Debt Rattle July 23 2024


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle July 23 2024

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  • #164575

    Kamala La-la is the hood ornament above


    DBS- I am glad you’re doing okay.




    The dems know the down ballot is the focus now. Take the House. Keep the Senate. Gain state offices.
    That video showing all the executive orders that were robo-signed…. It would be pretty cool to just make EOs and have the President’s signature at hand. Who wrote those EOs? Who ran the machine?
    (You can get an Indian knock-off for only $250,000.)

    I’ve lost it now, but I’m pretty sure Cheatle said that local security handled the two story building.


    Meanwhile, the local cops said SS/Cheatle claims are lies, they had zero people on security and were only working traffic!


    There’s nothing like a state funeral to rivet the press.
    It’ll be like an early televised Democratic convention- each top conten-duh blathering on about themselves and how they admired and adored what’s his name. And probably a rino stampede, as well.

    Michael Reid

    @ DBS


    I was looking for and reading your comments

    life time change


    @DBS: Time to get a robot valet. Just make sure he’s named something sensible like Jenkins. Also, have you looked into lottery tickets as an investment vehicle?

    D Benton Smith

    Some people have been doing some indescribably bad things around the world recently. Far more than the average daily vile mayhem reflected in the historical record in quite some time by historical standards). The last time it looked this consistently bad was in the time of Jesus of Nazareth 2000 years ago, and before that was 1500 earlier during the Bronze Age Collapse. There were, of course, crises of comparable magnitude earlier still, but the record gets pretty fuzzy and opinions vary about timing and content, but the one before the Bronze Age probably involved a lot of water followed by seriously bad conditions and hard times.

    Anyway, here’s the point. There are bad people doing those bad things out there today and more often than not those bad people hold positions of power, wealth and authority over other, less powerful people, who those powerful people are intentionally and purposefully HARMING. It’s the purposeful intentionality that I want to bring to everyone’s attention, because right now we aren’t allowed to say that a problem like that exists. We are currently heavily FORBIDDEN (in a myriad of ways large and small) from suggesting or inquiring about the fact or possibility that there openly evil persons run our world from officially protected positions, much less talk about it openly, identify individual miscreants or wonder WHY the situation was able to happen at all or get so bad when it did.

    It is simply undeniable that such explicitly deliberate evil people infest our public and private institutions, or that they are organized. It should also be acknowledged that it is virtually impossible to remove or replace them with better people if it is FORBIDDEN to publicly acknowledge their existence in the first place, or seek to address real or perceived problems.

    So I’m raising TWO points, actually, and they are, 1) That such people really do exist within our organized society AND that , 2) It is entirely good and proper to FREELY talk about that fact within any and all social settings. Such open discussion of REALITY must no longer be censured or prted or discouraged in any way whatsoever.

    That would include EVERYWHERE, by the way, and not limited to just here on TAE where a bunch of almost-intellectuals like us sound off about controversial stuff all the time, like it’s our daily food and drink. I mean that we need to support such free and open discussion of this important subject everywhere and any time that it shows up. That’s 100% all the time, no exceptions. If some guy says that Satan wears scarlet satin underpants at Royal tea parties, then let’s just call for the evidence and line of reasoning, but we DON’T just arrogantly censor the entire subject or “cancel” the theorist himself with dismissive derision, lies or black listing.

    Be courageous, because it IS appropriate to discuss such things out in the open, especially in these times where broad spectrum censorship of that topic exists practically everywhere public and private… and ESPECIALLY in the wide public forum of current ts where this unacceptably censorious state of affairs is LITERALLY killing us.


    “Auto-pen” not robo-sign”
    What is the legal status of those things?


    @DBS glad you are fine. I wish you a speedy recovery.


    D Benton Smith


    Also, have you looked into lottery tickets as an investment vehicle?

    I almost tore stitches at that one. I’m still chuckling as I write about it. Thank you man. Made my day.


    Jimmy Carter’s funeral would be an even more clever ploy- everything could go on behind the scenes while the press is distracted, and heads of state could come join the plotting relatively unnoticed.
    I don’t wish him ill, but 99 makes it believable.

    I have suspected he died a while back and they were keeping him until they needed a funeral.

    I have a soft spot for Carter, and it would be a rotten thing to do, but the Ds are fairly rotten to the core at this time.
    Amy is a Republican, says goggle.


    Kamala Harris first speech was full of political promises. (Never to be realized).


    Good NEWS FLASH:


    Finnish-English dictionary

    adjective grammar

    ~ terrible

    very bad

    En tiedä millainen otus pitää niin kamala melua ulkona tänä iltana.

    I don’t know what kind of creature is making such a terrible noise outside tonight.

    ~ ghastly

    horrifyingly shocking

    Osan jonka olin kokonaan unohtanut koska loppu oli niin kamala.

    A part I’d completely forgotten about because the rest was so ghastly.

    ~ dire

    expressing bad consequences

    Mutta jos mielessänne on lepääminen, sanoisin, ettei tilanteenne ole kamala.

    But if resting was on your mind, I’d say your situation wasn’t as dire.



    I used to love V-8 juice before I saw this!






    Vote getting political promises. (Never to be realized).
    Remember – student loans forgiveness programs for the lucky qualifiers.


    MUSK: I was tricked into giving puberty blockers to my son.

    Sure you were. You are either a total idiot or a liar. Well, your claims to be a free speech absolutist was a lie, you rclaims to self driving cars was a big lie, but profitable, and now you are trying to justify your “foot in each camp” position to the US democrat voters with yet another lie. Jesus, is there anything for real in the USA or is it all bullshit, like the “Democracy” is bullshit, the “POTUS” is bullshit, the “Superpower” is bullshit, the “Morality” is bullshit, everything USA is bullshit.


    Oroboros said

    Another Coincedence


    One day the American people might wake up and see who is running their country, but I doubt it, they still worship the Jesus fantasy. The USA is the slave to the Israel it created. Thank God most of these people are in previously white countries (now brown countries) and not over in Asia; USA helping Asia.

    Dr. D

    Here’s the 2nd story window behind the erroneous shooter and offset from the real shooter. Local PD say they were called out and the room was empty and the window open at the time of the shooting.

    To Congress. As expected, the locals are not lying or covering anything.

    Dr. D

    If only anyone in America believed in the Jesus myth. At least then they might behave on general principles.

    D Benton Smith

    Jesus only ever performed good works and told the truth, for which people flocked to both him and his simple message, which was to acknowledge God as God, and to act TOWARD others as they wanted to be acted upon BY others.

    That truth and message were instantly recognized by good people as salvation and by bad people as an opportunity for evil that exceeded all others. The con was simple. Pretend to be carrying out the loving will of God in building a heavenly world, so as to be paid and protected for doing the exact opposite in the construction of a lethal Hell.

    exhorts you to dismiss the works and truths of Jesus because there are people who do the OPPOSITE and call it Christian. Oh, no? Alright then, tell me ONE bad thing about the works and advices of the Nazarene, or one good thing about lying, hatred, and self-serving greed.

    Dr. D

    The Nazarene worked on Sunday and was committing assault and general disturbance. In a Church of all places.

    Susan C

    To: D. Benton Smith

    Glad to see you back!

    I’d like to know
    what this whole show
    is about
    before it’s out.
    ~ Grooks by Piet Hein

    John Day

    @DBS: Glad you made it, Amigo. Welcome Back!

    John Day

    @Dr. D: Was there any clear communication of questions and answers about police in the building with the open second story window? All I got is that 2 local SWAT cops were in the building and at some time looked out some 2nd story window, and at some time went “looking for the shooter”, not from any window and not necessarily in the time that he was climbing the roof, crawling and shooting.
    Nobody mentioned at all whether there were spent brass casings found on the floor of the room with that window.
    How come nobody can think of that except on the internet?
    It seems like they should test that window area for nitrates, right?

    D Benton Smith

    One of the realizations I had in those long watches of the night as I lay there uncertain of being alive in the morning is that absolutely everything we have, without exception, are GIFTS for which we have no reasonable explanation or deservedness. We are simply here and we simply have them. We are, alive, and aware, with feelings and agency in a world that is both beautiful and responsive to our efforts to shape it to our purposes. To my way of thinking it is only sensible to be grateful to have them and more grateful still to the supreme agency who gave them to us.

    So how do we choose to use those unearned gifts to shape this miraculously malleable world that was simply handed to us as an act of selfless love? Do we use those inexplicably inherited gifts in the spirit with which they were given, or do we not? The free will to make that choice is another of those gifts.

    Do we use them to help others in the same way that enables us to enjoy life, love, awareness, agency and happiness? Or do we use those truly God given abilities to serve our selves at others’ expense, treating people in ways that we ourselves would abhor being treated by anyone?

    We are completely free to choose whichever strategy we wish, but thank God (literally) that we are not left to only our own wits and devices to do the work. You can get all of the help you could possibly need by just asking. Go ahead, ask. What should you do next that will produce the consequences which are in your own and everyone’s most enlightened BEST interests?

    You will receive your answer immediately and truthfully, and it will then be your choice of whether to do the thing that will achieve the best result (the good choice) or do something else entirely that will certainly fail because it is the bad choice. Your ability to know that difference (the one between good and bad) is possibly the greatest gift of all.

    D Benton Smith

    When someone hates you for telling them the truth then be aware that they are currently of the belief that some untruth (a lie, in other words) is what is good for them at this now or future moment.

    To believe that a lie is good is the quintessence of evil. Don’t do it because not only will the lie harm the intended victim, it will have no lasting benefit to the liar either. In fact, it will harm the deceiver even more badly than the deceived, which is why it is the enemy’s favorite weapon.

    When it comes to bad consequences from bad choices, lying is second only to hatred of that which is good.

    That sort of condemnation (hatred is a form of condemnation) is a lot different than being angry about personal suffering or hating something that caused something bad to happen. The hatred that truly kills is the hatred that springs from knowing that something is true and good, and hating it BECAUSE it is true and good. That’s Satanic territory, and the road to that Hellish condition is paved with the lesser kind. A good choice is to avoid both with every gift you’ve got.

    John Day

    Thanks for the thoughts from the edge, DBS.

    John Day

    Chuck Schumer Endorses Kamala Harris During DC Press Conference, Asks For Applause, Doesn’t Get Any

    Chuck Schumer Endorses Kamala Harris During DC Press Conference, Asks For Applause, Doesn’t Get Any

    John Day

    “He’s Alive!!” (At least one of them, anyway, a babbling one…)


    Genuine Presidementia



    Night School Course

    Sheeple Programming 101








    D Benton Smith


    “He’s Alive!!” (At least one of them, anyway, a babbling one…)”

    Imagine a public figure whose most fundamental defining characteristic (the one he is identified by) is his decrepitude.

    “That can’t be (or alternately, “that MUST be”) the real Joe Biden! That’s not (or “that is”) the Joe that we know because he isn’t (or alternately, “he IS”) as demented and degraded as we know Biden to be.”

    Legacy-wise that’s gotta be pretty near the worst case possible, like “winning” an ugly contest.


    Duh’merican History Lesson






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