More Talk About More Growth and More Globalization


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    Arthur Gerlach Children point towards Christmas toys at The Fair Department Store, Chicago 1940   The world is facing the “first lost decade sinc
    [See the full post at: More Talk About More Growth and More Globalization]


    “The answer is to “redistribute some of the benefits of trade” and ensure that workers are able to acquire new skills'”

    What did the ancients do?

    Temples …
    Aqueducts …
    Pyramids …
    Roads ..

    What should we do?

    “The answer is to “redistribute some of the benefits of trade” and ensure that workers are able to acquire new skills'”

    Temples … Temples of learning & retraining
    Aqueducts … Water & Sewage systems
    Pyramids … Mcmansions
    Roads … Bridges & tunnels


    ” We will either see a peaceful transition to a system not based on centralization…”


    Joe Clarkson

    <i>The incumbent economic and political systems, as well as their proponents and cheerleaders, are on the way out. They have all failed miserably.</i>

    They may be on their way out, but they have not “failed miserably”.

    When was the last time a big chunk of the population in Europe or the Americas died of famine. Even Greece, basket case though it is, has a death rate lower than Germany.

    And when was the last world war. We have somehow avoided widespread nuclear incineration since the beginning of the Cold War. That ought to count for something.

    The incumbent political and economic systems have done OK for the last 70 years. They will probably fail to keep things together in the future, but then nobody will be able to do any better, populist or otherwise. Certainly not Trump, Grillo, or Le Pen.

    Anyone in power, including Trump, will be lucky to avoid making things worse as they watch civilization crumble around them. It won’t be too long before these years will be remembered as a golden age, when ordinary people lived like royalty, if not gods.

    It’s an open question as to whether any other system would have been able to do any better for the last few decades. It’s now far to late to find out.


    You acknowledge that civilization is crumbling ‘around them’, but maintain that incumbents have not failed miserably. How does this add up?


    >>You acknowledge that civilization is crumbling ‘around them’, but maintain that incumbents have not failed miserably. How does this add up?<<
    It makes perfect sense from their distorted perspective, a perspective that appears to be anathema for ordinary people to admit. Let me define some terms:

    Politicians = Moral relativist rhetorician modern day sophists for hire (go back and review Socrates / Sophist quarrels)..
    Ruling Oligarchs = Debt-Money Monopolist (NOT politicians, they are hired to a job, hired by Debt-Money Monopolists). The hand that gives (Debt-Money Monopolist mega-bank / Federal Reserve / World Bank / etc… OWNERS and CONTROLLERS.

    The ruling oligarchs are socio/psychopaths. They are guided by one thing – greed for world control. They don’t value ordinary human life, they only value their own lives. Having descended from rulers, their business has always been the business of how to most effectively rule. The control of money is the most effective way to rule. Why do people get out of bed in the morning when they do? Likely because they do it for money. Can’t serve both God and… mammon (money). What is a root of all EVIL? A politician? Not even close. MONEY!

    What you see being erected around you is Debt-Money Monopolist milieu that they believe will create the pretext for themselves to crown themselves rulers of Earth, even if covertly from behind the scenes (the learned from the French Revolution) and allow them to implement their rulership and exterminate opposition most efficiently. It isn’t about ordinary people, it is about the agenda of the Debt-Money Monopolist oligarchs who, by the way, used their control of money to control mega-corporations, including media, and politicians. They also control the “foundations” that then exert control over the schooling system engineered by Rockefeller and Carnegie.

    They know they are going to bankrupt the world. They even titled an article in a newspaper they own, “Is the World Going Bankrupt?” Of course, they never explain HOW or TO WHOM “the world” can go bankrupt, because they don’t want to draw attention to themselves. They CLEARLY plan on asset stripping the masses and rolling up OWNERSHIP of most of physical reality under their TBTF&J mega-corporate structure and they know people will not be happy about it.

    So why fraudulently orchestrate a “clash of civilizations?” Because it is a distraction to THE REAL ISSUE which nobody, including you, seems to want to touch with someone else’s 10′ pole.

    “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
    ~Lord Acton

    I’ve been trying to rally ordinary people against the Debt-Money Monopolist OWNERS for YEARS, but they are distracted with bread, circus, and Bankster propaganda masquerading as “opposition.”

    When the people get wholesale robbed as this prima-facie fraudulent debt-bubble pops, the Banksters will want to turn ordinary people against ordinary people… race wars, culture wars, whatever. It doesn’t matter. As long as it isn’t a war on treasonous and traitors Debt-Money Monopolists.

    There are resource limits. You know that. The Debt-Money Monopolists want those resources for THEMSELVES. What is the biggest threat to their resources? How will the Debt-Money Monopolists deal with that threat – they are used to getting their way and they will DEFINITELY TRY TO GET THEIR WAY.

    Trump is Bankster. He’s no more “changes” than that phony Bankster owned “socialist” in Greece who has further handed the country over to his overlords. After all, as Lenin said and your OWNERS know all too well, the best way to control the opposition is to lead it. Trump got more press on Bankstervision than all the other candidates COMBINED, BOTH PARTIES. Bill Still ran for President and his #1 issue was to removed the MONEY POWER FROM PRIVATE HANDS. Bill Still, who? EXACTLY. He was a threat and you never heard his name.

    Now for strategy. Centralization is the Bankster agenda… just like Lenin, just like Stalin, just like Mao, just like Hitler, just like Julius Caesar. Trump appears to be against this agenda. He isn’t. Hes the sophist the Banksters hired in order to blow the fraudulent debt-bubble up and blame it on something other than their Decepticon political party of choice – their wholly owned Bankster Democratic Party subsidiary. Don’t get offended – they own the Republicans, too. That’s how come NOBODY every talks about the MONEY POWER, THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM THAT IS DESTROYING EVERYONE FUTURE.

    Even you won’t talk about it. I’m fairly certain Nicole knows all debt-money systems are frauds, but I’m not sure you know, nor am I convinced you have ability to perceive it, just as Rothschild predicted…

    “The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”

    Like William Jennings Bryan said, if you don’t solve the MONEY PROBLEM, YOU WON’T SOLVE ANY PROBLEM.

    So, you can whine and cry and virtue signal all the merry day long, but you are only hacking away at a leaf or two of a mature Sequoia of EVIL, Inc.

    I suspect you will continue to avoid hacking on a root of all EVIL, Inc. (Debt-Money and the criminals who operate the debt-money system!) at all costs. You will continue to whine and cry about the hired political sophists, while NEVER ADDRESSING THEIR EMPLOYERS – THE MONEY POWER. Once one is tossed aside, they will hire another one – after expertly framing this person they control according the desires of the masses so they can be duped again.

    The Debt-Money Monopolists will ENGINEER the world according to their agenda. They owe a debt of gratitude to their propaganda arm, and Rockefeller has already paid them his due respects…

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years……It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”
    ― David Rockefeller

    Su0pernational sovereignty of bankers, Debt-Money Monopolist hired minions and quislings. That’s the goal.

    But Rockefeller also owes the “alternate” mind controlled media a debt of gratitude, too.

    You guys keep the ordinary people distracted from the ROOT CAUSE. And there can be no ROOT SOLUTION without addressing the ROOT CAUSE. Rockefeller can’t publicly praise the efforts of distraction by the alternate media, buy I know he’s grateful.

    As Krugman was well taught by his MIT eCON professors – NEVER TOUCH THE MONEY SYSTEM

    Krugman to Lietaer: “Never touch the money system!”

    You’ve followed Krugman’s rule well and he’s well pleased, as are the Debt-Money Monopolists. They couldn’t do it without the obeisance of the alternate media.

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