Debt Rattle June 16 2020
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- This topic has 22 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
June 16, 2020 at 11:25 am #60064
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterGustave Dore Dante and the Angel of the Church before the Door of Purgatory 1868 • Biden Appears Likely To Pick Kamala Harris As VP (Mcleod) •
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 16 2020]June 16, 2020 at 11:41 am #60065V. Arnold
ParticipantGustave Dore Dante and the Angel of the Church before the Door of Purgatory 1868
Wow. Heavy stuff from Dore; but keep it coming…
The insanity is spreading rapidly. Out-pacing our ability to fathom/understand what’s really going on…
The danger is our fear; it leads to rash decisions, and striking out with no clear target…
It’s like shooting at nothing, on a hill out of range…June 16, 2020 at 12:46 pm #60066Mr. House
ParticipantHere is an interesting tidbit of information. Bumble, an online dating app, will not let you sign into your account unless you agree and support BLM. Not sure what that has to do with dating, but got me wondering who owns bumble? A quick search shows that blackstone, the same people running Trumps bailouts, owns a majority position in bumble……. when the big corporations support your movement, you’re a front or you’ve been co opted.
June 16, 2020 at 12:47 pm #60067Mr. House
ParticipantWe’re being color revolutioned
June 16, 2020 at 12:51 pm #60068Mr. House
ParticipantCorrection, its blackrock running the bailouts, but private equity is private equity and i’m sure they’re huuuuuuuuuge supporters of BLM.
June 16, 2020 at 2:07 pm #60069zerosum
information that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse and hinder arriving at the right conclusion.
information that is meant to sow conflicts
information that is meant to delay action
information that is meant to make you the loserstock market
June 16, 2020 at 2:37 pm #60070boscohorowitz
ParticipantRaul: saline sinus spray, sez me. You will likely be in way too much dry shared air. Keep your sinuses ooey and gooey, pls.
June 16, 2020 at 3:27 pm #60071my parents said know
ParticipantHow about a little “lighter-hearted” Dore? Canto 19 “Dante addresses Pope Nicholas III” makes me giggle. What did Nick do to find himself in such a predicament?
Ah! Nepotism!
Kamala Harris??!! Well, she is a perfect match for the old law-n-order Biden…(speaking of nepotism…)Isn’t it nice that Powell is investing in corporate bonds for me? How considerate of him! Maybe he could buy some stocks for me, as well. And here I was thinking of getting out of “The Markets” altogether.
June 16, 2020 at 3:47 pm #60072Dr. D
ParticipantCommenters are on the same page.
Amazingly and dangerously ignorant:
Defaced John Greenleaf Whittier, foremost abolitionist.
Matthias Baldwin, outspoken abolitionist in 1830, defaced with “murderer” and “colonizer.” As far as we know, he was not accused nor suspected of murder, and it’s difficult to be a colonizer when he was born in New Jersey to a man also born in New Jersey. …But these guys believe in racial supremacy and racial determination, so all white guys must return to Europe while all black guys must NOT return to Africa. That would be silly and racist, of course. P.S., Ireland would be very full.
Defaced Union war heroes David Farragut and George Thomas, who killed 1/10th of all (white) American men to end slavery on behalf of Black Americans. We should pay reparations to the decedents of the white families who fought for their liberation.
And of course, the U.S. Flag itself, which is the flag of the government that voluntarily ended slavery at tremendous cost.
And wasn’t Jefferson in a long-term interracial relationship risking his standing and reputation?
Well, when you’re ISIS, of course you must destroy all history, all symbols, all traces except those of the pure party. That’s love, diversity, and tolerance!
Well, waiting for the dynamiting of Harriet Tubman while the statue of Conf. Gen. Pike and KKK Senator Byrd still stand.
And I hear Einstein and FDR made mistakes once; shouldn’t they be destroyed from history #MeToo?
Why yes, everyone but ME, my ego, must be destroyed and replaced with my ego. Only then can there be peace. “[When we] win back the House and/or the Senate civility can start again.” — HRC Hail Hydra!
“Our enemies are your enemies: Disorder. War. It’s just a matter of time before a dirty bomb goes off in Moscow or an EMP fries Chicago. Diplomacy? A holding action. A band-aid. …. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing twenty million. It’s the next step. …Society’s at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning, we’re going to give it a push. But, if you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine. And HYDRA can’t give the world the freedom it deserves.” –Winter Soldier
Freedom. Order. Peace of the irrepressible boot. Just kill those 20 million Americans like Alinsky and CIA contractor Deagle predicted, and the other 300 million fall in line. It’s obvious. Logical. Destroy the nation and replace it with something better: your own image. Don’t be an enemy of #Logic and #Order, obviously you must pay people to riot in the streets and destroy things. Only then can we remove Liberty, the Constitution, and 10 Human Rights.
“The Ends Justify the Means” — Niccolo Machiavelli, who having written this, was rejected by his patrons. A statement so wrong even the Borgias couldn’t accept it.
So what are we up to here?
Since if you can’t push: pull, what happens after the French Revolution of Robespierre, in our case the virtual mob cutting off virtual heads?
After Robespierre came Napoleon. And the 1st “world” war in Europe, and 12 years of total genocidal carnage. Worked a charm! Rich folks who financed the war, sold the supplies, made a mint! Nasty, dirty peasants killed 3.0 – 6.5 million out of maybe 88M involved – almost a 10% mortality rate as the 4th Turning, total wars usually are. Bought up all their assets from the burned and ruined cities.
So long as they get this war that resets the finance and perpetuates control, they need not worry about Cheeto specifically, or the failed 50-year plan to establish a USSA under Socialist rule in the Weimar/Russian plan. They failed the short plan and fall back to the long plan.
Nor would Cheeto be Napoleon here, clearly. But once the Trotskyites of HRC, Alinsky, and the gang fail, the social pressure will swing back to law and order, to nationalism and country. So whoever shows up next can call on deep patriotism from obedient Zoomers who long for order and an end to total madness and irrational witch hunts based on skin color. …And THAT guy, at that time, will be dangerous. Probably against China, the trap HW Bush set up in 1989.
But I’ve said this already. Just that the socialist revolution is having a 2nd wind right now, and will therefore be defeated far more soundly, driving the pendulum that much further. Which at this point seems to be the plan. Why else would the actors involved take so many, very great and specific pains to insure The Donald’s re-election when they could so easily a) put up a real candidate and platform or b) cede the inevitable loss and double back in cohesive force in a mere 4 years with a base as quickly restored as the GOP has? But no: every. single. move. is specifically designed to get Trump elected in a landslide. Every crazed stereotype, every fear, every indignity, every violence, every alarm is being activated to channel the people into law and order and support of tradition, i.e. the Status Quo. Every move is being made to make the DNC cease to exist, the moderates to become “Republican” and be replaced by a Progressive or BLM party.
So who wins from this? From supporting order, status quo, creating a new generation of patriotic military force? Guess. What will the world look like two Presidents from now? Not a fan.
Hold the line for the decentralized Federal Republic with equality under the law and human rights. It seems we’ll be the only ones.
Ironic, since that’s exactly what I was going to say about Yaneer and Taleb. They precisely account for everything except human behavior, the one thing they’re measuring.
“They achieved this less than 16 years after the Wright brothers’ historic 1903 flight”
And they pretend we’ve had no advancement in technology since 1970. Still can’t get to the moon. We forgot how, AND lost all the tapes and records. Honest! Nothing to see in our DUMB Bunkers but sticks and stones.
June 16, 2020 at 4:23 pm #60073my parents said know
ParticipantOT In the shunned NYT Science section, there is an article titled “Is That a Bot or Not…” One “Kate Starbird” was mentioned, and I bring this up because of where she works:
The University of Washington’s “Emergent Capacities of Mass Participation Laboratory”.
It’s nice to know such a place exists, isn’t it? /s
(The article concluded that it is very difficult to tell a bot from a human.)June 16, 2020 at 4:43 pm #60074Mr. House
Feels like this will be the future.
June 16, 2020 at 8:35 pm #60076Mr. House
always enjoyed that short story, thoughts?
June 16, 2020 at 9:15 pm #60077Tree Frog
Participant“Call it what you want: nationalization, socialism, communism.”
None of those. Call it what it is: maintenance of the status quo ante. It will fail.
June 17, 2020 at 1:59 am #60078VietnamVet
ParticipantGood luck on what is now today in Europe.
Kamala Harris is a female counterpart to Barrack Obama. Neither are “African American”. He is half Kenyan and half American. She is half Jamaican and half East Indian. Both are globalists. But since Republicans have become the resettled European party, Democrats have turned to identity politics and the color of the skin to determine one’s position. After high school in Montreal she made a conscious decision to ignore of her East Indian ancestry and remake herself into an African American by going to a historical black Howard University in Washington DC. This shows how screwed up the USA is from its history of plantation capitalism. Fifty years ago, in Vietnam, I had more in common with urban blacks that country whites, my first encounter with Okies from Muskogee. They are the ones not wearing face masks and attending Trump’s Tulsa rally.
The various cultural, religious and regional groups each has about 20% of the population. The Establishment needs the lower classes at each other’s throats in order to eliminate taxes and end government regulation. There is no real attempt for understanding or compromise. With the collapse of federal government, incapable of fighting the pandemic, plus the greatest depression, and the fall of the Empire; a civil war is inevitable unless the USA peacefully withdraws home and democracy is restored.
June 17, 2020 at 2:34 am #60079Mr. House
ParticipantYears ago when people were predicting civil war due to trumps election i didn’t believe. I’m not invested in democrats or republicans, but after witnessing the reactions of the “tolerant” left the past four years, i agree with you.
June 17, 2020 at 3:40 am #60080Huskynut
Participant“I’m starting to think New Zealand’s success story was based on pure luck.”
Well our response was based heavily on recommendations from Imperial College, which is related to science in the same way a vampire is related to holy water.So yeah, luck covers it pretty well. 🙂
June 17, 2020 at 4:59 am #60081thomasjkenney
ParticipantI see sneeze guards on the cashiers in every market, but still no sneeze guards on the fresh produce. A helpful market employee uses hand sanitizer on a cart that’s been sitting in the sunny parking lot for an hour or more. Shade tarps are set up over the ingress line outside the market, to helpfully prevent us from getting more vitamin D. People are wearing masks driving solo in their SUVs.
Too bad they can’t kill this virus with a gun…it’d be a done deal, eh?
June 17, 2020 at 12:55 pm #60082Carlos Jimenez
ParticipantSince Raul is stuck at and in between airports today, here’s a fun vid of Shangri-La in ‘murica courtesy of the anti-racist revolution. If you don’t believe me you may believe Kshana Sawant at the 5:45 mark. “The Autonomous Zone is an incredible area of peace and friendship.” Indeed incredible. And Sad. I had lot of sympathy for her. It turned out to be another hustler with a stubborn Indian accent. Kamala shares half of Sawant’s ancestry but has parlayed that into blackness privilege very deftly a-la-Rachel Dolezal with better results though. It helped that at her peak of hotness she advanced a lot faster by practicing the oldest trade in the world, with the Mayor of Frisco, Willie Brown…
June 17, 2020 at 1:27 pm #60083John Day
When we stop taking sides in a squabble, and start working together to build some way of life that can function in our own communities, then we will be acting as citizens, and can build a country.
We are divided and ruled by Facebook memes.The Systemic Collapse of the US Society Has Begun, The Saker. Thanks Eleni in Athens.
For a society, any society, to function a number of factors that make up the social contract need to be present. The exact list that make up these factors will depend on each individual country, but they would typically include some kind of social consensus, the acceptance by most people of the legitimacy of the government and its institutions, often a unifying ideology or, at least, common values, the presence of a stable middle-class, the reasonable hope for a functioning “social life”, educational institutions etc. Finally, and cynically, it always helps the ruling elites if they can provide enough circuses (TV) and bread (food) to most citizens. This is even true of so-called authoritarian/totalitarian societies which, contrary to the liberal myth, typically do enjoy the support of a large segment of the population (if only because these regimes are often more capable of providing for the basic needs of society).
Right now, I would argue that the US government has almost completely lost its ability to deliver any of those factors, or act to repair the broken social contract. In fact, what we can observe is the exact opposite: the US society is highly divided, as is the US ruling class (which is even more important). Not only that, but ever since the election of Trump, all the vociferous Trump-haters have been undermining the legitimacy not only of Trump himself, but of the political system which made his election possible. I have been saying that for years: by saying “not my President” the Trump-haters have de-legitimized not only Trump personally, but also de-legitimized the Executive branch as such…
For a civil war to take place you need at least two sides, each with a clearly identifiable political agenda. Since the real power in the USA is hidden from the public awareness, there is no potential for a “the people vs the rulers” kind of civil war in the US. A “Right/Conservative vs Left/Liberal” civil war is also not possible, because both the US Right and the US Left are, in reality controlled by a deep state which is neither liberal nor conservative. Finally, a “rematch” between North and South is not possible either because the modern USA is not really split along North/South lines anymore.…
I call what is happening today an insurrection: a violent revolt or rebellion against the authorities as such. When you burn a police precinct you do not “protest” against the actions of a few cops, no, what you are doing is expelling the cops from your neighborhood (I know that personally. In Argentina I lived in a suburb of Buenos-Aires in which the police station was attacked so often that it closed and was never rebuilt). And since in a civilized society the state should have the monopoly on the (legal) use of force, you are basically rejecting the authority and legitimacy of the state which operates the police force. This insurrection is most unlikely to remove Trump from office (hence it is not a coup or a revolution), but the anti-Trump faction of the ruling elites have now clearly adopted the strategy of “worse is better” simply because they realize that these riots are probably their last chance to blame it all on Trump (and Russia, why not?!) and maybe, just maybe, defeat him in November...
Irrespective of whether either faction will succeed in instrumentalizing the riots, what we are seeing today is a systemic collapse of the US society. That is not to say that the USA will disappear, not at all. But just like it took the Soviet Union a decade or more to fully collapse (roughly from 1983-1993), it will take the US many years to fully crash. And just like a New Russia eventually began taking form in 1999, there will be a New USA coming out of the current collapse. Total and final collapses are very rare, mostly they just initiate a lengthy and potentially very dangerous transformation process, the outcome of which is almost impossible to predict.
However, just as the Russian people had to stop kidding themselves with silly dreams about “democracy” and had to tackle the real problems of Russia, so will the people of the USA have to find the courage to deal with their real problems, frontally and deliberatelyThat was a Russian political and military analyst, who has lived in various parts of the US for 24 years. Here is analysis from a Serb. Analysis from those who have recently experienced systemic upheaval is useful, I think.
The Color Revolution Is Finally Home
…American democracy is their undisputed model and should be implemented everywhere. However, nothing is going well there anymore as democracy has just exploded in America. In the literal sense of the word. That does not make me happy at all. I know that the American establishment, in addition to bombing half the world – including my country – has destroyed its own state. And all this under the slogan of the so-called struggle for human rights. erosion of American Democracy goes back to Harry Truman, and involves the CIA? Are you sure?
Imperialism. We have become subjects of an empire, whose owners are invisible.
…JIC-502 claimed the Soviets would achieve military superiority and be able to launch war against the U.S. This proposed military buildup would increase the defense budget from $10 billion to $40 billion from 1950-53.
During this same period another security doctrine was drafted, titled “NSC-75: A Report to the NSC by the Executive Secretary on British Military Commitments”. The report concluded that if the British Empire collapsed, and Britain could no longer carry out these deployments, in defending the “free world” against the Soviets, the U.S. would not be able to carry out its current foreign policy, including NSC-68.
It was thus concluded in the report that it would be more cost-effective to aid Britain in saving its Empire!
If you were ever wondering why the CIA was constantly found paired with British Intelligence, starting from its very inception, in a series of coups in countries they had no reason to be in, now you know why.
The U.S. had gone from an explicit mission to end imperialism worldwide under Roosevelt, to actively supporting and upholding British colonies and vassal states under Truman! …
In summary, since the death of FDR there was a somewhat open battle between members of the intelligence community, which could be categorised as FDR loyalists vs Churchill loyalists (1). …
From the moment Kissinger assumed the post of National Security Advisor to Nixon, he set out to centralize all intelligence estimates, diplomatic initiatives, and covert operations over figuratively and sometimes literal dead bodies of members of the CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, State Department and Congress.
According to John Ranelagh in his book The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA:
“Very early in the Nixon administration, it became clear that the President wanted Henry Kissinger to run intelligence for him and that the NSC staff in the White House under Kissinger would control the intelligence community. This was the beginning of a shift of power away from the CIA to a new center: the growing NSC staff.”
Kissinger would use the Watergate scandal, where the CIA was caught by Congress directly implicated in treasonous activities, as the impetus needed to form a new CIA, a secret branch away from the scrutiny of Congress...
In 1982, under the direction of Kissinger, President Reagan would sign NSDD 77 under Cold War duress, which would launch Project Democracy, a sardonic name for a Trojan Horse...
The structure of the NED (National Endowment forDemocracy) essentially functions as a private CIA political operations arm of an invisible, secret government beyond accountability and beyond the reach of the law.
Those who still had a degree of humanity as members of the intelligence community, and had survived the Kissinger purge, were simply kept in the dark about the cloak and dagger operations of the secret government branch...
In a 1991 interview, then NED President David Ignatius arrogantly stated “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA…The biggest difference is that when such activities are done overtly, the flap potential is close to zero. Openness is its own protection”. …
The Trilateral Commission was founded in the wake of Watergate and oil crisis of 1973. It was formed under the pretence of addressing the “crisis of democracy” and calling for a reshaping of political systems in order to form a more “stable” international order and “cooperative” relations among regions.
Its formation would be organised by Britain’s hand in America, the Council on Foreign Relations, (aka: the offspring of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the leading think tank for the British Crown)...
It would mark the beginning of the end, introducing the policy, or more aptly “ideology”, for the need to instigate a “controlled disintegration of society.”
The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental body, its members include elected and non-elected officials scattered throughout the world, ironically coming together to discuss how to address the “crisis of democracy” in the most undemocratic process possible. It is an organisation meant to uphold the “interests” of its members, regardless of who the people voted in...
By the time of Jimmy Carter’s Administration, the majority of the government was being run by members of the Trilateral Commission. But who runs the Trilateral Commission? …
… In May 1981, Henry Kissinger who replaced Brzezinski as the head of the Trilateral Commission gave a speech at Chatham House describing his term as Secretary of State:
“[The British] became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never practiced between sovereign nations…In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American Department…It was symptomatic.” (emphasis added).
In his speech, Kissinger outlined the conflicting ideologies between Churchill and Roosevelt, and concluded with his support for the British worldview as the more superior of the two...
In 1975 the CFR launched a public study of global policy titled the 1980’s Project. The general theme was “controlled disintegration” of the world economy, and the report did not attempt to hide the famine, social chaos, and death its policy would bring upon most of the world’s population.
The study explained that the world financial and economic system needed a complete overhaul according to which key sectors such as energy, credit allocation and food would be placed under the direction of a single global administration. The objective of this reorganization would be the replacement of nation states.
However, before this could occur, nation states would have to falter, or at least give off the impression of faltering...
Among the most effective strategies towards this end has been color revolutions, which just so happens to be the NED’s specialty practice and has included, to name a few, the nations of Yugoslavia, Georgia, Iraq, Lebanon, Burma, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Ukraine and the ongoing Hong Kong protests.The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence
CHAZ Occupier Suggests ‘Rounding Up All the White People’ into Work Brigades
“Keeping the white menace under control.”CHAZ Occupier Suggests ‘Rounding Up All the White People’ into Work Brigades
Joe Biden, the presumptive presidential candidate for the United States 2020 election has declared that he does not support the call for defunding the police. Meanwhile, in an investigation it has been found that 99.64% of the Black Lives Matter’s ‘Defund the Police’ donations go to Joe Biden via ActBlue, a Democrat fundraising platform that is the top donor to the Biden-for-President campaign.
99.64% BLM’s Defund The Police Donations Go To Joe Biden Campaign Via ActBlue
June 17, 2020 at 1:47 pm #60084boscohorowitz
Participant“With the collapse of federal government, incapable of fighting the pandemic, plus the greatest depression, and the fall of the Empire; a civil war is inevitable unless the USA peacefully withdraws home and democracy is restored.”
I think the inevitability of civil war is here, while democracy remains a flickering ignuus fatus in the twilight tv screen.
But I do believe democracy is real.
Democracy, I believe, is what happens when people tied by family and history live together over time in groups no larger than 200. I suspect we’ll see that in a few decades.
June 17, 2020 at 2:05 pm #60085boscohorowitz
ParticipantLove the minor/major contrast tween verse and chorus.
“Wake your reason’s hollow vote
Wear your blizzard season coat
Burn a bridge and burn a boat
Stake a Lizard by the throat”(most of the lyrics are sopohomoric sci-fi mythogothic hyper-wrung excess, but the chorus makes the cut)
June 17, 2020 at 2:26 pm #60086zerosum
ParticipantJohn Day
Thank you for all that info.
I didn’t know all of that.As a result, I CAN CONCLUDE that I could not present a NEW AND BETTER model for a political/social/economic system.
Coming up such a system, one that has not been tried somewhere, sometime, is a task for the elite.The alternative, is for an affluent individual to read the tourist brochures and to go for a visit before relocating to an existing system somewhere in the world.
Do variations of dictatorships offer a lifestyle that is enriching for someone that is at the bottom of the political/social/economic system?
How about the opposite end of the scale. Do communes still exists?As a senior, I’ve arrived at my choice. I’m going to accept what I have and make the best with what I have.
June 17, 2020 at 3:37 pm #60087boscohorowitz
ParticipantFace of someone arrested for arson in local riots:
Nerds can be really terrifying.
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