Debt Rattle August 31 2018


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  • #42651

    Vincent van Gogh Starry night 1889   • Argentine Peso And Turkish Lira Crash, Put Pressure On Emerging Markets (CNBC) • US, China To Regulate Big
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 31 2018]

    V. Arnold

    Ahhh, the one, the only, Starry Night.

    Thailand is also a source of illegal sand mining. But, not so much coastline sand; coming mostly from the interior.
    Just plain dirt, for filling rice paddies, is illegally mined as well.

    Thailand just banned gyphosate 2 days ago; yesterday they backed off of an outright ban; it’s the money honey!

    Face it; humans are just plain fucked; every man jack one of us needs go stand in front of a mirror and point a finger of guilt at the figure reflected.
    I already did…

    V. Arnold

    ‘Vital’ US Moles in the Kremlin Go Missing! (Stephen Cohen)

    The pre-eminent American scholar of Russian History; Stephan Cohen. His wife is Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation Magazine.
    He is on the John Bachelor show every Tuesday for a 40 minute talk on the; Tales of the New Cold War.
    Usually well worth a listen.



    “… there is an “attack on American democracy”—not by Putin or Trump but by whoever godfathered and repeatedly inflated Russiagate.…”

    Justice for the pot and the kettle. Does this really happen?

    “…Suppose a federal criminal defendant contacts a prospective witness in a case and offers him $50,000 in return for his “cooperation” in his upcoming trial.

    …Suppose a federalprosecutor says to a witness, If you are really ‘cooperative,’ we will recommend that the judge give you the lowest possible sentence, perhaps even probation….”

    V. Arnold

    An excellent and timely article by Pepe Escobar;
    I’d stronly suggest reading it; he lays out the whole Eurasian vs US gambit.
    Mahan, MacKinder, and Spykman are still very relevant to todays geo-political strategies…

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