hangman cometh…

    Yeah !!!

    Michael Reid

    Ex-Top Official Catherine Austin Fitts: Inside Trump’s Victory, RFK Jr., and the Deep State

    Michael Reid

    John Mearsheimer & Douglas Macgregor: U.S Secret Move Target Iran, 3 Nuclear Bomb will Israel Uses!


    If the USA nukes Iran we will have discovered why Trump was selected. The “desperate Democrats” is an excellent angle, given the MSM’s messaging since the selection … the owners are playing you like they are the boss … maybe they are the boss.

    Shit, my iphone keyboard is going nuts … can we please raise Steve Jobs from the dead? Hey, Jew boy, sorry, Jew baby the Benton, ask your god, see what he says; don’t ask, don’t get.


    Yeah, I know Trump has Musk on his team, which means the tax payer is funding Trump’s campaign and PR, but this is simply ridiculous …

    The selection story is that 51% voted fot Trump, 49% voted for Harris, but now your taxpayer money is being spent trying to convince you that Trump is the unity candidate! Trump, the oligarch is unifying only the mentally hyper, the deranged who can be told stuff then assume it is real, or is going to happen. Oh dear.

    Dr. D

    I’m sorry, you’re laying layer on layer on Tulsi. Why?

    Do you have ANY evidence for ANY of this? I mean, certain celebrities, you seem to be able to find old photos and see their package through their dress on national TV. That doesn’t prove anything, but they have my attention.

    I’m not against the proposal all this is possible, but we need ANY EVIDENCE AT ALL. Not even good evidence. SOME evidence.

    How about this: She’s a very normal active type, same as I grew up with, surfing as a kid in Hawaii. Wants adventure, easily captured by the next exciting thing. She grew up Hindu as far back as her mother, and like a lot of Americans, Californians, this is just a classic New Age bent. She’s part of a political machine on Hawaii, so like Beto, the political machinists around them, pick up the Boss’s kids as a new opportunity to Political Machine. Eventuall she says okay — I mean what are the options? Working at a Spam stand? — and ends up in State politics.

    To advance this, but also for adventure, she joins the National Guard, which after 2001 (2004) sends here to Iraq, which is predicable. She doesn’t use her extensive connection to dodge this. Being there, and being a real person, she, like so many, may be patriotic but this is Bulls–t. Yeah, and? Then what? How you gonna STOP this bulls–t missy? Thousands got ground in the mill. They’re not stopping it either, not even the very few who were Congressmen. We got gatekeepers n stuff. Also if she’s too far off the ranch, her family’s own political machine will leave her. Yet she proceeds, first as a Democrat, then as a Republican, avoiding several obvious points to advance her career without scruples, as whacking Hillary, the war, and nuking Kamala from orbit in 2019. It was obvious that going that far would get her drummed out, but at this distant hour it seems very clear that isn’t some kind of position or scam, it was really dgaf about the Party, obedience, n stuff, and had to spend like 4 years in the political wilderness before now.

    Now she’s merely DNI which is like a placeholder position. It’s a go-between, not like a master plan, SecState, CIA Director, DoD, anything. So ooooooh, boy, all that 10 years lost sure was worth it!

    C’mon, what in this story sets you off? That core HIndus are conservative and don’t like gays or Muslims much? Shock. Hindu+Woman is the only reason she can get away with it at all, if I said those things they’d come to my house and jail me for not adoring gays adequately ENOUGH.

    WHY does she have to be a man? As some sort of weird insult? You can be in the Army, in combat for a year and nobody notices you’re sporting a dick n’ balls? If she’s that clever, maybe she should be President, we’re struggling to find competency.

    No, it’s because people LIKE her, and she’s gotten somewhere in life. You got sidelined and haven’t got out, back on the field yet. Same with everyone you instinctively hate and accuse. So? Fix it by getting back on the field and back into the fight and stop shooting fellow soldiers in the back. I told you how to do it: go be a high-level whistleblower and run the talk circuit, mud f–k these m—-f—rs until they’re sorry they ever heard your name or crossed you. Or die trying. They’ve taken over your country and murdered a dozen people you personally know about. Do something.


    Michael R., thanks for the vid. of Catherine Austin Fitts, I knew about her vaguely some time ago, had forgotten about her…

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