Debt Rattle May 5 2021
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- This topic has 58 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
madamski cafone.
May 5, 2021 at 8:18 am #74477
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterEdgar Degas The laundress 1873 • India Latest Country to Approve Use of Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19 (NC) • Do Stupid Things, Win Stupid Prizes
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 5 2021]May 5, 2021 at 10:15 am #74478V. Arnold
ParticipantEdgar Degas The laundress 1873
Nice, very nice indeed. I like Degas style…
May 5, 2021 at 10:52 am #74479Mister Roboto
ParticipantIndia Latest Country to Approve Use of Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19
{/bows my head in respect for all whose lives could have been saved but weren’t, smiles wanly for all those who will be saved from unnecessary suffering and death}
May 5, 2021 at 11:19 am #74480V. Arnold
ParticipantNice, very nice indeed. I like Degas style…
I also like his subject in this painting: The laundress… which gives a dignity to her profession…
May 5, 2021 at 12:05 pm #74482Dr. D
(Chart of city non-occupancy)This chart tells me that Americans don’t do any work. All this is hamster-farm paper-shuffling. What’s it like being irrelevant and now identified for easy replacement? More than 1/3rd of U.S. GDP is fake bond-kiting and dollar shuffling about to go away since we’re in that currency crisis right now. When Doge is better than the dollar and the Dow is that a clue? Will history look back and correctly compare it to the German Mark?
Who’s on Facebook? Are they just masochists or suicidal as well? Since Facebook can only make money if they get it from YOU, why would you go there? Clearly you’re getting a worse deal than if you weren’t. Wait ’til they can relate your insurance rates to Facebook data, to say nothing of all the people they arrest daily already.
Julie Rudiani was authorized for wiretapping, May 1, 2018. That’s when they downloaded his whole iCloud trying to find a crime. (Um, both halves are illegal, according to the 4th Federal law we ever wrote?) …And found nothing, because for three years they haven’t arrested him.
Guliani became Trump’s attorney on May 1st, 2018. But I am a coincidence theorist, and that is not noteworthy at all. Clearly he just got back from Ukraine, brokering a deal with Burisma for a $500k/ month salary plus to get $1M from Moscow’s mayor or something. Or $1B from China. That he still kept and never gave back. Along with his illegal pistols. Or something.
Because surely if it were anyone except Rudy, they’d go to jail, isn’t that right?
May 5, 2021 at 12:14 pm #74483HerrWerner
ParticipantAs recently as a few years ago, two of these headlines would have triggered mass outrage from the press and the public (jabs for kids, skipping 2 year approval process for vaccines) Now, meh. Looks like this is the new normal.
Control of information outlets is so well consolidated they have nothing to fear from bad news. If these vaccines go tits-up in large numbers after we start jabbing kids, they will just suppress the info and reframe it. Experts™ will say it’s because of those nasty unvaxxed unwashed heathen, and the public will dutifully turn their rage against them. They have perfected the machine the last few years. Narrative can be maintained indefinitely, doubt becomes crimethink. Beat peoples’ psyche down with nonstop fear-porn. Could be wrong, but I don’t think this could have happened even ten years ago.
I had a bitter personal reminder of that this weekend, talking to my parents about the vaccines and covid. They were taken aback that there are vax side effects, that they they don’t work as advertised, that covid poses almost no danger to children, that treatments DO exist (treatments other than suffocating to an expensive death in an ICU). I was taken aback at how low-information they are – two educated, introspective thoughtful people. They used to be well-informed and still think of themselves that way. Their ignorance comes from following news outlets that were reliable just a few short years ago.
May 5, 2021 at 12:21 pm #74484Mister Roboto
ParticipantI was taken aback at how low-information they are – two educated, introspective thoughtful people. They used to be well-informed and still think of themselves that way. Their ignorance comes from following news outlets that were reliable just a few short years ago.
That’s exactly why I keep “banging the drum” about Ivermectin on my Facebook and Twitter accounts whenever I see something worth posting from here like today’s Ivermectin article on NC. If those folks at the major media outlets with their PMC status and fancy cars won’t do it, then we have to, as insignificant as we may be in the grand scheme of modern society.
May 5, 2021 at 12:33 pm #74485John Day
Participant@ Antidote: Thanks for posting “Today”, by Jefferson Airplane, day before yesterday , “something for our Polish Princess”.
I always used to sit very still and quiet while that song was playing on the spinning vinyl.May 5, 2021 at 1:02 pm #74486Dave Note
ParticipantWolf Blitzer exclusive interview with Dr Joseph Mengele
Dr Mengele is celebrating his 110th birthday in Argentina today, lovingly surrounded by the Boys from Brazil
Blitzer: Congratulation Dr Mengele on reaching the milestone of 110 years old, it’s like a medical miracle! What’s your secret!
Mengele: If you can’t be good, be careful!
Blitzer: Hahaha, you’re still pretty sharp after all these years!
Mengele: Well, I workout too, and eat an organic vegan diet.
Blitzer: So, have you been following this Plague thing that’s been making the rounds?
Mengele: I can’t believe my organization didn’t deploy something like this back in the day, it is such a no-brainer. I always like to think that I was instrumental in pioneering Medical Tyranny but this Dr Fauci has really grabbed the bull by the horns!
Blitzer: Do you see a Final Solution in this Covid-19 situation?
Mengele: I think Tony is turning the screws at the correct rate. Steering public perception is like boiling a frog one degree at a time. The British have been particularly successful at conditioning their populace into whipped dogs. To think they beat us! I suppose it’s because they secretly wanted to surpass the Third Reich. Well played!
I think their government and ‘medical’ experts could actually get the British public to stand on their heads and spit wooden nickels!
Blitzer: Hahahaha, you’re such a cut up Joseph!
May 5, 2021 at 1:19 pm #74487Dave Note
Participant@ Dr D
Loved the “I am a coincidence theorist”
Most people wouldn’t understand “I am a serendipity theorist”
May 5, 2021 at 1:21 pm #74488zerosum
ParticipantI must Repeat the following info and give 3 cheers for what, we, also, have been saying.
India Just Became Latest Country to Approve Use of Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19
India Just Became Latest Country to Approve Use of Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19
Posted on May 4, 2021 by Nick Corbishley
In India ….. Two of its regions, Uttar Pradesh (population: 230 million) and Bihar, have been using the medicine, (inermectin), since August, to dramatic effect. …… distributed free ivermectin for home care ….. opted to use ivermectin to prevent infection.
More than 20 countries are now using ivermectin to treat Covid-19 ….. the World Health Organization has not approved its use.
Ivermectin has a known safety profile, as a well-tolerated life-saving drug that has been prescribed almost four billion times since the 1980s. In 2015 its creators won the Nobel Prize for Medicine (for more information read my previous article, It’s Time to Talk About Ivermectin). ( – This entry was posted in Guest Post on March 30, 2021 by Nick Corbishley. )
Let’s give a BOOOO!
Most media reports about ivermectin are largely negative, peddling misinformation and often describing it as a “worm drug”.
@ HerrWerner” I was taken aback at how low-information they are – two educated, introspective thoughtful people. They used to be well-informed and still think of themselves that way. Their ignorance comes from following news outlets that were reliable just a few short years ago.”
I see the same situation around me.
Maybe, I was there too, before the internet.
@ Mister Roboto” ….. then we have to, as insignificant as we may be in the grand scheme of modern society.”
@ Dave Note
Clarification: (Not everyone learned history and can see your sarcasm)Josef Mengele also known as the Angel of Death (German: Todesengel) was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician during World War II.
Died: 7 February 1979 (aged 67)
That picture of the Bidens and the Gates is terrible.May 5, 2021 at 1:37 pm #74489zerosum
ParticipantIts time to take another Reality Pill
CNN and other news media, are promoting women power by running stories/point of view of Liz Cheyney and Hillary Clinton that are knocking Trump. Its pathetic. Its click bait.
I:d rather Listen to Bidden’s lalaland presentations.May 5, 2021 at 1:42 pm #74490zerosum
ParticipantTime to make a wish, or to make a prayer.
Uncontrolled space rockets debris hurling towards earth.May 5, 2021 at 2:02 pm #74491Rototillerman
ParticipantI am thinking of erecting a sign in my front yard. We live in middle class neighborhood two doors down from the park, which is very popular these days as a place where people feel safe to congregate. The sign would be placed perpendicular to the sidewalk, so that one would see one side as a person walked to the park, and another side as the person walked back. Or maybe it is two signs, facing the sidewalk, side by side. The first sign has the standard narrative laid out:
A deadly novel virus is sweeping the planet.
Nobody is immune, and there is no cure.
Asymptomatic people are the major drivers of the disease.
So we have to lock down and wear masks until everyone is vaccinated.
Anyone who challenges this narrative is a danger to society and must be censored.Each of those statements would be on a lightly colored band. The second sign would also have corresponding lightly colored bands, with links to the scientific refutation of each of those statements. For ease of use, the links would have QR code’s next to them, so that passers-by can use their ubiquitous cell phone to bring up the information. Later today I will post what I think would be the best links for each of those statements, and will invite your comments.
This idea came to me after watching the video by Nick Hudson of PANDA, .
May 5, 2021 at 2:05 pm #74492Doc Robinson
ParticipantIn yesterday’s comments, Rototillerman wondered whether the Covid vaccines could actually result in more T-cells, in addition to the antibody response. Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that the mRNA vaccines resulted in an increased response of CD4+ T-cells (the “helpers”), but not the CD8+ T-cells (the “killers”).
May 5, 2021 at 2:06 pm #74493Rototillerman
ParticipantActually, the sign probably also needs a line “The vaccines are safe and effective.”
Just spitballin’ here, but maybe there is SO MUCH refutation material for each point of the narrative that the information has to be rolled out, week by week.
May 5, 2021 at 2:08 pm #74494Rototillerman
ParticipantRight, thanks, Doc Robinson, that’s what I thought. The CD4+ T-cells trigger the production of the antibodies, which is what my Wikipedia research suggested.
May 5, 2021 at 2:12 pm #74495Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterSo, Doc, what use are the CD4+ T-cells, i particular without the CD8+ T-cells?
May 5, 2021 at 2:22 pm #74496Mister Roboto
ParticipantBritish Covid variant doesn’t discriminate by age on NC, as you all know, is a pretty PMC place, so this piece is pro-vax and possibly pro-lockdown (it’s unclear exactly what Yves Smith means when she cautions about “easing restrictions”), so you can take that with a grain of salt. But I think it’s a good idea to be clear and knowledgeable about the reality of the situation we’re dealing with.
May 5, 2021 at 2:27 pm #74497Doc Robinson
ParticipantCD4+ T-cells release cytokines.
May 5, 2021 at 2:31 pm #74498madamski cafone
Participant@ Dr. D
“This chart tells me that Americans don’t do any work. All this is hamster-farm paper-shuffling. What’s it like being irrelevant and now identified for easy replacement?”
I feel corny saying ‘this is so true’ but this is so true.
“Who’s on Facebook? Are they just masochists or suicidal as well? Since Facebook can only make money if they get it from YOU, why would you go there?”
Creatures of conditioned habit, we are.
@ HerrWerner
“Control of information outlets is so well consolidated they have nothing to fear from bad news. If these vaccines go tits-up in large numbers after we start jabbing kids, they will just suppress the info and reframe it.”
Here is where we separate “news” from information. Said info cannot be suppressed by TPTB in one-on-one unmediated face-to-face spoken word communication.
“They used to be well-informed and still think of themselves that way. Their ignorance comes from following news outlets that were reliable just a few short years ago.”
Reliable is a stretch. How about ‘less unreliable than they are now’? This is, after all, the news mediapledx that sold 911 20 years ago.
@ Dave Note
“I think Tony is turning the screws at the correct rate. Steering public perception is like boiling a frog one degree at a time.”
Your Mengle interview is hilarious, especially the be good/be careful quip. I wish to point out, however, that the frog boiling metaphor is based on a false folk tale: when the water gets uncomfortably hot, the frog jumps.
@ Rototillerman
“I am thinking of erecting a sign in my front yard. ”
There you go. Be the media. I am far, FAR, FAR more terrified of complacency, yea, even among the uncommonly well-informed as such attend sites like TAE, than of TPTB. People who are afraid of a little misunderstanding or bickering with their neighbors don’t deserve to even speak about “freedom”, whatever that abstract concept is.
Rather than bewail TPTB, or holler ‘they’re not the boss of me!’, I recommend being your own boss. Yeah, it can be dangerous. So is driving to work or eating today’s fruit/veggies from the local foodplex outlets.
All the hypnotic “charming” means nothing when the cobra decides it’s time to bite:
May 5, 2021 at 2:39 pm #74499madamski cafone
Participant@ Raul
“So, Doc, what use are the CD4+ T-cells, i particular without the CD8+ T-cells?”
I do know how to be paranoiac, and that question makes me wonder what those “helper cells” might actually “help”. A quick google reveals this highlighted phrase: “The CD4+T cells carry out multiple functions, ranging from activation of the cells of the innate immune system, B-lymphocytes, cytotoxic T cells, as well as nonimmune cells, and also play critical role in the suppression of immune reaction.” from this article.
From that consideration I leap like a frog in hot water to the worrisome notion that playing dice with our genome, especially the immune system, is like playing Russian roulette with a shotgun in a room crowded to standing-room-only with people.
May 5, 2021 at 2:56 pm #74500Doc Robinson
ParticipantCD4+ T-cells also can have a role in the activation of CD8 T-cells through an indirect process.
May 5, 2021 at 3:33 pm #74501Dr. D
Participant“Pfizer Expects Vaccine Will Be “Durable Revenue Stream” As It Seeks Approval For Children 2 To 11
I know I’m driving myself crazy with logic here, but can anyone explain how this can be except that “Vaccines don’t work?”
I’m not a genius but it seems like Smallpox and Polio gave lifelong immunity with one dose. Even if you turn 70 childhood vaccines before 10 years old to 71 (that is, about 10 a year, one a month) there aren’t all that many new people compared to existing ones.
Don’t worry, the answer is, “Vaccines don’t work” according to both their actions and their words, but nobody cares and give them anyway.
May 5, 2021 at 3:35 pm #74502Doc Robinson
ParticipantFlu shots are also a “durable revenue stream” for Big Pharma.
May 5, 2021 at 3:36 pm #74503Peter 47
ParticipantYou can download a free book on how to treat covid
May 5, 2021 at 3:41 pm #74504Doc Robinson
ParticipantShots for the “common cold” would also be a durable revenue stream, but…
“There is uncertainty regarding the efficacy and safety of interventions for preventing the common cold in healthy people.”
(Sounds like the Covid vaccine interventions, too.)Vaccines for the common cold 5, 2021 at 3:49 pm #74505Mister Roboto
ParticipantAnother good one from the archives of Why BaracK Obama was a horrible president.
This sure ain’t a newsflash to anybody here, but it’s significant to my own personal journey because I hated Bush Jr.’s invasion of Iraq, so I started reading Democratic Party Kool-Aid blogs. (I was raised that way, after all.) When those same blogs went into utter, abject denial about the Obama Administration being essentially a watered-down third term of the Bush Jr. Administration, that was the admittedly very slow start of my realization that the whole “blue-state-big-city” mindset is the “country-club Democrat” Yin to the “country-club Republican” Yang.
May 5, 2021 at 4:04 pm #74506Germ
ParticipantLovely summary:
May 5, 2021 at 4:10 pm #74507madamski cafone
ParticipantBill Gates Pinpoints Two Main Threats to Humanity After Coronavirus Pandemic
American multi-billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates said in an interview with the YouTube channel Veritasium what the main threats to humanity are after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The businessman pinpointed two main threats: climate change and bioterrorism.
“One is climate change”, Gates said, “every year that would be a death toll even greater than we had in this pandemic”.
But there is also another threat no one wants to talk about, according to Gates. “Somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus and so that means the chance of running into this is more than just naturally caused epidemic like the current one”, he said.
I used to trouble myself with the eternal question: are they that stupid or that evil? Now I conclude there is no difference. Too stupid to realize that you’re evil is when evil = stupid.
@ Dr. D
“I know I’m driving myself crazy with logic here, but can anyone explain how this can be except that “Vaccines don’t work?”
Since I know that you know that the Euromerican inoKulation program doesn not involve an actual vaccine but rather an experimental GMO adjuvant, I’m thinking you forgot to set up your punchline?
As for “durable revenue stream”: you have to be fantasticly esvtiulpid to believe you’re setting up a durable revenue stream by creating a national health crisis that shuts down the economy, renders the populace neurotic to a virtually psychotic degree, with have no money to pay for endless vaKsine doeses, especially if they’re dead. If Pfizer is sincere in that assertion, well, stupid is as stupid does. If they’re insincere, well evil is stupid. Shit sees the light at the end of the digestive tunnel and thinks its going to be free at last… before going down the toilet chute to an even more septic & dark tunnel.
The ads on TAE are inviting me to join some forum or such about the ethics of AI. They want to pick our brains so they can better use their AI to pick our brains. It’s funny: they are increasingly vulnerable by their reliance on their interpretation of human behavior online and shopping. They increasingly have little clue about how real human beings primarily function. They will find out soon enough as will we. I doubt anyone will like the answer.
May 5, 2021 at 4:43 pm #74508my parents said know
ParticipantI’m delighted to see Hedges mentioning Theweleit’s books “Male Fantasies” (vols 1 and 2). Theweleit’s males are revolted by and obsessed with filthy, unsterile life.
I’m not surprised that lockdowns led to a decrease in the birthrate. Making babies is so…dirty. 😉I like to goggle and visit pages that advertisers would find confusing. If what pops up for me in ads is any indication, it works.
May 5, 2021 at 4:53 pm #74509John Day
Essay, links and picture from the gardenWe have a window of opportunity to establish kind and sensible changes in our homes and neighborhoods, in our worlds, this spring.
It looks to me like the stresses between great powers are creating something like a gridlock in global power dynamics.
The US looked like it was going to amplify the Ukrainian civil war, but that seemed to fade last week.
There was some kind of blocking move.The big picture is that the post WW-2 western empire of NATO, neocons and neoliberalism is crumbling, because it is now based upon extortion and extraction, not on production. An extractive system is not healthy and vibrant, and it is faced off against the productive alternative offered by China and Eurasian Integration.
The west cannot make any big attack against the weapons of Russia, China and Iran, so there is stalemate.
Russia, China and Iran, wisely wait for the western empire to keep unraveling. They do not want to become the threat to pull westerners together.
“When your enemy is defeating himself, do not interfere”, quoth The Art Of War, by Sun Tzu.
Russia, China and Iran have been through lots of social turmoil, unraveling and resetting in the formative years of their current sets of leaders.
Those leaders are in their primes, more or less, not like the political geriatrics holding the reins of power in the US.
One of the best paths forward is if any threatened assault, like the NATO threats in Ukraine, spoofed in the west as Russian threats, are just quietly blocked.
A long period of global military stagnation is in our, human, best interests. We can grow gardens.
I have no new earth-shattering suggestions as the fuel to power industrial civilization steadily depletes.
Growing gardens, making real, useful relationships with other humans, to help each other and share ideas, and praying for guidance every day are all I have.
That’s probably better than it looks on its face, especially if global military stagnation will buy us time. Praying for spiritual guidance in the interests of love and harmony is not the neoliberal-neocon game plan, but the current masters see it as an impotent diversion for us to dabble in.
I think they don’t understand spiritual coordination.
I’m sort of glad they don’t, sides being taken already, but if they did, they would be different people.
Try praying for guidance to do the right thing for the good of life in our world and see how that goes.
To whom might one pray, to what entity or force?
However you might envision and experience the spirits of truth, cooperation and compassion should work well.
Altruistic prayer for guidance, naturally includes the practitioner of prayer in the eventual benefits, but it is not selfish.
Selfishness is the problem with the current extractive system of the western-petrobuck-empire.
It’s killing the hosts, killing us. It’s not us. It eats us.
It feeds us with one hand while sucking our lifeblood out through needles and tubes.
We need to work on our little parallel, inefficient, quaint human life support patterns, the ones people used to use in the old days.
We are wired for this kind of human social cooperation to grow food, build barns, make clothes and shell beans.
We’re rusty, but not hopeless, not at all hopeless.
This is a good moment for hope and action together.You should get out more. Go get a nasal swab; you need the activity.
Maybe you’ll have 7 negative days and be able to leave the house with a mask.
England to pilot daily Covid tests as way to avoid self-isolation
Trial will explore whether tests for contacts of infected people reduce the need for them to isolate – for – it…
People in England urged to be patient amid reports hugging may soon be allowed
Vaccine rollout and reduction in cases means family and friends could be allowed to hug in a fortnight (or time yet to be announced) Lena (who Fights Robots)
A War on Touch
… I am tactile. I perceive the world through physical touch. The current war on intimacy and the physical world at large outrages me because it attacks the very foundation of what makes a human life worth living. Plus, it is based on treachery.
Let me address the famous counter-argument head on: “Hold on hold on, no one is canceling the world, all of this is simply a reaction to the pandemic, don’t you see?”
No, it is not. We are being lied to. Let me repeat: We are being lied to. We are being lied to, there are signs of fraud all over the place (from censorship to bad statistics to suppressed effective cures to the fact that the “health response” was ready before the pandemic even started). …
But look around. Look around through your 2019 eyes. A reminder: nothing in nature has changed. Any virus would be dangerous to some without cures and with unprecedented levels of stress and medical mismanagement.
And finally, if there were any actual honest science behind the paradigm of imprisoning healthy people, separating families, closing schools, and betraying beloved elders who have died alone in nursing homes—if there were any actual science behind it, I reassure you, there would not be many skeptics. People generally want to do what helps them stay alive. Jeremy:
Evaluating the effects of shelter-in-place policies during the COVID-19 pandemic
We estimate the effects of shelter-in-place (SIP) orders during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. We do not find detectable effects of these policies on disease spread or deaths. We find small but measurable effects on mobility that dissipate over time. And we find small, delayed effects on unemployment. We conduct additional analyses that separately assess the effects of expanding versus withdrawing SIP orders and test whether there are spillover effects in other states. Our results are consistent with prior studies showing that SIP orders have accounted for a relatively small share of the mobility trends and economic disruptions associated with the pandemic. We reanalyze two prior studies purporting to show that SIP orders caused large reductions in disease prevalence, and show that those results are not reliable. Our results do not imply that social distancing behavior by individuals, as distinct from SIP policy, is ineffective. 5, 2021 at 4:56 pm #74510John Day
As you well know., and not a sign of strength, at all… (Russian alert)
Twitter isn’t censoring accounts to keep users ‘safe’, it is using its power to spoon-feed the world establishment narratives
Last week, Simon Goddek, who has a PhD in biotechnology and researches system dynamics, tweeted a link to a scientific study titled, “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?”
Some time later, his account was frozen and he received a notice from Twitter that it would remain frozen until he deleted the offending tweet, and for the 12 hours following that. weird-kid-in-class President Trump remains permanently banned from Facebook. What a threat he is! from (still fighting robots) Tessa Lena:
Former UN Employee’s Brave Mission, “Be the drop that tips the bucket.”
After I started speaking up, I discovered so many brave and outspoken people that my heart is filled with gratitude to all of you.
One of my new friends is Mary Otto-Chang.
Mary is a former employee of the United Nations who had a very gratifying and respectable career there.
Then 2020 happened—and like many of us, she started looking into the Great Reset and 4IR agenda—and was so appalled by it that she felt the urge to act.
Mary then created a communication campaign to educate UN employees, government workers and citizens of Canada in general about the Great Reset agenda and the 4IR, in the language that is easy to digest. She went for it as a solo warrior, a move that takes some guts. Currently, she is reaching out to people—including in the UN—bringing their attention to what really is going on. Ward looks at Bill and Melinda’s DIVORCE as analogous to other stuff…
The fiscal and financial Left Field is complex and crowded: the scheme to hide further wealth transfer and control behind climate emergency and viral pandemic sounds very neat on paper, but in real life the chronic debt, rising inflation, precious metals, EU bankruptcy, French faillite and increasingly wobbly Covid19 narrative point to a potential swarm of chaos.
Divorcees have a habit of forming seemingly unlikely new relationships. No option for alliance – good or bad – should be dismissed out of hand…..nor, I suspect, will it be.“Sultan”) Erdogan’s Turkey is not picking a side, but is taking the best deals from Russia and the US, and NATO and Ukraine (and has been dealing quietly with Iran, we know), and is also asserting Turkish leadership and autonomy.
Turkey is at a critical crossroads for pipelines, people, shipping and cultures. Greece was there, Byzantium, and currently the neo-Ottoman Erdogan. It is a critical and rapidly-evolving position. In a great power stalemate, Turkey chooses to advance quickly. of people who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 in their noses have mild illness. That appears to be due to about 80% of people having significant crossover resistance to COVID, stored in their cellular immunity, in T-cells, from prior infections with other endemic coronavirus strains. Those people basically keep the virus from entering their bloodstreams, where it does not belong, and can cause great harm. The virus attacks the lining of the blood vessels, causing inflammation, clots and lod=ss of blood supply to useful organs like the brain, heart and kidneys.
3 studies now show that even the spike protein alone, in the bloodstream, is inflammatory and causes clots and injury.
One of the most important pathologies, is hypercoagulation and microclots in the lungs of patients. Here we study the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential inflammagen sui generis. Using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy as well as mass spectrometry, we investigate the potential of this inflammagen to interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) directly to cause blood hypercoagulation. Using platelet poor plasma (PPP), we show that spike protein may interfere with blood flow.
It’s a good thing nobody is trying to inject spike proteins into us, isn’t it?
Some of us have inadvertently chosen to make spike proteins in-house and have strokes, paralysis, brain-clots and other undesired things.
If you don’t want to do this, don’t accept genetic injections which will make your body do this. Thanks Jeremy is estimated by epidemiologists that something like 1-2% of adverse events from COVID vaccines are reported in the US. It is an amazingly cumbersome, disquieting system that has stages of induction of the “I’d better stop now” feeling. Here is some conjecture about what real adr=verse events and deaths figures might look like. Thanks again, Jeremy.
12 Million Possible Adverse Events After Vaccination in UK, Europe and the US — Over 12,000 Deaths Reported Soon After Vaccination Expects Vaccine Will Be “Durable Revenue Stream” As It Seeks Approval For Children 2 To 11 Unveils Aggressive New Target To Vaccinate 70% Of US Adults By July 4 5, 2021 at 5:17 pm #74511Michael Reid
ParticipantI am thinking the vaccine is the initiation of a slow onset culling. Milk the vaccinated for their onsetting resulting health problems, do not pay any insurance when they die, foreclose on all property when they come available and no more pensions to pay.
May 5, 2021 at 5:24 pm #74512Mister Roboto
ParticipantHowever you might envision and experience the spirits of truth, cooperation and compassion should work well. Altruistic prayer for guidance, naturally includes the practitioner of prayer in the eventual benefits, but it is not selfish.
One reason I pray every day to The One Spiritual Power Who Is Father God And Mother Goddess for this guidance (“the essence of perfect spiritual fortitude”), is that I figure the results of doing so will help me to last the longest possible time with a modicum of a quality of life through this time of decline. I find it to be a very rational thing to do! 😉
May 5, 2021 at 5:50 pm #74513Bill7
ParticipantEscobar: “..The woke revolution is a culture war – in symbiosis with Big Tech and Big Business – that has smashed the real thing: class war. The atomized working classes, struggling to barely survive, have been left to wallow in anomie..”
Precisely; wokeness is the cudgel used to beat the Many senseless, while avoiding talking about CLASS, CLASS, CLASS. Those who Rule us are creating so many diverse™ Identities that Solidarity becomes very, very difficult to achieve, even when we have so much to coalesce around..
May 5, 2021 at 5:54 pm #74514Germ
Participant” …this book for the first time provides a stunning view of the underground movement by the world’s leading physicians to get the truth out against all odds, and the David V. Goliath battle to save the world with Ivermectin. The author of “Big Pharma uses Big Tobacco’s Strategy to Defeat Ivermectin” calls out the true hero’s of this Pandemic, those humanitarians who placed the welfare of others above that of their own careers, those doctors who stood up to the most powerful corporations and billionaires in the world, and won. This is the story of COVID, and most importantly, it is also the story of Ivermectin.” –
May 5, 2021 at 6:25 pm #74515Bill7
ParticipantOn the VAERS “system”:
The CDC’s VAERS and Vaccine Complications: The System is Broken
May 5, 2021 at 6:53 pm #74516Mister Roboto
ParticipantThose who Rule us are creating so many diverse™ Identities that Solidarity becomes very, very difficult to achieve,
I identify as an artichoke! 😛
May 5, 2021 at 7:01 pm #74517zerosum
ParticipantResult from vaccine test for 12 – 15 year old were 100% effective at preventing getting covid 19
For that age group, what % would get covid 19 without the vaccine.?
Is the % more than 1.00%? -
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