Jan 202025
 January 20, 2025  Posted by at 6:23 pm Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,  Add comments

Johannes Vermeer The art of painting 1666-8


I was going to write something happy and positive and optimistic, about a future that looks brighter after spending 4 years out in the wilderness. But then I saw that the Democrats have pardoned the worst amongst themselves, and thereby every single one of them, for everything they’ve done over these 4 years, and before it. The entire Democratic party has been placed above the law, along with their Republican friends. The USA is now officially a lawless state.

That is something to think hard about. Because why would you still maintain a judicial system, with courts and judges and prosecutors, if that system doesn’t apply to a large group of people? I can’t think of a good reason. The rule of law in America is now an abstract idea that belongs in the past. What might be good about this is that the Dems have lost any and all future rights to go after any and all Republicans. But it still doesn’t sit well.

You can forgive someone for something they’ve done, but you can’t pardon them for what they might have done, or perhaps even still might do. That is literally a licence to kill. And that has to be illegal. Even if you are the President. It also violates the Constitution, and in too many ways to count. Ergo: the US is no longer a constitutional republic. It’s now all bananas all the way down.

Biden’s pre-emptive pardons have changed the country forever, though of course nobody realizes it at the moment it happens. From now on in, anything goes. Lying to Congress? No problem. Murder? Don’t give it a second thought. Just as long as you get along with whoever is President, or who functions as such, you will be pardoned.

The American people have long seen this coming. We know this because of the Nov. 4 election result, but perhaps even more because of the plummeting “attendance” numbers of the media the Dems use to spread their – often lying- messages. WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, they’re all on their deathbeds. And they owe it to themselves. They all had the option to tell the truth, and they all chose not to. But for them there is no presidential pardon. I’m watching CNN’s coverage of the inauguration as I write this, and they haven’t learned a thing.

Eventually, there will be new forms of “news”. But people won’t place their full trust in one or two sources anymore. Perhaps they will find what they need at X, but it’s too early to tell. What we know for sure is it won’t be at WaPo or MSNBC. And anyway, news about what? A banana republic.


So how is Donald Trump going to turn this mess into a viable nation again? Perhaps the only way is to sue Joe Biden for issuing his pardons the way he did. And Joe’s about the only one who’s not yet been pardoned (at the very last moment he just pardoned his entire family as well). But that is not Trump’s style. Still, how do you officially forgive someone for blowing up the Republic?

Yes, Trump at any point in the next 4 years can pardon anyone for anything, but that’s all Biden’s left for him. He didn’t leave him a constitutional republic. This blanket pardon power is handy when you surround yourself with people who habitually break the law, but not if you respect the republic. Then it turns against you.

We all wish Trump all the best. But he doesn’t only need to govern his country better, he has to completely rebuild it, the trust in it. And that’s only if he can, and if it is at all possible.

When you say “God bless the USA”, what exactly are you asking him to bless? The nation the Founders meant to build, or the empty shell the Democrats today left you with?

There are great hopes for Trump and the exceptional team he brings to the tasks ahead, but do they really understand what those tasks are?


Godspeed, DJT.



Home Forums Godspeed, DJT

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    Johannes Vermeer The art of painting 1666-8   I was going to write something happy and positive and optimistic, about a future that looks brighte
    [See the full post at: Godspeed, DJT]


    Michael Reid

    This is the war between
    a sovereigntist USA and
    British imperialists.

    This is why the bankster owned MSM want you
    to hate the sovereigntists such as Trump, #Orban, #Fico, #Putin et al.

    All roads lead to London.



    If “the Court” allows Biden’s preemptive pardon to stand, then Trump gets to do it too.

    Unlimited ‘get out of jail no matter what you do’ for Trump to get his way.

    Duh’merica’s ‘Justice for Just Us’ sysem is the laughing stock of the world.

    Lawyers have always been barely above child molesters in my book but this latest Clusterfuck takes the cake and carves it into stone.

    The Keystone to Trump’s next four years lies in the balance of successfully cleaning out the pit of vipers in the Justice Department and then using it against the Intel Perverts.


    those darned kids

    i’m sure this little girl is happy mr trump is president:

    those darned kids

    those darned kids

    those darned kids

    They got away with their bombs, bullets and starvation genocide in Gaza, scot free. Now they officially get away with jab genocide. No questions asked/ No accountability. Silence. Are you beginning to see who really runs the show? Who owns the theatre and everything in it? Today is day 1 of MIGA. Time for the right boot to stomp your face, instead of the left. Both stomping to the same destination. NWO. Complete control and subjugation of the slaves. Clint Eastwood isn’t riding into town. Politicians take orders from their $ masters, or they end up dead. All these pardoned mass murderers, laughing as they drive back to their mansions, should dissolve any notion of political remedy.

    TAE Summary

    * Pardon them all, the devil shall know his own – Joe Biden

    * The DOJ to change name to the COJ = The Compartmentalization of Justice

    * Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1: …The president shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States … but not for Offences against Luigi Mangione, et. al.

    * A cautionary tale: The misuse of indulgences by Johann Tetzel within the Catholic Church largely contributed to Martin Luther writing his Ninety-five Theses. In Leipzig a nobleman asked Tetzel for a letter of indulgence for a future sin he would commit. Tetzel answered in the affirmative, insisting that payment be made at once. The nobleman did so and received a letter and seal from Tetzel. However, when Tetzel left Leipzig, the nobleman attacked him along the way, took back the money and gave him a thorough beating, saying this was the future sin which he had in mind.


    Michael Reid

    Biden’s pre-emptive pardons
    have changed the country forever,
    though of course
    nobody realizes it at the moment
    it happens.

    The sovereign people may transform
    the pre-emptive pardons into
    something more beneficial for the country:
    We are so confused.
    We are told if we don’t have a balls,
    we can be a man.
    We are told if we do have balls,
    we can be a woman.
    This word pardon,
    didn’t you really mean extermination?

    We are free, unless you think you are not

    Our choices make our destiny

    D Benton Smith

    I’m wondering how a preemptive pardon might actually work (procedurally speaking) in an actual Grand Jury, Prosecutor’s Office or Court Room.

    Does the accused tell the Grand Jury, “I don’t have to answer any questions because I have an unconditional pardon, in advance, for anything and everything that you might ask me about.”

    Does the District Attorney not even launch an investigation into missing funds and several suspiciously dead bodies because the suspected perpetrator has a “preemptive” Presidential Pardon which forgives any and all crimes at any and all times?

    And can a jury find a murderer guilty of a provenly premeditated killing (injecting a known to be deadly Vaxxine, for example) when the hit was ordered by a person who has been presidentially pardoned for intentionally creating the known-to-be-deadly injection and forcing other people to use it? (Anthony Fauci springs to mind).

    This is a serious question. Just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence? Imprudently, I think, or not at all.

    D Benton Smith


    Michael Reid

    This is a serious question.
    Just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work
    in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence?

    A carte blanche pardon

    Do you believe in justice?
    Do you believe in right?
    Do you believe in wrong?
    Do you believe the deliverance of justice to an individual
    by an individual in the eyes of god requires any additional approval?

    The idea of true justice is what deceived so many for so long

    You all need to go to work.

    Your dream is worth dying for.

    In the end we are all going to die.

    It is better to make the place better for those who remain

    Michael Reid

    Tulsi Gabbard is Trump’s nominee
    for Director of National Intelligence.
    As a member of the House,
    she was a strong critic of the
    Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,
    legislation that I am convinced is unconstitutional
    and the foundation of a police state…

    For some reason I like Tulsi and
    recently viewed a photo of you and her in conversation

    I hope you all restart the American dream

    D Benton Smith

    In answer to your questions of, “Really?” my reply is, “0f course not really.”

    My question, “just HOW does a carte blanche pardon work in the real world of law enforcement and jurisprudence?” was a rhetorical sarcasm. In attempting to work out how it MIGHT work (in the real world of bureaucratically managed jurisprudence) one would quickly discover that it COULD NOT work. That only becomes really obvious if one takes the question seriously and tries to imagine how a so-called “preemptive pardon” would play out if it were ever seriously put to the test in a prosecutor’s office or a court room.

    Clearly, attempting to do it would be equivalent to cramming 3 ft crowbar into the innards of a Swiss watch. Instant wreckage Can’t be successfully done. That was my point.

    Justice, right, rejection of wrong, and the rest of what you said are things that I fiercely believe in, and none of them can co-exist with the utterly evil nonsense of preemptive carte blanche pardon.

    I fully agree with your viewpoint.

    Dr D Rich


    Not much moves TAE and its readership and not even,
    the murder of 9yo Nawar al-Awlaki on Trump’s watch
    the murder of her 16yo brother Abdulrahman al-Awlaki as ordered by President Obama.

    Two children, Nawar and Abdulrahman, snuffed out by U.S. soldiers, sailors, airmen or marines and none of them prosecuted. Carte blanche applied by Presidential edict, Barack Obama’s and then Donald J. Trump’s……
    …..War criminals one and all.

    Mark Milley’s pardon bequeathed by Pres. J. Robinette Biden signals a rather extreme moment in The Biden Pardon Saga as the proscribed behavior, Milley’s, forgiven only points to General Mark Milley’s misconduct on or about October 2020 to January 6, 2021.
    I wrote about Mark’s misconduct here on Tae.
    Milley defied his Oath of Office, Title X US Code
    Milley defied his Commander in Chief.
    Milley consorted and conspired with a Chief Insurrectionist, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi a person not in General Milley’s Chain of Command.
    Milley in uniform and while subject to the UCMJ made public statements against the President of the United States over the aforementioned time period.
    Miley’s misconduct is, was, and forever shall be more detrimental to the good order and discipline of the armed forces than anything Pvt Eddie Slovik didn’t do. And another General executed Skovik murdered Slovik for it.

    This excrement permeates US GOV’T and the entire military bottom to top.

    Look and again, I stood against Torture 20 plus years ago and they disappeared me for it. I am anathema to my whole family, my former professional colleagues, fellow physicians and the military. And yeah, I watched a dumb as horseshit Navy nurse CO give carte blanche to two subordinate officers by declaring:
    “John, you did nothing wrong!”
    and to me,
    “You hurt the Good Dr. May!”Just what the fuck did you do D?
    Of course those two subordinate officers had been discovered to have ensnared The Nurse Corps CO in a disability fraud scheme. Whose disability fraud you ask? The Nurse CO herself. So her surprise could only have been genuine as in too stupid to know better or disingenuous as in she got caught with disability examiner Dr. May’s hand up her skirt.
    Ya see, Catherine Wilson’s conspiratorial scheme runs just as deep as Mark Milley’s racketeering in corrupt organizations. The applicable law and their individual misconduct in positions of authority provide a rather simple and convenient roadmap for the prosecution, but They both found their Scapegoats and they’ll stick with their story.

    Dr D Rich

    An honorable man would pass on it.
    Milley won’t.

    Dr D Rich

    Deracination is it.

    Michael Reid

    @ DBS,
    I appreciate your comments.

    RE. sarcasm

    This is best avoided with intellectual minds
    as I explained to Dr. D it is simply another form of lying,
    best to stop.

    There is a serious problem.
    The American dream may fail.
    What are you all going to do?

    Michael Reid

    @ dr-d-rich
    I generally ignore your comments.
    So you are hurt, maybe raped, etc
    What are you going to do to save the American dream?

    Michael Reid

    Doc Robinson

    A list of DJT’s “Presidential Actions” for January 20th (46 of them, by my count), including withdrawal from the WHO, and “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government.”

    Details of them all can be found at the link

    Initial Rescissions Of Harmful Executive Orders And Actions

    Flying The Flag Of The United States At Full-Staff On Inauguration Day

    President Trump Designates Chairmen and Acting Chairmen

    President Trump Announces Acting Cabinet and Cabinet-Level Positions

    President Trump Announces Sub-Cabinet Appointments

    President Trump Announces Cabinet and Cabinet Level Appointments

    Withdrawing The United States From The World Health Organization

    Application Of Protecting Americans From Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act To TikTok

    Granting Pardons And Commutation Of Sentences For Certain Offenses Relating To The Events At Or Near The United States Capitol On January 6, 2021

    Putting America First In International Environmental Agreements

    Delivering Emergency Price Relief for American Families and Defeating the Cost-of-Living Crisis

    Hiring Freeze

    Regulatory Freeze Pending Review

    Return to In-Person Work

    Ending The Weaponization Of The Federal Government

    Restoring Freedom Of Speech And Ending Federal Censorship

    Securing Our Borders

    Protecting The Meaning And Value Of American Citizenship

    Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program

    Unleashing American Energy

    Clarifying The Military’s Role In Protecting The Territorial Integrity Of The United States

    America First Trade Policy

    Memorandum to Resolve the Backlog of Security Clearances for Executive Office of the President Personnel

    Declaring A National Emergency At The Southern Border Of The United States

    Holding Former Government Officials Accountable For Election Interference And Improper Disclosure Of Sensitive Governmental Information

    Restoring Accountability To Policy-Influencing Positions Within the Federal Workforce

    Protecting The American People Against Invasion

    The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Global Tax Deal (Global Tax Deal)

    Organization of the National Security Council and Subcommittees

    Reevaluating And Realigning United States Foreign Aid

    Temporary Withdrawal of All Areas on the Outer Continental Shelf from Offshore Wind Leasing and Review of the Federal Government’s Leasing and Permitting Practices for Wind Projects

    Declaring a National Energy Emergency

    Restoring Accountability for Career Senior Executives

    Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture

    Restoring The Death Penalty And Protecting Public Safety

    Putting People Over Fish: Stopping Radical Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California


    Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness

    Designating Cartels And Other Organizations As Foreign Terrorist Organizations And Specially Designated Global Terrorists

    Reforming The Federal Hiring Process And Restoring Merit To Government Service

    Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing

    Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government

    Establishing And Implementing The President’s “Department Of Government Efficiency”

    America First Policy Directive To The Secretary Of State

    Protecting The United States From Foreign Terrorists And Other National Security And Public Safety Threats

    Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential

    Dr D Rich

    “Generally”…for Mike.


    If the ridiculous “preemptive pardons” stand, then it is imperative that all their dirty deeds be revealed, fully. If they cannot get jail time, then, instead, they must become publicly hated and shamed.


    A president whose election was found to be not valid would not have made valid pardons.

    Ergo, the Democrats did another doubling-down. Either go back and investigate 2020 or accept these weird blanket blank check “pardons.”

    It also means any justice that occurs happens extra-judicially. To refuse to live together under an agreed system of laws is to insist on going back to a far more primitive and less civilized way of life.

    John Day

    Leonard Peltier finally gets to go “home”…

    John Day

    Thanks for the list, Doc Robinson.

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