Debt Rattle June 27 2016


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    Harris&Ewing District National Bank, Washington, DC 1931 • I Walked From Liverpool To London. Brexit Was No Surprise (G.) • UK Will Emerge From Brexit
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 27 2016]

    V. Arnold

    What fools we be; we’ve allowed the galoots to create a world where votes no longer mean shit!
    It seems little Iceland is still a democracy; a rare occurrence on planet earth in these times of collective, and increasing, insanity…


    Here is a huge geopoltical change which occurred less than 24 hrs after Brexit. I think the US influence in the EU is weakening:


    Turkey must have given up on the EU


    Carbon – good article. Whatever the U.S. and its NATO puppets were doing in that region, it’s clear it hasn’t worked out the way they wanted. Russia went along with the ceasefire; it’s just that nobody else did. Now they are bombing the heck out of anything that moves, moderates be damned. I think Erdogan is smelling defeat.

    Turkey is being hammered by Russian sanctions and loss of Russian tourists. And good luck getting into the EU! No way. He’s also smelling Trump in the air. Maybe Erdogan is starting to realize that he might end up being surrounded by hostile enemies instead of the other way around. The U.S. will hang him out to dry, if need be. The rat is jumping off the ship because the ship is going down, but just think of all the money that this rat (and many others) made off Syrian oil and arms shipments before it started to list. Their bank accounts now bulging, it’s time to pull out.

    Any money Erdogan and his family (plus his friends) made off dirty deals should be clawed back and sent to help the Syrian people rebuild their country. Same with all others who benefited from this war. Claw back the money and open up the jail cells.


    Hi Raleigh

    The famous deal Putin made with all his thieving oligarchs left over from the Yeltsin capitulation was that as long as they become loyal to Russia, then they could keep their loot. Those that continued to irritate politically like Berezovsky, Abramovitch? and Khodorkovsky had to leave or face prison for their actual crimes. I think that Putin will do the same for Erdogan and any other Turkish elites who side with him. He will let them off for their crimes because it suits his greater purpose. He did so with Savchenko also. Since he has form for this arrangement, this is perhaps why Erdogan can strike a deal. the alternative is bad for him anyway. Putin will let God judge Erdogan ultimately. He has faith I think.


    Carbon – you’re probably right. That’s actually a smart move on Putin’s part. If he gets too cozy with Putin, the U.S. will just take him out. Still, Erdogan’s apology is something new in the right direction. Hopefully it’s a sign that all is lost in Syria as far as the overthrow of Assad and that they’re going to cut their losses. People everywhere are showing contempt for the U.S. Thanks, Carbon.


    >>Whatever the U.S. and its NATO puppets were doing in that region, it’s clear it hasn’t worked out the way they wanted.<<

    Hi Raleigh, I would like to phrase the above and eliminate the misinformation currently contained therein.

    “Whatever the Debt-Money Monopolists and its U.S. and NATO political and corporate puppets were doing in that region, it’s clear it hasn’t worked out the way they wanted.”

    Do you how the meaning is much more accurate and concise? I’m from the US and to hell with the idea that I have any control whatsoever of the Debt-Money Monopolist financed quislings in government, the mega-corporations, and in NATO. Neither does anyone I’ve ever known or even met in my life! The DMM will pin their own atrocities on the people of the United States – and I’m beating their scam to the punch. But will anyone listen?

    Oh, I’m not sure that Brexit wasn’t completely accounted for in advance. Soros has made millions, if not $10s of millions off of Brexit. The debt-money Ponzi scheme now has a “trigger” false narrative other than the real root cause which is a fraudulent debt-money system that systemically generates artificial scarcity, poverty, human degradation, and death.

    A deflationary collapse that allows the Banksters to steal everything they can from everyone else, including government, was always baked into the cake. They didn’t coin the term “full spectrum dominance” for nothing. As George Carlin said, “they own you!” What he didn’t know was that they own us through a fraudulent debt-money system.

    Dr. Diablo

    Whether it was plan B or plan Q, news on the ground looks like the insiders started motions for a destabilization and color revolution in the UK an hour after the vote to bring them to heel or punish them for daring to resist. They’ve already got neonazis, labor groups and NGOs agitating violence, although the working class they’re supposedly part of largely voted to leave. I guess we’re going to see how the Ukrainian Plan works on a supposed 1st world country.

    I guess we can tell how the Scottish Independence movement suddenly got insider funding and legitimacy after 200 years of uselessly moping around — classic checklist for control and destabilization is to implant a troublesome nation or group in their midst. Pakistan for India, Ukraine for Russia, “Safe Zone”/”Special Interest Area”/”Kurdish Federal State” in Northern Syria, and now Scotland for England. We already saw the “Leave” vote is in lose-lose. There are hurdles in UK Parliament, hurdles in registering the divorce under Article 50, hurdles in confirming or undoing the 99 EU laws governing pillowcases and 12,000 laws governing milk, and dramatically, hurdles getting or overriding Brexit through Scottish Parliament where disobeying the EU, which neither is part of, is actually illegal. So Brexit? Go ahead: the UK will cease to exist as Scotland and Northern Ireland secede then bedevil them for 500 years.

    You feel lucky punk? Shouldn’t you just have accepted slavery rather than freedom? Life would be so much easier. Bona na croin.

    Dr. Diablo

    PS, everything insiders steal or everything that goes wrong for the next 10 years will be the nationalist’s fault. Every attack the EU lays on the British people will be the fault of UKIP. By the time they’re done, every Briton will be begging to join the unelected, unaccountable, genocidal EU superstate, just like the Ukraine dreams of being only as dysfunctional as Greece. …Or so the plan goes.

    Steal away, fast as you can! Every insider has a free pass.

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