Debt Rattle July 18 2024


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    Salvador Dali Elephants 1948   • Assassination Attempt Changed My Father – Donald Trump Jr. (RT) • Iwo Jima 2.0: What Story Is This Picture Telli
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 18 2024]


    “..Joe Biden was expressly chosen for what he is: a crude, corrupt, easily-manipulated lackey, and head of a crime family..”

    Everything in Duh’merica starting before the mid-point of the 20th century when I was a kid has been one big continuous Lie.


    Hence it’s why the catch phrase; The Empire of Lies, rings so True to me.

    Everyone has their theory of when the worm turned in Duh’merica.

    I just picked 1913 when the ‘Federal Reserve” was hatched as an alien Satanic reptile creation as the starting gun when something truly Evil began.

    The ‘Federal Reserve” has as much to do with the central government mechanism as Federal Express does with it; like Zero….

    It’s creation was the Genesis of the modern Military Industrial Mafia.

    The ‘Federal Reserve” allowed the financing of WWI and the plague of the federal income tax

    It precipitated the ‘Great Depression’ and then transitioned into the successful coup against Roosevelt in the 1930’s.

    Contrary to historic propaganda, Roosevelt caved to the Military Industrial Mafia in the 30’s and proceeded to lay the ground work for the bonanza of WWII in the 40’s and the National Security State in 1947.

    The ‘New Deal’ propaganda program was a sop, was some crumbs off the table of the Owners to placate the Plebs into following Roosevelt off the cliff into WWII.

    It works flawlessly

    The National Security State has ruled Duh’merica for my entire life.

    Everything in Duh’merica is staged and choreographed to perpetuate the National Security State.

    Like Everything


    The Empire of Lies has incestuously folded back on itself so many times with lies upon lies upon lies it no longer has a vague fix on reality or morality or sanity.

    The Whole World is Watching now as it approaches it’s DEATH THROES

    There’s an old expression I remember as a child: “a dying mule kicks the hardest.”

    A Demented Pedophile Gangster and his crime family will not go gently into that good night.

    It will drown as many as possible in it’s undertow.

    Dying empires are like Black Holes and even manage to suck the Light into them.

    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)



    What a sick joke




    Secret Service Beefs Up Trump’s Security With Squad Of Blind Midgets


    Speaking of blind midgets:

    What we needs as a country is more Listicles!



    Think Women Can’t Do The Job? Here Are 12 Benefits Of Lady Secret Service Agents.

    We at the Babylon Bee understand the critical role female agents play in the Secret Service, so we’ve put together this listicle to help underline all of the special talents these ladies bring to the table:

    They can hold up their little makeup mirror thingies to reflect the sun into the eyes of an assassin and blind him: He’ll never see it coming.

    They have no qualms about recklessly running over curbs or pedestrians while driving the getaway car: They’ll do this during normal motorcades too, though, so it’s a bit of a double-edged sword.

    They have experience changing diapers: (Biden security detail only)

    They’ll always make sure that everyone is safe and that no one gets hurt by standing on a slightly inclined roof: Safety comes first!

    They can do that cool move where the boy Secret Service agents lift them above their heads like cheerleaders to provide even more shielding to the president: Rah! Rah! Rah!

    Their high heels double as sharp stabby weapons: We’ve seen this in the movies.

    It’s very easy for the President to reach over their short bodies to shake hands with the crowd: So convenient!

    They are extremely ferocious and deadly at about the same time each month: You’ll be well protected, as long as you remain on their good side.

    You only need to pay them 78% of what a male Secret Service agent makes: Who says the government doesn’t care about saving money?

    Their hair ties can double as a tourniquet in an emergency: As long as you can convince them to mess up their ponytails.

    They’re great at kissing boo-boos: Nothing helps a bullet wound like a nice kiss to make it all better.

    They are every bit as strong and capable as men: Netflix films have proven this once and for all.


    Same old song & dance since 1947



    Times are rough in de-electrified Kiev

    This is what is in store for the Empire of Lies Sheeple

    This women in Kiev spells it out



    Another great history lesson from John Michael Greer mixed with magic and legend.

    The Nibelung’s Ring: The Legends


    Sure sounds like a Magical Kingdom


    “Imagine for a moment that it’s 2124, and the United States of America is stumbling through the last stages of a protracted downfall.

    The narco-gangs along the southern border have long since morphed into private armies led by powerful warlords.

    During an outbreak of civil war in the US, one of them unites several less powerful bosses under his leadership and takes their combined forces straight through the crumbling border defenses, seizing most of California and declaring it the warlord’s private kingdom.

    What remains of the federal government, based in Cincinnati after sea level rise turned Washington DC back into salt marsh, has too little strength and too many other crises on its hands to stop him….”




    Competence, once again it’s all about Competence in a country that has none.

    Want To Be A Secret Service Agent? Here Are The 12 Job Requirements

    1 Ability to navigate deadly 5-degree roof pitch: Not for the faint of heart.

    2 Can holster a gun in under sixty seconds: Bonus points if you can get it in four tries.

    3 Able to avoid getting distracted by people screaming, “Hey, there’s a guy with a gun on the roof.”: Focus is key.

    4 Be less than 5’6″ tall: Must be able to easily hide behind the President.

    5 Able to do at least two girl push-ups: Only the best for the president.

    6 Already owns sunglasses: The Secret Service is on a budget, after all.

    7 Can identify the most likely places for assassins to shoot from: Not to guard them, mind you. That’s just what they would be expecting!

    8 Willing to shield the president with your body after he’s already been shot: Patience is critical.

    9 Vision between 20/20 and 20/1,000: Just run in the direction of the screaming.

    10 Can pull off a 360-degree no-scope sniper headshot: While playing Call of Duty: Warzone, that is.

    11 Skilled at taking pictures of assassins setting up their shot: They will be very helpful later in seeing where the bullets came from.

    12 Ability to distinguish serious threats: Like a grandma with a small American flag as opposed to a non-threat like a crazed loner holding a rifle on top of a nearby building.


    Secret Service Reveals Head of Trump Security Was Chief Wiggum

    Turds in the Punch Bowl

    “I apologize for placing someone so clearly incompetent to head up Trump’s security at this event,”



    “I will never put that talking tub of donut batter in a position of power again….”

    those darned kids

    slope |slōp|

    • virtually impossible while seemingly easy: “no way, man. you’ll never score with her, that chick is way too slope.”

    • (ironically) the bomb, the bestest, the number-one-est: “that new netflix about p.t. barnum being president is totally slope.”

    Dr. D

    “Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas called it a “failure” of security, telling CNN that “an incident like this cannot happen again”.

    And we’re so serious about it that no one was disciplined and no one was fired. No one was investigated.

    Trump changed.

    Yeah, maybe he found out the bullets were real. Something went wrong with his “Let it happen” deal – one he couldn’t avoid having to choose – and he was a lot closer to death than he planned or expected. Citizen, left a response on yesterdays’ comments.

    Van Jones: Yes, the View said, “Isn’t Trump dodging a bullet and Biden getting Covid really the same thing?” You’re kidding, right? No, you’re not kidding? NO THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING.

    Also impossible quotes, that they are coming apart:

    “‘That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,’ ” – Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle

    I swear this is an actual, real, honest to God quote. By an adult in power.

    Trump: “I will always stand in their way”.

    Well, you’re 75, you’re clearly NOT going to be standing in their way very shortly, that’s why it’s all OUR job, not yours. There is no Orange Jesus. Trump is not going to save you. You are.

    Bongino: Yeah the “Pitch of the roof” quote means you’re lying, but haven’t have time to come up with a better lie. The ONLY reason to lie is that you’re in on it. Even in any case whatsoever, you could say, “We’re looking into it.” They didn’t. That means it’s an ACTIVE cover up, which means they know that the whole thing happened. What else does that mean? Crooks didn’t just wander in off the street. He didn’t “Evade” anybody, as some headlines list. They set it up, and USSS Director KNOWS they set it up, and she knew IMMEDIATELY. …So she was in on it, at a minimum by a minute after it happened, so why not a minute before when she rotated agents and removed them?

    If we know she is guilty at 11:11 GMT, then why not at 9:00GMT, or the day before? Or week before, or about the time they floated the bill to remove his Secret Service 9 months ago?

    They made their conclusion before they started their investigation

    Meaning they already knew. How do you hide something and cover your agents before you start the investigation and find out your agents are involved? A: Only if you know BEFOREHAND. …And knowing beforehand is the definition of HELPING. That means YOU are part of the hit team and assassination attempt, if your actions demonstrate you knew beforehand, sir. Officer, arrest this man.

    Polarization chart is wrong.
    The Right is now pro-choice and pro gay marriage. Pro drug, pro several other things like free speech as example. That puts them on the Center LEFT, by our political position charts going back 100 years. So this must be people claiming, associating themselves to a name: “Are you Left or Right”? But I ALSO think most of the Right would call themselves “Independents”, even the registered GOP. And they would be correct according to their political views over a 50 year arc. In fact, they’d be Left of Bill Clinton, 1992.

    So this type of error has the same effect as a limited hangout. It plants a lie and lets it persist, while supposedly debunking a different lie.

    Carlson, Spiritual War:

    So many things here. Classic blue-dog, NYC, intellectual, pure material atheists like Kunstler now can’t avoid saying it’s a spiritual war. It’s religious, having to do with God. Demons. How many others? Naomi Wolf, etc?

    They don’t really believe it’s a war then do they?” Again, mirrors the Left, who say racism is worse now than ever in world history, Hitler is not coming, he’s already here…and do nothing. Do not build a “Underground railroad” cubbie in their house, do not stock beans, do not take gun training, do not move to Canada, do LITERALLY nothing at all. ...Then you don’t believe a word that’s coming out of your own mouth, do you? And THEY think they do. If you ask they’ll say so. THEY think they really, actually believe it to the core. …But they don’t. They are fractured people, clearly, where only their MINDS have been kidnapped. Their bodies, their choices still behave as if they’re going to work, are pretty well off, there’s no AGW, and taking vacations in Acapulco, Vanuatu, because that’s actually the truth. They actually ARE okay. Their bodies and souls know it. There actually IS no AGW, or whatever. They SHOULD just work and enjoy themselves. …But that’s not what THEY, themselves are telling us, and mentally, ordering US, the “Other” to do. What was Michelle’s Meme there where “We have to all do with less” while owning 4 multi-million dollar mansions, some at sea level? “We” means YOU. YOU have to do with less while – I – own all the mansions. That’s the Left as well, that’s “Socialism”, exactly as the USSR.

    I don’t care if you own the mansions. Go ahead. But don’t then say it’s bad and tell the rest of us we can’t. And don’t claim to be Socialists for the Proles. Pick one. Or you’re dangerously mentally ill and need to be sidelined, if not incarcerated.

    JD Vance:

    Now that the spotlight is on him, he’s interesting. His approach is to deflate all the arguments in an interesting way, while constantly staying VERY CLOSE to all the America stuff that would make America work, and is Classic America stuff because it logically has and did work. Not rocket science, only seems weird bc we haven’t had anyone with a practical framework – that is, not self-serving lies — in generations. It’s a weird status quo. A revolutionary…stability…approach? I don’t have a similar person to compare wit this.

    What with all the hate on his name? So apparently it’s a crime that means you’re suspect if you have a stepfather now? ‘Cause yeah, that’ll really eliminate 99% of all applicants as Millennials and Z come on. Sheesh. I’d be shocked if I could FIND a kid who didn’t have FOUR stepfathers in 2024. Their mothers rotate through men like old socks, and that’s hardly any kid’s fault. Give it a rest. Or get to a point about it.

    “Secret Service identified shooter ONE HOUR before rally and when confirmed as a threat minutes before they still allowed Trump to take the stage”

    Yes, we have several new things, all said and likely, but every fact needs to be proven, don’t just believe a new fact that appears. YES they found and ID’s him as an issue…and then “lost” him. Uh-huh. Sure. But then we have Snipers reportedly radioed in something about him THIRTY MINUTES before — 15 min before the roof, which took +10min. We know the Snipers had him in sights for minutes before the shot. Police now “Boosted” up, 3-5 minutes before, couldn’t get up there or probably get shot, RADIOED IT IN on the All-Open Channel. Aaaaaaand, snipers didn’t hear this? Stage crew didn’t tackle and remove? 5 minutes? That’s an eternity, even Trump could have said bye to the crowd, got coffee, and be sitting in the car by then.

    And we KNOW the whole crowd knew. So ALSO there are no plainclothes in the crowd? None? Who would ALSO have radioed in “The crowd says there is an open gunman”? No?

    Okay, what are we most probably learning? Someone is controlling and preventing, editing all the radio traffic. Encrypted U.S. DoD radio traffic. And that means someone RIGHT FROM THE TOP. Wow, surprise, so shocked, not. Dodge this. Explain this.

    So the number of people who all knew, and the time window they all knew it, just keeps expanding infinitely. Now it’s a half hour, an hour. The number of officers/agents is now at least four and nearly impossible not to be twice that, or all.

    AND: what’s with Crook’s family calling it in? THAT makes no sense. The media is as-per-usual refuses to ask any questions or get any intelligent data, but apparently he popped out that Saturday morning, probably to the shooting range (he borrowed the gun) and was back by 1pm? And his parents CALL THE POLICE when he wasn’t back by THREE??? And he’s TWENTY? …Under what conditions does that happen? 1) He’s a special child you have to still parent as if he’s 12. 2) You know something, you’re not allowed to say something, and know that calling it in will create a s—t ton of problems and headaches later, so this is a way to alibi, cover, all etc, and get your son out of it. 2b) That also means Crooks is not the shooter, which we all know that have a brain in the head. 2c) Parents also do NOT drive to the rally. Did not leave to look for him themselves. And what does THAT mean? But they think the sheriff will search and find him over the whole rural COUNTY? Yeah, no. That’s now how things work.

    “Trump Jr. recalled, adding that “It was 90 minutes before I even knew he was alive.”

    WTF. That’s Impossible. WE all knew he was alive in just 10 seconds. He popped up like a meerkat on live camera. We were watching him fight off Secret Service on TV so he was pretty not dead. If WE know that, Junior knows that, so what’s he saying? Jesus, not you too, don’t we have enough liars around?

    “• Iwo Jima 2.0: What Story Is This Picture Telling? (Pepe Escobar)

    They’ve really settled into “We can’t allow this photo op” I kid you not: “ Media DEMAND Iconic Trump Assassination Photo Be CENSORED Because It Is Helping Him WIN The Election” –Tm Pool. Uuuuuuh, sure. We always refuse to use photos that sell papers because Muh, Capitalism right?

    That they’re not allowed/why was the photographer there, is the only question about the assassination NBC/View, they’re asking.
    Look at it my way: now they can either: 1) Say they totally believe in all conspiracies Theories, they’re all real, credible, and we should ask questions and demand answers from authorities like Biden all the time OR 2) Trump was NOT in on it, he’s a terrible, innocent victim of people who shouldn’t be calling for violence all the time.

    Pick One. That’s called “Morton’s Fork”, or in the U.S. “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.” And it’s the height of strategy, since either way you win. …Btw THIS is why your thinking and paradigm has to not self-contradict as the Left’s does everywhere. Because then you can be positioned into a lose-lose situation. A lot of that was cut off by their complete inoculation, inculcation, unawareness of hypocrisy, but if you can push out of concept and up into action, it still works. At the same time, as yesterday, they still position the Republicans to take Lose-lose for things THEY NEVER EVEN DID. Or ever thought of. Like Slavery. Somehow.

    “There’s fierce debate across the Beltway over how many factions are at war with each other inside the Dem blob.”

    The OTHER reason you don’t want to self-contradict, like putting Muslims and Gays in the same party tent. They will tear themselves apart. They did. We told them not to. So ha ha.

    “3.The ones who really matter: the actual Deep State”

    Yes, and we can’t go on all day – many have written 500-page books on it, 500 books x 500 pages – but the Derp State isn’t one thing either, but probably even MORE insular and fractured than anyone. Only yesterday, “Trump wants American empire, but a different KIND of American Empire” and that’s enough to get him shot. Then we have people like me or Ron Paul who want no Empire at all. That’s not ANY of these guys — or not mostly – who are generals. Operatives in the NSA like Rogers who informed Trump day of election, don’t want the U.S. to become Canada or Brazil, like I would. And the DERP State includes MI6, all 5 eyes, Interpol, but probably some level of Iranian SS, Israeli SS definitely, … on and on, who all are NOT on the same page at all. Then there’s the BIS, which isn’t “State” as in “Derp State” but might as well be.

    You can’t really go, “There are three categories: Me, You, and Everybody else.” although that’s technically true.

    ““..the official narrative might have been prepared to cover a successful assassination, not a failed one..”

    Bingo. And Crooks would certainly raise eyebrows, but with a successful death, he would be no different than Lee Harvey, who was a good SHOT, but took an impossible GUN. Same thing. But we can see the UN-successful has thrown them into disarray.

    …WHICH THEY WOULDN’T IF THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. They would just say, “Wow, I don’t want that to happen to our guys, please investigate.” Done. There’s your alibi.

    Actions prove they are in on it. I don’t need evidence, I can see it in their choices.

    “The passage of time simply allows official narratives to be constructed, and they are used to muddy the waters”

    Hear hear. As we see the police “boosted” they “Radioed it in” etc. Did they? Were they? Etc. Prove it. The USSS director was the LITERAL EXPERT on destroying Jan6 evidence. …Go on… if that doesn’t clue you in, nothing will. The “People is the Policy.” That’s it. Who they hire tells you their plan.

    “The reason aside, whether incompetence or complicity, clearly the Secret Service director failed.”

    Failed with no consequences, that means they liked it. If they didn’t like it, they’d be mad, right? They’re not mad = it’s not incompetence. Suppose this: they did NOT intend to shoot Trump. But thanks to Cheadle, now TRUMP PRESIDENT AND EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY THINKS THEY DID. Would you be mad if everyone in the country suddenly thinks you’re a murderer and this maniac will probably burn down your house because he thinks so? I would. THEY ARE NOT. They are NOT mad about that, to Cheadle. They are in on it. They ordered it.

    “Trump’s notion that he can achieve unity is a fantasy. There is no possibility of unity. Good and evil cannot be unified.”

    Interesting point. Except I don’t believe Blue is evil nor Red is good. The phrase is, “Democrats think Republicans are evil, while Republicans think Democrats are misguided.” We don’t SHOOT misguided, benighted people. We don’t arrest morons for having their moronic opinions, although they would and do. We’re only discovering how impossible it is to UN-mislead them, wow, but also we’re very well aware of how many evil RINOs there are, as Navarro and Bannon are both in jail for no practical reason, while Bush and Liz Cheney roam free. The GOP COULD get them out if they wanted, with not even political consequences. Maybe a political boost.

    And? Just like the Secret Service that means there are good agents AND bad agents both, wandering around. I hope I’m being a good agent, but who really knows? God himself; I can’t guess.

    Good and evil cannot be reconciled, it’s true, but it’s neither Red nor Blue, nor North v South, nor Rural v Urban. “It’s a line that cuts through the heart of every man.” Which do you serve? The message of Christ? Or of AntiChrist? …Roughly. So to speak. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

    ““That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point.”

    Why did you add these words? Because you were lying? The roof has a slope at EVERY point, not just the highest. Adding words is a way to sound like you’re talking, there’s information, and running out the clock. People with things to say – like evidence and information, facts – don’t need to add stupid words because they don’t have time. You HAVE facts, you’re the Director, and you’re not telling us those facts, you are time-wasting, therefore you are lying.

    “Rep. Cory Mills called a “sniper’s paradise” that was so obvious he wondered aloud whether it was an “intentional” failure.”

    Stop helping. Why wonder. It’s IMPOSSIBLE for it not be intentional.

    Okay, let’s go whole “Blue Anon”. Trump made up the whole thing and 100% of all agents were in on it. Great. Now, Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle hears about it and does she go ballistic on Trump’s agents, throwing them under the bus? No she does not. She makes the MOST RIDICULOUS COVER STORY KNOWN TO MAN, and sticks with it like glue. So either 1) Trump ALSO runs Cheadle– and why not Biden’s whole cabinet, and Blinken too? Or 2) SHE HERSELF WAS IN ON IT.
    I don’t gotta know nothing about Crook, shooters, calibers, ranges, radios here. I’m only looking at Cheadle.

    Cheadle says she knew.

    “but retreated down a ladder”

    Nope. See why details matter? Why I couldn’t believe that is, if you’re on a ladder, you’re mostly likely going to take pot shots at “Crook”, regardless. If nothing else, he’ll be busy and everyone will be alerted. But if they “Boosted” him up, that can’t happen. …Although obviously there IS a ladder somewhere, and has been for half an hour, if not 12-24 hours. That’s ALSO not a built-in ladder, although there may be one. You can see it in post-photos there are two ladders, one short on an A/C handler. Another long on the building-connection, said to be a foldable SWAT ladder. At least one of these almost certainly HAD to be visible at the time to the whole security team, out 500 yards, as it’s open field.

    …Keep talking, keep explaining to me. Every word out of your mouth is so fascinating. Never. Stop. Talking.

    On more thing since we’re over here. YOU CAN’T SECURE THE BUILDING FROM THE INSIDE. Duh. Are there any sniper vantage points from the kitchen cabinets or woman’s toilet stalls? No? What are you protecting INSIDE the building? A sniper will shoot the fire extinguishers and coffeemaker? What? Trump isn’t going to visit the building after. It’s empty. There are no bombs in zone. You may as well be in Pittsburgh or on the moon as INSIDE the building. That’s Anti-Securing it. That’s like saying you’re fighting by remaining at the barracks. Jesus on a stick, why do I have to say these things? She can say that and no one gets up and flings a folding chair at her?

    “Yet, the hateful and unhinged language has continued unabated”

    It was abated. And it still is, a little. But we immediately saw, they literally don’t know how to report on, talk about Trump otherwise. Like when they reported – swear to God I am not making this up – that Trump called for his OWN assassination. It’s HIS fault. …Like everything else, they don’t think, so they don’t know how to report, nor use their mouth-holes otherwise. So although they got “The Memo” they just begin to snap back to it like a compass anyway. Hate is my North Star. Too bad. With that tone, I thought we might be getting somewhere.

    “Only eight days ago, Schumer had a different opinion on Biden: “I’m with Joe.”

    “Whatever it takes.” “We’re with ukraine all the way.” Uh-huh. You know what I’m going to say: They said it, therefore it is a lie. Open mouth: lie fall out. An adult American said it, therefore it’s false.

    Anyway, we’re all distracted with the world’s most pointless debate over sight lines. Why HASN’T Biden dropped out? Explain? ‘Cause he’s looking for that long retirement? What? It’s impossible, dangerous, and pointless for him not to. …Unless something’s going on.

    Okay, since all this was ALWAYS obvious, why did they go through with having no Junior talent AND stopping all DNC primaries in the most ham-handed, egregious way? Only to replace him a month later? Does this make sense to anyone? No, it’s a set-up, a lie.

    “• Russia Empowered by ‘Naive and Ignorant’ Western Aggression – Scott Ritter (Sp.)

    “The Ruble is rubble.” “Couldn’t have done it without you, Da! Thanks!” — Vladimir Putin. Their answer? Do it MOAR. Russia is now more powerful and 600,000sq km larger, but I’m sure if we stick together, Russia can be made TWICE as powerful!

    Dr. D

    Kultsummar, On Kennard: Yes, and that isn’t Capitalism. Like, no kidding? That’s Oligarchy or Fascism which exists EXCLUSIVELY by undermining Capitalism. …Just as Socialism does, and the two are similar and in fact merge at many points. Capitalism is “I build stuff and own it.” That’s it. It pre-dates all these other names and one of the key problems is Marxism has so taken over economics and academia, they all borrow these terms which are founded on poor, and now provably false, premises. It’s “Capital”. Capital vs Labor. But what is “Capital”? What IS “Labor”? Capital was once owning a whole factory with billion dollar jacquard weaving machines in it. That was easy. But a cobbler reduced to one hammer was ALSO “Capital”. His hammer is “Capital”. But he’s also “Labor.” Yes, and the owner who is a maniac getting up 3am every day to make Moar, is also “Labor”. They are both working. They both own things.

    Today it’s even crazier: many wealthy people own nothing either. Their “Capital’ is their cell phone camera. Like Tim Pool, now a multi-millionaire with 100 employees. Meanwhile, “Labor” owns 2 houses and 5 cars. I see it all the time here. 4 computers, a garage of tools, a lift, a OBD reading machine, a car moving flatbed, the property it’s sitting on, actually approaching a million in cumulative poor purchases over the years. But they’re not considered “Capital”, at a million dollars, they’re “Labor.”

    They’re supposed to hate the OTHER Labor, the ALSO millionaire with a different approach, a young dentist nearby with the same cash liquidated value, but lives in a condo and all his loose money is in stocks. He’s a “Financier”, the “Rentier” parasite class. Even though Jimmy-Bob with $30,000 in tools is getting food stamps and the dentist is not. See what I mean? None of these words have any meaning, they don’t make any sense. How about a entire factory of tools, on a railroad in Detroit? Nope, sorry, that “Capital” can easily not only be worthless, it can be a spiraling net COST. That’s NEGATIVE value, Nega-Capitalists. Nor can “Capital” even shed it: it cost money he doesn’t have to LEVEL the building, and try to scrap 40,000 tons of old tools at 30c a ton. I see it every day because those tools are obsolete, someone blinked, something happened, and is now sub net zero. That’s why 20 states and all the buildings in them are rotting away, in full view. Nega-capital with Nega-Capitalists. Capital owner in this case is $25 Million POORER than the previous guy in a trailer with his car-lift parked in his front yard.

    …But we hate him because he’s “Rich”. We tax him because he’s “Capital”. What are you talking about? No one of these official, Socialist words make ANY sense. –And they’re everywhere. What they’re really saying is “I don’t like you.” and “I want to steal your stuff because you have a boat and I want one.” That’s it. It’s institutionalized Deadly Sin. Envy. And there’s a reason it’s a sin. Practically every “Socialist” in America is a White, Upper Middle Class, or Upper Class guy who hates and does everything they can think of to destroy every working person below them. It’s supernatural, which is why we comment on it. That they don’t comprehend it AND hate “Labor” so much they wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near them is offensive and inexplicable. This is why it’s like Munchhausen or something. They are Mommy, and they’re going to TELL you what is best, without looking or asking. And what’s best is to destroy, kill, murder, and liquidate Labor human beings into Soylent Green that they, the upper middle and Upper classes, drink from martini glasses at wealthy parties. THAT is what Socialism is here in the United States. And they’re PROUD of it. As JB said, you not only CAN attend 100 hours of meetings with them explaining this to you, you are actually REQUIRED to. Or be fired and live in a box. Now – I – know that’s not “real socialism” anymore than what system we actually have is near-absolute antithesis, is not real “Capitalism”. But THEY say they are. You say you are, as much as you say anything.

    Can you be clearer? No. We’ve asked and you retreat to even fewer words. I hear English isn’t your first language — maybe I misremember that — but the concepts are still well able to be communicated if you wish to present your case. Please do so though. One thing Capitalists and Americans believe in is shooting your mouth off in free speech and talking it out, and one thing Socialists believe is that is not allowed. They believe “Know your place”. Follow orders. “Do what you’re told.” I’ll ORDER and TELL you to know your place by speaking. Will you? Or do my direct orders not count?

    “The FBI, where evidence goes to die.” –MikeBenzCyber

    John Day

    Breaking: Battered Religious Minority Republican Luciferians Eschew Allures of Convention as Rumors Surface of Plan By Trump to Suicide Bomb Podium During Keynote Speech!
    “I just can’t Feel Safe on Campus Any More”, says Feminist Liz Cheney

    The picture told me a story as I pushed the lawnmower, Oroboros.


    “While you are contemplating as what just happened we are already creating a new reality”
    “Dance-like-Egyptian” Carl Rowe
    (R, that you are placing all your hopes in, but in reality a member of the big club staffed with both sides)


    The buck stops here. HAHAHA
    Denial of responsibilities.
    Not me, not my fault.
    How to explain/hide “Quiet Quitting”/responsibility.
    There was a security failure, but said “there is not just one entity responsible.”

    The FBI named the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, but has not released any information about his possible motive. Much about the events leading up to the shooting remains unclear, and Republican pundits have accused the Secret Service of negligence during the crucial hours and minutes before shots were fired.

    where he lived, 50 miles away with his parents
    where he worked
    how did he acquired skills of snippers

    looking at the stage through a range-finder,

    Just hours after President Biden mentioned in an interview that he would consider dropping out of the presidential race if diagnosed with a “medical condition,” the elderly president tested positive for Covid-19 this afternoon.
    (Are test kits reliable?)

    Kash Patel predicts Biden’s next moves now that he has tested positive for COVID after saying he would step down if there were a ‘medical emergency’:

    “Next he’s going to have some sort of malfunction and then he’s going to pardon his son, he’s going to pardon his brother, he’s going to pardon himself..”

    Biden boarded Air Force One in Vegas this evening, the White House pool reported. ( are travelling on the same plane) Where is the president’s mask??
    (Covid can’t be very contagious!)


    Dr D
    Most normal people do not hate rich because they are rich but for what they actually do after the becoming one.
    I have to personally admit that there should be some “societal consensus’ that would have asked Fink, Bezos, Gates….etc:
    “What in the world you think that you are doing????”
    Now, you go: “But, but…they are not real cap’s…”, so we can move in circles forever and ever.


    Democrat Leaders Make Tough Decision To Place Biden On Hospice Following COVID Diagnosis


    WASHINGTON, D.C. — Five minutes after news broke that President Biden has been diagnosed with COVID, Democrat party leaders were forced to make the difficult decision to place Biden on hospice care.

    “We just want Joe to be comfortable with the short time he has left,” explained Senator Chuck Schumer.

    “We spent a long, hard thirty seconds deliberating over what to do, and we all agreed this is for the best.”

    President Biden reportedly resisted the idea of being placed on hospice, but Democrat leaders assured the doctors that he was demented and didn’t know what he was saying. “It’s what the real Joe would have wanted.

    “Hahaha!” said Kamala Harris. “Poor guy, saying ‘I’m not ready to die!’ Haha!

    “He’s lost his mind. At last, he can be at peace.”

    At publishing time, Hillary Clinton was reportedly spotted asking the hospice caretakers if they needed any help moving things along.

    ~Babylon Bee

    Dr. D

    No, I say anything approaching capitalism would cut them and their fortunes to pieces and they wouldn’t be rich anymore. Win-Win. They exist solely as a forced merger with government, which then uses its violence to extract and transfer their fortunes. Example: Bill Gates got 20 year enforce monopoly where you HAD to buy his piss-poor, completely unsecured operating system. THat’s not what you call “Voluntary exchange.” Bezos among other thing magically was exempt from all laws, including all sales tax, until they recently started paying it, as being ALSO a monopoly, against the law. Now that THAT has happened, they take multi-pillions a year direct in government contracts to insure the same thing. They are the GOVERNMENT. Any separation or competition will collapse them in a single lifetime, if not sooner.

    What systems wish to merge Government and Private activity into one? 1) Not Communism, as that is uncontrolled and akin to anarchism. 2) Not Capitalism since that requires for Gates, Bezos, Zuck, and Fink to not exist and have to fight on their own merits with “voluntary” exchange. Same as anarchism. Leaving what systems?

    Dr. D

    Crooks was a health aide, akin to what a practical nurse was. I believe he works in a nursing home, but definitely with the elderly. He was an ordinary guy who showed up on time, nothing special. That is a people job, not a psycho job, as a personality profile.


    Don’t micromanage (Let those that can, let them do their thing)
    “I know how to get things done.” – Biden


    Former US President Donald Trump was “changed permanently” by the attempt on his life over the weekend, and will be a more moderate figure going forward, his son, Donald Jr., has told Axios.

    — from link 1 at top.

    So the no. 1 SON of MAGA Brand is saying, Trump will tone things down?


    Because he, Trump, is afraid? Surviving an attempted killing, he now becomes more mild, moderate, even obsequious?

    ! Not that he ever undermined US hegemony or managed even in minor way to ‘drain the swamp’ ..

    This makes no sense whatsoever, as statements coming from the no. 1 Son. So DT is ‘cowed’..

    As for the DT campaign ad, thanks for posting it..


    Kind of like Bernie emerging at the D convention after “someone” punched him in the face, and endorsing Hillary.

    “We’ve shown you four ways to Sunday of how we’ll get you. Do you need more? That’s a handsome family you’ve got there, Evander.”


    Dr D
    But they made their fortune in the capitalist society (despite your effort to paint that it ain’t so. That’s what most of you claimed (the best capitalism in the world) as recent as barely 6 or 7 years ago.
    One (say,.me) was booed and booted from any commenting site who even dare to question (definitely after 2008) “the #1 and the best country that ever existed, best army in the world (cough, gag – more like overpriced technology that does not work) and the best just about everything!
    “Somebody” just pulled rug under you and you are scrambling to find the culprit in all the wrong places.
    “Somebody”, for me, are the corporate mafia. For you “who know thing or two”, they are the communist and Marxists, while I wonder how in the world somebody can be that fucking stupid.


    “The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together.

    I accept that the Democrats are the top suspects for the Trump assassination, if it was real, but I also think the republicans also contain a few people who would like to put Trump to sleep, permanently, and benefit from the fallout. As some have mentioned, Nikki Haley was being groomed for the job, so who knows who could have done this.

    Of course, the Democrats have the motive and the lunatics to fuck up a job like this, but I will never believe that this is a lone gunman, he had help, the only question is who was behind this, if it was real.


    If you think this is a spiritual war and you’re not saying prayers every day then you don’t really think it’s a spiritual war.

    Make it a spiritual war then you can deny responsibility it is all about the spooky ghosts. But, I see why this nonsense would get the Trump crowd motivated, so I understand why they are pushing this line. Onward Christian soldiers, marching off to Israel to die for Trump …. it’s coming.


    Let’s look at some of the indications that incompetence is a cover for a plot to assassinate Trump.

    PCR seems to have left out the fact that Trump’s own security team ALSO failed to protect him or to notice that there was an empty roof in front of Trump. Was that also incompetence? So many coincidences.


    The Biden regime is yet to make a single appointment based on merit and ability. All appointments have been made on a race, gender, and sexual preference basis.

    DEI and BLM – all humans are equal, some are just more equal than others… their rules based order.

    Tell a Liberal that all lives matter, based on Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist principles and they’ll call you a racist while spewing venomous hatred at you. Ask them about Bidens murderous wars and they go deaf dumb and blind…

    Progression of brainwashing….

    Hey that mask does not protect you! / Response- “I’m wearing it anyway”

    Social distancing is fabricated bs and irrelevant. / Respone- “I’m doing it anyway”

    That vax will not protect you or stop transmission. / R- “I’m taking it anyway x 3, and you’re no expert”

    The Jewish State of Israel is committing murderous genocide. / R- “It has nothing to do with Jews”

    Joe Brandon is a pedo vegetable. / R- “He’s NOT Trump”


    Dr D-

    Trump staged it for a photo op…he benefited

    Oh sure, sure. Pretty sure anyone would “benefit” from not taking a brain bullet. Call me crazy.
    So Dr D- Trump was in on it and it was all staged huh ? That remind me of another theory, lets explore-

    The Iconic Iwo Jima photo was actually the 2nd flag that was raised on the summit as the 1st flag was smaller and there was still active combat all around them. According to inside sources they had to do multiple takes to capture the Trump photo (sarc)

    Isn’t it sad how some peoples grip on their lives is so precarious that they’ll embrace any preposterous delusion rather than face an occasional truth?

    Calvin to Hobbes

    If everyone has become so cynical and everything so fake….why bother wasting your time pretending to discern bs when you can’t distinguish truth. What is knowledge, what is delusion, what is ignorance? What is true?

    John Day

    He’s not even a Catholic anymore, so relax…
    Archbishop Viganò Warns Trump: ‘WEF Behind Assassination Attempt – They Will Try Again’

    Dr D Rich

    Recycling icons to create new icons.

    Where are the iconoclasts?

    The common knowledge the Iwo Jima iconic photograph was staged because the first photograph was not iconic enough never stopped the creation of the Iwo Jima Memorial/US Marine Corps Memorial in Arlington Virginia.

    Be careful not to tug on Superman’s cape. JD Vance Hamel might emerge


    citizenx said

    If everyone has become so cynical and everything so fake….why bother wasting your time pretending to discern bs when you can’t distinguish truth. What is knowledge, what is delusion, what is ignorance? What is true?

    Absolutely. CNN was at this rally, why? Who made that decision and why? Who knows, who cares, there was always going to be an “event” at that rally and it looks like lots of people knew and were prepared. Whether it turned out the way that the owners wanted is unknown, a known unknowable. Were multiple groups in on the plot? Of course, this was not a tragic lone gunman, this story is much bigger than that, but we will never know whether Trump was supposed to die or whether he was supposed to rise from the dead and become White Jewsus.

    With so many mistakes having been made, you are led to ask whether so many coincidences are possible and if not, then was the entire event simply theatre and not real. And yes, they totally could have faked it, and yes, it totally could have been a real attempt to assassinate Trump. There is no way of using your cognitive skills to determine whether it is real or fake. You have to accept that you will never know.

    Unless you were there, you are always going to have to rely on third-party sources who could be lying or could be telling the truth, or more likely a mix of the two skewed to suit their own agenda.


    I am just saddened that Kamala is unlikely to be POTUS. I guess it will all depend on the efficiency of the voting machine fraud system controlled by the owners, and whether they want Trump or Kamala in power. My money is on Trump and war with Iran, so we will miss out on what would have been a very amusing Kamala POTUS, the first female POTUS and the first with a whole leg in her mouth.

    Dr. D

    “With so many mistakes having been made, you are led to ask whether so many coincidences are possible and if not, then was the entire event simply theatre and not real. And yes, they totally could have faked it, and yes, it totally could have been a real attempt to assassinate Trump. There is no way of using your cognitive skills to determine whether it is real or fake. You have to accept that you will never know.

    Unless you were there, you are always going to have to rely on third-party sources who could be lying or could be telling the truth, or more likely a mix of the two skewed to suit their own agenda.”

    This is sad but true. I enjoy working out puzzles, but really, so much baseline has become fake that the whole thing is like noise.

    Citizen, do you read my other lines? If so, how does your perception that I think Trump staged it all, exclusively, gel with a 2,000 word post that every one of the Democrats knew and arranged it? I do tell why I think that, but your quick dismissal of my position makes me feel you didn’t read. It’s okay: you don’t have to. But it’s in there.

    Michael Reid

    And now for something different

    Doctor Allen discusses the global elite and how the “health emergency” was one big global Operation Gladio run by the Pentagon. He discusses his time hanging out with Bill Cooper and later working with bankers who would reveal things from time to time. They are working to bring in a global dystopia (e.g. CBDCs) and social credit system because the financial system is collapsing. Decreasing the population makes the crash more manageable for them. He explains the work he is doing to mitigate the damage done to people who took the medical countermeasures. The hour is late, people need to get prepared.

    Doctor Allen: Global Pentagon-run Operation Gladio Underway for Democide & Dystopia

    Michael Reid

    What is true?


    You would think that data sheets for integrated circuits would be but they are not necessarily true.

    Anything involving man is questionable.


    Be All That You Can Be



    Proof Positive of Global Warming




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