Debt Rattle September 4 2020


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    Robert Capa Catholic church between bricks from the destroyed Jewish Ghetto Warsaw, Poland 1948   • Bipartisan Washington Insiders Plan for Chaos
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 4 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Robert Capa Catholic church between bricks from the destroyed Jewish Ghetto Warsaw, Poland 1948

    That’s an awesome photograph; no human’s that I can discern, anywhere to be seen…
    I must profess ignorance, when it comes to that part of WWII…shame on me…

    V. Arnold

    “As humans we are fragile biological entities who will die unless we take care of each other”

    – David Graeber

    Kudos to Steve Keen’s eulogy for Graeber; likewise Nassim Taleb as well.
    I loved Debt, The first 5,000 Years; it grew me up to the world/humans in debt.
    It freed me to live a real/genuine life, debt free for the last decade plus…
    RIP David Graeber…


    Aube Digitale has translated my Wednesday article They Only Serve Themselves into French: Ils ne font que se servir eux-mêmes…


    I have David’s book on my shelf but sheepishly admit to not having read it yet. I will do so this winter.


    Congrats on getting your excellent article translated Ilargi.


    60 days to go till November 3 and hunting season is open. Smear’s the word. It’ll be so ugly many people will just turn away in disgust. Many others will keep staring at it the way people stare at traffic accidents.

    Hunting season for politicians is one day, every 4 years.
    Hunting season for deer is for 4 months every year.

    Deer’s average life span is 7- 12 years
    There are no studies on the average life span for politicians.


    Hunting season for politicians is one day, every 4 years.

    You live in the past. It’s 12 months now. And twice on Sunday. I don’t know if we can blame Trump for that, or CNN, but there’s no denying it is open season all year long now. Which saved CNN’s ass of course.

    Dr. D

    Ubi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant “They make a desert and call it peace” -Tacitus

    And he would know. Note they get a lather for Hiroshima when much worse was done here, Dresden, and all over.

    Remember kids, we can make every U.S. city look like this in 30 minutes, with or without foreign help.

    “It’ll be so ugly many people will just turn away in disgust.”

    Yes: Turn away from the US$. Prepare accordingly. Gold hasn’t doubled for nothing.

    “all these war scenarios claim that if Biden doesn’t win big, there’ll be war in the streets.”

    There’s so much in there, it writes itself, but note this one: If Biden wins, Trump supporters won’t riot or do anything else. …Because Trump supporters are the only violent irrational ones. Meanwhile, Democrats, being full of peace and love WILL riot unless there is a 49-state Biden landslide. …Because Antifa and the Marxist left adore Biden so much.

    Ah, you can’t make it up. Okay, John, I’ll take your word for it: Trump is peaceful and Biden is violent, got it. Whiskey Tango.

    The Trump Era Sucks and Needs to Be Over (Matt Taibbi)”

    Ah, Taibbi, what are YOU thinking? Not much, “it’s just words he’s saying.” It’s a shame so many good and snappy writers make no logical sense, and “Without Evidence” is a 1-second Google click away.

    He is doing something. They are thinking something. The other guy has a point and isn’t dumb, or no dumber than the rest of us. You just don’t want to ask and believe it. Which is arrogance. The kind that loses elections.

    “If Dems Win in 2020, It’s Virtually Impossible for GOP Ever to Win Again (PJW)”

    Pretty inflammatory. Maybe he didn’t notice that they said this same thing about the GOP in 2015. It’s not un-true, but I wouldn’t trust either side. Trust, but verify. You know, like those now 100,000 mail-in votes that have been discarded nationwide. No one cares. They demand mail-in only over Saint Birx and Pope Fauci.

    US Court: NSA Mass Surveillance Program Exposed By Snowden Was Illegal (DW)”

    Good, but this was the SECOND time Federal Court has said it’s illegal and unconstitutional. They didn’t care the 1st time either. I think the DNC should Impeach until this is straightened out. Instead they gave the NSA more money than was asked.

    “governments everywhere possessed immense powers.”

    Sure. Sure they do. They can’t even order coffee correctly. They only thing they have is your slavish compliance. Without that, they are helpless. Their power is you giving YOUR power away. Don’t. Stay home. Comply with nothing.

    “The virus brought the 24-hour curfew”

    The virus didn’t bring it. YOU did. Voluntarily. Every person that died from the economy, you did on purpose. And you can stop killing them, black businesses and black inner city people any time you want. Is it time?


    Hunting season

    Lots of talk. Legal only during hunting season. Heehehehe


    Over at the Slog (“Trump vs Biden”) there is a video that may be of some interest. Thanks to kbx66.
    I think there are some surprises ahead this election season.
    I still can’t hyperlink- the realslog should get you there.


    Sorry- nobody likes blind “links”. It’s a rap video/trump ad. I have a suspicion you’ll come across it somewhere else.


    I still can’t hyperlink

    What’s the problem?


    If there is anything that makes humans special, it is our ability to laugh at tragedy.

    20:20 is the year the chickens came home to roost. Donald Trump is such a transactional, money magnet, dyed in the wool, neoliberal oligarch, that I believe he said to a father of a fallen soldier at his grave site that they all are losers. How apt an eulogy for the fallen corporate led Western Empire that had no heart, no love, no community.

    Only the restoration of government by and for the people can save the USA from breaking apart.

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