Opening Money – Community Way Currency


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  • #4689

    Hi All,

    What are we going to do when the banksters criminally restrict the money supply to bust as many people as possible and roll up society’s assets under their multi-national front corporations?

    With that thought in mind, I found this podcast from The Extra Environmentalist quite interesting:

    Opening Money

    I have to give it a second listen, but it seemed like its implementation might be workable.


    There are some very smart organizers in New Zealand experimenting with alternate locally controlled currencies. Will be very interesting to see where they get to. I got the impression, after speaking to one organiser who has done a lot of research in the area, that it is difficult for such currencies to really take off–probably because we don’t NEED these currencies yet. But the experimentation will probably provide very valuable wisdom when the time comes.


    Hi Skip,

    If you haven’t already, take a listen to the Opening Money podcast.

    One of the key issues addressed is how to give business owners an incentive to participate.

    I have to give it a second listen to see if I can pick up more details.

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