Debt Rattle December 28 2024
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December 28, 2024 at 11:11 am #177922
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterGiuseppe Arcimboldo Four elements – Earth 1566 • Trump, Peacemaker? (W. James Antle III) • Ramaswamy’s Big Plans (Maitra) • Musk Accused of Muz
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle December 28 2024]December 28, 2024 at 12:35 pm #177924EoinW
ParticipantThat was quite a Kunstler write up. Give the guy “A” for effort. Too bad he lost me when it came to the Middle East. I suspect he wasn’t writing with the goal to just please me.
Funny to see him forecasting about everything, on the Middle East, but no mention about a potential attack on Iran and the possible consequences. Oh I forgot, the eternal victims never attack anyone. They just happen to be surrounded by people who hate them for being Jewish. Been that way for 1700 years. Wonder why.
Unfortunately it serves as a reminder: the problem is not the Zionists(which is the politically correct position the online experts take). Jews throughout the world have always supported Israel. Some may try to break the mold however this will always be the position of this pre-historic tribe.
I’m not proposing a barbaric Final Solution. Though I am relieved we don’t also have to deal with ancient Egyptians, Hittites and Babylonians. Just end Israel and ban all Jews from politics and media ownership. The Marx Brothers were quite harmless and deservedly admired.
December 28, 2024 at 12:36 pm #177925Dora
ParticipantBREAKING – New Study Finds COVID-19 ‘Vaccination’ Doubles Risk of Post-COVID Death In the medium and long-term periods studied, 5,157 deaths were recorded out of 15,147 reported SARS/COVID-19 cases. Of these deaths, 91.5% (N = 4,720) occurred within the first year, while 8,5% (N = 437) after the first year. People without formal education, the older adult, had higher percentages of deaths in both periods. In the medium-term post-COVID period, the risk of death was reduced by 8% for those who had been vaccinated while in the long-term post-COVID period, the risk of death almost doubled for those who had been vaccinated. While in the medium term, there was a reduction in mortality risk for those who took two or three doses, in the long term the risk of death was greater for those who took one or two doses.
Conclusion: The protective effect of COVID-19 immunization was observed up to one year after the first symptoms. After one year, the effect was reversed, showing an increased risk of death for those vaccinated.
December 28, 2024 at 12:39 pm #177926Oroboros
ParticipantI’ve ranted for yea about trshere not ever being an “adult” conversation in Duh’merica about immigration
Duh’mericans are stupid on a grand scale and have demonstrated over decades (getting stupider with time) an inability to discuss anything in an open and honest manner.
The hypocrisy around immigrationis breath taking and emblematic of the Empire of Lies.
It lies to itself even more than it lies to the world if that is even possible.
Does Duh’merica need immigration?
Depends on how much, in what job skills, and at any given time frame.
Picking cotton?
Automation killed that.
Picking fruit and veggies?
Still needed but automation is killing that too.
Do we need more immigrants to become Bureaucrats?
Hahahahahahahaahahahaha, yah, sure
So how about high end brainiac labor for the likes of Musk and Andressen?
The point made about Duh’merica not producing enough STEMs and engineers has been true for decades so who benifits from that.
Saw a poll showing 75%+ of young folks in Duh’merica would like to be “social media influencers”
Gee, that might be a clue, like DUH
Who benefits from foreign high tech labor?
Local communities?
High Tech billionaires who want cheap high-tech labor?
Well we sure as shit don’t need more bureaucrats or humanities degrees for DEI Woketurdness.
So how to encourage the young to pursue STEM when it involves gambling on racking up UNPAYABLE college debt?
Musk gets high tech labor and saves a fortune, not to mention getting the Best of the Best from a global labor pool, not just a Duh’merican college labor pool.
Duh’merica’s elite engineering schools, MIT, Stanford, etc have had a majority of foreign students for decades cause the Duh’merican high school complex can’t produce enough kids wanting to go into high tech fields cause it’s ‘real difficult’, like, you know, like.
Duh’merican high schools can’t even enough students wanting to go into the trades, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators because most have cut shop class out of the curriculum in favor of useless humanities classes.
And by the way women still represent SINGLE percentages in all the trades, I wonder why girls?
To hard, too dirty for your delicate sensibilities?
Less than 5% of high school students need to go to college. Period.
And even that number could go lower.
Fix the phucking Duh’merican K-12 and train kids for the Real Job Market, so they don’t even thinking of being ‘influencers’ in Never=neverland.
December 28, 2024 at 12:40 pm #177927Dr. D
Participant“South Korean Parliament Impeaches Acting President Han Duck-Soo Amid Escalating Political Crisis
Duck soup. ‘Nuff said. Guess they wrung his neck. Too soon?
“The Economics Of “It’s A Wonderful Life”
When Frank Capra’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” was being filmed in 1945… the FBI investigated it for its supposed anti-capitalist themes…”That’s the FBI. …But only since the first day.
“Ask anyone what the message of the film is.
They will tell you: truth, decency, be happy with the opportunities you have, don’t be jealous or envious of others, count your blessings, remember how valuable you are as a person, rally around the life you have, serve your community, fight evil when necessary, and don’t ever take your good life for granted.”Why does the FBI hate that so much? …Since 1945?
“What If Solutions That Worked In The Past No Longer Fix What’s Broken?
You mean like hard work and logic? Yeah, let’s not try that. He’s not wrong here, but yes any time you call magical thinking, go full cargo cult, you can do dumb things and waste stuff. That’s axiomatic tautology. The only useful point is knowing WHAT. If you do the OTHER things that worked in the past, they WILL work. Because logic and the rules of the universe don’t flip flop overnight.
“here we also have Ruben Brekelmans, the defense minister of The Netherlands, who just gave Zelensky the approval to use their long-range missiles to kill civilians in Moscow. Make no mistake here, the hatred between Ukrainians of Russia is no different than that between Greece and Turkey. Brekelmans claims that international law “is not limited by distance” and has deliberately tried to force Russia to attack the Netherlands so he can invoke Article 5. Brekelmans is clearly a traitor to his own people, taking orders from the Neocons and NATO that they need to start World War III before Trump takes office.
He added, “The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border.” He has now placed The Netherlands in the crosshairs, being the first to authorize Ukraine to start killing civilians in Russia. Brekelmans declared:“We have not placed any operational restrictions on Ukraine regarding distance.” –Armstrong.
I’m sure Russia will accommodate him. So Netherland wants to be front lines. Because they know – like Britain – we humans will see an attack on them as over-the-top, shooting innocent BACK line nations whut never dun nuffin’. …Just like Poland, Boers, Crimea 1840, etc back to Queen Elizabeth…the FIRST.
“Brekelmans has put the risk of the citizens of all of Europe on the line for the Neocons. This is from their playbook used to get the United States into World War I. In 1915, Germany took out advertisements in the New York newspapers warning people not to travel on the passenger ship the RMS Lusitania…” Which in 1982 warned salvage divers it was loaded with bombs. And war gold.
Okay, great, they dragged Germany into war with this – twice — but it’s really hard to stop. Because the only people who need to know are the WEST. Are the ALLIES. Us. Germany took out a page add saying this. Everyone read it then it never happened. Lying: ‘Tis the Anglo way. Ask any Indian.
Long article but says nothing he doesn’t repeat daily. However this quote:
“Henry Kissinger said back in the Washington Post on March 14, 2014, when Russia took back Crimea – “The demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy. It is an alibi for not having one.”
“graduates who took on huge amounts of student loan debt only to be dumped into a system where their foreign replacements get preference over them.”
That’s cray-cray. …Except Elon is getting sued for NOT hiring foreigners as preference. They’re trying to shut his business FOR hiring American graduates.
“But despite his belief in U.S. military power and the righteousness of the anticommunist cause, “Ronnie Raygun” had countervailing antipathies toward killing and understood that nobody wins a nuclear war.”
Here’s the problem: those aren’t opposites. They have an imaginary strawman in their heads, what “Liberals” think, what “Conservatives” think, then fight those windmills. Reagan’s actual position was very clear, unified and widely articulated. The “Crazies in the Basement” were for war in all cases, just as they are today. However those people came from the LEFT, or rather, they are the War party and are happy on the Left, Right, Center, whoever kills most.
In point of fact what wars were started? While I’m no fan of the Embarrassment of Granada, it’s not a war. Although illegal as f—k, bombing one site in Libya isn’t a war. The wars were FDR, Truman, Kennedy/Johnson, all DEMOCRATS. The first war Republicans started in 100 years was Iraq.(x2) Who ENDED the wars? Eisenhower. Nixon. Reagan. Trump. So the thought that Republicans are warhawks and killers, and therefore Reagan was too is two levels of wrong.
Nevertheless I hear this daily as a meta-reality, “We all know”, that is, “We Make S—t Up!” Why? Reporters and Historians who all 99-44/100ths claim they are Democrats, far-left, and Socialists. …But always believe your sworn enemy on everything.
“• Trump, Peacemaker? (W. James Antle III)So yeah, maybe. Doesn’t seem so crazy given the above and also he tried to close Ukraine, F-Stan, Syria, and several other places even last time he was in. That’s not projected: that’s past fact.
““Many national-protectionists say we ought to commandeer the administrative state and use its powers against our opponents. I reject that idea in favor of shutting it down altogether…”
This is actually required, both Constitutionally and strategically. As I constantly say, HOW can you really remove money from Congress, the bribery? DON’T GIVE THEM ANY POWER over anything. Why bribe a Senator who has no Constitutional authority over your corporation? And that’s also legal fact. 10A. I didn’t read the clause of “The right to regulate the entire economy”. If they are not the money flow, they cannot direct the money flow. Where does that money go? Well not automatically, but power not claimed by government and held with non-stop gunfire, reverts to the PEOPLE. We would have to wrest it from Corporations, but without government force, raw firepower, and endless violence, competition would cut corporations down in short order. When your profit margin goes from 20% (Insurance) to 2% (Groceries) awful real hard to buy people and shoot back, isn’t it?
Let me translate for you: Do What’s Legal. The system we have is anti-American, anti-Capitalist, and illegal as h—l.
“• Musk Accused of Muzzling Critics of His Migration Agenda (RT)
NPR writers at RT. They suddenly pearl-clutching on censorship and algorithms? Huh. Funny timing.
Musk’s announcement came a few minutes after he called critics of his immigration views “subtards,” insulting their intelligence”
…As the NPR writers then insult ours, by assuming we wouldn’t know he was insulting someone’s intelligence without them spelling it out for us. Uh, no, this is the internet, we’re pretty aware of what an “Insult” looks like. But I guess you live on Blue Sky and don’t.
“• Musk and Ramaswamy Defend Hiring Foreign Engineers In Silicon Valley (JTN)
Okay, are you ALSO getting those engineers into class here? (I mean, that’s a whole other undertaking)
“”We’re seeing a crack between Trump’s top advisors and his MAGA base.”
The only crack is in their minds. They’re making it up. Trying to create it, enlarge it, exploit it. Because they’re all (Socialist) advocates and not reporters.
“call to account the FBI employees (from the top down) who have violated the law, and end illegal FBI activities.”
They’ve been doing it since Day one. That’s the reason they were created and exist. The only way to stop such an organization is erase it. (almost. Point’s the same.) Same as above, they want the One Ring. Of course when THEY have the power of life and death over the company, the economy, their adversaries, they will never misuse it. Trust us. No. The only way to win is to DESTROY IT. The Government has to be too small to be ABLE to do this. Same with the FBI. What function are they? All these same laws are in the STATES. What do they add? Erase the FBI and put them on the infinitely smaller Federal Marshall system? Something like that.
They won’t, and it will burn us.
Likewise, we had no CIA for 170 years until 1945. Yet somehow we survived: amazing! Is that because they’re duplicated in 5 places, in the NSA, but also MilIntel, but also NAVY Intel? WTF? Erase them. Any talented people can be hired elsewhere.
“the left despised Hoover because they believed that he was the ultimate partisan, using his vast, mostly self-acquired power to destroy communists and anyone else he didn’t like…What’s so fascinating about her love affair with Hoover is how it differs from a two-year-old interview that Gage did with The Jacobin. There, she explains how the left rightly despised Hoover because of his blatant, noxious, dangerous partisanship.”
BothNeitherAii. Every second of every minute of every day. It’s about WINNING.
Reality is whatever I like, moment to moment. The Law is in my Mouth. Now submit or die.
“• West ‘Must’ Send Ukraine More – Zelensky (RT)Because it’s worked so well up to now. Shut up and take my money.
“• US Could Buy Nord Stream – Vucic (RT)
How? Isn’t it +60% owned by Russia?
“• US Spies Hid Covid-19 Lab Leak Evidence From Biden (RT)
That’s ridiculous. It meta-meta assumes Biden didn’t already know, since he specifically sent his son to Ukraine to pay to make it happen. That Fauci didn’t already know since he didn’t even have to investigate to put out the hit-job to make everybody lie.
#OppositeLand. In reality, Biden knew first and was keeping from the spies, who found out second.
“• The King Is Dead: Trump’s Talk On ‘Taking Canada’ (Bordachev)I can see the real effect of this may be to unify Canada and get them to clean up their s—t. I can’t say that’s intended, but I would expect it as a result. Please do.
“The idea that every nation has an inherent right to statehood emerged in the 20th century, championed by two unlikely allies: the Russian Bolsheviks and US President Woodrow Wilson”
Uhhhh…They’re the same? Again, meta-meta assumptions. And weak states suffer at the influence of larger ones is just a fact of physics. It’s been true since Cain left for the East and is seen in every historical record we can find. Does this guy advocate suspending physics?
“What’s the point of maintaining state institutions if a country’s development hinges entirely on external relationships?”
Except you’re not a helpless damsel. NoKo and Syria took paths of independence and self-sufficiency. In Libya’s case, that made them the wealthiest, happiest state in Africa. If you want to be America’s b—h be my guess and sell your lumber for nothing.
“• Newly Released Photos Show Hunter, Joe Biden, Chinese Officials In 2013 (JTN)
And yet no one was arrested. Same with every other revelation, every day, which are “News” about things that happened, 6, 10 years ago. Because: Republicans. P.S. all these photos have existed all along. Like they existed before the election, for instance.
Rhinos: Nature’s gentle majesty. All animals living together in harmony.I guess the humans put them up to it.
December 28, 2024 at 12:46 pm #177928Dr. D
ParticipantDepends what you mean. Like, go down to a local diner and ask about immigration and you won’t get the worthless rats-nest logic you get on TV. It’s pretty straightforward, logical and grounded. From Blacks, Hispanics, “Whites” (whatever that means), 1st, 2nd, 10th generation. All the same, all unified in being practical.
It’s all made up on TV, guy.
December 28, 2024 at 12:51 pm #177929Dr. D
ParticipantTHey dont’ TEACH math in school, check Common Core, or back a couple iterations before. It would be a miracle if you could add. THat’s not the kid’s fault. Same as kids don’t give THEMSELVES participation trophies. Socialists do.
Oh wait, what? Yes, poll the political affiliations of every University, professor, and then one level down, to every teacher, administrator at the local school. Conservatives, being traditional, would give them a chalk board and a 1909 Primer. Good enough for grandpa. And be called hateful, genocidal meanies. …As the kids actually learn math.
This happens more or less constantly all the time, and is set upon and shut down like a new brush fire every time it pops up. The kids aren’t the ones doing the repressing. And the Conservatives, or <1% home schooling Christians aren’t doing the repressing — they’re graduating college-ready kids by age 12 since the standards are so dismal now.
So that leaves … who… exactly is at fault?
December 28, 2024 at 2:14 pm #177930zerosum
ParticipantA bubble
RIM and TAE commentators have been presentingCritical thinking from Hundreds of Problem Solvers.
For you to decide WHY RELEVANCE – Increase, Decrease, so that you can considered all of your options and possible solutions before making your choice.
• Ramaswamy’s Big Plans (Maitra)
Sumantra Maitra
Dec 27, 2024America’s debt, now over $36 trillion, is definitely a great threat to our nation’s well-being
The H-1B visa program seems fine. But yeah, it is being abused.Bringing in the best foreign workers so the US can “keep winning.”
Fire domestic talent and replace it with lower-paid, entry-level guest workers.
There is a dire shortage of extremely talented and motivated engineers in America.
Make other countries have a shortage of the most talented.
When a person embezzles, he or she takes advantage of an employer’s trust for personal gain.
Change the laws before you act.
• Zelensky’s Corruption Has Ruined Ukraine – Opposition Leader (RT)
27 Dec, 2024
———–• West ‘Must’ Send Ukraine More – Zelensky (RT)
Since the conflict with Russia escalated in 2022, Ukraine has received over $200 billion in military, financial, and humanitarian aid from the US and its allies.
Kiev is now completely dependent on the West for military logistics, according to the US media.“It is crucial that the US is now increasing its deliveries, this support is essential to stabilize the situation,” Zelensky said in a video message on Thursday evening.
Congress approved a $61 billion request for Ukraine funding in April.
The Republican majority in the House of Representatives has since ruled out the White House’s request for another $24 billion.
The $895 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) approved earlier this week did not include any aid for Kiev.
According to Al Jazeera, the White House may have up to $3.5 billion left in the PDA and another $2.2 billion under the USAI that it could “surge” to Kiev before Biden’s term expires. Russia has maintained that no amount of Western aid will change the ultimate outcome of the conflict or prevent Moscow from achieving the goals of its military operation.
Everyone’s covering their asses.
• US Spies Hid Covid-19 Lab Leak Evidence From Biden (RT)Moreover, the researchers found that scientists at China’s research laboratory for coronaviruses in Wuhan, the city in which Covid-19 was first detected, previously worked with US researchers on viruses which won’t have traces of being scientifically-manipulated. The damning findings, however, were overlooked in the report on Covid-19 origins prepared by the director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, which was presented to Biden in August 2021.
The researchers were also reportedly forbidden from sharing their findings, including with Congress and the FBI.————–
Proof Biden is a liar
• Newly Released Photos Show Hunter, Joe Biden, Chinese Officials In 2013 (JTN)The National Archives has released photos of Hunter and Joe Biden meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Chinese high-ranking officials in 2013 during the Obama-Biden administration.
The photos were obtained by the conservative legal foundation, America First Legal.The pardon not only covered the offenses that Hunter was convicted of, namely illegally obtaining a firearm and failing to pay over $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019, but also any other “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024,” according to Newsweek.
———December 28, 2024 at 3:32 pm #177931Celticbiker
ParticipantCollum got vaccinated. So much for “smart”.
December 28, 2024 at 3:43 pm #177932Noirette
Participant@Noirette: How much CAN actually be done in the process of terminal-decline?
Something, perhaps…
Can things be made worse?
NAAAH, That can’t possibly happen, Right?
posted by John D on prev. thread.
Summary of the US paths.A. Staying with the status quo, balance of power in the W since 1950, taking into account several important events, like USSR collapse, is defunct – *dépassé* and cracking apart – ex. see Gvmts. in F, UK, Canada, all non-functional and teetering. TrumpGuys show that they are aware of this, so slashing around, that past state of affairs is now burnt toast. Still, we like the past, heh, Now What? etc.
B. Moving in the direction of enforcing domination, WW3, mega support for ISR, like attacking Iran, without quite realising the results of deathly slide.. a kind of USA Samson option, with ‘leaders’ believing they are exempt, immune, as gripped in a kind of glitzy posturing Cult, where the Masters Impose, as they command and manipulate billions of Ppl, who do not count.
C. Reverse strategy pronto, negotiate a permanent non-agression pact in UKR with Putin (regime change in UKR and forced neutrailty, smaller territory, funds offered for re-contruction..) Allow R periphery to determine their own allegiances and trade (UKR, Stans, Georgia, Moldova, Serbia…) while offering support and economic ties, aka cooperation (investment, edu, etc.) In the ME, withdraw from Syria for ex. (as Trump has said he wants to do) and more – but that is too complicated right now, idk what to say.
Imho TrumpGuys are confusedly veering in all 3 directions, the overall outlook is very dire.
December 28, 2024 at 4:02 pm #177933phoenixvoice
ParticipantThe reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over ‘native’ Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit
But maybe it *is*. Could it be that American-born engineers are generally impaired by vaccine injuries and fluoride in the water and over medication? Or maybe it comes down to culture and parenting? If foreign-born (-raised) engineers are often superior to those born in the USA…then maybe it is time to have that difficult conversation and explore why that is. And…let’s restrict the fancy visas to high-level engineers and not Uber-drivers. And not to entry-level, low-level engineers, either. Years ago spouse and I had an engineer friend who had his own small company that he fancied akin to a cooperative (it was not, but he claimed that it was.). He hired an engineer in India to do a lot of the “grunt work,” because the guy in India didn’t need as big a salary. It isn’t just the big companies that understand how this works.
December 28, 2024 at 4:03 pm #177934Oroboros
Participant“..So that leaves … who… exactly is at fault? …”
The ‘average’ Duh’merican suburban ‘parent(s)’ >>>>roughly more than 2/3 of them are divorced on the coasts, 1/3 in the middle, and too busy with their own shit to care or vote locally about ‘education’
‘Education” is their babysitting service for two career ‘families’.
‘Education” an after thought, not a primary concern.
Who’s to blame for the majority of the current young cohort wanting to be a social media ‘influencers’?
“I’m going to college to learn to Think….”Meanwhile back in Reality life goes on, sort of….
December 28, 2024 at 4:15 pm #177935phoenixvoice
ParticipantWhy should the US continue to prop up Canada’s independence when the costs outweigh the benefits?
Ideas like this can support the elites’ goal of moving toward a one-world government — depending on where it goes. The US is not morally or ethically (or legally?) obligated to prop up foreign countries. Letting them alone reduces US hegemony. However, choosing to ignore the sovereignty of foreign nations and taking them over instead of propping them up, that supports hegemony and one-world government.
December 28, 2024 at 4:20 pm #177936kultsommer
ParticipantDomestic UBER drivers fired to be replaced with H-1B imports that need to own the car from the day one. Who provides those cars? They have other living expenses that are supported by work that many deem as a supplemental income?
Vivek is onto something. Drive by most of high schools in the US and you will found out a proud display, while nothing wrong to have a strong sports team, that they are, apparently only, “home of Tigers, Pumas, Knights….”.
Those are formative years where one is molding a final career decision.
Many commenting sites including this one display, deserved or undeserved, utter disdain for “learned”. Bear in mind that Corps are capable the best and brightest to do their bidding and in the public interest.
Movies and commercials promote that amateurism that one should see as an equal to any hard earned knowledge –
pole dancer, drunk and Will Smith saved the planet as sample in former or “so easy anybody can do it, no prior knowledge required…” for the latter and, what appears, taken for grantedDecember 28, 2024 at 4:23 pm #177937kultsommer
ParticipantBear in mind that Corps are capable to obtain the best and brightest to do their bidding and not in the public interest.
Better.December 28, 2024 at 4:24 pm #177938Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 28, 2024 at 4:28 pm #177939Oroboros
ParticipantWoke ‘Duh’ Tardness
Ruining one culture at a time…..
December 28, 2024 at 4:53 pm #177944Bam_Man
ParticipantMY “CCT” score was 32.
December 28, 2024 at 4:55 pm #177945Oroboros
ParticipantUnited Healthcare CEO Taken Down
Different Strokes for Different Folks
A Black comedians take on it……
December 28, 2024 at 4:57 pm #177946Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 28, 2024 at 5:04 pm #177947Oroboros
ParticipantIs this bureaucratic incompetence or Bait & Switch?
Your call Duh’merica
Definitely Ritual Humiliation
December 28, 2024 at 5:19 pm #177948Oroboros
ParticipantMore Holiday Cheer in the Land of the Brave and the Home of the Free
It’s a work in Progress…..
December 28, 2024 at 5:25 pm #177949kultsommer
ParticipantFitting accommodation is offered in the UK. Newcomers are absolutely oblivious to the fact that they entered the country with majority of its own citizens suffering and that itself is falling apart:
December 28, 2024 at 5:30 pm #177950Oroboros
ParticipantDecember 28, 2024 at 5:32 pm #177951Oroboros
ParticipantEven the Pets are amazed at Duh’merica.
December 28, 2024 at 6:17 pm #177952those darned kids
Participant“our tax dollars funded”
•• no, tax dollars fund nothing. funding is credit through magic.“a virus”
•• creating “a virus” is not scientifically possible at this time. ask dr. baric.“leaked to the public”
•• the only thing leaked to the public was a torrent of lies.“an excuse for closing businesses”
•• very true.“which led to the largest government spending”
•• the interbank crisis of fall 2019 led to creation of trillions for bankers. bonghead bro on the couch sucking up the public teat for 14 months is smoke and mirrors.December 28, 2024 at 6:28 pm #177953those darned kids
Participant“Why should the US continue to prop up Canada’s independence when the costs outweigh the benefits?”
who said this?
the u.s. imported 245,279,000 of barrels of oil in september 2024. 11,632,000 of that was from saudi, or 4.7%
136,989,000 of that was from canada, or 55.9%
cue smurf theme: la la lala la la…
December 28, 2024 at 6:35 pm #177954those darned kids
Participant“now you know the tune, you’ll be smurfing soon!”
“eek! papa smurf, here comes the evil wizard trumpamel and his wicked cat, elonazel!!!”
“no need to worry, smurf,eh?, all is under control. SPIGOTS OFF! ALL SPIGOTS OFF!”
December 28, 2024 at 6:43 pm #177955those darned kids
ParticipantDecember 28, 2024 at 7:46 pm #177956Oroboros
ParticipantBecause the Empire of Lies can’t steal Russia’s natural resources, it will make up for it by stealing Canadada’s resources through annexation.
Pirates & Thieves gotta steal to keep there Ponzi eConomies afloat.
Taking over Canadada will be a speed bump compared to trying the same Grand Thief Auto on Mexico.
Mexican Drug Cartels are tougher than the entire Canadian military put together by a country mile.
December 28, 2024 at 8:45 pm #177957kultsommer
ParticipantArt as depicting life.
Brian should have been drawn with more of that “powerful swagger” while walking which I could not help but notice first as a sharp contrast to his seconds later predicament.
December 28, 2024 at 9:20 pm #177958Dr. D
ParticipantLuigi, shooter,still not a single natural article with a single definitive fact. That catches my attention.
So: back injury, bike riding, backback, gun, which gun, bought a new gun, new backpack, new hoodie, then printed 3 new manifestos, so, all 5-11″ guys in hoodies nationwide were reported that day? Rich guy, owns multiple country clubs, all bent up about the cost of health care.
Anyone? It’s the Media. It’s Republicans. So the world may never know.
December 28, 2024 at 9:41 pm #177959Bam_Man
ParticipantThere is definitely a backstory to the Luigi “drama” that we are not privy to.
December 28, 2024 at 10:18 pm #177960Oroboros
December 28, 2024 at 10:27 pm #177961D Benton Smith
ParticipantDeveloping genetically targeted bio weapons against genetically identifiable groups PRIOR to those groups attacking us in that way, (or even threatening to!) is proof of malicious, Imperial, genocidal, Conquistadorial and colonializational intent, a priori.
You KNOW that’s what those Bio Labs in Ukraine and Africa are all about. What ELSE could they be about?
That’s very very bad, folks. That’s like unforgivably bad. People who plan and attempt THAT kind of crime belong in Max Security prison for life without possibility of parole. No fooling and no messing about. Put those monsters behind bars like NOW.
December 28, 2024 at 10:52 pm #177962Dora
ParticipantThe US Common Core curricula was/ is a Pearson and Gates Foundation plus Microsoft scam. imo. Dumb down everything so it can fit on a binary computerized testing scheme.
Funny that Vivek thinks the problem is US k-12 education without asking how the current education system was created, ( by a fellow techie guy and his company’s blue sky promises in exchange for lots of money).
December 28, 2024 at 11:01 pm #177963Dora
ParticipantIsn’t the Core Curriculum the same promise the Gate Foundation essentially made for Covid? Create a fear, offer a solution (that fails), pocket big profits, leaving the buyers worse off?
There seems to be a pattern.
December 28, 2024 at 11:33 pm #177964Dora
ParticipantEven the Presidents’ Bush tried to get into the k-12 testing grift, thank’s to the misbegotten No Child Left Behind Act. Destroying K-12 education can be very, very profitable,
BUSH’S FAMILY PROFITS FROM ‘NO CHILD’ ACT 28, 2024 at 11:59 pm #177965D Benton Smith
ParticipantYa know, hubris is something a lot more serious than just being an annoying and reprehensible mental/moral disorder. It is Red Flag of DEADLY underlying condition called terminal stupidity. Hubris and arrogance are the manifestly observable expression of being SO pathologically stupid that the sufferer does not even know that they are stupid. In fact, they believe themselves to be, and present themselves as being, overwhelmingly convinced of their own superiority.
It would be funny if were not so tragic.
These would-be Rulers and Masters of the Universe are so profoundly unware of the real and tangible life-support systems of Earth that they do not even know that such systems exist, and (more to the point) that such systems are vitally necessary to their OWN survival, while at the same time being quite breakable when seriously mismanaged by arrogantly hubristic and stunningly ignorant dingbat “Authorities” such as themselves.
In other words, these birds are SO stupid that they do not even know that they are a threat to their own lives and well being. Cain’t get a whole lot dumber than that and still be breathing.
The universe is a single (albeit quite LARGE) system that operates perfectly, and perpetually according to certain rules and restrictions imposed by the nature of its Creator. You don’t have to like the rules, but it will help your outcomes A WHOLE LOT if you do like the rules laid down by God Himself and attempt to behave accordingly.
You are free to disobey those rules at will (the ability, which is called “free will” is also a free gift just like everything else (including your awareness of your own existence) but if you choose to operate on lies instead of truths you will find that the outcomes of your bad choices will leave a lot to be desired, consequences wise.
That’s why it is really REALLY inadvisable to allow yourself to think that you are smarter than God when it comes to running things. It’s a good rule of thumb to not break something that works just because you think you know better. I assure you that you don’t, and God GUARANTEES that you don’t.
Our tormentors are damned fools who got so stupid that they caught a bad case of Hubris, got WAY to big for their britches, and now think that they are SO smart that their ramshackle clunky Artificial Intelligence will make them even smarter. If no other evidence of their stupidity is handy then that particular moronic notion should fill the bill. I mean DAMN! are they dumb!. There are not enough resources on the entire Earth to build out, operate and maintain their envisaged “AI System” for even the next 5 years, much less 10 20 or a 100 years. Anyone with Middle School math skills could work out the numbers on that calculation with a pocket calculator in less than 30 minutes. The electrical power, calculation power, memory storage (with its OWN electrical power demands) and infrastructure alone would consume all of the fuel and materials (and PEOPLE) on the planet and STILL fall absurdly short of the projected requirements of such a system, moving forward even 10 years, much less 100.
In other words, it won’t be done because it CAN’T be done, and our so-called “experts are too fucking STUPID to even know that they don’t know it.
December 29, 2024 at 12:14 am #177966 -
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