Debt Rattle November 3 2014


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    DPC Masonic Temple, New Orleans 1910 • Bank of Japan Bazooka To Spark Currency War (CNBC) • China Faces Trap In Currency War (MarketWatch) • Germany R
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 3 2014]


    “While conservatives and liberals alike frequently promote the obnoxious falsehood that the middle class and small business are the “backbone of the U.S. economy,” the reality is quite a bit different.

    In truth, the individuals who have and always will power the economy and society forward are the much-demonized ‘1 percenters’ who, by virtue of the alleged pejorative attached to them, are the relatively few. […]

    Canadian economist Reuven Brenner refers to these rare individuals as the “vital few,” and while prominent members of the largely fraudulent economics profession offer up evidence-free assertions about the alleged horrors of income or wealth inequality, rarely do they stop and think how very bland and impoverished the world would be for those not at the top absent the people who regularly list as the world’s richest.”

    Ah, yes, where would we be without the 1%? Carry trades, capital zipping all over the world, high frequency trading, tax havens, hoarding of commodities, food costs soaring, deforestation, strip mining, pollution, insider trading, lobbyists, buying of politicians through campaign contributions, monopolies, cartels, QE’s, secret trade deals, cheap money, mark to whatever you want, bail-outs, bail-ins, financial innovation, shadow banking, derivatives, LIBOR rigging, bought-and-paid-for media, interest rate suppression, corporate personhood…..none of these things have helped the 1% one little bit. They’re just naturally gifted people and they make the world a better place (gag)! More like they rig the world in their favor. I don’t consider that “gifted”.

    Approximately 1% of the population are psychopaths/sociopaths. Is this a coincidence? I think not.

    A self-professed psychopathic woman, who has never felt empathy or remorse, says exactly what “rapier” keeps mentioning, that the 1% are the actors and we just follow. She says: “I think when I was growing up, I saw the women around me and they all seemed…..acted upon instead of actors in the world.”

    Imagine feeling no remorse or empathy. Unless you can feel something, you aren’t ever going to change – never ever – and you aren’t going to stop what you’re doing either. Shallow, flat, soulless, empty. These are the people who are running our world.

    “Psychopaths dominate the halls of power in both the United States and throughout the world. The current economic, political, military and legal system breeds psychopaths, rewarding psychopathic behavior and punishing those with conscience and integrity. Psychopaths will naturally be drawn to and converge at the apex of the power pyramid as much from their own drive for ambitious power as the hierarchical system that both requires and reinforces those who can comfortably operate without conscience, guilt or any genuine level of empathy toward others.”

    “Masters of Manipulation”: Psychopaths Rule The World


    Ilargi – “Why does an Institute for Climate Impact Research have a chief economist in the first place?” Good question. I suppose just to keep the “growth” story alive, make sure it doesn’t get curtailed by anyone. He’d be the gatekeeper.

    Karl Denninger linked to an Ann Barnhardt article. Some of it was good: no branch banking or bank holding companies (keeping banking local), no more computer-executed trades, exchanges must be not-for-profit, banks posting their own capital against unsecured loans, etc., but then she comes to this:

    “Human populations should GROW. People should reproduce in excess of the replacement rate. ‘Be fruitful and multiply.'”

    Notes for Apres la Guerre Part 2: Banking and Financial Market Theory

    I see this over and over again. They think through the banking part, and then a gear jams up somewhere, all flow is cut off, and we have a flat line.

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