Debt Rattle December 11 2022


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  • #123189


    Swimming with Sharks


    I catalog nonsense these days. I see remarkably ludicrous all around me everywhere except deep in the woods or home in my apt at night with the lights off and just a few candles anointing shiny pretties with raw unfiltered and unprocessed light.

    I have to process their deranging, defiling input lest I lose hope or energy/courage to care (same thing, I guess), and perhaps even my ability apprehend reality sufficiently unfiltered that its beauty and worth can say with me.

    One must laugh, nyet?

    Follows is a series of sights encountered today during a brave shopping expedition for mere groceries and such in a world gone Xmas shipping.

    GMO chestnuts roasting on a diode fire:


    Dora said


    Swimming with Sharks

    Yes, I am waiting for Elon to start his own “cool” vaccine company which will then inject all his braindead fanbois. People should know by now that your enemy’s enemy is most often not your friend. Musk throws a few overrated managers under the bus – excludes the FBI managers – by releasing a few trivial emails about sensational events, then suddenly he is a saviour. Notice that the emails instructing the CEO what to do, the emails from the boss telling Musk what to do, all excluded. You also have to wonder how Musk gets to run so many companies and yet be on Twitter all the time, makes you wonder who he is working for.


    Top to Bottom = Left to Right on the Walgreens Magazine Rack





    Another Top<>Bottom=Left to Right, but one rack below:

    Diet Fetish Seasonings Greetings!


    Purloined Letter Marketing Porn (in which Starbuck’s dream mermaid is still as much of a prick-tease as She was in 1971. After all, “Our name was inspired by the classic tale, “Moby-Dick,” evoking the seafaring tradition of the early coffee traders.”

    Moby wants some fishtail, says the market semiotics:

    Sort of a fore-runner to sushi in that sense. Modern marketing is some seriously sick shit. By sick, I don’t mean that prurience is bad, but that saying one thing while meaning another is.

    I want Some Seafood, Mama


    Buit the best donut shoppe I’ve experienced in my life (family run Mediterranean operation) does marketing semiotics right:

    Place has the greatest corner display. This is only a tiny top bit of it.

    The donuts are the best I’ve ever had anywhere anytime. Chocolate donut hole more like chocolate truffles… only better.

    I’d share their website but that would be so… commercial. But ask and I will tell.


    We close with this package of virgin amazon birth that arrived at our home:


    “People should know by now that your enemy’s enemy is most often not your friend.Musk throws a few overrated managers under the bus – excludes the FBI managers – by releasing a few trivial emails about sensational events, then suddenly he is a saviour.”

    If one is going to mess with the FBI and live to tell about it one must move slowly whether one is some straw man argument “savior” or just another rich berserker doing his thing.

    Forever inferring motive about people we haven’t met and surely will is fun only if the inferrer doesn’t get so caught up in it that it paranoiacally insists that it knows what the rest of us poor deluded children with our puny insectile minds “should know by now”. That turns a bit of fun into a serious drag.

    This creates in my mind another version of the “is it that evil or that stupid?” perennial question: is it that much of a drag or just another paid-unpaid troll and/or bot?

    cuz it’s a real drag and I see it more and more and more all over the internet. substack comments sections are practically overrun with negative little shits telling everyone else how stupid and wrong they are (I bet they hire from youtube comment threads), also hopelessly fucked, so why not… I don’t know what the likes of aspnaz might recommend beside the usual autoerotic slur. Why, I used that very slut on aspnaz once, but that was when I felt that aspnaz deserved the respect of being treated like a human being rather than a trite cliche argubot. I could hardly tell the selfless to go fuck itself. Illogical, captain.

    But it’s just a plain drag. Oh well. It’s not like I’m accusing aspnaz of conspiring with the FBI to spread toxic death-jabs across the face of the planet, just of being a right annoying bit of a tiresome ass. But that’s my personal experience of him. For all I know, he really is spreading enlightenment (if not joy) to the great unwashed masses, and I should be lucky to enter a chatroom with the likes of it.


    my parents said know: loved the second poem.

    Have a great cartoon on me:

    Animated Soviet Propaganda American Imperialist The Millionaire COLD WAR CARTOON

    They don’t make even remotely like that anymore, and Soviet prop cartoons were the best.

    The first poem needs to marinate some more, I think.

    D Benton Smith


    It’s my view that religions are basically people who tell other people about God, serving (in that capacity) as interpreters, middlemen or libraries of sacred knowledge. That’s fine, I suppose, if they happen to be clear thinking honest brokers. Nevertheless, I’ve always wondered why people would ask other people (who are often at least as bewildered as themselves) about God instead of having the conversation direct. If there is a God (and obviously there is) capable of creating a universe replete with myriad consciously sentient beings, then that God is penultimately capable of conversing with any and all them (at once) in terms that each can easily understand.

    The little kid in your poem might have got better results by skipping the middleman.



    Amusing cartoon. In the USSR it was OK to criticize the US!


    boscohorowitz said

    negative little shits telling everyone else how stupid and wrong they are

    Know thyself.


    Micheal Reid, the Pastreich interview was interesting, specially on Covid (Hopes re. US politics, hmm.)
    Afewk, Brian B. is v. professional and smooth, yes.

    Figmund, that clip, thx for posting it. Oh Man.

    The polished, suited, groomed, Sunak meeting the deliberately down-dressed in crummy T shirts and tired camouflage fatigues, Zelensky, and his protectors who accompany him, similar.

    While the Servant Staff is impeccably turned out in plummy elaborate rigged-up uniforms.

    As in a silly, boring movie. The noble fighters in tired dirty T shirts, signalling: We are of the people, real fighters, determined, no dress code for us real warriors, we ‘is’ the supremo lance of opposition to Evil, etc.

    Massive fail. Who is brought on board with Ukr-USuk war with these kinds of images? Zel. has a TV / movie / prop,. background, producing easy BS stuff, financed by oligarchs, but is completely lost in Intl politics, he hasn’t a clue.

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