Debt Rattle November 6 2022
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- This topic has 64 replies, 29 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by
Veracious Poet.
November 6, 2022 at 10:12 pm #120355
ParticipantAmazing painting by Shishkin! Almost photographic in its glorious detail and colours. Never knew he existed until you brought him to light — many thanks, Raúl. Good to see works by artists outside the mainstream.
November 6, 2022 at 10:23 pm #120356Bill7
ParticipantIt’s interesting that “dissent” against the COVID Narrative- and its successor , ruling-class Narratives- consists
almost entirely of Posting Stuff on the Internet (on those rulers’ very own playing field, perhaps not coincidentally).It’s super-odd that there is no *organized* effort against those Narratives and forces, though there are plenty, plenty of Explainers.
’tis strange.
November 6, 2022 at 10:33 pm #120357Bill7
ParticipantI went fairly deeply down the rabbit hole trying to find solid info on Ms Gabbard’s background, and it seems most
everything that might be presentable as solid evidence is .. no longer there (no, I’m not kidding, and this is one of the, um, shortcomings of an easily-changeable medium; imagine the possibilities.).If any others find something solid, please post it so we can all be the wiser.
November 6, 2022 at 10:52 pm #120358Veracious Poet
ParticipantTEOTWAWKI wrote:
People living in dilapidated RVs, living in tents, living on the streets, unable to buy food, dependent on government hand-outs, with infrastructure decaying and not being repaired, with house prices falling, with interest rates being pushed up, with shortages and broken supply chains in the ‘richest country in the world’, and all about to get (be made) a lot worse.
Dood (or is the proper pronoun Doodette, DoodXXX, Paramecium, ad nauseum?), I’ve spent 6 decades transversing From Sea To Shining Sea & neither you nor Jeremiah Babe (or most bloggers from what I have seen) have any clue as to why the vast majority of We The People are skidding, more & more, into economic -0- status + homelessness 🙄
As a successful progeny of The Empire, I literally fell into a career & access to unending income stream(s), just by remaining at least 50% viable as a productive member of my CULTure ~ t was literally a no-brainer for me…
Starting in full earnest about 50 years ago, even a unicellular bipedal organism (no shortage of those in The West) could smell that something was rotting in Denmark (USA! USA!), which led to no shortage of cognitive dissonance across the fruity plains, engendering a populist malformation that the official embouchures of The Empire (DnC (Nanny State) & GOP (Mercenaries) increasingly had to ensconce themselves against the mounting tsunami of Collective Eg0ic Madness, lest be cut off from the Golden Goose (Deep State).
The resulting schism with the Imperium’s Supa Power orthodoxy pu$hed the CULTure in various directions (sex, drugs, asceticism, greed-is-good, liberalism bordering on insanity, traditionalism , leftist/rightist reactionaryism, hawkish/dovish, generation of Me et al.) ~ Then the Know-It-All talking heads started popping up like mold on bread (academia, politikal aparatchiks, talk show goons ad nauseum), pandering to We The People’s mental confusion/distress like flies on faeces…
Enter the Internet BBS cheap seats & the Collective EG0ic Madness morphed into another level of cacophony fo suffering 🙄
Soon half-baked moronic opinions of The Problem began approaching I/O light-speed, Archie Bunker’s of the world joined “exclusive” echo chambers (Hi Karl! You da bestest!), whinging over-and-over-and-over again (for years on end) about the perils of The Empire (Deep State), while the latter engaged in a avaricious free-for-all, buying up all the life boats on the Titanic…
Back in the real world, America the Beautiful had fallen under the weight of $500 trillion of notional debt, with the truly unproductive (drug addicts, loon jobs, lazy/incompetent, socially/criminally insane) hitting skid row once the gold pavement had been ripped up in their locale 😕
In the mean time, the rapaciously insane apparatchiks continue to promise unicorns, rainbows & lollipoops for all, with an ever-growing cast of NPD sociopaths accepted as a last resort by a populace so mind~fucked, so inured with worshiping The Empire as their lord & savior, they are completely incapable of imagining that Law & Order under a Democratic Republic ever existed in the first place…
Maybe it was all a Fairy Tale 😕
Hell, there’s even been a non-ending stream racist nut jobs rewriting/reconceptualizing the Miracle of the Sons of Liberty as something out of a Brothers’ Grimm Tale (twisting/ignoring facts like Carl Sandburg did to redefine the architect of The Empire, Prez Lincoln, as Saint Abe).
Jeremiah (Can I call You Babe) is just another deluge of video bloggers sharing their stream-of-conscience & whinging about the collapse of The Empire, completely ignorant to the history & THE SOLUTION…
RIP America, we hardly knew thee 😐
November 6, 2022 at 10:58 pm #120359Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantThe Empire hasn’t permanently locked up (nor killed him) yet. Robin Westenra is still alive too. Both spreading the word.
We are living in the last days of Empire – the US/Western Financial Empire – and most people don’t know it.
Places like Kherson, the Donbass, Sevastopol and Crimea have literally nothing to do with us, and it matters not to our national interests whether they are controlled by a government in Moscow, or one in Kiev.
They tell us it’s about defending freedom and a ‘rules based international order’.
But it’s not. It’s not about defending freedom, or defending the lives of Ukrainians. In fact the West would be most happy to fight until the last Ukrainian is standing, if that meant preservation of the Empire.
All wars are banker wars, and concepts like ‘freedom’, ‘human rights’ and ‘humanitarian causes’ are just bylines to garner public support at home for wars in distant lands with which we have no connection.
This conflict is no different, except that in this case, for the first time in 80 years, the West has come up against serious military opposition in the form of Russia – unlike in the Middle East in recent times, and in South East Asia the generation before – theatres where the much vaunted US and/or NATO military machine suffered embarrasing defeats in Vietnam, Korea, Syria (by proxy), and Afghanistan.
The conflict in Ukraine is about preserving the hegemony of the West’s Financial Empire centred in Washington DC and London……
Kim Dotcom: “What’s the root cause of the US proxy war in Ukraine?”
November 6, 2022 at 11:08 pm #120360Bill7
Participantzerosum said: “controllers are losing control and panicking.”
I appreciate your comments, zerosum, but I don’t really agree with that notion; I think events are pretty
much running according to ruling-class plan, though possibly a little more slowly than they hoped.
They have some time, and they have, importantly, a fairly well organized long-term plan.November 6, 2022 at 11:25 pm #120361Afewknowthetruth
Participant‘Jeremiah (Can I call You Babe) is just another deluge of video bloggers sharing their stream-of-conscience & whinging about the collapse of The Empire, completely ignorant to the history & THE SOLUTION…’
I agree. Jeremiah Babe obviously grew up on the twin teats of ultra-cheap oil and money-printing. And now the ultra-cheap cheap oil is disappearing over the horizon and there’s only money-printing, he’s getting sacred.
But all least he’s not telling everyone it’s all honky dory and they just need to hang in there a bit longer for the good times to return.:) At least he’s saying it’s getting close to kaput.
Much the same with ‘I Allegedly’ Dan. He still thinks supercars and superyachts are ‘cool’. But as with JB, at least he’s telling people to be wary, warning that the system is progressing towards kaput.
Some of us know these are the final weeks/months for ‘preparation’.
If people haven’t prepared by now, they never will. 20+ years of warnings ignored.
The son of a friend asked me today when collapse would arrive. I repeated what I had told him previously. Collapse doesn’t arrive on a particular day: it is an ongoing process, and we are already in.
I suggested that rather than think of an explosion, he should think in terms of a balloon with a tiny hole in it, so it is slowly deflating.
It all ends with a whimper rather than a bang.
But I could be wrong. It could be a bang.
November 6, 2022 at 11:30 pm #120362aspnaz
ParticipantDr D said
“I do not understand why people vote in state or national elections, it makes absolutely no difference to their daily lives.”
It does. Clearly. But what I don’t understand is after 50 years of this we still don’t 1) Start local first where we have the most leverage and can develop talent and 2) Capture the nomination process and not the election process.
It doesn’t. Clearly. As you stated, you have no choice over the real candidate. Money selects the candidate, the quantity of money being out of reach of the vast majority of voters. So the real candidates, the ones likely to win, are options presented to you by a party which is totally corrupt. You can vote for one of the options, but in doing so you are providing credibility to the inserted, paid-for candidate. Do you think the money people do not control both parties? Do you think that by voting D you are selecting someone with a different secret owner to the R person? Given that almost all candidates cannot afford to run as a candidate without an owner providing the finance, who are you actually voting for? What are the policies of the owner who has bought and inserted and promoted this candidate?
Trump was different, the reason being that his Israeli owners were obviously not the same bunch that had previously owned the candidates. Trump had his own cash and own connections, he could go outside the traditional owner cabal. But, once Trump got into power, it made no difference, the owners turned to their embedded puppets in the government to frustrate anything Trump tried to do. The owners had depth, they had heads of departments in different government organisations.
Voting makes no difference, it just legitimizes the corrupt selection of candidates by secret owners. It is pretend world.
November 6, 2022 at 11:54 pm #120363Veracious Poet
ParticipantBut what I don’t understand is after 50 years of this we still don’t:
1) Start local first where we have the most leverage and can develop talent…
2) Capture the nomination process and not the election process.
You really don’t understand? 😮
C’mon man, I thought Doctor Diablo knows all?!?
TIP: Maybe you should focus tomorrow’s diatribe on “why” after 50 years of this we still don’t
After all, isn’t that THE $64 trillion question 😕
HINT: What happens to a nut house when the inmates are running the asylum…
November 7, 2022 at 12:31 am #120364greco
ParticipantRe today’s painting, outside the western ethos, like much of what happened in the east at the time up to the fall of the iron curtain. In 2013 I toured eastern Europe by train, hungary, czech republic, Ukraine etc and found to my surprise that the region was not at all the gray, artless place that our propagandists had painted for us. The art museum in prague exposed me to a a wealth of paintings that as far as I can tell have essentially been blocked in the west to give the western consumers the impression that the east never had any culture or art worth looking at. A shame.
November 7, 2022 at 1:23 am #120365Bill7
ParticipantMeryl Nass’s interview of John Day was good. It’s nice to see and hear fellow humans. The points Nass
made about EMRs were well taken.. one of the last times I saw a Doc in a clinical setting, she was so
obviously harried by doing that work that she was barely aware of the patient, it seemed to me. She was a good
person, and I think she left that clinic after only a short time.Nice work on the house.. must be a good feeling.
November 7, 2022 at 1:45 am #120366chooch
You said, “You are obviously pro-Ukraine, yet your posts are very thin on decisive Ukrainian victories,”
You are right, I am a big fan of women’s Ukrainian volleyball.
Seriously though, this is headed towards a frozen conflict (pun intended). Descalation forces are gaining traction, hopefully they can take hold.
November 7, 2022 at 1:59 am #120367Bill7
ParticipantI wonder what’s happening in Ukraine, and other places.
November 7, 2022 at 2:03 am #120368zerosum
ParticipantIt doesn’t matter who wins, (D or R), the losers will not accept the loss gracefully.
November 7, 2022 at 2:14 am #120369Bill7
ParticipantMy thinking that the “War in The Ukraine” is a useful cover for other actions; possibly supra-national ones.
We’ll see how it goes over a bit of time.November 7, 2022 at 2:16 am #120370Bill7
Participant> It doesn’t matter who wins, (D or R) <
I sure agree with that part.
November 7, 2022 at 3:10 am #120371John Day
ParticipantBill7 said:
“Meryl Nass’s interview of John Day was good. It’s nice to see and hear fellow humans. The points Nass
made about EMRs were well taken.. one of the last times I saw a Doc in a clinical setting, she was so
obviously harried by doing that work that she was barely aware of the patient, it seemed to me. She was a good
person, and I think she left that clinic after only a short time.Nice work on the house.. must be a good feeling.”
Thanks Bill 🙂
November 7, 2022 at 3:18 am #120372Veracious Poet
ParticipantIt doesn’t matter who wins, (D or R), the <span>losers</span> CLOWNS will not accept the loss gracefully.
November 7, 2022 at 3:39 am #120373WES
ParticipantToday’s painting is truly what I call a very good painting! I would hang it on my wall.
Getting up earlier in the morning is not a solution that I find acceptable to avoid the lost of my daylight hours caused by daylight savings! I get my best sleep in the morning!
Reading more on the banking crisis article is well worth the read to better understand why private bank created credit will contract and why central bank credit will expand to fill the gap created by this contraction and why inflation will continue to rise in the future as central bank currencies are rapidly devalued. Not a very nice future end game for any of us to look forward to.
November 7, 2022 at 4:02 am #120374zerosum
It doesn’t matter who wins, (D or R)
I expect The losing side,(Both/either side), are going to Revolt uncontrolled demonstrations, under the banner of Freedom and Liberty.
The controllers, not the elites, will panic in fear of getting demoted by their overlords.November 7, 2022 at 4:24 am #120375D Benton Smith
ParticipantIndividual humans can be astonishingly capable of astounding feats of competency. We see this evidenced quite visibly in special cases such as child prodigies and savants (Rain Man stuff) but it is also highly apparent in moderately talented people who apply specialization, focus and sheer dedication to heroic levels of practice practice practice.
But the downside of this innate human capacity for cooperation is that the mundane requirements of living life requires hundreds or even thousands of other skills, and too much devotion to too narrow a range of skill sets can leave the specialist, savant or prodigy tragically lacking in what it takes to stay alive and be reasonably competent in other things.
The solution has been for us to evolve as SOCIAL beings who can work out ways for distributing the work load so that individuals can collaborate and share in complex ways that benefit the collective. This capacity is literally programmed into our DNA, and with wisdom it can also be programmed into our wholly contrived and created social systems and home-grown culture.
But that same DNA, societal rules and culture can also (and all too easily) make us sitting ducks for those who “game the system” for evil purposes, such as has obviously happened in the present situation.
It’s not the fault of the cooperative sheep. It is the fault of criminally evil psychopaths who think themselves to be wolves, when in truth they are merely defective sheep. We are one species, not two.
So the next time you call someone a “sheep” because they graciously behave in a SOCIAL manner, give it a second thought. Ask how this old life would be if everyone was a pathologically predatory loner.
How “advanced” would we be as a species (or as individuals, for that matter) if the Mozarts, Einsteins and Shakespeares among us had been required to spend 99% of their time and effort into just staying alive in the jungle?
We could do that (or at least a few of us could) but wouldn’t it be a lot nicer if we just identified and killed those wolves?
November 7, 2022 at 4:32 am #120376Figmund Sreud
Participant@ Dr. John Day – Good Morning CHD’ Episode 154: Meryl Nass Update With John Day, M.D.
———————-Thanks, Dr. Day. Most captivating conversation. What’s most intriguing – stunning, in fact! – is how Dr. Nass’s description of medical business changing in US matches precisely changes in medical business in Canada, … or at least in Province of Alberta. Thanks for sharing, …
November 7, 2022 at 5:22 am #120377V. Arnold
Participant@ John Day
What is Eberil – 90?
I can’t get any info without signing in to some websites…very disturbing…
My wife was given it after an implant procedure; is it an opiate or what??????
Thanks in advance…November 7, 2022 at 5:27 am #120378Veracious Poet
ParticipantHow “advanced” would we be as a species (or as individuals, for that matter) if the Mozarts, Einsteins and Shakespeares among us had been required to spend 99% of their time and effort into just staying alive in the jungle?
We could do that (or at least a few of us could) but wouldn’t it be a lot nicer if we just identified and killed those
wolvesdefective sheep? -
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