Debt Rattle July 10 2020


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    Berenice Abbott Vanderbilt Avenue from East 46th Street, NYC 1935   • Biden Says His Economic Plan Would Create Five Million New US Jobs (R.) • K
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 10 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Berenice Abbott Vanderbilt Avenue from East 46th Street, NYC 1935

    Lordy, what a picture!
    The god’s know I could never survivie anyting like that; devoid of all the things of nature; but then; maybe that is the god’s human nature…

    Dr. D

    Well, Oklahoma is no longer a state, so that’s interesting. There are maps where about half of the west and anyplace outside of the original colonies are all in danger.

    Not that it isn’t true, but, here’s DACA, put in one afternoon with an “Executive Order” ‘cause Obama says Congress won’t act, won’t legislate, so he’ll do it for them. Overreach of powers, much? SC says “Although Prez puts DACA in, just ‘cause, totally against all Legislative authority, Prez cannot take DACA out.” Huh? Okay, whyfore? “Because it would be disruptive and inconvenient to people” to pass actual, you know, LEGAL, legislation and enforce the laws of the United States. I didn’t know we could do that, but…okay. So erasing half of Oklahoma 110 years later is NOT disruptive and inconvenient to 1.8 million people, a mere 15% who are native American? And who, like other Reservations, will most probably set up a red ethnostate with very poor oversight of powers? Leading to complete paid lawlessness and weekly rape safaris like Pine Ridge? …That’s not disruptive or worth delaying, legislating, working out, according to the Supreme Court? But DACA is. Gotcha.

    Don’t care, but pick it one way or the other: Idiots like me can’t understand everything and its opposite at the same time. It’s almost like they’re against #Logic? Like, I dunno, #AntiLogos, anti-reason, anti-truth, anti-reality?

    Oh, btw, they are going to immediately release 1,700 violent criminals charged under state law. That should be a big help to everyone. Hope y’all like concealed carry because you’re going to need to do that every minute for the rest of your life. The police ain’t coming. And violent crime has doubled in NY and all blue cities.

    In Socialism v Capitalism fashion, regardless of how good Indian government may be, the ruling instantly erases all visibility for anyone in Oklahoma…indeed, half of the U.S., including Manhattan. So people, not knowing if they have private property, will instantly stop maintaining and collecting private property, stop working, stop hiring, and bury their amphorae coin-pots in the back yard for 1,000 years. But: very environmental to all live in caves, in tents, and a whole bunch of people will die from the decline of technology and medical care, so winning there. Oh and do you think maybe a nation living in tents with no factories or infrastructure might be a military target? Huh.

    “Mississippi Hospitals Cannot Take Care of Mississippi Patients (MFP)”

    Is this anything like the last article, where the state ICUs had a 20% vacancy rate? Article doesn’t say. Of course. That would be “reporting” where you use a “telephone” to call and ask “what” as in “Who what where, when and why.” Can’t be done. Since Alexander Graham Bell died, too hard to use the phone.

    Is it full? Some probably. But if those numbers spoke for themselves, why wouldn’t you print them?

    Oh, P.S. Whitmer, who stuffed MI Nursing homes with CV patients, like other blue states doubling the death toll – and we learned AGAINST the specific and early advice of nursing home officials and the MI medical advisory – has a new reason it’s not her fault: all health care workers in MI are racist. No joke. She, like everyone else, is going to pass laws without the legislature (you know, like the mask-and-quarantine non-laws?) and force them all into White Fragility training. Cause the virus knows. It can tell. Magical thinking. And here I thought the Legislature made the laws because we weren’t in a murderous dictatorship nationwide. My bad.

    That propensity for freedom has now made him a target of hundreds of academics and graduate students who are seeking his removal”

    The new state religion: racism. The new purges and witch-burnings. New McCarthyism, guilt by association, and book-burning. Stunning and brave. Hey, if you burn books, wear black, shoot children of reporters, beat Jews and gay Asians in the streets, shut down Churches, Temples, and free speech, are you the baddies? Asking for a friend.

    #GoyaPurge. For #ChurchofAntiLogos, Death Cult extraordinaire. And is it a clue, from all those B-movie villains, when your side is so intolerant it attacks and purges ITSELF? Its own groups? Its own leaders of just yesterday, like Robespierre? Such that even black men like Crews and Kanye have to tell you white liberals to stop, stop helping, stop trampling killing black people and black neighborhoods? Who am I to say? You decide.

    US Judge Hearing Flynn Case Asks Appeals Court to Reconsider Dismissal (R.)”

    Like the Supreme Court, it’s fun to watch as originally they look objective, dispassionate, and merely tipping the scales juuuuust enough to insure a certain win for your side. Then as the inbalance stacks up, come to realize they are as biased and far from judicial, objective, as it possible to be. Stalin couldn’t escalate or be as biased, partisan, and violent as these guys. Not just Oklahoma, but the last few decisions too, going back before Schrodinger’s Tax with ACA.

    I’m just as happy everyone can see government is ridiculously biased-for-pay. Has not a whit of your best interest in mind. Cares only about power, party, and their side. Oh and blackmail and underage girls, ‘natch.
    But there’s a solution: MORE government! We should create a fund that buys all corporations and merges corporation and state at last in the true, united order! You know, like a bundle of sticks or something? Where we use social pressure to insure conformity of thought? Why has this system never been tried before, you know, back in the 30s?

    The only thing we need now is to weaken the governments — maybe by racial or territorial claims — while strengthening monopoly corporations — you know, with something that destroys all small business? Who would complete honestly and tear us apart? Then corporations are larger than the governments supposedly regulating them. Ah, if only. But we know nothing like that could ever happen. Here. Special and different. Indispensible. Stunning and brave.


    In response to yesterday’s late comments:
    Yes, they peel it off to hear me- an empathetic response because they know THEY are difficult to hear when a mask is on: it’s a signal to say “I can’t hear you”. It happened at the store the other day- I was speaking through a mask behind the plastic barrier -muffled speaking the clerk was having a hard time hearing- he took his mask off, and I removed mine. Now we could hear each other. It’s kind of like when I itch my nose, so does the person I’m talking to.
    And I say again it is an adorable human empathetic response.

    Cop-on-the-scene: “Can you give me description of the attacker?”
    Victim: “No, he was wearing a mask.”
    One more thing: Beards. Does hair sanitize incoming air? A mask on a bearded face is hilarious.


    Cyrus Vance, I thought, would be 103! But of course it is his son. American aristocracy!
    Trump’s classic narcissism (everything HIM is superlative) is most protective when it comes to his monetary worth. I suspect he is not a billionaire. It seems to be the one bit of BS he cares about.

    People die- even when they are young. I knew a 30 year old who dropped dead at work. (heart aneurysm). I knew a 50 year old who went to the hospital for one thing and died of sepsis. (Nosocomial- big settlement). Now those deaths are called “Covid”. (It affects the heart! It causes runaway infections!). Not allowing third parties at bedside hides a lot of truth.
    Coronaviruses are respiratory diseases. If this one isn’t, someone has some explaining to do.
    Calling everything “Covid” is preventing research into what is emerging as a serious syndrome (sticky, deoxygenated blood) in a small number of people.

    Of course China reports a new atypical pneumonia. With SC2, the west only shot itself in one foot. There’s a whole ‘nother foot to go to lay us flat.

    Pinker? Wow. Chomsky’s protege. We aren’t slaughtering intellectuals in the streets yet, but it sure is starting to smell like a cultural revolution.

    Dr. D

    The virus is now so bad that: “De Blasio Says BLM Protests Can Continue While Canceling All Other Large Events”

    Yup. No Temple, no Church but the Church of Racism™ and the daily congregations of brick and matches, demonstrating the true love of killing 16-year-old black children while black celebrities beg them not to.


    Biden – 5 million jobs
    Trump – 20 million.
    Covid19 – All in – “unknown pneumonia”
    IMF – ‘Equity-Like’ – MMT
    military spending package – $740.5 billion
    market – $6.5 trillion.
    insurers – fold
    Steven Pinker – academicians – fold
    peace – fold
    Christopher Steele – justice – fold
    Your bid – ???


    Four no trump.


    I really miss the Worldometer chart that you used to have at the beginning of each day’s posting. It was always the first thing I looked at in the morning.

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