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 August 21, 2024  Posted by at 12:03 pm Finance Tagged with: , , , , , ,

René Magritte Companions of fear 1942



When I do the Automatic Earth’s Debt Rattles every day, I always make notes, mentally or physically. Most I don’t have to use -my readers are smart-, some I do. And then today I happenstanced upon an article that would have required so many notes, I decided to use it in a different way than usual: give you the whole thing, and you make up your mind.

The writer, Graham Hryce, “is an Australian journalist and former media lawyer, whose work has been published in The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Age, the Sunday Mail, the Spectator and Quadrant.” I’ve quoted more of his pieces published at RT. I always understood why RT liked him. But not now. Hryce, in this piece, more or less says that Trump’s campaign is over, and Kamala is the new queen of the US. (I used his headline too)

Even though, as I wrote realier, “Until recently, nobody knew her. Those in the DNC who did, refused to vote for her. And just like that, she’s more popular than Trump? Sure thing.” Kamala may be elected prresident, she may go on to be the best president we’ve ever seen. But for now, let’s be realistic.

Nobody heard of her before this summer. And it takes time to sell a new car. Especially if it already comes with dents and scratches. And that’s what’s happening: they’re selling you a new car. Because you got tired of the old one. So they make you think this is some revolutionary new Tesla. What do they have to lose?

And yes, Trump is lying low. Any limelight he could get would be stolen by the DNC anyway. This week, they have a news monopoly. But that won’t last until November 5.

Time for you to make your notes… And we DO have a comments section..



Graham Hryce:

Within just a month of becoming the Democratic Party nominee for president, Kamala Harris has forged ahead in the race for the American presidency. How has this remarkable transformation of American politics come about? The answer lies in the departure of the senile and unelectable Joe Biden; Harris’ unexpected effectiveness and dynamism as a campaigner that has re-energized the Democratic Party; and the apparent (post assassination attempt) tiredness, negativity, and ineptitude that now characterizes Donald Trump’s faltering election campaign. Prior to Biden announcing on July 21 that he would step down, most objective political commentators saw a Trump victory in November as inevitable – with the only real issue being how large Trump’s winning margin would be. Many pundits predicted a Trump landslide.

That all changed dramatically a month ago when Biden dropped out of the race. More importantly, within a few days, the Democratic Party had confirmed Harris as its nominee – without her having to go through a time-consuming and distracting primary selection process. It may have taken the Democrats much more time than it should have to depose Biden – contracting Covid-19 was the final nail in the coffin for the doddering president who had become an acute electoral liability – but once they did, they moved swiftly to anoint Harris as his successor. The fact that Biden was not deposed months ago has, oddly enough, worked to Harris’ advantage – because there is now less time before the election for her to be exposed to legitimate and probing criticism from Trump (should he be capable of that) and the media.

Even so, it cannot be denied that Harris has hit the ground running. She has campaigned for the past month with a degree of ability, enthusiasm, and vigor that has probably surprised her own party, as well as a perplexed and seemingly unprepared Trump. Harris’ surprisingly effective performance as a campaigner may be in part due to the inherently low-profile status of the office of vice president. Lyndon Johnson once famously said that being vice president “was not worth a bucket of cold spit” – but Johnson himself, having been sidelined by John F. Kennedy as VP, proved to be a surprisingly capable campaigner in the 1964 presidential election, beating Barry Goldwater in a landslide.

Not only has Harris proved to be an extraordinarily adept campaigner – her recent rallies with vice presidential nominee Tim Walz (a very astute choice by Harris) are drawing large and enthusiastic crowds – she has also re-energized the Democratic Party, as evidenced by the hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign donations that have poured into party coffers in the last month. The contrast between the Democratic Party campaign led by the diminished Biden and the “upbeat and joyous” one led by Harris is stark. Not only can Harris and Walz effectively criticize and, perhaps more importantly, ridicule Trump (“he is just weird”) – they are also able to enthusiastically project a positive vision for America’s future under a Harris presidency.

This vision may be a political illusion, but voters of all stripes in American presidential campaigns have a deep-seated need to believe in the certainty of a better American future. Projecting such a belief was something that was quite beyond the ability of the ailing and much diminished Biden. Harris and Walz have also put forward an economic package that they claim will ease cost of living pressures, as well as other policy initiatives (including lowering the price of prescription drugs) aimed at assisting Americans who have been left behind by the globalized economy. However unviable these measures may prove to be in practice, they will definitely attract voters. Harris’ transformation of the election campaign and her re-vitalization of the Democratic Party are reflected in recent polls – that now show her marginally ahead of Trump in most battleground states.


These polls also suggest that Harris has clawed back ground with black and Hispanic voters, and even some of the white voters that comprise Trump’s primary electoral base. Harris has also energized those Democrat voters who may have stayed at home and not voted for Biden – as well appealing to those crucial swing voters whose votes will determine who will become president in November. The electoral momentum is now definitely with the Harris-Walz campaign, and that momentum can be expected intensify as a result of this week’s Democratic Party convention in Chicago. It is also clear that Harris becoming the Democratic presidential nominee has completely wrong-footed Trump and his campaign strategy.

Last week, the well-regarded Republican election strategist Karl Rove pointed out that Trump seems to have been unprepared for Biden’s withdrawal from the race and his swift replacement by Harris – and that he has been utterly unable to effectively deal with her re-energized campaign. Trump did not campaign for two weeks, and when he finally emerged from bunkering down in Mar-a-Lago, he seemed disoriented and lacking in energy. At last week’s press conference and election rallies, Trump focused on irrelevancies and pointless attacks on Harris in relation to her intelligence, name, and crowd sizes. He described Harris as being “dumb,” and accused her of being a “communist” – because she believes in universal healthcare – as well as being a “fascist.”

Trump, to the despair of his advisers, said nothing about the economy or any other policy issue – but he did find time to make reference to “Hilary Clinton’s emails.” Trump also told a completely false story about being in a helicopter emergency with Harris’ former mentor and boyfriend Willie Brown, a former black mayor of San Francisco. According to Trump, Brown said “terrible things” about Harris during this trip. Brown has now threatened to sue Trump over this story, and it has been verified that it was former white California Governor Jerry Brown who was in the helicopter with Trump. This odder than usual behavior may be a consequence of last month’s assassination attempt, which has perhaps affected Trump more than he is willing to acknowledge.

In any event, it is obvious that Trump lacks the energy and focus that he had in 2016 and 2020. In fact, he is starting to look like a desperate, losing candidate who is unable or unwilling to discuss policy issues or articulate a positive vision for America’s future. One Democratic political strategist described Trump’s recent performances as “pitiful,” and Harris characterized them as “the usual lies and deceptions.” In any event, Trump’s recent public appearances have caused even his staunchest supporters a great deal of concern. In the past few days, both Lindsay Graham and Bill O’Reilly have publicly told Trump that he needs to completely readjust his campaign strategy if he wants to win in November.


Late last week, Trump announced that he was hiring five new political advisers – including former political adviser Corey Lewandowski, who was previously sacked by Trump after the wife of a donor complained that he had made unwanted sexual advances towards her. When he worked for Trump in 2016, Lewandowski’s motto was “Let Trump be Trump.” Whether or not Lewandowski’s appointment proves to be a success remains to be seen. One of Trump’s main ongoing problems is his vice presidential candidate, J.D. Vance. Trump’s choice of Vance has been an unmitigated disaster – with his misogynistic views of women and his extreme position on abortion alienating female and swing voters, and his previous harsh criticisms of Trump (including comparing him to Hitler) causing ongoing, unnecessary, and distracting controversy.

Trump’s recent waning popularity, however, is not altogether surprising. In 2016, Trump was an intriguing novelty in American politics – a populist who had captured the Republican Party. His opponent was Hillary Clinton, an elite opponent with a great deal of political baggage and limited political skills. Clinton believed that she was entitled to become president, foolishly described Trump voters as “deplorables,” and haughtily refused to campaign in crucial battleground states. After eight years of domestic division, stagnation, and foreign policy debacles under Barack Obama and the Democrats, a slim majority of American voters were willing to elect Trump over Clinton in the misguided belief that he would “make America great again.”

If Biden, rather than Clinton, had been the Democratic candidate in 2016, Trump would never have become president. In 2020, a small majority of American voters decided that four years of Trumpian chaos were more than enough and opted to put Biden in the White House. And in the 2022 midterm elections, the predicted Trump landslide failed to eventuate – with voters refusing to elect candidates endorsed by Trump who falsely and foolishly claimed that Biden had stolen the 2020 election. Trump is still touting this lie – this may appeal to the more ignorant of his voting base, but alienates swing voters who believe in liberal democracy and value political stability.

The truth is that if the Democrats had had a viable candidate for the presidency for the better part of this year, Trump would probably not have been in the position that he was until Harris replaced Biden. Trump, in fact, in a rare moment of political insight, all but admitted this at a recent rally when he said “I shouldn’t have knocked Biden out of the race.” Now that Harris has unexpectedly turned out to be a credible and popular candidate, Trump’s popularity is understandably on the slide once more – and, barring some unforeseen catastrophe, Harris appears headed for the White House.





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Home Forums Kamala Harris May Well Win The White House

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    René Magritte Companions of fear 1942     When I do the Automatic Earth’s Debt Rattles every day, I always make notes, mentally or physicall
    [See the full post at: Kamala Harris May Well Win The White House]


    Poor analysis of the article but it just sounded very ‘paid schill’ lacking in detail and seemed to be ‘expert’y – like gp’s telling you about the benefits to your immune system from a sweet tech startup called Murder’n’ya.

    Not buying what ya selling buddy. Also Aussie’s are socialists anyway so yeah there’s that.


    The quote about the vice president being “worth a bucket of warm spit” was actually made by
    John Nance “Cactus Jack” Garner 32nd US VP 1933-1941 who mentioned it to Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

    You’d think Hryce would at least research his quotes…


    If this is not a tongue-in-cheek parody, I wonder what kind of blackmail/threat he (Hryce) is being subjected to?

    Mr. House

    Yeah this feels like a lot of projection, remember the polls saying hillary was ahead by a good margin the day before the election? Either way, i don’t think it matters much who wins. I’m for whoever speeds up the collapse. Lets just get this over with already


    The left can’t meme
    The right can only meme


    Bam_Man “I wonder what kind of blackmail/threat he (Hryce) is being subjected to”

    …and then there’s his hip pocket to consider. But the guy has a silver tongue and puts some of his points cleverly.
    We’re no experts on the US election, but just a few observations from across the pond.
    We read (possibly Bloomberg headline) that donations for the Kamala campaign are flooding in from women voters, rich and poor. Those controlling her will know exactly how to wind her up in order to tap into the women’s vote. A major ‘make over’ – if you like. The giggle, the sparkle, the clothes, queen of the influencer pack. Aiming for ‘rock star’ status like they achieved with Ardern in NZ, – until it started to wear thin. RIM wonders whether they can play her like a Strad until the election. Well, maybe. Trump does look a little old and tired, and yeah comes across a bit like a hot air balloon losing steam! Can he grab back the limelight? (if he has indeed lost it.) Is some sort of team up with RFK possible? Working closely with Musk sounds interesting and would surely gather attention, considering the world seems to hang on his every word 😉 The Russian leadership appears to be angling for a Dem victory – why?


    Bit disappointed. So much here to make something of, but few people do it. I’d like to know how you see it. Only knowing how I see it is too limited. Maybe we should do a poll: who thinks Kamala can win?

    John Day

    “Living in a land of make-believe”:

    Hryce is no Karl Rove, and he’s no C.S. Lewis, or anybody else, but this is a fabrication from whole cloth. It presents the agency of Kamala Harris as a self-evident fact, when it appears that she is just another compliant-narcissist political puppet, like Arden, Baerbock or Trudeau.
    I presume that Hryce needs the gravy this is bringing him, and that he got it, because it is fair work if one suspends disbelief, which he invites pleasantly at the opening.

    My internet-buddy, John Ward, says his New York pollster buddy-source tells him that Harris:Trump is actually polling 30:70, which seems fair enough.
    How much can be stolen in how many layers of heavy-steal? They may have set a record in 2020, but all those records are “unofficial” by nature.
    Laugh at ’em.

    John Day

    Our comments crossed, Amigo.
    Kamala can clearly “win”, but can’t win.

    John Day

    Trump Says He Would Consider RFK in the Cabinet

    Trump Says He Would Consider RFK in the Cabinet

    John Day

    Here is Dr. D’s “thread reader” on Kamala Harris’ political resume’ from yesterday:


    Stealing Elections:

    None of this MSM narrative matters.
    It is just a distraction.
    Oh, look!
    A Kamala squirrel!

    All that matters is generating ballots.
    Democrats have generated 20 to 40 million ballots.
    More than enough to steal the election.

    If that fails, the deep state will just discount every Trump vote as they did in 2020.

    The deep state’s task via MSM is to convince people the stolen election is real.

    Maxwell Quest

    “And in the 2022 midterm elections, the predicted Trump landslide failed to eventuate – with voters refusing to elect candidates endorsed by Trump who falsely and foolishly claimed that Biden had stolen the 2020 election. Trump is still touting this lie – this may appeal to the more ignorant of his voting base,”

    The two lines above are enough to categorize Graham Hryce as a 24-carat shill, not that I hadn’t already made that conclusion after the first paragraph of his DNC press release… er journalistic article. Almost every sentence reeks with bias like an over-cologne’d teenager on his first date.

    Even a blind man could see that the 2020 election was stolen, and that the same techniques were used to limit the DNC/globalist power loss in the 2022 midterms. The blind can be very intelligent, clever, and insightful; however, Mr. Hryce has an even more dreadful disability: along with being an unprincipled shill, he is also moron.

    But a lofty moron, worthy of 10’s if not 100’s of subscribers. Far superior to the “more ignorant” segment of Trump voters who still believe that the 2020 election was stolen, as opposed to his just plain ol’ ignorant voter base – aka Hillary’s deplorables.

    Dr. D

    “His opponent was Hillary Clinton, an elite opponent with a great deal of political baggage and limited political skills. Clinton believed that she was entitled to become president, foolishly described Trump voters as “deplorables,” and haughtily refused to campaign in crucial battleground states.”

    Graham Hryce did not kill himself. Just putting a date on that.

    This was an astonishing disconnect from every reality of every person on every side: even a lot of the Democratic side. What was the point of this again? Who is the audience?


    Total cringe.

    Remember: The “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
    To make it credible, LaLa has to appear like she could win.
    But I do agree that Trump is feeling a bit “been there done that”.
    Americans love the new New Thing.

    Recall that most Americans do not know that ww3 lurks around the corner in three places; their money will soon purchase nothing (and they’ll be soooo happy!); disagreeability will carry a prison sentence; a safety pin could destroy the world economy; their immune systems have been wrecked….

    Because she was nothing, she’s anything now-
    A tabula rasa, an empty trash scow.
    Instill anything that you want her to be-
    A dream candidate- and everything’s free!


    We agree with WES. Surely Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States of America! The Dems won it last time by fraud. They’ll achieve it again by fraudulent means, if necessary. PCR has to be right, Trump will not be permitted to win. And it’s a damn scary thing.


    Why do you think so many people hate Trump?
    They even tried to assassinate him when their legal attacks failed.

    If they hate him so much, then he must be doing something right for us and something wrong for them.

    The system cannot be repaired.
    Those who have the most to lose are the ones who need to be in charge to protect their loses.
    I got nothing to lose.

    Dr D Rich

    Pseudonym for Scott Ritter?

    John Day

    Aussie journalist, there is no such thing, the Aussie press is so pro-government and authoritarian left wing that I am amazed they keep on complaining about China; you would think they were idiological brothers. I see the chimp that wrote this fawning masterpiece – a masterpiece when judged within Aussie journalism – is no different, thinking he can wish the world into the way he wants it to be, just by writing it down.

    He obviously got the memo that Kamala is the new Jesus; maybe the new black virgin mary? You can bet your ass the Jews have their fingers in that stinky Kamala pie, they know they need leverage on both sides of the isle; the anti-genocide campaigners will not be happy after the election when Kamala keeps on shipping bombs with Palestinian names on them.

    Just goes to show how the MSM is a machine in the service of the owners, it can create a new front man out of a retarded thug. She was selected in the usual way, by the owners, and they obviously like her for a reason, maybe that she is willing to do anything they say and do it enthusiastically. It kinds of signs the death knell for any semblance of democracy in the USA; I wonder how long they will keep up this democracy pretence and just admit that it is a dictatorship.

    If I had a vote, I would be voting for this psycho, the reason being that she is the best hope the rest of the world has to get rid of America and all it stands for. Look at Biden’s achievements, he managed to turn the USA into a reviled genocider. Just imagine what this Indian turd can do; you can bet your ass that the debt will be something amazing after the cameltoe has power over it. Imagine the inflation with that idiot having the cheque book. The USA is already paying 50% of tax takings on its interest payments, maybe she can take it 80% either by providing free stuff to her owners?


    Yes, Ilargi, she can win. She will almost certainly win the popular vote.

    When she was first identified as the replacement nominee, someone here warned that we should expect a massive propaganda campaign. Yes indeed. I happened to be in the US at the time, and I saw some of the corporate media. It was shocking how in step they all were, delivering the same message. Someone also warned that the propaganda campaign does not actually need to convince people to vote for her. It only has to convince people that she is a credible candidate — enough to give the Democrats enough cover to steal the election. Yes indeed. Now that the narrative is that she is expected to win, she will. There are enough cheaters and enough flaws in our voting process to ensure that.

    Formerly T-Bear

    Normally a short period beginning during a political convention and lasting a short week or so after a polling ‘spike’ in popularity is observed. To extend that polling is nothing other than a succubus induced wet-dream, nothing more. However, given the reduced mental state of the duh-merican public, exceptions should not be surprising given the billions spent on political propaganda used to create approximately equal voting masses that enable election counting corruption. Go Brandon was the first unelected occupant of the White House in U.S. history.. The Republic is a faintly recalled memory now, the tree of liberty died in an extended drought, a dearth of aware patriots with intact memories of their history. Just the way it is in the age of i(diot)phones.


    My pc has gremlins. I clicked on the Automatic Earth and ended up at Babylon Bee. Special K to the rescue. America is saved!

    I envy Americans. They don’t need to vote to decide their government. Their media makes up the winner and we know who pays it. Talk about having it easy!

    I don’t know much but I am certain Kamala cannot WIN the election. Unless one can win with 1 million TDS votes. I’m not as certain about her becoming president because I don’t know which faction is making the final decision and what their motive is. However, if I had to wager, I’d consider her the safe “vote”.

    What do I want to see? Whichever result ends the USA faster. I suppose a wider Middle East war would do that quicker but why must millions of foreigners die because America(the entire West) has no soul? Therefore I hope western society collapses with westerners being the only ones paying for it.

    Harris or Trump? Pick your molotov cocktail.



    Which rich and powerful family survived the end of their empires.?
    Is anyone left from past Empires?
    Did history record any descendant?
    Egypt … Cleopatra?
    Greeks … Alexander?
    Rome … Caesar?
    English … ?
    Spanish … ?
    French …?
    Others … ?

    D Benton Smith

    By temporarily turning off a portion of the brain anyone can fool themselves into believing that a bad or immoral or simply foolish action can have a “good” result (at least temporarily pleasant and enjoyable like a heroin fix or rigged election or genocidal war)) and so they frequently DO that bad or immoral or simply foolish action in order to experience that “good” feeling, at least for a little while, and only for themselves and maybe a few close friends.

    But the mind trick is temporary, and changes nothing about the law of cause and effect.

    And the piper must be paid.


    Reading Hunter S Thompson and Matt Taibbi from the campaign trail four decades apart, it struck me that the political journalists feel it’s their right to pick the candidates. They grind out whatever stories they can think up to push their agenda. The 2004 Howard Dean ‘scream’ pile on is a perfect example.

    Trump should rhyme history and make JFK Jr. Attorney General to go after the DNC/Intel mafia.

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