Debt Rattle November 26 2020
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- This topic has 17 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
John Day.
November 26, 2020 at 10:14 am #66060
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJMW Turner Lake Llanberis and Snowdon Color Study c.1800 • Pa. Commonwealth Court Orders Halt To Certification Process (PG) • Sidney Powell Sue
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle November 26 2020]November 26, 2020 at 10:58 am #66061a kullervo
ParticipantThe road to oblivion is paved with memorable quotes.
November 26, 2020 at 11:16 am #66062Basseterre Kitona
ParticipantThe is no reason to begin with mandatory vaccination. Firstly, although the numbers vary, it is somewhere between 20% and 70% of a population that needs immunity to knock down the likelihood of an outbreak to almost zero. If you can reach those numbers voluntarily, then no reason to force the vaccination.
Secondly, many people such as myself are immediately suspicious and inclined to resist if something becomes mandatory. Mask are perfect example. I was often wearing on a voluntary basis early this year. But as soon as petty gov tyrants started making it mandatory, I immediately began to resist. I almost never wear it now as I simply avoid most paces where it is necessary.
Thirdly, forced vaccinations especially with experimental drug technology such as mRNA vaccine if a violation of fundamental human right to sovereignty of own body and a denial of informed consent. Wasn’t much of the Nuremberg Trial about that kind of stuff? The proposed forced vaccinations are borderline Nazi kind of stuff.
November 26, 2020 at 1:02 pm #66063El Cartero Atomico
ParticipantWhenever hearing reports that the election was rigged, I immediately think of course it was rigged. But not just this election. Throughout my almost 50 years of voting for a president the choice has always been the evil of two lessers. Unless you vote for a third party that receives no media coverage and are not permitted to participate in the debates. I am a former true believer in the US, even spent three years in the army, but at this point in my life I see no reason to be concerned if Trump was cheated. In fact, with all the “cheating” he has done in his life, and not just on his wives, it may just be good old karma catching up with him.
November 26, 2020 at 3:01 pm #66065Dr. D
Participant“Do what you’re told!!!”
Ah Roberts, does whatever he’s told. Now to the left of Ginsberg. But we knew that.
And speaking of doing what you’re told:
“EU Parliament Votes Against Referring to Julian Assange in Rights Report”
You know who else doesn’t have rights? Everyone in Europe. No freedom of speech, no freedom of assembly, no freedom of opinions. It’s the water canon for you! Then we go arrest you at your house. No one knows why, no one cares, you just disappear. You did not love Mater enough, when immigrants from war zones raped your daughters, you expressed inadequate joy at the sight and privilege of hosting them. You disliked being reduced below peasants and serfs (serfs have rights) while banks got trillions and EU ministers got millions in expenses for a few hours work. Don’t you know you own nothing? Everything is OURS. Your house, your job, your life, you sacred honor, your body, your mind, even your sons and daughters loaded on planes to St. James. Ours. YOU OWN NOTHING AND YOU’LL LIKE IT.
Planning to do something yet? We’re not going to be able to help you for a bit because we’re busy right now.
November 26, 2020 at 4:03 pm #66066Moo Foo Bay
ParticipantSidney Powell accuses the REPUBLICAN led state government of Georgia of permitting a massive scheme to favor the Democratic presential candidate Joe Biden. And no one said a peep until now?
Similarly, attorney Powell claims the same Republicans “rushed” to buy the Dominion voting machines and software at least 1 year in advance of the election.Do these arguments make sense? Or are there more mundane and banal explanations? I’m hoping the truth will come out one way or the other. But Powell’s claims on these 2 matters seem exaggerated
November 26, 2020 at 4:45 pm #66067zerosum
ParticipantOld-fashioned ballot-stuffing” has been “amplified and rendered virtually invisible by computer software…
Prove it – said the democrat
Prove it – said the republican
The people say – BOTH OF YOU – STOP THE CHEATINGNovember 26, 2020 at 5:08 pm #66069Maxwell Quest
Participant@Moo Foo Bay
They make sense in the context of Trump being an establishment outsider. Even his own party tried to torpedo his candidacy in 2016. DC is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the MIC and its corporatocracy. They are the ones who decide who sits in the White House, not ordinary peasants.
Trump is a populist, his base being the flyover states who have been plundered and abused for over 20 years by the coastal elites. He is not a globalist, but a nationalist, and therefore out of step with their plans for global domination. So yes, the GOP hates Trump as much as the DNC.
This mission statement was taken from the “Our Team” page of the Lincoln Project website:
“The founders of the Lincoln project have spent over 200 years electing Republicans. But now, they’ve sparked a nationwide movement with a singular mission: To defeat Donald Trump and Trumpism.”
Trump’s no Julius Caesar, but he is a populist, which is always seen as a danger to power. The peasants are not allowed to have any say in how the extracted money is divvied up. You never know when he might decide to crown himself kind and redistribute Noble estates to all the serfs.
November 26, 2020 at 6:18 pm #66070Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterDo we see umpteen reports addressing doubts about the AstraZeneca vaccine because there are so many more questions about it than about the others, or is it because it’s a threat to those other vaccines, and their prospective profits?
November 26, 2020 at 6:56 pm #66071WES
ParticipantIt is interesting that Republican controlled states of Pennsylvania and Georgia are opposing President Trump’s re-election, not Democrats!
Sydney Powell stands no chance in the courts as all judges are either Republicans or Democrats.
The judges will simply ignore all of the evidence of election rigging she puts forth.
They will simply rule that there is simply no evidence of election tampering.
November 26, 2020 at 7:44 pm #66072Noirette
ParticipantThe origins of COV19 may be pertinent to its cure… Yes.
// >> to Dr. Day re. Fort Detrick >> UpstateNYer, thx for those flu-tracker nos, very clear, on previous thread.//
Charles Lieber, Harvard Prof. and part of the WUT (Wuhan U of Tech) Harvard Nano Key Lab, was arrested in Jan. 2020.
npr (article does not detail how much Lieber was paid – was huge)
About the WUT, from Wuhan U Tech
I’m not clear about what a Nano-Key is? I haven’t looked into it at all.
Prof. Qiu, her biologist husband, and several students (doctoral I suppose), kicked out of level 4 lab in Canada in July 2019. Oct. 2019 news:
cbs canada
science mag
Fort Detrick was closed down in July 2019, link describes ‘breaches’.. (reopened March 2020.)
military com daily
Recall, Fort D. was at the heart of the Amerithrax scandal tied to 9/11. After hounding Steven Hatfill, who resisted, Bruce Ivins (an employee) was blamed and committed suicide.
It looks like there were some weird distrubances in level 4 labs which surfaced in July 2019 and thereafter. Naturally this may be a case of noticing isolated, insignificant incidents and attributing some import to them, idk.
November 26, 2020 at 9:47 pm #66073zerosum
(save the links for reference)
Readem and weep ( Here are your swap creatures)
A shadowy consulting firm which openly brags about its ability to connect clients to the White House is set to prominently feature in the Biden administration, according to Politico.November 26, 2020 at 10:47 pm #66075WES
The difference between Trump (you hear about corruption but nobody charged because Trump never had control of DoJ) and Biden (you won’t hear about corruption and nobody charged because he has control of DoJ).
November 26, 2020 at 11:13 pm #66077teri
ParticipantI just have problems with the whole election fraud thing as presented by Trump, Giuliani and Powell.
Trump claimed the 2016 election was rigged, and he WON that one, so his take is just his usual fall-back position. The lawyers might have something, except….Sidney Powell is part of QAnon. Sorry, but that is a nonstarter for me. But there is also this stuff:
Her main complaint is about Dominion Systems voting software. For some reason, the “for real this time” evidence has been cleverly hidden until now, and not used in any of the 30 or so lawsuits that Trump filed previous to this time. Why?
She alleges that this software was developed by the late Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election. The fact that he was wildly popular in Venezuela is apparently irrelevant to his winning his elections, because “Socialism”, or as it is now called, “Communism”. (Chavez had an approval rating of close to 80% for his entire tenure in office. Not that the Venezuelans should have a right to pick, much less like, their own president.)
The countries that manipulated the US vote from abroad by hacking into the Dominion Systems now include (list comes from various Powell statements, tweets, filings and interviews): Venezuela, China, Iran, Cuba, Canada, the Netherlands, and Serbia. These are all now to be referred to as Communist, rogue countries.
Also mentioned as being involved in vote fraud are the entities HSBC Bank Canada, BMA Capital Mgt, and DVS Corp China. They are presumed to be rogue Communists, as well. Not in the court filings, but included in Powell’s interviews, are the names Soros, Clinton, Pelosi, and the groups Antifa and the Clinton Foundation. That is a hell of a lot of countries, entities, and individuals involved in this scam. Plus, all the county clerks in various states who had to have participated in one or another for it all to have worked.
Her court filings are full of typos, misspells the names of the courts where the lawsuits are filed, and she misspells her key expert’s name twice (in two different ways). I personally would demand my retainer back from an attorney who couldn’t spell the words “district” and “court” correctly, but maybe that’s just me.
One of the GOP county chairmans who is listed as a plaintiff says he never agreed to take part in the legal action. There are 7 plaintiffs listed in Powell’s filings, well, less the one guy, so 6 plaintiffs, although she now claims to be representing the “American People” as a whole, so maybe 330 million plaintiffs.
Dominion Systems is “responsible”, she says, for manipulating the votes in the five states that Trump is filing lawsuits. Those states would be Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Powell has filed her suits in two of these states – Georgia and Michigan. Dominion Systems, however, was used in 24 states in the 2020 election. I guess that Dominion was not a problem when it was used in the states that Trump won, because they aren’t contesting those states. Nor are they suggesting there were any glitches at all one way or another in the other 18 states that used Dominion. In the states that used Dominion, both the Democrats and the Republicans in the state legislatures approved the election laws and the purchase of the Dominion machines. Which no doubt proves that both parties were probably in the bag for Biden all along and they are all rogue Commies.
She has set up a “Defending the Republic” fund, and Trump has set up an “Official Election Defense Fund”. Please give generously…you do have some of that stimulus money left, doncha? And – hand to God – these funds will only be used for the stated purposes [see fine print] and are not part of a money-grubbing grifting scheme which will be milked until hell freezes over.
November 27, 2020 at 12:32 am #66078₿oogaloo
Participantteri, the problems with the voting machines has been known since well before this election. Check out this 2018 criticism of the voting machine from University of Michigan computer science professor Alex Haldermann
And this 2016 criticism from Princeton Professor Andrew Appel:
November 27, 2020 at 12:39 am #66079₿oogaloo
Participantteri, one more, lest you think there is anything partisan about this. Here is a May 2016 critique explaining the insecurity of the US voting system — six months before the last election and the allegations of Russian hacking:
November 27, 2020 at 1:52 am #66081VietnamVet
ParticipantThe real problem is what is the truth, even here, except for personal antidotes. All news is transferred through filters. For example, news from RT is described as Russian propaganda. Likewise, as is US corporate media. When the Plutocrats seized power, they blamed the resulting American Rust Belt on environmentalists, hippies, liberals, anyone except the real culprits, Ivy League MBAs on Wall Street. The victims are the Trumpeters. With a failed government, the only recourse is a return to the old myths and faith. A Death Cult now controls the US Supreme Court.
On the other hand, there are the five percent Technocrats who the Democrats represent who are the overseers for the oligarchs. To take the money and avoid self-recriminations for corruption, arrogance, and incompetence; they grasped on to the belief that only money counts in life. “Greed is Good”.
The outcome is the USA is totally polarized between two fake myths. American Science and Engineering are debased to make more money. Airplanes crash, Paradise CA burns, quarter million Americans die of COVID-19. At its core, there are two 21st century Americas, one were you realize you are on your own and start prepping or you continue the slog, pushing the rocks up the hill, ignoring the risks, believing that there is a higher power and a just reward.
November 27, 2020 at 3:46 am #66083John Day
ParticipantGood Work Noirette and Vietnam Vet.
Keep the faith!
Tell the Truth!
Bedtime for John-O. -
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