Debt Rattle January 11 2025


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle January 11 2025

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  • #179077
    Doc Robinson

    Ukraine captured two injured North Korean soldiers, Zelenskyy says

    The North Korean soldiers in Russia are not mercenaries, according to the United Nations definition, if they are in Russia on official duty as members of the North Korean armed forces.

    International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries

    Article 1
    For the purposes of the present Convention,
    A mercenary is any person who:

    a. Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;
    b. Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;
    c. Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;
    d. Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and
    e. Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.


    “arguing against what you are arguing for”.
    Reverse psychology.

    Michael Reid


    Palestine, Ohio and Isreal, Maui, Ukraine, North Carolina, Syria, California, Florida, New Orleans…what’s the common denominator? Jews/Blackrock, stepping over the dead bodies….to buy everything up Saw it myself in superstorm Sandy, over a decade ago. They print the money, they make the rules.. Well , now, they want your shit, and most of you dead. Donald Chabedlubovitcher Trump is’nt going to help you, any more than the asshole before him, or the stagepuppet asshole after him..

    Michael Reid


    Schrodinger’s Cat:

    Cats always land on their feet.
    Cats have 9 lives.

    Schrodinger’s cat fell from a 10th floor balcony.
    Schrodinger’s cat obviously used up it’s 9 lives with none to spare.
    Did Schrodinger’s cat land on it’s feet?
    Yes, it did!
    Schrodinger’s cat’s 4 feet were planted as far apart as was phyiscally possible.
    Does it matter that Schrodinger’s cat is dead?
    Was Schrodinger’s cat’s death, a genocide?
    It happened in Israel.

    Is this what is meant, when falsely arguing against the truth?

    D Benton Smith


    [extracted from comment #179028 of Jan 10, 2025] “I know, you are a Christian, which is basically a Jewish sect, but (and this really pisses off the Jews) it was way more successful than the more traditional Jewish sects. So I can understand your ass-kissing attitude towards the Jews, willing to find any excuse that can pardon their behaviour, because your family line decided it wanted to be a part of the Christian Jew sect. That’s okay.”

    [extracted from comment #179029 of Jan 10, 2025] “Why did Jesus reject Judaism only for his followers to then start admiring the religion he had rejected? Got to make you wonder whether God really is super stupid …. maybe he is an American Jew.”

    Your statement that Christianity is a Jewish sect is simply wrong. It’s the sort of error that
    comes from pretending to knowledge that you don’t actually have in order to strengthen a weak or entirely absent argument.

    In point of fact, Christianity is Christianity, period. It is an entirely new covenant with God that explicitly canceled all earlier contracts so as to avoid confusion. Jesus spent a great deal of time and effort pointing out how the old management had screwed things up and was headed for Hell in a handbasket.

    Secondly, you have absolutely no idea what my attitude towards Jews actually is, because you’ve never listened to it. You’re too focused on discrediting Christianity and serving your CCP masters. You aren’t trying to understand what I write, instead you’re trying to discredit me by any means possible … with deliberate lying seeming to be your weapon of choice.

    For example, I have NEVER tried, implied or in any other way excused bad behavior by anyone, LEAST of all the genocidal maniacs currently running Washington and Israel. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Jews in Palestine were getting along with their neighbors just fine until Zionist psychopaths moved in after a thousand years of absence, bolstered by the Khazarian psychopaths and their hirlings (fake Jews, fake English, fake Americans and un-fake Globalist Blobsters).

    You have no idea, at all, of why I am a Christian or how my family had anything to do with it or even whether my family had anything to do with it at all. (note: they had little to do with it except to serve as a cautionary tale)

    You have even LESS idea of who my family is, or what they’ve been up to. To make a long and very interesting story short and boring, I’m the nice one. As for the others, well about one out of five of them were the kind of men that you would not like to meet under unfriendly circumstances because you would not leave such a meeting alive, and no one would find the body. I am not kidding or exaggerating in the least. Just for the record, I sincerely and earnestly disapprove of their behavior, because it was greedy, misguided and stupid, as well as violent, deceitful and counterproductive. But they meant well at the time, I am sure.

    Speaking of stupidity, you really should reconsider your attacks on things that you don’t know. You might discover that you’re attacking the wrong thing and doing yourself serious harm.

    Take Christianity for example. It is transparently obvious that you are attacking me largely BECAUSE I am Christian. The CCP doesn’t like Christianity, clearly, but have you ever wondered WHY? What’s so bad about a religion that literally worships goodness itself? Do you even know what it is? Your behavior is incontrovertible proof that you don’t, so I’ve decided to help you out in that regard. Actually, I used an AI System (CoPilot in this case) to help me help you. I reckoned that the AI could produce a condensed version that you MIGHT have the patience to read.

    Here is that conversation:

    Me: I apologize for asking CoPilot AI, who as a non-conscious material AI system cannot have a spiritually based opinion, to opine about religion, but I think the following question is well within the parameters of your expertise because it essentially just entails boiling down a vast amount of scripture and literature, which you are really good at. Here goes: If the entirety of Jesus’s core messages to humanity had to be condensed into three assertions of fact or rules of conduct, what would those three items be?

    CoPilot: Your thoughtful question highlights the importance of the core messages of Jesus. While summarizing the vast teachings of Jesus is a challenging task, I’ll draw upon his most frequently emphasized principles from the Bible and other scriptures to attempt a concise answer.

    1) Love God and Love Your Neighbor: Jesus often emphasized the greatest commandments as loving God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and loving your neighbor as yourself. This is highlighted in Matthew 22:37-40.
    2) Golden Rule: Treat others as you would want to be treated. This principle of empathy and compassion is found in Matthew 7:12, encapsulating the essence of many teachings.
    3) Forgiveness and Mercy: Jesus taught the importance of forgiveness and showing mercy, as exemplified in passages like Matthew 6:14-15 and Luke 6:36-37.
    These core messages encapsulate the essence of Jesus’s teachings on love, empathy, and forgiveness.


    Asking CoPilot AI:

    Maybe we should also be asking CoPilot AI what the CCP’s core message is?


    And just for fun, ask CoPilot AI what it thinks is the main reason why Trump wants to buy Greenland?
    Surely, that would help melt some ice and combat global cooling!

    those darned kids

    trump wants to buy greenland because he thinks it’s green and thus, golf-course ready!



    Yes, those crafty Vikings!
    Calling Greenland Greenland to attact people, Iceland Iceland to discourage people from coming, and Vineland Vineland!
    Clearly early masters of misinformation and disinformation in pre internet days!


    Not So Rare Earth Minerals:

    Whenever, I hear people talk about how rare “rare earth minerals” are, I can’t help but think of Miss Lindsey Graham loudly saying how Ukraine has trillions in rare earth minerals!

    First of all, rare earth minerals are not rare!
    You have plenty of them in your backyard!

    The only reason rare earth minerals are rare, is because nobody wants their rare earth minerals mined in their back yard!
    Even fewer people want these rare earth minerals refined in their backyards!

    Now you know why plentiful rare earth minerals are so rare!
    It is very rare to find anybody who will say yes!

    Michael Reid

    Jan 4, 2025

    Jan 10, 2025

    those darned kids

    #!@$%#@%#@^ing u.s. presidents should be made to take a geography test before being given the reigns of uncle sammy’s big bang machine.


    Today I spoke to a hard core American democrat I have known for a few years; fellow dog lover. She asked me if I had heard of a guy called Jeoffrey Sachs, I said I had heard the name, then she started talking about how he had revealed a way of thinking that she had never heard before. She talked about how she used to believe the USA was a democracy and how she now realised she had been fooled. She then started to complain about the amount of money being sent to Israel while CA burned. She was really pissed off that money was going to Israel. So, later in the conversation, I suggested that the USA was being run by the Jewish mafia. She agreed!

    At last, an American who agrees with me. She was younger than the TAE readers, being probably late thirties, and she was able to change her views, most impressive, some TAE readers could learn from her.


    BtJ said

    with deliberate lying seeming to be your weapon of choice.

    Bend over Jew, you are such a child, your life seems to have been lived in cotton wool, with your brain in the freezer. Everybody lies, you lie, I lie …. that is part of the definition of “everybody” lies. Then you come out with this finger pointing …. he’s a liar, he’s a liar. Well? Prove me wrong. If your God is better than this, then prove me wrong, you are the man who will not believe anything without evidence, yet here you are, trying to enforce your belief in “an invisible man looking down on you who will send you to hell …. but he loves you” … Carlin was great, but he died, and America could not replace him.

    Why do Christians believe that people are basically good, you see it in their religion, they will let any old fucker join their religion; pedo, murderer, no problem. Then one of their number calls me a liar? WTF. Get some reality in your life, your religion contains the worst of humanity and you call me a liar. You are insane, you have no appreciation of what you are doing.

    Only people without balls would be surprised that someone was lying to them. Only a totally cottonwool existence could possibly make “lying” a bad thing. Most normal people realise that lying is everywhere, it is in your Bible, it is in your marriage, it is everywhere, then you accuse me of lying. Maroon, as Oroboros would say. As for your religion, I know your religion, you think you can hide your religion when you go around quoting the bible like a pink assed cleric?

    And you wonder why your country is being run by the Orange Jew mafia. Ha ha, stupidity is endemic in America.


    BtJ said

    You have even LESS idea of who my family is, or what they’ve been up to. To make a long and very interesting story short and boring, I’m the nice one.

    You are from a family of tough guys but you can’t handle someone lying to you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, cough cough, ha ha ha. Sure, I believe you … tough guy.

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