Debt Rattle March 23 2017


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    Unknown GMC truck Associated Oil fuel tanker, San Francisco 1935   • I Don’t Think The US Should Remain As One Political Entity – Casey (IM) • Tr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 23 2017]


    “Instead of 220 nation states we should ideally have about seven billion. Everybody should be a sovereign individual.” That’s rich. Some global speculator thinks humankind should return to the basic tribalism of 12,000 years ago. but keep corporations and electronic financial markets one can suppose. How stupid can one person be? Well he probably thinks he wants 7 billion sovereign individuals but he wants what every rich person wants, sovereign corporations overseeing a ‘technosphere’ and what people are left serving them, stripped not of just sovereignty but their humanity.

    And Americans get along just fine as long as they are not in the grip of thoughts and emotions thrust upon them modern communications.

    IM, you’ve got to stop with this Zero Hedge stuff.


    Trump managed to stuff the top of his Cabinet with a jaw-dropping collection of perverts, tyrants and imbeciles, the likes of which Washington has never seen.

    Like there has never been any of them in politics before. I think career politicians are just a bit better with mask wearing.


    Oh and while the caviar is getting consumed at these lavish parties the sturgeon is nearly extinct. Eat it while you can I guess. Like the turtle soup of yesteryear that the northern hemispheric parasites consumed till the edge of extinction. Bet those bankers are spewing they can’t have that on the menu- outside the private parties that is.

    Dr. Diablo

    Casey is your classic thoughtless rich guy, as well-seen in his Argentine fiasco. He thinks somehow he will be rich in a world where “everyone is sovereign” and therefore by definition there is no central authority to protect his property rights. Pull the other one.

    The idea the U.S. would be better broken up is so dangerous it should be addressed, however. The world isn’t that different from 1789 when the colonies realized if they didn’t coordinate defense they’d be picked off by U.K. and the larger powers. Spain may realize this soon, as governments–already barely strong enough to fight off MNC’s and organizations like the IMF (as shown with smaller states like Greece being utterly devoured for profit) want to split and divide their power further while the power of corporations over government continues to expand.

    Here’s a map of the last election, I don’t really see how those 15 cities are going to survive without 92% of the counties. At the moment they are annihilating every area in flyoverland to further their lifestyle and barely treading water (think of all the desperate poor even IN those areas). What do you think NYC and D.C. would be like as an island with no access to or influence over the entire continent? How long would they defend themselves against a continent of hostile, MAGA-toting “red-skins”? Fantasy. Appalling fantasy Casey doesn’t care the least about.

    At the same time, how long would the countryside prosper without their ports, R&D, and financial centers? Equal madness. So I’ve got an idea: stop exploiting and killing your countrymen. Stop having everyone try to live at everyone else’s expense. Stop stealing the same financial widget back and forth and work. Make something. Do something. Then your mutual cooperation as opposed to violent theft will make everyone richer, as proven so often in the past. But I know that’s too much to ask.


    “For a continent that has been at war with itself for 10 centuries and only managed to play nice for the last 30 or so years, it’s foolish to expect these bailouts to last forever.”

    The EU continent is trying to figure out a different population control (extermination) and generational wealth transfer mechanism (stealing).


    At the end of the tunnel, if a medium of exchange exists, it will be based upon productive human schvitz equivalents.

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