Democracy Still Isn't Dead in Europe
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- This topic has 10 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 11 months ago by
April 4, 2012 at 8:59 pm #2288
April 4, 2012 at 10:39 pm #2289mheyman
Participant” In the “distant future”, there most likely won’t be anyone deciding any issues for an entire continent of people.” … does the US count as an entire continent of people? 🙂
April 5, 2012 at 12:33 am #2296StuVic1
MemberMheyman, you have hit the perverbial nail on it’s head!!! What the USA is going through right now and has been for the past 4 years is what much of Europe (and the world) has been going through. Unfortunately for the USA it has vastly been done in a code of silence. The FED has been the manipulator and not the government as they are the “Man behind the curtain” in all of this. Pulling the levers and dictating the winners and losers (or trying to but failing miserably). The press is complicit in all of this white washing it under the table for nobody to see. The white house equally failing to expose the truth and in many instances in my opinion adding more lies on top of the existing lies being told. A total manipulation (I.E. SCAM) of the disengaged public. Add to this the truly remarkable belief by this administration and most of it’s cronies that they are actually doing GOD’s work and there you have it… the reason for 95% of the countries problems!!
We need TRUE TRANSPARENCY, TRUTH, and ETHICS back in Washington and that cannot come soon enough. I will state right now however that just changing the “D” to a “R” won’t get it done. We need the RIGHT “R” or “D” who is in it for the country and not for themselves…
April 5, 2012 at 2:14 am #2297sumac.carol
ParticipantMy world is starting to confront some economic walls now. What is coming true is that, as TAE has said, by the time stuff starts to happen, the options of many are limited without the benefit of some advance planning and action. I’m really hoping to try to work on the ‘community building’ thing in some way so that we can help each other through.
On the democracy front, my organization recently implemented a new very restrictive ethics code that effectively puts many of us in contravention just by doing our daily jobs. It is shocking for some to confront this reality, particularly those who believe that they and their employer are “on the same team”. The inoculation of learning about these types of shifts in advance really does, in my opinion, reduce some of the stress when they arrive at the door. Thanks again for your efforts.
April 5, 2012 at 7:21 am #2299Reverse Engineer
MemberInteresting that the Krauts can attempt to exercise some “Democratic Rights” in their Parliament that the Greeks were unable to exercise in theirs. “Democracy” appears to work better for the Creditor Nation than it does for the Debtor Nation. LOL.
Anyhow, even if they manage to exercise some Democracy here, if they vote to stop subsidizing the Greeks (and Italians, Spics et al), they’ll just end up crashing their own economy, so keeping Democracy functional in Krautland doesn;t do a whole lot to ameliorate the problems here.
You cannot resolve a basic economic problem by political means, be it Democracy, Plutocracy or Dictatorship really. They can vote any old way they like, there STILL won’t be enough Oil to go round here through all these economies to keep them perking.
April 5, 2012 at 1:26 pm #2305ashvin
ParticipantReverse Engineer post=1903 wrote: Interesting that the Krauts can attempt to exercise some “Democratic Rights” in their Parliament that the Greeks were unable to exercise in theirs. “Democracy” appears to work better for the Creditor Nation than it does for the Debtor Nation. LOL.
Amen to that. Parliamentary democracy in European nations is a much more complex tradition than the American presidential republican system, as it cannot simply ignore thousands of years of European history, politics, culture, etc. The EU is really an attempt to squash those traditions and homogenize the nations, just like the US states under a federal fiscal republic. That is a major reason why any and all expressions of democracy at the national level in Europe have become anathema to preservation of the Union.
Anyhow, even if they manage to exercise some Democracy here, if they vote to stop subsidizing the Greeks (and Italians, Spics et al), they’ll just end up crashing their own economy, so keeping Democracy functional in Krautland doesn;t do a whole lot to ameliorate the problems here.
If we define the problem as ignoring reality and continuing with BAU until it is much too late to mitigate any damages to national populations, then I’d say functional democracy still carries possibilities of amelioration, if for no other reason than forcing Euro governments to confront the impossibility of remaining in a cohesive Union. Our definition of the problem is slightly different from theirs, though…
April 7, 2012 at 2:15 am #2356AndrewP
MemberThe Eurocrats will wait for the most opportune time. They will wait for maximum crisis. Then they will seize power over all the EU (at least the EuroZone part). They will ignore the Bundestag or any other State parliament, just as the US Federal Government ignores State legislators and Governors. They will draft the unemployed masses into a new EU Army, paid for by money printing. Then they will seize the “Force De Frappe” (French Nuclear Arsenal) with that army. Once all the instruments of force are theirs, they will establish the new EU order. One Caesar, One Reich, One Europe.
Remember, the ECB is the only truly Sovereign EU agency. It controls the currency. It has the exclusive power to print money. That fact in itself makes it Sovereign. And once the ultimate weapons are also under its command, it will be Supreme.
April 7, 2012 at 1:50 pm #2373ashvin
ParticipantYou may generally be right, Andrew P, and if recent history is predictive, then you most likely are. I think timing will be a very important factor in this whole Euro drama, and I think that’s at least one factor that is NOT totally or even significantly within the control of the Eurocrats and their financial masters. The global financial system is well past its tipping point, and issues of financial contagion seem to be popping up much faster than the Eurocrats would prefer, while also having unanticipated financial and sociopolitical effects. I don’t think we should over-estimate just how big their window of opportunity will be when the time of “maximum crisis” arrives.
April 8, 2012 at 3:58 pm #2464TheTrivium4TW
ParticipantStuVic1 post=1900 wrote: Mheyman, you have hit the perverbial nail on it’s head!!! What the USA is going through right now and has been for the past 4 years is what much of Europe (and the world) has been going through. Unfortunately for the USA it has vastly been done in a code of silence. The FED has been the manipulator and not the government as they are the “Man behind the curtain” in all of this. Pulling the levers and dictating the winners and losers (or trying to but failing miserably). The press is complicit in all of this white washing it under the table for nobody to see. The white house equally failing to expose the truth and in many instances in my opinion adding more lies on top of the existing lies being told. A total manipulation (I.E. SCAM) of the disengaged public. Add to this the truly remarkable belief by this administration and most of it’s cronies that they are actually doing GOD’s work and there you have it… the reason for 95% of the countries problems!!
We need TRUE TRANSPARENCY, TRUTH, and ETHICS back in Washington and that cannot come soon enough. I will state right now however that just changing the “D” to a “R” won’t get it done. We need the RIGHT “R” or “D” who is in it for the country and not for themselves…
“We say in our platform that we believe that the right to coin money and issue money is a function of government. We believe it. We believe it is a part of sovereignty….
“Those who are opposed to this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson rather than with them, and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the government and that the banks should go out of the governing business.
“When we have restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will be possible, and that until that is done there is no reform that can be accomplished.”
~William Jennings BryanApril 8, 2012 at 4:08 pm #2465TheTrivium4TW
Participantashvin post=1978 wrote: You may generally be right, Andrew P, and if recent history is predictive, then you most likely are. I think timing will be a very important factor in this whole Euro drama, and I think that’s at least one factor that is NOT totally or even significantly within the control of the Eurocrats and their financial masters. The global financial system is well past its tipping point, and issues of financial contagion seem to be popping up much faster than the Eurocrats would prefer, while also having unanticipated financial and sociopolitical effects. I don’t think we should over-estimate just how big their window of opportunity will be when the time of “maximum crisis” arrives.
Hi Ash,
These criminals have their eyes on financial data in real time. They know when the natural collapse draws nigh… and they will pull off an event, the straw that broke the camel’s back, as it were, to correlate with the collapse of their Ponzi Debt Dollar Tyranny system and the media will report that the correlation was causation.
My odds on favorite right now is for the war mongering, murderous oligarchs to attack Iran and make sure the Straight of Hormuz is blown up by Iran or blown up by oligarch black ops and blamed on Iran.
That, of course, is speculation – but that would actually play quite well into their hands. The average sheeple would blame Iran for the economic collapse that “the maestro” Bernanke had so skillfully turned into a “recovery.”
Again, there is no grand conspiracy where everyone has to know the plot. Just the system architects and a tight knit inner party know the plot and that includes systematically transferring wealth to the Architect and inner party corporate / government fronts so that their employees unknowingly execute the plan for a much needed pay check.
April 8, 2012 at 6:58 pm #2473ashvin
ParticipantTheTrivium4TW post=2071 wrote: These criminals have their eyes on financial data in real time. They know when the natural collapse draws nigh… and they will pull off an event, the straw that broke the camel’s back, as it were, to correlate with the collapse of their Ponzi Debt Dollar Tyranny system and the media will report that the correlation was causation.
I don’t believe that is possible for anyone to know, regardless of how much real-time financial data they have streaming in. Complex systems theory teaches us that much. Now, it’s a different thing if the TPTB manufacture a “natural collapse” by, let’s say, floating a rumor about a large banking institution that is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy. That would send panic screaming through the markets, and perhaps provide opportunities for the elites to solidify/perfect their mechanisms of control. OTOH, I am confident that many of the elites would never elect for such a strategy, because they have no idea how it will end up for them right now when accounting for all of the inter-related factors out there. Rather, these people are more concerned with keeping everything together with twine and duct tape until they have “adequately” insulated themselves from the fallout (which they cannot predict in advance) and have “post-crisis” plans ready to be deployed on the masses.
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