Images of Children Crying
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June 23, 2018 at 1:07 pm #41379
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterRené Magritte Le Mal du Pays (Homesickness) 1940 The two most viral photographs of the ‘Trump Separation Scandal’ have now been debunked, or at
[See the full post at: Images of Children Crying]June 23, 2018 at 1:41 pm #41380V. Arnold
ParticipantMonsters; we’ve become the person our mothers warned us about.
It has been said photographs don’t lie; any who believe that are doomed to victimhood.
Any who believe anything are already victims.
Belief is a trap.
My favorite alter-ego is Thayer Dowd:
Everything you know is crap.
Everything you think is crap.
Everything you have been taught is crap.
Everything you say is crap.
And everything you believe is crap…
Thayer DowdJune 23, 2018 at 1:55 pm #41381V. Arnold
ParticipantI love the Magritte, by the way.
It’s just so perfect…June 23, 2018 at 2:47 pm #41383zerosum
Reality is a photo shop reality!
Reality another level of THE MATRIX!
June 23, 2018 at 4:48 pm #41384tabarnick
ParticipantWe keep reading stories about villagers in Africa bleeding themselves in order to amass the 2000/3000/5000 euros for smuggler networks to get one of them to Europe and then what? Have that guy rot in a banlieue on welfare? This is a path to happiness? This is absurd!
The real solution to the immigration chaos is for these countries to get their act together. Japan did it a few decades ago. Taiwan, that used to be an agrarian society not really different from Vietnam, followed, along with Korea. China is joining them. THAT is the solution to the migrant crisis. Each country, each society taking care of its own. But this is not something that developed countries can do for them; it is up to each to find whatever inner resources, ingenuity, work, history, models and forge its own path to development. This is way harder and takes more time, but is also incredibly more rewarding and a source of pride than giving up and just sending all their populations to march to Europe or North America for the already overstretched welfare system of these countries to take care of. Arguing that emptying Africa into Europe is the only solution to the ills of the world is absurd. It only makes for unhappy immigrants, incapable of getting jobs, idle, misfits, sullen and resentful of the country they moved to, gathering in dreadful ghettos of welfare and criminality which generates a miror hostility in the host country while depriving the immigrant countries of human resources they would need to get on the path to development. Lose-lose-lose. If developped countries need to slam their doors shut so immigrant countries have to face their own deficiencies, so be it. It is incredibly more productive for rich countries to help third-worlders in their country of origin than it is in the way more expensive Europe. But they have had to cut down on international aid because they are now burdened with hundreds of thousands of migrants to lodge and feed at home.
June 23, 2018 at 6:29 pm #41386zerosum
ParticipantDo you believe that our social/economic systems are humanitarian?
Humanitarianism is an active belief in the value of human life, whereby humans practice benevolent treatment and provide assistance to other humans, in order to better humanity for moral, altruistic and logical reasons. It is the philosophical belief in movement toward the improvement of the human race in a variety of areas, used to describe a wide number of activities relating specifically to human welfare. A practitioner is known as a humanitarian.
Which is it?
Do unto others before they do it to you
Do unto others as you would have them do to you?June 23, 2018 at 6:50 pm #41387Professorlocknload
ParticipantRead about all this back in ‘84, so, no surprise.
June 23, 2018 at 8:18 pm #41388John Day
ParticipantUp-Periscope for a moment:
War has been the traditional solution for ruling elites to maintain their power in times of economic upheaval. Our current local and global economies are “inseparably” connected in the current globalist financial structure. This structure excels at extracting value and reducing current market prices, at the expense of strip-mining all of the production centers, including their environments and people. The exponential growth of this system is fated to meet hard limits, but a little bit before it hits the hard limits, the exponential growth collapses, which makes the financial system collapse, since the growing exponent is the flat-baseline of the current global financial regime. That’s sort of a saving grace, really… It tried to happen in 2008.
There will be a financial reset to a system that functions well without exponential growth. (Or we can just have chaos.) Ideally, it will be functional in wide fluctuations, since we can expect that. That’s what the world has had until the industrial revolution.
China has the longest contiguous history of financial ups and downs, alternating between paper money in growth and gold during declines, each serving a phase of economic cycles. These can be decades and centuries long. China has now come out of a couple of centuries of slump, and is in a sharp rise, but aware of Chinese history, and prepared for a reversion to the gold standard.
Russia has been through her reset, is economically and financially resilient, has lots of natural resources, including oil and gas that other countries need, the means to defend it, and pipelines to move it to markets.
Among the big 3 powers, Russia has the most flexible and least vulnerable position, but way too small of an economy to dream of subduing China or the US/Western-empire. Russia is focusing her brilliance on diplomacy, being the deciding voice in any awkward stalemate in the world.
Russia, China and the US, as “rational actors”, know that nuclear war is a threat to hold over the heads of their own populations, not a rational alternative.
Expunging irrational actors, like the playground-bully neocons, is of primary importance. Then the real deals can be made to carve out spheres of influence, and cut back on wasteful military spending. It looks like negotiations regarding Korea are the start of that.
The US affords military-financial-empire right now, because the global trade currency standard is still the $US. That will not persist, partly due to the decline of American industry, which it has created, as with prior empires. No national currency persists as global trade currency, as a quick review shows.
We can expect is a return of basic industrial production in North America. This will be in the contexts of much lower wages and much lower total bureaucratic cost structure, or it won’t happen at all.
That restructuring of productive economy must mean a cheapening of the upper layers of government, and a return of agency to less remote state and local governments, without any increase in revenues for state and local governments, just a decrease in Federal spending.
Within that overall picture, basic services will still need to be provided, in ways that are least costly to the overall economy.
Natural monopolies, owned and run by local, state and regional government include electricity, roads, waterways and railroads, water and wastewater, communications networks, regulatory agencies and enforcement, means of taxation, law enforcement, education and medical care. I’m sure I have left things out.
The necessary losers here are the portion of the 5% who are not actually skilled contributors to economy, but who manipulate the legal-financial system to draw off skim. They have to get real jobs. They will be tremendously stressed, and many will not be able to perform useful work. They are the politically powerful contingent, screaming “No, No, No”! They are what “pulled us out” of the 2008 financial crisis, by promising lots of nice money to everybody, if they would all just cooperate.
That nice money is promises of a cut of future wealth. Those promises are impossible, like our retirements.
Who loses the most, and when?
That deal may have been cut, but is not yet made public, or it may have to work itself out in very unpleasant ways, especially in the USA. 23, 2018 at 8:57 pm #41389VietnamVet
ParticipantYes, the West is bombarded by corporate media propaganda. William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer lead America into the Spanish-American War. In this case, the agitprop is clearly a continuation of the coup against Donald Trump, promoting open borders and acerbating wedge politics. Women and children are fleeing Central America because life is impossible at home. Migration from Mexico has reversed. Unless repudiated, the forever wars, the destruction of rural America, austerity, and media mogul prodding will splinter the USA apart. There has been 30% increase in suicides in the USA this century. The only resolution is to take some of the hoarded wealth and make life livable again in America.
June 24, 2018 at 1:22 pm #41409Dr. D
ParticipantExcellent rundown JohnDay, of what will happen because it MUST happen. You can go with, or against, but no one is larger than history.
Vet points towards something Martensen said: when things are bad, it’s good, because things won’t change without a reason, without enough stress to give up the old ways. This has a positive side because things are so screwed up and the 5% apparatchiks are taking so much that there’s plenty of gain for everyone if they change and most directions are better than here. Think of it as a corporation with bad management: since the corporation functions and sales are good, but only losing profits and can’t get anything done, any idiot with some common sense can fix it and make it profitable again. Easy-peasy. Sadly, that is also the hardest thing: to admit, address, discipline, and cut out the old ways.
America is the land of lies, and you can just pretty much assume anything, anywhere, from the highest spycraft to the dog catcher’s report is Bullsh*t. Bullsh*t is different from lies in that with lies, you know the truth and are trying to hide it. Americans don’t do that. Bullsh*t is when you don’t know what the truth is and don’t care so long as it sounds good and gets stuff done. …Exactly the recent pictures, and the Times cover. Bullsh*t is kind of less troubling, it’s a good-time, well-meaning thing, but is sadly more dangerous, because the Bullsh*tter doesn’t even know what is real, and what’s worse, they don’t even care. This makes them psychotic and able to believe all opposing things simultaneously. They make fun of Americans not knowing geography, history, world politics, etc, but this is why. If they knew, as good people, they’d be responsible, so they make sure NOT to know, and the media makes sure to help them, good and hard.
Since you’d never learn a single thing in our education system, or in the news however much you follow it, in college, in books, or from other people, how are you supposed to know you don’t know? How are you supposed to go look? One thing’s for sure, it’s the fault of the masses and not the 5%. They’re perfect people and never responsible for anything. I blame the poor for being ignorant, since it can’t be the rich stovepiping them Bulls*t through corporate buyouts, media, politicians, professors and economists, can it?
June 24, 2018 at 3:10 pm #41413regionswork
Participant approval ratings compared to Presidents since FDR.
Trump is a minority President by election and popularity. The Electoral College is one of the political engineering mechanisms to give the South power. The racial discrimination built into U.S. is forever a challenge. Other cultures and nations have their own ways of enslaving others.
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